Creation and Darwinian Evolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Creation and Darwinian Evolution


DNA and Aliens ... we choose to believe in an intelligent Designer/Creator, benevolent aliens, ... Benevolent aliens, or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Creation and Darwinian Evolution

Creation and Darwinian Evolution
  • Can there be a balance?
  • A Faith-Based, Scientific Opinion

How do we know something happened, and how it
  • Observation is the first key to our understanding
    of the world around us
  • For some, this is the only acceptable evidence
    Seeing is believing
  • However, we cannot understand or interpret our
    whole world by what we currently see
  • If we observe something with our own eyes, we
    think we can understand it but, what is magic,
    but the deception of our sight

Historical Methods
  • History records events with writing, thus
  • If it was not recorded, it did not happen.
  • Historians have tests for determining the
    accuracy of recorded events Textual criticism.
  • Textual criticism involves finding all witnesses
    (pictures, manuscripts, recordings, ) of the
    event, examining them, correlating them, , to
    find the truth of what happened, but
  • Sometimes this fails because there can be more
    than one interpretation, Who shot JFK?

Historical Perspectives
  • When there are more witnesses, the opportunity
    for finding the truth is more likely.
  • So, when there are more than 24,000 manuscripts
    of the New Testament alone, many of them dating
    from the first century, that document is more
    reliable than Homers Iliad, for which there
    are less than 1,000, separated in time by more
    than 400 years
  • Most cultures have Creation Myths, with
    remarkable similarity in the sequence of events

Historical Doubts
  • Some do not consider the Bible a historical
    document, especially as it relates to creation
  • It does not record the existence of dinosaurs
    (but no one knows what behemoths and leviathans
    are) but dinosaur fossils have only been found
    in parts of the world without written histories
  • However, the order of creation recorded in
    Genesis 1-2 agrees with the order of the fossil
    record Earth, plants, fish, birds, mammals,

Scientific Method
  • Observations lead to questions. Questions lead to
    hypotheses. Hypotheses lead to experiments.
    Experiments lead to data. Data lead to analyses.
    Analyses leads to interpretations.
    Interpretations lead to conclusions about the
  • When several experiments validate the same
    hypothesis, it becomes a theory.
  • When numerous experiments validate that theory,
    it becomes a law, e.g., the Law of Gravity

Two Important Laws
  • Two laws are important to consider when talking
    about creation and evolution
  • First Law of Thermodynamics In a closed system,
    matter and energy are neither created nor
    destroyed, only converted from one form to
    another. This is called the Law of Conservation.
  • Second Law of Thermodynamics In a closed system,
    disorder increases. More simply, everything
    degrades, runs down, falls apart

Elements of Darwinism
  • Darwinism has three fundamentals
  • Natural Selection
  • Survival of the Fittest
  • Evolution of Species
  • Applying historical and scientific methods to
    these, the first two have been, and can be,
    observed. Thus, these are not in conflict with
    history, science, or the Bible
  • Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest
    leads to adaptation called microevolution

  • Microevolution results in adaptation. Darwins
    famous voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle allowed him to
    observe finches with different beak structures on
    different islands. Populations evolved
    differently due to different selection pressures.
  • Greenbugs, a type of aphid, have many biotypes,
    and develop new biotypes every few years, in
    response to crop varieties, resistances, and
    pesticides used
  • Bacteria adapt within a few generations

Microevolution Within Species
  • Bacteria are single-celled organisms, and have
    the most rapid microevolution. But even as they
    adapt and evolve, they are still bacteria
  • Greenbugs (aphids) are insects, more complex
    organisms than bacteria. They go through multiple
    generations each year, and it takes a few years
    to develop a new biotype. But as they adapt and
    evolve, they are still greenbugs
  • Finches are even more complex organisms, but all
    Darwin observed were still finches

Macroevolution New Species
  • While microevolution has been observed
    historically in the fossil record, in
    agricultural production fields, and in biotech
    labs, the evolution of a new species has not been
    observed historically or scientifically
  • Macroevolution is based on genetic mutations,
    major changes in the genetic pattern. The
    probabilities against this are extreme. Nearly
    all mutations currently known lower competitive
    advantage, and many are lethal (2nd Law)

