Title: FRBR Enhancing the Users Experience
1FRBR Enhancing the Users Experience
- Deb Bendig and
- Dawn Hendricks
2005 WiLS Fall Peer Council October 10, 2005
2This morning
- Quick general FRBR overview -Deb
- FRBR Implementations -Deb
- FRBR in FirstSearch WorldCat Dawn
- FRBR in Open WorldCat - Deb
- FRBR and Cataloging - Deb
- Local catalogs and FRBR - Deb
- 10 minute breaks on the hour, or close!
3General FRBR Overview
- Deb Bendig
- Product Manager,
- Discovery View of WorldCat
- dbendig_at_oclc.org
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6IFLAs Functional Requirements for Bibliograp
hic Records IFLA Study Group on the Functiona
l Requirements for Bibliographic Records, 1998.
7Why FRBR?
- What information is of the most value to users of
the catalog?
- How can that most valuable information be used
more effectively?
8What FRBR Is Isnt?
- It isnt a standard
- So, its not something to implement
- Its a conceptual model
- It helps us think about current standards and
- Its a tool
- It clarifies how catalogs should function
9Four User Tasks
- Find
- Identify
- Select
- Obtain
- And, maybe a fifth
- Navigate
10 Group 1 Bibliographic Entities
- Work
- A distinct intellectual or artistic creation
- Expression
- The intellectual or artistic realization of a
- Manifestation
- The physical embodiment of an expression of a
- Item
- A single example of a manifestation
is realized through
is embodied in
is exemplified by
12(No Transcript)
13Edna Ferbers Show Boat
14 Group 2 Responsible Entities
- Person
- Corporate Body
- And perhaps a third
- Family
15 Group 3 Subject Entities
- Concept
- Object
- Event
- Place
- Plus the Group 1 and 2 Entities
- A set of characteristics that serve as the basis
for formulating queries and interpreting
- Can be either inherent or externally applied
17FRBR is about relationships.
18FRBR Implementations
19OCLC Research work with FRBR
- Analysis and dissemination
- Developed and released an algorithm
- Several research papers
- OCLC Office of Research FRBR Web Site
- http//www.oclc.org/research/projects/frbr/
20OCLC uses of the FRBR algorithm
- Our FRBRization has been done primarily at the
work level
- We have FRBRized OCLC WorldCat
- 60,000,000 records
- 1,000,000,000 holdings
- Norwegian BIBSYS records
- Finnish national bibliography
- Electronic thesis metadata
21OCLC Research work with FRBR
Eucalyptus / Murray Bail 1998 Melbourne Text
Pub. ISBN 1875847634
- 1875847634 18
60464947 1860464955 sbn963859313x 2221087615
9532060065 9657120055isbn
Eucalyptus 1998 Melbourne Text Pub.
Eucalyptus 1998 London Harvill Press
Eucalyptus 1999 London Panther
Eukaliptusz 1999 Budapest Ulpius-ház
Hungarian Eucalyptus 1999 Paris R. Laffont
French Eukaliptus 1999 Zagreb Meandar Croa
tian Ek?alipt?us 2001 Tel Aviv Hargol Hebre
23xISBN bookmarklet
Is the book at my library?
24OCLCs FictionFinder Prototype
- Brings together expressions and manifestations of
the same work for 2.3 million bibliographic
records for fiction
- The records are clustered at the work level using
the OCLC FRBR Work-Set Algorithm
- Expression-level grouping is by language
- Exploits existing bibliographic, authority, and
holdings information
- Summaries, genre terms, and subject headings are
featured in work/expression displays
25OCLCs FictionFinder Prototype
26OCLCs FictionFinder Prototype
27RLGs RedLightGreen
- Designed for fast undergraduate research
- Limited searching options
- FRBR-ish Merrilee Proffitt, RLG
- http//www.redlightgreen.com
28RLGs RedLightGreen
29VTLS has implemented FRBR
- Vinod Chachra, Chairman CEO, VTLS Inc. and John
Espley, Director of Design, VTLS Inc
- http//www.vtls.com/Corporate/FRBR.shtml
- Virtua system
- OPAC displays in tree model
- Work, expression, and manifestation records
30Innovative Interfaces Inc. - coming
- As per Claudia Conrad, IUG13, July 2005, III
- Use OCLCs FRBR Work-Set Algorithm as a starting
- Automatically build keys that define the group
one entities appropriate to a bibliographic
- Web OPAC will provide FRBR access via keys
- Millennium will automatically create keys in bib
- Future development may include a more complex
linked records approach
31Open WorldCat and FRBR
32(No Transcript)
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34FRBR - Future Plans
36Building a catalog
- A corollary of Michael Gorman's principle that
cataloguers describe the item in hand, it seems
to me, is the principle that cataloguers are
engaged in building catalogues, not just in
creating individual bibliographic records. - - J. McRee Elrod, AUTOCAT LISTSERV, Tue, 8 Feb
2005 062427
37From Allyson Carlyle
- What is being said is still speculative
- The potential biggest differences in workflow
would be in
- identifying the work, expression, and
manifestation entities explicitly instead of
implicitly and, potentially,
- making decisions about when to apply the use of
the work expression entities when not (since
there is much being said about partial
implementation of FRBR in cases in which it is
38Resource Description and Access
- To be published in 2008
- Tom Delsey, General Editor
- Concepts and terminology from Functional
Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR)
will be incorporated in the rules AACR3
strategic plan - http//www.collectionscanada.ca/jsc/rda.html
39How does FRBR fit in?
