Title: A Parents Guide to STAR
1A Parents Guide to STAR
Spring 2008 Standardized Testing and Reporting S
TAR Program
2Assessment Achievement Act Established by SB 376
in 1997
Single state system to assess standards mastery
Annual assessment for all students in grades 2-11
3Standardized Testing and ReportingSTAR
Survey California Achievement Test, Sixth
Edition (Grades 3 7) California Standards Tes
ts (CST) California English Language Developmen
t Test (CELDT) California Alternative Performan
ce Assessment (CAPA)
California High School Academic Exit Examination
(CAHSEE) Early Assessment Program (EAP) Asse
ssments in Career Education
Physical Fitness
4The CAT6 administered in California
- Was administered in grades three and seven only
and used for federal No Child Left Behind
purposes only.
- Is a Survey test not appropriate for
instructional planning.
- Individual growth can no longer be measured by
this instrument from year to year.
- Assesses basic skills only for group analysis of
strengths and needs.
5California Standards Tests
6Federal/State Requirement 2 Criterion
referenced testWhat is a criterion referenced
Measures student proficiency levels by a set of
rigorous California standards.
Advanced Proficient __________________ Basic B
elow Basic Far Below Basic
7What do the California Standards Tests cover?
- Reading (2-11)
- Language Arts (2-11)
- Mathematics (2-11)
- Writing Sample (4 7)
- Social Studies (8, 10 11)
- Science (5 and end of course tests)
8What are the End of Course Examinations?
- General Math (K-7)
- Administered to grades 8 9 students who have
not yet taken Algebra 1
- Algebra 1
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Summative High School Math
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth Science
- Physics
9Standards Focus
- California standards are very rigorous.
- San Marinos standards meet, and in many cases
exceed California Standards.
- Proficiency levels are determined by the
California Department of Education.
- Norm referenced tests are far less important than
the proficiency levels assessments.
10Making Comparisons
- Appropriate
- Scale scores for your childs grade level only.
- Percentage of students scoring at each
performance level.
- Not Appropriate
- Scale scores across grade levels.
- Over-generalizing the reported proficiency
11How does my child compare?Spring 2008
English/Language Arts California Standards
TestsPercent of Students Reported Proficiency
12How does my child compare? Writing Sample Test
California Standards Tests Percent of Students
Reported Proficiency Level
13How does my child compare? Math California Stand
ards TestsPercent of Students Reported
Proficiency Level
14How does my child compare? Grade 4 Writing Sa
mple California Standards TestsPercent of
Students Reported Proficiency Level
15Did the test include items that my child has not
been taught?
- Items are selected to cover the grade level
curriculum from state standards.
- It is likely there will be a few items the
child has not been officially taught.
- One third of the items are changed each year to
reflect different standards over time.
16Tips for Parents
- Interpret results in context of overall
- Talk to your child without exerting unhealthy
pressure which may cause test anxiety and/or
undue stress.
- Insure plenty of rest, a good breakfast, and a
stress free morning prior to the test session.
17Talk with your child.
- Emphasize confidentiality of test results.
- Place the results in perspective.
- Talk in general terms of performance level.
- Develop a plan with the teacher to work
together on areas of need.
- Dont reward or punish for results.
18Tips for Students
- Relax
- Listen
- Plan time.
- Listen to directions.
- Read items carefully.
- Mark in the correct space on the answer sheet.
- Trust instincts.
- If unsure of how to answer, eliminate answer
choices that are surely wrong.
- Keep positive.
- Concentrate on doing a personal best.
- Testing is only one source of information
- CAT 6 and CST have different purposes
- CAT 6 no longer is a strongly valid measure for
individual children.
- Teach your child to positively view the results
as a way to learn about what is strong and what
needs work.
- It is best NOT to promise/give rewards or
sanctions for test scores.
20Student and Parent Information
21Grade 5 Sample
22Strengths and Needs Grade 7 Sample
23Helpful Definitions
24California Reading List
25CAT 6 Sample
26For other grades....
For the California Standards Tests Results for
all students... Go to http//www.san-marino.k12.c
a.us Tap schools and academics Tap Accountabi
lity Results will be posted on Wednesday, Septem
ber 15, 2007. California Standards Web site htt
p//www.cde.ca.gov/standards/ California Readin
g List and other Resources http//star.cde.ca.gov
Tap Standardized Testing and Reporting Tap P
rogram Resources Blueprints Sample Items Guide
s for the Writing Tests