Title: CPECSC 580: Knowledge Management
1CPE/CSC 580 Knowledge Management
- Dr. Franz J. Kurfess
- Computer Science Department
- Cal Poly
2Course Overview
- Introduction
- Knowledge Processing
- Knowledge Acquisition, Representation and
Manipulation - Knowledge Organization
- Classification, Categorization
- Ontologies, Taxonomies, Thesauri
- Knowledge Retrieval
- Information Retrieval
- Knowledge Navigation
- Knowledge Presentation
- Knowledge Visualization
- Knowledge Exchange
- Knowledge Capture, Transfer, and Distribution
- Usage of Knowledge
- Access Patterns, User Feedback
- Knowledge Management Techniques
- Topic Maps, Agents
- Knowledge Management Tools
- Knowledge Management in Organizations
3Overview Knowledge Management Tools
- Motivation
- Objectives
- Tools Requirements
- Knowledge Acquisition
- Knowledge Organization
- Knowledge Exchange
- Knowledge Presentation
- Knowledge Retrieval
- Capabilities
- Capture, Indexing, Search, Link Association,
Graphs/Networks, Hierarchies, Collaboration,
- KM Tool Sets
- Subtopic 1.1
- Subtopic 1.2
- Tools for Specific KM Tasks
- Subtopic 2.1
- Subtopic 2.2
- Outlook Tools
- Subtopic 3.1
- Subtopic 3.2
- Important Concepts and Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Introductions
- Course Materials
- textbook
- handouts
- Web page
- CourseInfo/Blackboard System and Alternatives
- Term Project
- Lab and Homework Assignments
- Exams
- Grading
9Evaluation Criteria
10KM Tools
- IHMC Concept Maps
- 80-20 Discovery
- Assistum
- Knowledge Structure Manager (KSM)
- Cokace
- Idea Processor
11KM Tools
- study IT-Research http//www.it-research.net
12Tools by Category
- Information Retrieval Verity, Connex,
Excalibur, Eurospider, Google, Fulcrum - Collaborative Filtering Grapevine
- Intranet Portal Intraspect , Open Text ,
Autonomy, Ontoprise - Groupware Lotus Notes, MS Exchange
- Document Management PCDOCS, InQuery, Filenet,
Documentum - Text Summarization Prosum
- Database solutions Wincite, Dataware,
Agentware - Experience Factories at A.D.Little, at Xerox
- Skill Management Loga HRMS (PI), proprietary
solutions - Semantic Nets-based USU, Knowledge Park
- Visualization Inxight, AIdministrator
- Knowledge Discovery Clementine, IBM, SAS
Staab 2001
13KM Tools in Context
- Knowledge Discovery Tools (Maybury, WM 2001)
14IHMC Concept Maps Template
- IHMC Concept Map Software
- Institute for Human and Machine Cognition,
University of West Florida - http//cmap.coginst.uwf.edu/
- Purpose
- tools for the organization and representation of
knowledge - Components
- set of Java-based tools for the display and
navigation of existing concept maps - http-based server to host concept maps
Novak 2000
15Concept Maps Description
- features
- creation of concept maps
- browsing of existing concept maps
- Web browser enhanced with Java as user interface
- application examples
- Center for Mars Exploration, NASA
- weather forecasting in the Gulf Coast region
- distance learning
16Concept Maps Concept Map
17Concept Map Example
18Concept Map Example 2
19Concept Maps Evaluation
- representation and organization of knowledge
- functionality
- browsing and construction of concept maps
- user interface
- Web browser with Java
- good aspects
- nice visualization, easy to browse
- limitations
- knowledge acquisition is very labor-intensive
2080-20 Discovery Template
- Discovery
- 80-20, Author
- httpwww.80-20.com/products/discovery
- enhanced search engine for internal data bases
- Components
2180-20 Discovery Description
- features
- natural language query parsing
- web browser as interface
- diagrams
- screen shots
- application examples
2280-20 Discovery Screen Shot
2380-20 Discovery Evaluation
- main emphasis on retrieval of existing knowledge
- mainly from already existing data bases
- functionality
- creates an index of documents in specified
storage areas - provides access through natural language queries
- integration
- with outside systems
- tightly integrated with Microsoft products
- user interface
- web browser
- natural language queries
- performance
- seems to be rather sluggish, probably due to the
NL input - good aspects
- limitations
24Assistum Template
- Products Assistum Knowledge Tool
