Title: Rural Knowledge Clusters: The Challenge of Rural Economic Prosperity
1Rural Knowledge ClustersThe Challenge of Rural
Economic Prosperity
- Lee W. Munnich, Jr.
- Senior Fellow and Director,
- State and Local Policy Program
- Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs
- University of Minnesota
- The Challenge of Rural Economic Prosperity
- Rural Knowledge Clusters as a Model of Rural
Innovation - Case Studies Evidence of Rural Knowledge
Clusters - Key Findings and Implications for Economic
31. The Challenge of Rural Economic Prosperity
- Double-edged sword Access to global markets but
exposure to global competition - Rural areas produce goods vulnerable to changing
export conditions - Rural disadvantages affect performance
- geographic (inability to achieve equivalent
economies of scale and specialized division of
labor) - structural (migration from rural communities)
help to explain the underperformance of rural
economies relative to urban ones. - Rural areas have lower levels of educational
attainment, patenting and venture capital
investment than metropolitan areas
4The Knowledge Economy
- In todays economy, innovation is survival, no
matter what your product or service line is. - Any innovation requires knowledge about the
technologies, processes, markets, etc., that make
it work - The economic development challengeproviding a
fertile environment for innovation
52. Rural Knowledge Clusters as a Model of Rural
- Rural knowledge clusters A definition
- Innovative, interrelated groups of firms
- Located outside metropolitan areas
- Deriving competitive advantages through
accumulated, embedded, and imported knowledge
among local actors and institutions.
6Models Become Important for Economic Development
- Deindustrialization in 1970s and early 1980s led
to renewed focus on industrial location and
regional competitiveness - Growing interest in models of innovative and and
competitive economies - Silicon Valley emerging center of global
high-tech development free-wheeling
entrepreneurship synergistic relationships
between higher education and industry (Saxenian
1994) - Third Italy flexible specialized networks of
small producers in relatively low-tech sectors
like shoe production (Piore and Sabel 1984)
7Industry Clusters as an Economic Development
- Michael Porter, The Competitive Advantage of
Nations (1990), drew together reemergent theories
of regional development with elements of business
strategy to explain internal dynamics of
successful economies in terms of key industry
clusters - Countless states, regions and localities
throughout the world have adopted
cluster-basedeconomic development strategies
(Wait 2000).
8Michael PortersDiamond of Advantage
9SLPP Industry Cluster Studies in Minnesota
- 1995 Twin Cities
- 1996 Southeast Minnesota
- 1998 Southwest Minnesota
- 1998 Northwest Minnesota
- 2001 Northeast Minnesota
10Rural Knowledge Cluster Studies
- University of Minnesota Extension concept
development - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities case
studies - Economic Development Administration review of
literature and practice - USDA Fund for Rural America research,
application, education
11Rural Knowledge Clusters What Matters?
- Competitive advantage e.g. a rich base of
skilled workers, access to proximate market
opportunities, local entrepreneurial culture - Historical development and evolution of local
knowledge base rarely appears out of thin air - Institutions formal and informal foster the
creation, diffusion, and renewal of the local
knowledge base
123. Case Study Evidence of Rural Knowledge
Clusters in Minnesota
- Wireless and radio frequency technologies
(Mankato) - Automation and motion control technologies
(Alexandria) - Recreational transportation equipment (Northwest
Minnesota) - Advanced composite materials (Winona)
- Precision Agricultural Machinery (Southwest
13(No Transcript)
14Case Study Questions
- What is the history of the cluster? What
individuals have been most important to its
development? - What is the knowledge base embodied in this
cluster? What indicators of knowledge can be
identified? - What companies and industries comprise this
knowledge cluster? What institutions relate to
them and what role have they played?
