K268 Projects - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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K268 Projects


... ask yourself how it contributes to the overall aim of the project. ... 'sign posting' ... These terms express the core concepts in a precise and concise ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: K268 Projects

Notes on Project , Presentation, and Delivery
Sources of Advice
  • Guidelines for Professional Project at
  • http//www.comp.dit.ie/pbrowne/DT249-projects2007-
  • Technical Writing Tips of the Masters -
  • http//www.comp.dit.ie/rfitzpatrick/courses2.htmR
    onan Fitzpatrick Courses
  • Conquering Your Undergraduate Thesis by Nataly
    Kogan, Publisher Natavi Guides ISBN 0971939209
  • http//www.studentshelpingstudents.com/thesis_thes

Sources of Advice
  • Common Errors in English Usage (Paperback) by
    Paul Brians. It focuses on American English but
    should still be useful. See online version at
  • http//www.wsu.edu/brians/errors/errors.htmlerro
  • Paul Brians home page at
  • http//www.wsu.edu8080/brians/

  • There will be a guided tour of the library in the
    first few weeks of term.

Project topics
  • Choose a topic you like.
  • Choose a topic that suits your knowledge and
    skill set.
  • Talk to lecturers.
  • Look at the project web page

Getting Started
  • Get started straight away
  • hound your supervisor for advice and reading
  • get the necessary running as soon as possible
  • Make progress in 1st half of the 1st
  • assignments in other modules, and exams, make it
    difficult to be very productive in 2nd half of
    semesters 1 2.
  • have all software ready early for to be able to
    go flat out testing and writing
  • plan for an April or September delivery.

Ordinary Degree or Honours?
  • To graduate with an honours or an ordinary degree
    you are required to pass the project module for
  • Ordinary degree topics should be more technical
    in nature. They should involve the analysis,
    design and implementation of a working system.
  • An element of reflection is expected on the

  • Spend some time structuring your work by dividing
    it into sections and subsections with a brief
    narrative describing what will be found in them.

Study Time
  • The thesis project is probably the most
    challenging part of your course.
  • You should invest at least as much time as you
    would for any other module (at least 100 hours).
  • It can be HELL, or it can be FUN
  • HELL, if you are not organised
  • FUN, if you get stuck in

Delivery Dates
  • You can deliver the project report and make your
    presentation in April or September.

  • Often it is difficult to provide yes/no answers
    to research topics. So a set of criteria has to
    be applied to a given situation.
  • When you have to evaluate a particular technology
    or method, you should draw up a list of criteria.
  • A table is often quite useful for presenting
    these criteria or comparing two or more
    technologies /methods.

  • Try to make your writing flow from its initial
    paragraph to the final paragraph. For example,
    you might want to describe how a particular
    technology would be used in a particular
    application. The flow here might be from a brief
    description of the technology, to its advantages
    and disadvantages, to a description of an
    application which can use the technology because
    of the advantages that the technology has over
    other technologies.

  • A paragraph should contain a single idea. A
    paragraph might describe
  •  a broad statement of the scope of the project
  • one criterion used to evaluate a technology
  • a brief description of the criteria that are to
    be used to judge a technology with following
    paragraphs containing more detailed material on
    each criterion

  • A paragraph might describe
  • an exception to a statement made in a previous
  • one of a number of conclusions that the report
    comes to
  • a description as to why a particular technology
    should be used in an application.

Substantiated statements
  • You should avoid unsubstantiated statements.
  • A substantiated statement can be made based on
  • 1) an authoritative reference (by an acknowledged
    expert in the area)
  • 2) an informed reasoned argument
  • 3) a critical interpretation of a less reliable
    source (e.g. a web page or a newspaper article)
  • 4) a self evident truth e.g. no system is

  • You should state some conclusions and/or
    summaries at the end of chapters and at the end
    of your report. You might be attempting to
    predict the impact of a technology or how a
    technology would be employed in certain types of
    application. A conclusion should be a short,
    succinct statement of your views. It should, of
    course, be backed up with detail in the body of
    the chapter or report.

  • You should distinguish between a summary and a
  • It is always a good idea to summarise the
    contents of your project in the first two or
    three paragraphs. State the scope of your project
    and the main conclusions that you came too. The
    material that is used in the summary should be
    built around a concise list of essential points,
    statements, or facts. Chapter summaries are

Writing too much
  • Dont pad out your work with information that is
    not pertinent to your topic, even if the material
    that you are using as padding is interesting.
    This does not stop you from using asides that are
    indirectly relevant however, they are best
    placed in the footnotes.

Keep to the point
  • Always keep to the point. Read each paragraph
    before you submit the project, and ask yourself
    how it contributes to the overall aim of the
    project. This is were a high level framework is

Negative Findings
  • An undergraduate thesis is a body of academic
    work. You may find a major problem with your
    basic premise and indeed you may find late in the
    day that there are some serious limitations in
    your ideas. This does not mean disaster! Your
    project can still be of value if you can
    articulate those limitations.

Cut and Paste
  • Do not cut and paste large screeds of text from
    Web sites. Small fragments of text are fine if
    they support some argument that you are making
    (and they are acknowledged).
  • You can reference a URL as follows The Microsoft
    XML2 site differentiates between three types of
    parser. Where 2 is an index to your reference
  • See Chapter 10 of general regulations at
  • http//romulus.dit.ie/DIT/registrar/regs/gen_asses

  • Record your references early. When you find an
    interesting article/chapter you should write a
    few sentences about it and create a reference
  • References are useful for students who come after
    you and may want to pursue your particular topic,
    perhaps taking a different approach.

