Pilgrimage - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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'As Mary goes, so goes the Church' (Turner and Turner 1978) This is to say that ... The remains ~ relics ~ of Saints Peter and Paul, removed from the catacombs in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pilgrimage

  • Early Modern Europe

The Marians
Marian Pilgrimages
  • Along the way the pilgrims stop at shrines to
    worship. One type of shrine is called a Marian
    Shrine. Here it is believed that the Virgin Mary
    has been seen. "Pilgrims to Marian shrines would
    participate in a full program of liturgical
    celebrations and devotions" (Danis 2001).
  • Marian shrines are natural centers for discussing
    the teachings of Mary and of her life of faith
    with God.

Marian Pilgrimages Cont.
  • Marian shrines also created cultural meeting
    spots for the pilgrims. History, traditions and
    art, as well as the contemplation of God's great
    plan could be discussed.
  • "Mary is the woman called to collaborate in God's
    work. She is the virgin totally consecrated to
    the Lord. She is the wife and mother in a family
    in which God's promises to his people were
    fulfilled. Marian shrines are special places for
    discerning the meaning of vocation, the feminine,
    consecrated life, the family" (Danis 2001).
  • Marian shrines are sometimes erected at the site
    of a miracle

Importance of Marian Shrines
  • As Mary goes, so goes the Church (Turner and
    Turner 1978) This is to say that the church
    depended on people who would make the journey to
    visit the shrine.
  • Has become the most revered saint.
  • Look to her for miracles to improve their lives.
  • Have been the most popular of all the
    pilgrimages, some cities depend on the people who
    come to view the shrine (Turner and Turner 1978)

Local Marian Pilgrimages
  • Marian shrines were common for local pilgrimages.
  • Reports of a miracle spread to the surrounding
    communities, usually within 60km (Bugslag)
  • The miracle or shrine often responded to the
    needs of the community, such as mass disease or
    famine (Bugslag)
  • Used by people in which a local or nearby shrine
    was their only option, such as with still born
    babies who would receive baptism so they may go
    to heaven (Bugslag)

Protestant Reform
  • Protestant reformers felt it was wrong for
    Christians to make a god out of Mary. They felt
    it was blasphemous to treat Mary as a mediator to
    god when the only true mediator is Christ himself
  • Protestants still sought grace and favor from her
    but not salvation
  • They still visited and erected shrines in her
    honor as the mother of God but was not revered as
    Catholics felt (Parish and Naphy 2002).

The Cult of Relics
The Scope
  • When considering the Cult of Relics and
    the pilgrimages that took place as a result of
    this form of worship one cannot use too many
    superlatives. Tens to hundreds of thousands
    annually over centuries and millennia traveled to
    kneel at the base of a shrine. New miracles to
    surpass that of the old. Relief from purgatory
    for hundreds of years as the result of a single
    pilgrimage. Fortunes made and fortunes lost.
    Small villages growing to the size of towns,
    towns to the size of cities, cities growing to
    rival the size of the largest on the continent
    for no other reason than that they were on the
    route of or were the final destination of a

  • Relic remains of a saint an object
    esteemed or venerated because of
    association with a saint or a martyr

Sorting out the relics
  • First Class Relic - Something directly
    associated with the life of Christ,
  • articles of clothing, the manger, the
    cross, remains of those involved with
  • the life of Christ - the remains of
    saints also of the highest order of relic

  • Second Class Relic - Clothing and
    perhaps personal items of the saints

  • Third Class Relic - That which may have come
    into physical contact with a
  • saint
    either during his life or after

The ReliquaryThe Display of Relics
  • Reliquary noun, a container of holy relics

Relics Reliquaries Shrines
  • The shrine to the Three Magi located in the
    Kolmer Dom in Cologne, Germany. Built in 1284
    this reliquary was the gift of Emperor Otto IV.
    In this reliquary lay the remains of those
    three travelers of biblical times.

From King to Saint An Interesting Story
  • Saint Oswald Revered as the king who
    resurrected Christianity in the north of
    England. Killed on the battlefield by his
    enemies, his body was mutilated, with his head
    and arms being mounted on stakes. His arms were
    eventually enshrined in silver and displayed in
    the Church of Saint Oswald. One would be stolen
    and displayed at another cathedral on the
    continent. His head was displayed in this
    reliquary in a cathedral in Germanysimultaneously
    displayed at two locations in Switzerland one
    in the Netherlandsand buried in the coffin of
    Saint Cumberland. Parts of his body would become
    shrines in seventeen different cathedrals.