15Mankato Key Facts
- Population (2000) 105,238
- Major Cities
- Mankato 32,427
- North Mankato 11,798
- Waseca 8,493
- Population Density (pop/sq mi) 65
- (Twin Cities 601 MN state 62)
- Population Growth (1990-2000) 5
- (MN non-metro 4 US non-metro 9)
- Job Growth (1990-2000) 26
- (MN non-metro 25 US non-metro18)
- Blue Earth, Nicollet and Waseca Counties
- Source Census Bureau Bureau of Economic
16Mankato Wireless and Radio Frequency Technologies
- Key Industries
- Telecommunications Services(NAICS 5133/SIC
4812) - 2000 Employment 500, 2 more concentrated than
U.S. overall - Semiconductor other electronic component
manufacturing (NAICS 3344/SIC 3679) - 2000 Employment 1,043, 333 more concentrated
than U.S. overall - Communications equipment mfg (NAICS 3342/SIC
3661) - 2000 Employment 384, 255 more concentrated than
U.S. overall - Source County Business Patterns
17Mankato Wireless and Radio Frequency Technologies
- Key Employers
- EI Microcircuits (Mankato) 162 employees
- EF Johnson Co. (Waseca) 243 employees
- HickoryTech (Mankato) 525 employees
- Johnson Components (Waseca) 210 employees
- Midwest Wireless (Mankato) 356 employees
- PrePaid Systems (Mankato) 5 employees
- Thin Film Technology (North Mankato) 130
employees - Winland Electronics (Mankato) 107 employees
- Source MN Dept of Trade and Econ Development
18- Mankato Rural Knowledge Cluster Profile
- Competitive Advantages
- Skilled, specialized labor force
- Diverse market opportunities
- Cooperative interfirm relations
- Firms and Industries
- Wireless service providers
- Electronic components for wireless applications
- Training in wireless technology
- History
- EF Johnson radio manufacturer, incubator of
local talent - Informal networking through ham radio club
- Wireless and radio frequency technologies
19Alexandria Key Facts
- Population (2000) 210,059
- Major Cities
- Alexandria 8,820
- Fergus Falls 13,471
- Moorhead 32,177
- Population Density (pop/sq mi) 26
- (Twin Cities 601 MN state 62)
- Population Growth (1990-2000) 6
- (MN non-metro 4 US non-metro 9)
- Job Growth (1990-2000) 25
- (MN non-metro 25 US non-metro 18)
- Becker, Clay, Douglas, Grant, Otter Tail, Pope,
Stevens, Traverse, and Wilkin counties (Region
4). - Source Census Bureau Bureau of Economic
20Alexandria Automation and Motion Control
- Key Industries
- Packaging Machinery (NAICS 3339/SIC 3565)
- 2000 Employment 1,209, 446 more concentrated
than U.S. overall - Machine Shops and Related (NAICS 3327/SIC
3599, 3451, 3452) - 2000 Employment 844, 210 more concentrated
than U.S. overall -
- Source County Business Patterns
21Alexandria Automation and Motion Control
- Key Employers
- 3M (Alexandria) 317 employees
- Alexandria Extrusion (Alexandria) 274 employees
- Brenton Engineering (Alexandria) 127 employees
- Douglas Machine (Alexandria) 492 employees
- Minnesota Automation (Crosby) 120 employees
- Massman Automation (Villard) 100 employees
- Schott Automation (Garfield) 35 employees
- Thiele Engineering (Fergus Falls) 81 employees
- Source MN Dept of Trade and Econ Development
22- Competitive Advantages
- Industry collective action around shared needs
- Shortage of skilled labor in related industries
- Firms and Industries
- Industry packaging and material handling
machinery - Other light manufacturing industries
- Institutions
- Alexandria Technical College, Ctr for Automation
Motion Control - MN Mfg Automation Coalition
- Tri-State Manufacturers Assoc.
- Minnesota Technology Inc.