  • Your reference section should store the full
    details of your references. These details could
  • authors,
  • year,
  • conference,
  • journal,
  • URL of web-site and date visited,
  • type of reference e.g. peer reviewed paper,
    professional journal, report, un-reviewed paper.

  • At present, we do not mandate any particular
    style of referencing. You could use author year
    (e.g. Jones98, Jones98a, IBM06). If it you
    are referencing a web site then in your reference
    section you should include the date you visited
    the site, the title and author of the document
    (or page) that you are citing.

Sign posting
  • You need good 'sign posting.
  • You should tell the reader what you are going to
    say and why you are going to say it. Example
  • In order to develop accessible Web content, the
    Web Software Quality Framework will be derived in
    section 2.3 using software usability factors as
    researched by Fitzpatrick and Higgins 1 and
    quality factors for the World Wide Web as
    researched by Fitzpatrick2.

  • Code extracts in the body of the report should be
    used to illustrate or support some concept that
    your are describing. The full code should be
    included in an appendix.

  • Use a different font (such as Courier New) when
    referring to software or modelled entities. This
    helps to distinguish between a real-world concept
    such an employee and the software realization of
    the concept which could be called Employee.

Study groups
  • Joining/forming study groups. Collaboration and
    study groups are encouraged. While the exchange
    of ideas is part of the learning experience, your
    project must be as a result of your own efforts.

Complexity V Simplicity
  • When writing on advanced topics there are often
    too many 'real world' issues to tackle at once.
    Simplification may be required.
  • You should maximize your study effort by
    focusing on the core points (stated at the start
    of each paragraph).

Complexity V Simplicity
  • Try to apply a simplification to potentially
    complex topics.
  • The advice on simplification must be balanced
    against the need to address the relevant issues
    in your report.

  • You must use technical terminology and TLAs
  • Try to use the standard terminology of your
    research area.
  • A glossary will be required to assist the
  • These terms express the core concepts in a
    precise and concise manner.

  • Although the terminology can require a bit of
    work to develop and master it is well worth the
  • Using the standard terminology actually makes
    the report easier to write.

Illustrate and explain your work.
  • Diagrams, tables, and a glossary can all help
    make you finished work more concise, precise and

A good project report
  • A good report has something to say!
  • Comprehensive and accurate coverage of the
    subject. (coverageno gaps or overlaps).
  • Independent critical evaluation of your own work
    and your methods.
  • Clear arguments, well expressed.
  • Integration of diverse material.
  • Clear focus on subject.
  • Knowledge of the wider context of the work.

A good project report
  • Depth of insight into selected aspects.
  • Well organised chapters and sections.
  • Clearly defined project boundaries.
  • Diversity presented as a coherent whole.
  • Critical and reflective evaluation of work.
  • Good supporting literature and evidence of broad
    reading using different sources.

A good project report
  • A final year report requires an intelligent
    reporting and interpretation of referenced
    material. This interpretation should relate the
    goals or aims of the report.

Think about
  • Ambitious projects?
  • Scope?
  • Boundaries?
  • Using (or re-using) information.
  • Type of project
  • Software implementation.
  • Pure research (must have focus/makes a point).
  • A mixture of research and implementation.

General Advice
  • Think marks.
  • Think reader.
  • Keep as simple as possible.
  • Stick to the plan.
  • Listen to your supervisor.

Sample reports.
  • There are some sample projects on my web site. If
    you want a few example projects please send me an
    email preferably through your DIT mail.

The Presentation
  • The presentation will allow you to present and
    demonstrate your work. You should
  • explain the objectives of your project
  • describe how you went about achieving those
  • emphasize your main achievements
  • present your conclusions
  • summarise and reflect on your work
  • The presentation should be about 15-20 minutes
    with 5-10 minutes for questions.

The Presentation
  • You can use PowerPoint or conventional slides.
    Try to keep to 15-20 slides.
  • If there is a software component you should
    include appropriate screen dumps in your
    presentation (just in case there are issues in
    running or setting up the actual S/W).

The Presentation
  • If you wish you can set up your S/W before the
    presentation. Please let me know if you require
    set up time.
  • If your S/W is too difficult to set up then
    include screen dumps of the running system in
    your presentation.
  • To avoid difficulties in setting up your software
    in the labs, we would encourage your to use your
    own laptop computer.
  • Please let me know if you require further

The Presentation
  • The project presentations will take place over a
    one week period during the day and early evening.
    The details of presentation schedule (such as
    location, time table) will be emailed to you

The Delivery of the Project
  • The electronic version (PDF or WORD) of your
    project should be emailed to me on an given date
    and time (check your DIT email and the project
    web page for details).
  • Three copies of the paper version should be
    delivered at the actual project presentation. The
    paper copies should use a 'perfect bind' with a
    clear plastic front cover and a blue back cover,
    it is relatively inexpensive. There is no need
    for expensive binding.

The Delivery of the Project
  • Details of the expected format of the project
    document can be found on the project page.
  • Guidelines for Honours Degree Project
  • Guidelines for the Ordinary Degree Project
  • The Honours Degree project should be about 15,000
    words (or 70 pages).
  • The Ordinary Degree project should be about
    10,000 words (or 50 pages).
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