Title: P1246341517mdYjF
1Welcome to our Dinner, Dessert, and Curriculum
2Curriculum Information Packet (Available on the
back table if you did not receive one) 1 per
family please
3p 2
Our Philosophy
4The BLAZERS are a special team, as every team
must be. The letters of the BLAZERS name have
meaning as you will see?
5We are building a strong foundation to give
students a concrete base.
In organizational skills and thinking, so that
learning can take place.
6We ask our students to work hard by achieving in
all they do, so theyre demonstrating excellence
in their work for me and you.
7By reaching up and striving they do more than
they did before, by serving others in our
community they spread goodwill and open doors.
8We hope the BLAZERS team can light the way to
success. For we know the BLAZER students will
show they are the best!
9p 3
Communication Ms. Espinosa 783 2410
despinosa_at_kyrene.org Ms. Pate 783 2409
kpate_at_kyrene.org Ms. Lagerquist 783 2418
dlager_at_kyrene.org Mr. Pollard 783 2416
10p 4-6
Nuts and Bolts Please refer to this section
found on pages 4 6 for other information not
found in the Curriculum Night Packet
11p 4
Agenda Notebook Students were given an agenda
notebook at the beginning of the school year.
These will be used to record daily assignments,
class projects, important dates, and school
12p 4 - 5
Mid-Quarter Progress Reports A report of your
childs grades in all areas will be sent home. A
parents signature is required only on the one
progress report with the verification and
signature line. The form is to be returned to
the homeroom teacher. These reports will be
given during the weeks of
13p 4 - 5
- Mid-Quarter Progress Reports
- September 12, 2008
- November 14, 2008
- February 6, 2009
- April 17, 2009
14p 6
Field Trip / Activities Spring Lake
Pleasant (Desert Outdoor Center)
Other field trips will depend on the results of
the survey. (Surveys are located on the back
15p 6
Portfolios At the end of every grading period,
each student will assemble his / her best work
samples and subject reviews for each academic
area. These items, along with any awards,
certificates, pictures, etc., will be compiled
into a Sixth Grade Portfolio for an end of the
year presentation.
16p 8
- Process Skills
- Science Safety
- Earth Science
- Matter and Energy
- Plant and Animal Cells
- Human Body
17p 8
Tests 30 Quizzes 10 Class work
50 Homework 10
18p 9
- 6th Grade Math Objectives
- Decimals, Number Theories, and Fractions
- Collecting and Displaying Data
- Ratio, Proportion, and Percents
- Integers and Probability
- Perimeter, Area, and Volume
- Functions, Plane and Coordinate Geometry
19p 9
- 7th Grade Math Objectives
- Number Theories and Algebraic Reasoning
- Integers and Rational Numbers
- Proportions, Percents, and Probability
- Perimeter, Circumference, and Area
- Volume and Surface Area
- Inequalities, Graphs, and Functions
20p 9
Tests 60 Quizzes 35 Homework - 5
21p 10
- Language / Reading Goals
- Increase comprehension
- Improve writing using the 6-traits
- and the writing process
22p 10
Assessments (tests/projects) 60
Class work/Homework 40
23p 11
Social Studies
American History Early civilization pre
1500 World History Civics Geography Economics
24p 11
Social Studies
- Tests and Quizzes 45
- Class work / Projects 45
- Homework 10
25Academic Lab
Monday Academic Enhancement
Tuesday Reading / Academic Enhancement
Thursday Reading Enhancement Friday Team
Activities Other team activities as needed
26Important web pages
p 13
BLAZERS Homework Page
The links and others are found in the Curriculum
Information Packet
27p 14
Blazers Bucks
How can I possibly earn Blazers
Bucks? Receive a Bragging Bulldog
5 Weekly allowance 5
28p 14
Bragging Bulldog Your child will receive a
Bragging Bulldog each Tuesday.. This is your
way of checking for completion of assignments and
appropriate behavior.
29p 14
Social Studies
30p 15
Tax Credit Available
Under Arizona State Law ARS43-1089.01, Arizona
taxpayer can get a dollar-for-dollar tax credit.
You do not have to have a child in a public
school in order to receive this credit. Parents,
grandparents, relatives, friends, etc. are
31p 15
Tax Credit Available
Under the provisions of SB 1529 individuals may
donate 200 per year if filing as single, or
married filing separate returns 400 per year
for married couples filing a joint return 200
each for a husband and wife who file separate
returns for a taxable year in which they could
have file a joint return
32p 15
As you send in your donations for this year,
please remember that it may be used as a tax
credit on your state income tax. Field trips and
athletics are examples of taxable donations. A
receipt will be provided for tax purposes.
33p 16
- Volunteers
- Please see page 16 in your packet for ways in
which you can volunteer to assist our team this
year. - Please turn completed sheet into your childs
Academic Lab teacher. -
34p 17
Homework Expectations To receive full credit for
completion of homework assignments, work must be
completed on the due date. No credit will be
given for late homework.
35p 18
Child Information If there is any information
that you feel our team needs about your child
that would enhance their learning, please
complete page 18 and return to your childs
Academic Lab teacher.
36p 19
- Community Service Projects
- Pueblo will provide various opportunities to
participate in Community Service. - Adopt A Child (Winter holiday)
- Canned food drive (Thanksgiving)
- Collection of pull tabs to benefit Ronald
McDonald House -
37T-shirt update FINAL and ONLY orders for the year
are due Friday, August 22 Turn into Mr. Pollard
38Curriculum Night Packet Receipt Sign and remove
the last page to confirm that you have received
this packet. Place in tray in the back of the
39Thanks for being here tonight with us. We
welcome you to the Pueblo community.