- West Central Initiative
23Northwest Minnesota Key Facts
- Population (2000) 88,472
- Major Cities
- Crookston 8,192
- East Grand Forks 7,501
- Roseau 2,756
- Thief River Falls 8,410
- Population Density (pop/sq mi) 11
- (Twin Cities 601 MN state 62)
- Population Growth (1990-2000) -2
- (MN non-metro 4 US non-metro 9)
- Job Growth (1990-2000) 16
- (MN non-metro 25 US non-metro 18)
- Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red
Lake, Roseau counties (Region 1) - Source Census Bureau Bureau of Economic Analysis
24Northwest Minnesota Recreational Transportation
- Key Industries
- Other transportation equipment
manufacturing (NAICS 3369/SIC 3799) - 2000 Employment 2,197, 20,500 more concentrated
than U.S. overall - Source County Business Patterns
25Northwest Minnesota Recreational Transportation
- Key Employers
- Arctic Cat (Thief River Falls) 1,500 employees
- Machinewell (Grygla) 110 employees
- Polaris Industries (Roseau) 2,100 employees
- TEAM Industries (Bagley) 250 employees
- Source MN Dept of Trade and Economic Development
26- Competitive Advantages
- Demanding local customers
- Intense interfirm rivalry
- Diffusion to new products and industries
- Firms and Industries
- Snowmobile manufacturing
- All-terrain vehicles
- Equipment suppliers and machine shops
- Institutions
- Northland Community Technical College
- Minnesota Job Skills Partnership
- Racing culture snowmobile racing circuit
27Winona Key Facts
- Population (2000) 112,517
- Major Cities
- Winona 27,069
- Lake City 5,054
- Population Density (pop/sq mi) 44
- (Twin Cities 601 MN state 62)
- Population Growth (1990-2000) 5
- (MN non-metro 4 US non-metro 9)
- Job Growth (1990-2000) 21
- (MN non-metro 25 US non-metro 17)
- Blue Earth, Nicollet and Waseca counties
- Source Census Bureau Bureau of Economic Analysis
28Winona Advanced Composite Materials
- Key Industries
- Custom compounding of purchased resin (NAICS
325991/SIC 3087) - 2000 Employment 517, 537 more concentrated
than U.S. overall - All other plastics products manufacturing
(NAICS 326199/SIC 3089) - 2000 Employment 241, 30 more concentrated than
U.S. overall -
- Source County Business Patterns
29Winona Advanced Composite Materials
- Key Employers
- RTP Company (Winona) 407 employees
- Cytec Engineering (Winona) 175 employees
- Ticona Celstran (Goodview) 69 employees
- We-no-nah Canoe (Winona) 75 employees
- Watlow Polymer Technologies (Winona) 24 employees
- AFC Strongwell (Chatfield) 200 employees
- Composite Products Inc. (Winona) 50 employees
- CodaBow Composites (Winona) 15 employees
- Miken Composites (Caledonia) 15 employees
- Geotek (Stewartville) 35 employees
- Source MN Dept of Trade and Economic
30- Competitive Advantages
- Diverse local industry base
- Skilled worker base around composite engineering
- Cooperative relationships
- Firms and Industries
- Composite materials producers
- Existing products improved through use of
composite materials (i.e. canoes, heated
plastics, automotive products, violin bows)
- History
- Miller Brothers formed Fiberite after WWII
- Initial growth in aerospace, military
applications - Spinoff/startup activity to new firms
- Institutions
- SAMPE professional society
- Winona St composite eng
- COMTEC applied RD/testing
- Winona Composites Consortium
- Technical college custom training, technical
31Southwestern MinnesotaPrecision Agricultural
- Agricultural sprayer technology
- Potential pitfall of having a cluster of
companies doing essentially the same thing,
rather than diverse activities around the same
technology - Vulnerability that comes from non-local ownership
324. Key Findings
- History and context are important in the
development of rural knowledge clusters. - A core knowledge base can be instrumental in
driving multiple industries and applications. - Developing comparable quantitative indicators of
knowledge is extremely difficult. - The acquisition of local firms by non-local firms
can either bolster or threaten the vitality of
rural knowledge clusters, depending on the
circumstances. - Two different strategic approaches can boost the
vitality of rural knowledge clusters an
institutional strategy and an entrepreneurial
33Implications for Economic Development
- Understand your local knowledge base.
- Foster linkages between firms and local
institutions that support them - Develop strategies for promoting innovation
around rural knowledge clusters - Dont try to go it alone promote a regional
vision to guide local strategies
34For further information contact Lee W.
Munnich, Jr. Senior Fellow and Director,
State and Local Policy Program Humphrey
Institute of Public Affairs University of
- Lmunnich_at_hhh.umn.edu
- http//www.hhh.umn.edu/centers/slp/
- (612) 625-7357