Shrines of Importance
  • Church of the Holy Sepulcher in
    Jerusalem sits atop the remains of the Savior

  • The remains relics of Saints Peter
    and Paul, removed from the catacombs in
  • Rome and placed in tombs
    in the Vatican and the Ostian Way

  • The relics of Saint James interred
    beneath the cathedral in Santiago, Spain

  • The relics of Saint Thomas Becket were
    displayed at the cathedral in Canterbury
  • All of these sites would
    become major destinations of pilgrims

The Journey
  • The journey of the pilgrim would result
    in a transition from his normal existence. After
    deciding his destination he would acquire the
    permission of his local clergy. He would then
    tend to all of his worldly affairs write out a
    will, pay all debts, and arrange for the care of
    his family and property during the period of his
    absence. This tended to, he would make his

  • Whether noble, priest, or merchant, each
    pilgrim will make the same preparation. His
    reason for the journey may be to do penance.or
    perhaps to invoke the magic of a particular saint
    to cure himself or a loved oneor as a
    thanksgiving for grace already receivedor just
    to see the world. Whatever his motivation each
    pilgrim will transcend his current reality while
    undergoing the ritual of the pilgrim.

  • The pilgrim and those he travels with will
    acquire a specific costume. It will be comprised
    of the pilgrim hat and the typical smock over
    which will be worn a hooded cape.the pilgrims
    will also acquire a flask in the shape of a gourd
    to carry drinking water. Of most importance,
    they will come into possession of the staff and
    the scrip, a leather pouch to be attached to the
    belt. Noble, clergy and peasant alike shall shed
    their position and be identified by this garb as
    pilgrim to all those they may encounter for the
    duration of their journey.

  • Scrip a small bag or wallet

  • The pilgrim badge would be purchased at the
    site of the shrine. If touched to the shrine
    it could then become imbued with the powers or
    magic of the relic. It would then be worn
    on the hat or the smock of the pilgrim for the
    balance of the journey. The ampulla would serve
    as a container to carry holy water, or perhaps
    healing water, for the purpose of invoking a
    cure for an ailing loved one unable to make the
    journey. It would be worn as a necklace on a
    string or chain.
  • Ampulla flask with a globular body
    and two handles

  • The badge would be representative of the shrine
    from which it was purchased.
  • A scallop shell badge would indicate a journey to
    the shrine of Saint James.
  • The palm leaf was the sign of a pilgrimage to
  • A badge of the bust of Saint Thomas a Becket
    would proclaim that, Thomas is the best healer.
  • Made from lead or copper the badges were highly
    profitable items for their merchants. Most often
    the religious order .
  • A larger shrine may contract with an individual
    giving a monopoly for the manufacture and sale of
    the badges.

Myth and MiraclesThe Cult of Saint James
  • James the Disciple spread the word of the
    Lord throughout the region of the world which
    would become Spain. After taking the word of God
    as far as Finnesterra, earths end, James returns
    to Judea.

  • Suffering his death at the hands of King
    Herod Agrippa I, the martyr's remains are
    miraculously transported by rudderless, crewless
    boat to a remote site in the northwest region of
    Spain, Iria Flavia.

  • Ninth century attempts through prayer to
    discover his relics result in stars falling from
    the sky at the location of his tomb. It is
    removed to a site nearby where the relics are
    verified by the devout king Alphonso II, who
    would have a small wooden church erected over the

Cathedral Chemin du San Jacques
ParisPilgrims would gather at this cathedral
to hear a mass specifically designed for a
pilgrimage. Their scrip and staff will be
blessed in a ceremony similar to the blessing of
the sword of the knights of old. This done they
would continue their journey, perhaps south, and
then west to Santiago de Compostela.
  • Chemin french noun, path or road

  • Utilizing roads, by this time well
    delineated as a result of centuries of
    predecessors, a group of pilgrims would make its
    way south through the western regions of France.
    Stopping at villages, towns, and cities, many of
    which owe their size, if not their existence, to
    the fact that they are on the route of the

  • They will take shelter along the way in
    inns or hospices. They will visit shrines along
    the route. They may make a side journey to the
    site of a recent miracle.

  • Proceeding in this manner they will
    eventually reach the base of the Pyrenees which
    they will then ascend to the summit, their road
    having been joined by two others, and eventually
    a third, which have made their way through

Camino de Santiago
  • The map shows the four major routes through
    France. All eventually uniting in the northeast
    corner of Spain.