Macroevolution New Species
  • Most mutations are often sterile, as are most
    hybrids between species, e.g., mules
  • To change species, multiple, simultaneous,
    similar, opposite gender, non-sterile, mutations
    would have to occur in the same location so they
    could propagate (Does not follow Genesis 1, (
    each according to its kind)
  • The fossil record does not support this. New
    species appear suddenly and ubiquitously
    (wide-spread). Interspecies have not been found

Macroevolution New Species
  • Most mutations are often sterile, as are most
    hybrids between species, e.g., mules
  • Recently, a new ability has been discovered that
    allows organisms to restore previous, more viable
    genetic code, a built-in repair mechanism that
    defies Mendelian Inheritance Laws This supports
    the 2nd Law in that the highest and best form of
    an organism was the first

Black and White or Gray?
  • The challenge The words, Creation and
    Evolution are emotionally charged.
  • Humans tend to define their boundaries strictly.
  • Conservatives want black or white no grays
  • Liberals want only shades of gray no extremes
  • Many scientists and educators fear that if
    creation is taught, the accepted facts of
    microevolution will be ignored
  • Many Christians know that Creation has been
    ignored in the classroom

DNA and Aliens
  • Watson and Crick, the Nobel Laureates who
    discovered the structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic
    acid), the basic structure of inheritance in all
    life cells, upon consideration of its complexity,
    determined that it was too complex to occur by
    chance through evolutionary processes, and so
    decided life must have been planted on earth by

Intelligent Design
  • Evolutionary events are based on random chance
  • Such events cannot account for purpose
  • All things with a purpose in our man-made world
    were created with an intent
  • Watches, laptops, houses, cars, , did not occur
    by random chance
  • This suggests that in the larger world we
    observe, since things have a purpose, there must
    have been a Designer

Cause for Doubt or Reevaluation
  • Standard ideas of Historical Geology and
    Interpretation have been challenged by the
    Eruption of Mt. St. Helens, 27 years ago
  • A canyon, about ¼ mile wide, 1/8 mile deep, and
    more than a mile long was scoured in an afternoon
  • The deposition had many strata of various
    particle sizes that might be interpreted to
    represent many deposition periods
  • Coal has formed at the bottom of the lake

Issues of Faith
  • There are significant gaps in the theory of
    evolution as it pertains to macroevolution of
    species to require a determined belief in order
    to accept it, or in other words, faith
  • Hebrews 111 Now faith is being sure of what we
    hope for, and certain of what we do not see
  • So, whether we choose to believe in an
    intelligent Designer/Creator, benevolent aliens,
    or random, beneficial macroevolution none of
    which we have seen faith is required

  • Genesis 1-2 In the beginning, God
  • God spoke, and happened by His Powerful Word
  • Proverbs 822-31 Wisdom is personified, and
    speaks its role in Creation
  • John 11-5, 10-14 Jesus, the Word of God, was
    active in Creation, and is rejected by His
  • Romans 818-28 Creation longs to be redeemed,
    for not only Adam and Eve fell

More Foundations
  • Jeremiah 1012-13 God made the earth by His
  • Job 38-41 God questions Job about Jobs
    nonexistent role in Creation, and many specific
    details that God designed
  • Psalm 104 God creates life, and provides for
    it, when He removes His spirit, even animals die
  • Psalm 13913-16 God knew us before we were
    born, planned us, ... with a purpose

Still More Foundations
  • Jeremiah 15 Reminds us that God has a purpose
    for us, even before our conception
  • Ephesians 210 For we are Gods workmanship,
    created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which
    God prepared in advance for use to do.
  • Romans 118-20 Psalm 191-2 All creation bears
    witness of God

The Challenge
  • Whatever choice you make requires faith
  • Will you choose to believe that you are the
    result of
  • A cosmic accident,
  • Benevolent aliens, or
  • An Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent,
    Transcendent, Gracious, Merciful, Loving God who
    created the earth and everything in it (including
    you) with a purpose?
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