Title: DirectCrown LT Indirect Restorative Technique
1DirectCrown LTIndirect Restorative Technique
- This presentation is designed to educate dental
professionals on a new, chair-side, single
appointment, indirect restorative procedure using
materials from DirectCrown.
3DirectCrown LT Indications
- Restorations
- Posterior Crown
- Anterior Crown
- Inlays/Onlays
- Single Appointment Cases
- Cost Conscious Consumers
- Long-Term Provisional
4Materials Needed
- LT Crown Kit (Crowns)
- Impression Materials Tray
- Die Silicone Separator
- Model Base Material
- Model Articulator
- Composite Resin
- Composite Activator
5Indirect Chair-side Technique Overview
- Post-Clinical Preparation Steps
- Impression
- Model Fabrication
- LT Crown Selection Adaptation
- Crown Fabrication
- Final Occlusion and Cementation
6Clinical View
Pre operative occlusal view of tooth 31 after
root canal and a build up
7Impression Taking (Alginate,Tray and Detailer)
Clinical Impression of opposing dentition is
captured on bottom side of impression tray.
8Impression Detail
Preparation Detail
9Model Fabrication Create Silicone Die Model
Express Silicone Die Material into cavity
avoiding the creation of air pockets
10Application of Fast Setting Resin
11Silicone Model Creation
12Expression of Die Silicone into Opposing
13Fabricate Articulating Model
14Articulated Model
Tooth 31
15Occlusal View
16DirectCrown LTSelection
Select the appropriate shade and crown shape for
17AdaptationIndirect Try-In on Model
Adjustments can be made as necessary by trimming
the LT Crown form.
Overextended margin needs adjustment
18Alignment on Model After Trimming
20Prime and Line
Use a composite activator solution to condition
the LT to accept the liner composite.
Fill or line the LT shell with dentin composite
avoiding formation of air pockets.
21Try In on Model, Adjust, Align
Use of a water soluble release agent will prevent
adherence to model.
22Margin Lining Contouring
The model may be sectioned with a knife make
contouring easier. The die can be removed from
the tray and finished after initial curing of
Cure all surfaces. An LED curing light works
best for this application.
24Final Curing
Remove the LT Crown and cure the inside surfaces
and margins to ensure polymerization of resin
25Margin Trimming
26Margin Trimming
27Final Margin Adaptation
28Sectioned Die Inspection
Superior fitting margins
29Restoration Ready for Cementation or Bonding
30Try In
Occlusal contact requires modification
31Final Restoration
After final adjustment the crown is cemented in
32DirectCrown LT Indirect Technique
- One-Visit Chair-side Crown Restoration
- 35-45 Minute Procedure
- Versatile. Posterior Anterior Restorations
- Patient Affordable
- High Patient Satisfaction
- Predictable. Strong, Durable, Micro-Hybrid
Composite - Profitable
Call DirectCrown at 888-910-4490 with any
33DirectCrown LTIndirect Restorative Technique
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