Title: The Case of Unfunded Liabilities
1The Case of Unfunded Liabilities
- Obie L. McKenzie
- Managing Director
November 15, 2002
2Retirement Plans Under Attack By Rising
Retirement Stool
Social Security
Pension Plans
3What is the problem?
- Extraordinary market decline coupled with lower
interest rates has created serious unfunded
pension liabilities for both corporate and public
retirement plans
4Pension Plan Funding Level
- Plan funding level is determined by comparing the
assets supporting the benefit obligations of a
pension plan with the actuarial liabilities of
the plan
5A Primer on Pension Funding
Salary Scale
Final Salary
Discount Rate
6Plan Assets
- Plan assets are funded by the sponsor and
contributed to based upon periodic valuations of
the plan made by the plan actuary
7Actuarial Liabilities
- The liability of a plan is the present value of
benefits that have been accrued for service
8Stock Market / Assets
- Worst Bear Market since WWII
- SP 500 down almost 50 from last year
- NASDAQ is down to less than one fourth of its
2001 peak - Resulting in asset levels being down 15 from
year end 2001
9Bond Market / Liabilities
- The liability side has inflicted greater damage
than the asset side - Long bonds are up about 12
- Yields are down 80 basis points
- 15 year strips have soared by 23
- The true economic liability of plans has soared
by 20 dwarfing the 15 from the asset side
10Equity versus Fixed Income Cumulative Returns
All periods ended 9/30/02
Benchmarks Russell 3000, LB Aggregate
11Actuarial Liability and Interest Rate Sensitivity
- The actuarial liability is sensitive to changes
in interest rates similar to that of the rate of
a bond
12Corporate Bond Yields Key Measure for Determining
Corporate Plan Liability
Moodys Corporate AA Long Bond Yields
Source Callan Associates, Inc.
13Present Value of LiabilitiesIncreases as
Interest Rates Decline
Treasury Yield Curves
10.5 9.5 8.5 7.5 6.5 5.5 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.5
12/31/85 12/31/90 12/31/98 12/31/01 6/30/02
Yield (Percent)
1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
Source Callan Associates, Inc.
14Standard Poor's Survey
- US Corporate Pension Funding at 94 Credit
Ratings Unaffected for Now (Sept. 24, 2002) - "Average funding ratio declined to 94, from
100 at the end of 2001" - "So far not identified any US companies for
which rating downgrades are warranted solely on
the basis of pension fundingcompanies still have
sufficient leeway"
15Standard Poor's Survey
- Public Pension Funds Under Stress (Sept. 24,2002)
- "Expect average fiscal 2002 actuarial funding
levels to drop to between 95 to 100, down from
103" - "Increasing contribution rates on top of fixed
pension obligation bond's debt service costs can
spell trouble for the sponsor"
16Merrill Lynch Survey Fidelity Survey
- Merrill survey reported by Reuters Fundfire
- 346 companies in the SP 500 were "overfunded" by
215 billion as of 12/00 - 98 of those companies expect to be underfunded
at 12/02 - expected underfunding 640 billion
- Fidelity conducted a very comprehensive survey of
corporate plans and found similar results - huge change in funded status
- expect tremendous increase in funding
17What are the funding issues facing corporate
plan sponsors?
- Growing unfunded actuarial liability
- Solvency issues with implications for higher
contributions and PBGC variable premiums - Pressure to lower assumptions
- Additional minimum liability and charges to
shareholder equity
18What are the funding issues facing public plan
sponsors? (contd)
- Pressure to lower discount rate assumption
- Uncertainty about future wage increases
19What can we do?
- Understand current financial condition and
monitor the changes to the financial condition of
the plan and understand their implications - Re-evaluate funding investment policies and
assumptions in light of the level of current and
future costs and tolerance for risk - Assess pension cost and funding needs for next
several years - Consider a broad range of possible outcomes and
risk management
20What can we do? (cont'd)
- Educate those who need to know legislators,
participants and executives - Maintain a long-term focus and recognize that we
have been here before