- are substances or objects, which
- (i) are disposed of or are being recovered or
- (ii) are intended to be disposed of or recovered
or - (iii) are required, by the provisions of national
law, to be disposed of or recovered..
OCDE Decision of the Council C(2001)107 Final
3Type of WASTES
FARM WASTES (wastes from) Wastes produce in
agricultural and stockbreeding activities
Pesticides, manures, insecticides, agricultural
residues and slurry. The presence and dispersion
of a important quantity of these wastes converts
them into uncontrolled and very dangerous
residues. This type of wastes is one of the
principal sources of land and underground water
FORESTRY WASTES Wastes produce in forestry
activities branches, leafs, barks, roots, chips,
etc. These types of wastes have a great organic
content because of they are used like manure or
to produce it (compost). Actually, they can be
used as renewable energy source, biomass. The
control of these kinds of wastes is very
important, because its uncontrolled disposal can
pollute both land and water, and at the same time
it can increase fire risk.
INDUSTRAIL WASTES From industrial activities,
these wastes are inert materials toxic,
dangerous or radioactive substances and
residues similar to urban wastes.
RADIOACTIVE WASTES (energetic) Materials and
substances containing more radionuclide
pollutants above the volume permitted. According
the toxicity, we can distinguish the following
radioactive waste groups
6 TERTIARY WASTES (I) Urban Solid Wastes
Urban solid wastes are wastes produced in the
activities developed in urban areas
7 TERTIARY WASTES (and II) Sanitary wastes
Wastes generate by health institutions
(hospitals, health centres etc.) and clinical and
pharmaceutical laboratories
8WASTES in figures
OCDE, Key environmental indicators (2004)
9Actually, WASTES
The previous figure shows the evolution of
municipal wastes and we can observer the increase
of wastes generation, measured in wastes
generated per habitant and private
consumption. The results confirm that something
has changed from 80s. In one hand, private
consumption and wastes generation have globally
increased in other hand, we can check that the
volume of wastes per habitant has decreased. It
is possible due to a high capacity of wastes
recovering in domestic environments, making that
the impact of these wastes would be minor. Even
though, we should take into account that the
wastes generation show a rising way and today is
one of the most relevant environmental problems
in the world.
10Future of WASTES
The main challenge is to strengthen measures for
waste minimisation, especially for waste
prevention and recycling, and to move further
towards life cycle management of products and
extended producer responsibility. This implies
internalising the costs of waste management into
prices of consumer goods and of waste management
services and ensuring greater cost-effectiveness
and full public involvement in designing measures.