- Organization Assistum.com
- http//www.assistum.com
- Purpose
- enables the user to create or modify knowledge
bases to assist their decision-making - Components
- Assistum Viewer
- Assistum Knowledge Editor
25Assistum Description
- Assistum provides easy-to-use tools to create
powerful fuzzy rule-based decision support
systems - it uses fuzzy logic to store and transform degree
of truth variables and relationships - demos are available on the Web at
mo.html - requires Java-capable browser
26Assistum Example
- knowledge network about price increase
27Assistum Example
- reasoning for price increase
28Assistum Evaluation
- scope
- emphasis on knowledge representation
- fuzzy logic as inference method
- functionality
- editor for the creation and modification of
knowledge bases - viewer for the display of knowledge bases
- integration
- within the set
- with outside systems
- user interface
- GUI, Web browser with Java
- good aspects
- support for knowledge engineering tasks
- limitations
- mainly a tool for knowledge engineering
29Knowledge Structure Manager (KSM)
- Name of the Tool Set
- Jose Cuena, Martin Molina, ISYS Intelligent
Systems Research Group, Department of Artificial
Intelligence, Polytechnic University, Madrid,
Spain - http//www.isys.dia.fi.upm.es/ksm/home.html
- Purpose
- a software environment that helps developers and
end-users in the development and maintenance of
large and complex knowledge-based applications - Components
- analysis, design and implementation, maintenance
30KSM Description
- goal
- reduce the gap between the human understanding
and the implementation of applications using
knowledge models - background
- intuitive modular approach with different levels
of abstraction to cope with large knowledge bases - influenced by the idea of generic tasks of
Chandrasekaran and the knowledge level concept of
Newell. - includes also some ideas from other parallel
approaches of knowledge engineering methodologies
and tools such as KADS, PROTEGE-II and KREST - diagrams
- screen shots
- application examples
31KSM Knowledge Area View
32KSM Hyperbolic View
33KSM Task Perspective
34Problem Formulation
35KSM Evaluation
- scope
- functionality
- integration
- within the set
- with outside systems
- user interface
- performance
- good aspects
- limitations
- seems to be most appropriate for AI knowledge
engineering tasks, not so much for knowledge
- Cokace, WebCokace
- Olivier.Corby, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France
- http//www-sop.inria.fr/acacia/Cokace/cokace.html
- Purpose
- environment for the conceptual modelling
language CML of the CommonKADS methodology - Components
37Cokace Description
- goal
- to provide the knowledge engineer with structured
edition, static validation and dynamic
interpretation of CML expertise models - features
- allows the knowledge engineer to simulate a
reasoning on CML expertise models - enables verification and evaluation of such
expertise models before implementation of the
final knowledge-based system - diagrams
- screen shots
- application examples
38Cokace Example
- ontology produced on-line by WebCokace
- labels are lost
39Cokace Evaluation
- development tool for CommonKADS methodology
- functionality
- integration
- within the set
- with outside systems
- user interface
- Web-based (WebCokace)
- good aspects
- knowledge engineering support
- limitations
- mainly for knowledge engineering purposes
40Idea Processor
- Idea Processor
- A-I-A
- http//www.a-I-a.com/englishHomePage/technologies.
html - Purpose
- new generation Computer Supported Cooperative
Work technology composed of a user driven
software system and a methodology,
IdeaProcessing() - Components
41Idea Processor Description
- goal
- to facilitate idea and knowledge management and
communication with a graphical and intuitive
approach - features
- permits simultaneous access by various
individuals within a work group to diagram
building which leads to concept formation - joint effort promotes shared understanding and
consensus - facilitates the visualization of problems and
their solutions - it is an 'ideator' (an idea and strategies
editor), a group ware, and a meta-CASE tool.