- Increased emphasis on serving the needs of users
- Incorporation of FRBR terminology
- Return to principle-based rules
- Increased consistency
- Improved collocation
- Explicit inclusion of authority control
40Uniform Titles
- Chapter 25 (Uniform Titles) will be revised to
incorporate the concept of expression-level
41Mapping MARC 21 Linking Entry Fields
- Taxonomies of bibliographic relationships have
been proposed
- PCC Standing Committee on Automation Task Group
on Linking Entries
- Pat Riva Article Mapping MARC 21 Linking Entry
Fields to FRBR and Tilletts Taxonomy of
Bibliographic Relationships, LRTS, 48 no2 Ap
42Mapping ISBD Elements to FRBR Entity Attributes
and Relationships
- http//www.ifla.org/VII/s13/pubs/ISBD-FRBR-mapping
Final.pdf (2004-07-28)
43Emerging FRBR models
- Model A Bibliographic records for each FRBR
level (work, expression, manifestation, item)
- Model B Bibliographic and authority records
created as now
- Functional Analysis of the MARC 21Bibliographic
and Holdings Formats
- (http//www.loc.gov/marc/marc-functional-analysis/
44Some considerations
- Legacy data may be the easy part. When you have
something new, how to know at which level to
- How will you know for sure which other
manifestations/expressions should be linked to it
when you only have the piece you have?
- At what level should each piece of information
should exist?
45What about the costs?
- Need to control cataloging costs?
- Need to create more records?
- The 80/20 (or 90/10) rule?
46A goal for future cataloging
- Work
- Authorized forms of names
- Subject headings
- Classification numbers
- Some notes
- Expression
- Info from Work record
- Other subject headings
- Notes, etc.
- Expression
- Info from Work record
- Other subject headings
- Notes, etc.
- Manifestation
- Info from Expression Record
- Notes, etc.
- Manifestation
- Info from Expression Record
- Notes, etc.
- Item
- Notes, etc.
- Barcodes
- Item
- Notes, etc.
- Barcodes
- Item
- Notes, etc.
- Barcodes
- Item
- Notes, etc.
- Barcodes
47What can you do now?
- Uniform titles are your friends use them!
- Verify your headings in the Authority File
- Take an extra few seconds to be sure that coding
in MARC records is correct
- Ask your local systems vendor about their plans
for FRBR
- Learn FRBR terms and concepts
48FRBRWhat it will mean for local
catalogs?Your users will experience more
efficient access to the material they need
49The OPAC experience
50Main barriers to use of material
- Availability
- Language of item
- Technical format of item
- Equipment required to read/hear/see
51FRBR and Local Catalogs the industry to do
- Decide where work info resides authority record
or bibliographic record
- How to share records/record sets
- Create separate records for work, expression,
manifestation, or build down?
- How to navigate among levels
- How to respond to request for material
52One key question on-the-fly, or store work
- If fixed view of catalog, pre-coordinate (except
results to match the search?)
- If view varies, hybrid approach (e.g.,
pre-coordinate then choose records that fit the
- Issue what are you showing users as results if
they search more than work attributes?
53Whats next?
- Experimentation, e.g.,
- Jennifer Bowen, UR Voyager OPAC mockups
(search bowen voyager frbr)
- More theoretical work and discussion, e.g.,
- Serials - Frieda Rosenberg and Diane Hillman,
et. al. www.lib.unc.edu/cat/mfh/serials_approach_f
- Incremental implementations
- WorldCat, RedLightGreen
54And, a question for catalogers
- Do the upcoming FirstSearch changes look useful
in your workflow?
55Thank You Questions?
For more information please contact
- Dawn Hendricks
- Dawn_hendricks_at_oclc.org
- (800) 848-5878, ext.6185
Deb Bendig dbendig_at_oclc.org (800) 848-5878, ext.