Camino de Santiago The Way of Saint James
RoncasvallesNear the summit of the
Pyrenees the pilgrims will come to the Colegiata
of Our Lady of Roncasvalles a true starting point
of their journey along the Camino Santiago. The
site of an elaborate hospitale for both the
lodging and care of the pilgrims it also
encompassed this beautiful cathedral, a chapel
and a cemetery.
  • Once over the summit of the Pyrenees they
    will be in a region of Spain well accustomed to
    visitors. Here and the rest of their way through
    the northern regions of Spain, soon to be untied
    by Ferdinand and Isabella, they will find
    hospices a days journey apart maintained by monks
    where they will be fed and housed. They will
    cross rivers on stone bridges, which have
    replaced wooden bridges, which had replaced
    hollowed out trees as a means of transport over
    these natural barriers. In the less remote areas
    they will travel on cobbled roads maintained by
    kings soldiers for their benefit. They will
    visit significant shrines in major cities, go to
    mass, make their contributions.
  • There they will also find markets and
    inns and restaurants, and entertainments, who
    owe their success to these
    travelers. They are traveling through a
    part of the world that has
    recognized their value for centuries.

Santiago deCompostela
  • As a result of a myth. that became a
    legend some miracles that caused the building of
    a small wooden church over some remains tens of
    thousands of those who came before them and a
    long journey from Paris the pilgrims will arrive
    at this, the Cathedral Santiago. Here again they
    will participate in a mass, kneel at a shrine,
    make their offerings, and they will have a
    lifetime of sins washed away. Cleansed.

Compostela Field of the Stars
Arriving on Feast Day, July 25th, the pilgrims
would have encountered throngs of people filling
this square in front of the cathedral..booths
and stalls set up for the sale of food and the
badges of the shrine more than one relic could
be worshiped at this site.groups of musicians
making merryand a cathedral so crowded as to be
unsafe. Their journey half complete
the pilgrims would reverse their course for the
trek home. They may hurl a badge into the river
as a symbol of the completion of the vigil. A
badge or ampulla possessing the magic of a relic
may cure a loved one or rest in a special
location in the home protecting the inhabitants.
Having come full circle they will return to the
life they had left months before.
Cologne Cathedral
  • In this magnificent cathedral of arches and
    stained glass lay the remains of the Three Magi.
    Those gift bearing travelers of biblical times.
    Their journeys through life and death did not
    end until they were brought to the site of this
    cathedral from Milan by the Holy Roman Emperor
    Frederick Barbarossa in the year 1164.

No context here this is just particularly
  • Bugslag, James. Unknown. Local Pilgrimages and
    Their Shrines in Pre-Modern Europe. International
    Society for the Study of Pilgrimage Art 2, no. 1
    tion/Local_Pilgrimage_1_2.pdf (accessed October
    2, 2006).
  • Danis, Jim. 2001. Theology of Shrines
    (accessed September 29, 2006).
  • Parish, Helen and Naphy, William G., eds. 2002.
    Religion and Superstition in Reformation Europe.
    Manchester and New York Manchester University
  • Nolan, Mary Lee and Nolan, Sidney. 1989.
    Christian Pilgrimage in Modern Western Europe.
    Chapel Hill and London The University of North
    Carolina Press.
  • Turner, Victor and Turner, Edith L.B. 1978. Image
    and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture. New York
    Columbia University Press.

Bibliography Cont.
  • Sumption, Jonathan. Pilgrimage - An Image of
    Mediaeval Religion, Totowa, New Jersey Rowman
    and Littlefield, 1975.
  • Marks, Claude. Pilgrims, Heretics, and Lovers,
    New York Macmillan Publishing Co., 1975
  • Hussey, Maurice. Chaucers World - A Pictorial
    Companion, London Cambridge University Press,
  • Garcia, Michael. Medieval Medicine, Magic, and
    Water, Peregrinations, Vol.1, Issue 3 pages
    1-13. http//peregrinations.kenyon.edu/vol1-3.pdf
  • Gower, Kathy. Pursuing the Chemin and the
    Coquilles St. Jacques in Paris, Peregrinations,
    Vol. 1, Issue 3 pages 1-10. http//
  • Dagenais, John. El Camino de Santiago.
  • iagohome.html
  • Dennett, Laurie. 2000 Years of The Camino
    Santiago Where Did It come From, Where is It
    Going?. http//www.csj.org.uk/2000-htm
  • Catholic Encyclopedia, online, S.v. Legend of
    the Saints and James the Greater
  • http//www.newadvent.org/eathen/091289.htm
  • UK Detector Finds Database, http//www.UKDFd.UK/uk
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