A-I-A 2001
42Idea Processor Example
- site map generated with Idea Processor technology
A-I-A Site Map
43Idea Processor Evaluation
- scope
- visualization of knowledge
- functionality
- idea and strategies editor
- group collaboration
- good aspects
- visual display of knowledge aspects
- limitations
- knowledge acquisition seems tedious
44Tool Set Template
- Name of the Tool Set
- Organization, Author
- Purpose
- Components
45Tool Set Description
- further details
- diagrams
- screen shots
- application examples
46Tool Set Evaluation
- scope
- functionality
- integration
- within the set
- with outside systems
- user interface
- performance
- good aspects
- limitations
47Autonomy Template
- Name of the Tool Set
- Organization, Author
- Purpose
- Components
48Tool Set Description
- further details
- diagrams
- screen shots
- application examples
49Tool Set Evaluation
- scope
- functionality
- integration
- within the set
- with outside systems
- user interface
- performance
- good aspects
- limitations
50MindMap Template
- Name of the Tool Set
- Organization, Author
- Purpose
- Components
51Tool Set Description
- further details
- diagrams
- screen shots
- application examples
52Tool Set Evaluation
- scope
- functionality
- integration
- within the set
- with outside systems
- user interface
- performance
- good aspects
- limitations
53Verity Template
- Name of the Tool Set
- Organization, Author
- Purpose
- Components
54Tool Set Description
- further details
- diagrams
- screen shots
- application examples
55Tool Set Evaluation
- scope
- functionality
- integration
- within the set
- with outside systems
- user interface
- performance
- good aspects
- limitations
56Practicity Template
- Practicity
- Organization, Author
- web-based knowledge sharing environment
- Practicity web server, web browser as clients
57Tool Set Description
- features
- captures interactions between users participating
in a community of practice - contents and contexts of interactions
- stores interactions in a cet\ntral knowledge base
- diagrams
- screen shots
- application examples
58Tool Set Evaluation
- main emphasis on capturing of knowledge through
interactions - functionality
- knowledge capture, access
- dtSearch for text-based search
- integration
- within the set
- with outside systems
- user interface
- performance
- good aspects
- limitations
59Groove Template
- Groove
- Groove Networks, Ray Ozzie (Lotus Notes
developer) - URL
- P2P groupware for direct interaction among users
- collaboration, communication, sharing information
- Components
60Tool Set Description
- features
- shared spaces are used for storing and accessing
knowledge - users share spaces through accounts
- diagrams
- screen shots
- application examples
61Tool Set Evaluation
- scope
- main emphasis on sharing of information
- functionality
- communication
- chatting, messages, discussion forums
- collaboration
- net meetings, outlines, drawing,
- coordination
- calender
- integration
- within the set
- with outside systems
- user interface
- performance
- good aspects
- limitations
- Cuena Molina 1996 Cuena J., Molina M.
"Building Knowledge Models Using KSM". Proc. of
Knowledge Acquisition of Knowledge Based Systems
Workshop, KAW96. Banff, Canada. 1996. - Novak 2000 Joseph D. Novak The Theory
Underlying Concept Maps and How To Construct
Them, http//cmap.coginst.uwf.edu/info/. 1996. - Staab 2000 Steffen Staab Intelligente
Techniken für das Wissensmanagement Knowledge
Management Tutorial, Wissensmanagement 2001
Conference, Baden-Baden, Germany,
65Important Concepts and Terms
- natural language processing
- neural network
- predicate logic
- propositional logic
- rational agent
- rationality
- Turing test
- agent
- automated reasoning
- belief network
- cognitive science
- computer science
- hidden Markov model
- intelligence
- knowledge representation
- linguistics
- Lisp
- logic
- machine learning
- microworlds
66Summary Chapter-Topic
67(No Transcript)