Title: The Meyers Short Battery MSB
1The Meyers Short Battery (MSB)
- John E. Meyers, Psy.D.
- Center for Neuroscience, Orthopedics Spine,
Dakota Dunes, SD - Martin L. Rohling, Ph.D.
- University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
2Table of Contents
- Philosophy of MSB
- Development of MSB
- Norms Development
- Sensitivity and Specificity
- LOC Dose Response
- Profiles
- Ecological Validity
3Philosophy of MSB
- MSB began as much longer battery of tests.
- Using Discriminate Function Selected tests that
discriminated Normal from TBI. - Did original study years ago.
4Philosophy of MSB
- Goal was to find the best/shortest battery
- Sensitive to Brain Injury
- Commonly used Tests, that most NPs know
- Originally a 6 hour battery cut to 2.5-3 hrs
- Mean for Litigants 2.89 SD .63 hrs (n 410)
- Mean for non litigants 2.86 SD .68 hrs (n
941) - Tests were selected not only for sensitivity but
also ease of administration and scoring (i.e.
Category vs WCST).
5Testing Order for MSB
- Short WAIS-III
- Forced Choice (FC)
- Rey Complex Figure (RCFT) - Copy
- Animal Naming
- 3 min recall of RCFT
- Dichotic Listening
- N. Am. Adult Reading (NAART)
- Sentence Repetition
- 30 min Recall of RCFT
- Recognition Trial of RCFT
- (Break offered)
- Boston Naming
- Finger Tapping
- Finger Localization
- Trails A B
- Token Test
- AVLT 30 minute Recall
- AVLT Recognition Trial
- Booklet Category Test
6Individual Tests in The MSB
- Ward 7 Subtest (Pilgrim, Meyers, et al., 1999)
7MSB Database
- Description of large patient sample
- (N 2939)
- Descriptive Statistics
- Note The individual with 0 years of education
was from Mexico and had not completed a single
year of education.
8MSB Database
- Gender
- Female 1334
- Male 1605
- Handedness
- Right Handed 2583
- Left Handed 356
9MSB Database
- Ethnicity
- African American 64
- Mixed Racial 41
- Caucasian 2715
- Asian 11
- Native American 55
- Hispanic 53
10MSB Database
11MSB Database
12MSB Database
13MSB DatabaseMental Health Diagnoses
14MSB Database Normative Data
- Evaluating normative data, observed variation in
test norms, with age education. - AVLT normative data (Spreen Strauss, 1998)
- M 11.4 (SD 2.4) for Trial 6 (IR) Age 30-39
- Now, at age 40, M 10.4 (SD 2.7).
- Individual with 10 on this test 1 day before DOB,
then tested again 1 day after DOB, score (i.e.,
10) would improve from a 44T to 48T (using a
linear transformation). - Using the Heaton et al. (1991) then score would
improve from Below Average to Average range
following 1 day. - Common problem w/ non-smoothed normative data.
15MSB Normative Data
- Decided to smooth normative data
- Selected all subjects with validity scores
- 15 years or older
- 15 years selected as age for adult Trails A B.
16MSB Normative Data
- Subgroup size n 1727.
- Mean age 45.7 (sd 20.7)
- Education 12.3 (sd 2.7).
- Gender 779 female 948 male
- 1543 RH (88) 184 LH (12).
- Ethnicity of sample
- 32 mixed 22 African America
- 1617 were Caucasian 2 Asian
- 27 Native American 27 Hispanic.
17MSB Normative Data
- Regression equation used
- Raw score
- Variables, age, education, gender, hand, race
- Predict T-score previously using standard
normative data.
18MSB Regression Norms
- Process smoothes data
- Also adds dimension of age, ed, sex, hand,
ethnicity adjustment in patient sample. - Normal sample, these variables not always sign.
- But injured group, these variables take on
important impact on scores.
19MSB Normative Data
- Therefore, regression equations change the data
(using prior example) - Female age 39
- Score 10 AVLT Trial 6 (IR) 45 (T score)
- Also, 1 day after DOB score 45 (T score)
20MSB Normative Data
Because of the skewedness of the data
percentile scores were computed and transformed
to T Scores for this test.
21MSB Normative Data
22MSB Normative Data
23MSB Data Children
- Same regression procedures used with children
with similar results. - Sample size for children N 348.
24MSB Regression Equations
25MSB Regression Equations
26MSB Regression Equations
27Norms for the Token TestAdult Token Test
- Token Test only instrument in battery for which
regression procedure inappropriate. - As a result, equipotential procedures used to
generate T scores for Token. - See hand-out for T score conversions.
28MSB Recap
- Step 1 Took battery of well known NP Tests
- Tests with which most clinicians are familiar.
- Tests selected based on
- Utility
- ease of scoring
- assess wide array of functions
- Battery result several preliminary batteries.
29MSB Recap (contd)
- Step 2 Large database of Ss collected
- N 2939
- Step 3 Examined norms for smoothing
- Data smoothed across battery for ages 6-99
- Separate norms for 6-14 and 15-99
- Adjusted for age, education, gender, ethnicity,
30MSB Recap (contd)
- Step 4. Recalculate database with new norms
(Step 3) - Now on to Step 5
- Is this battery of tests valid?
31MSB Step 5 Is this battery valid?
- Examine Reliability Validity of MSB
- Meyers, J.E., Rohling, M.L. (2004). Validation
of the Meyers Short Battery on Mild TBI patients.
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 19,
637-651. - Study with 4 groups.
32Validity of MSB
- 30 Medical Controls, in hospital for non CNS
problem (i.e. ingrown toe nails) (Group 1) - All community dwelling
- No Hx of LD, DD, Substance abuse, TBI, or Mental
Health problem, or anything that would disqualify
as Normal. - M Age 38.6 years (SD 18.9) years.
- M Ed 13.4 years of education (SD 3.2).
- Gender 15 male, 15 female.
- Handedness 29 R handed 1 L handed.
- Ethnicity 29 Caucasian 1 Native American.
33Validity of MSB
- Depressed Group (Group 2) 41 patients
- All on SSRI
- M Age 46.0 years (SD 15.0)
- M ed 13.5 yrs (SD 2.7)
- Gender 20 female 21 male
- Handedness 38 RH 3 LH
- Ethnicity 1 mixed 40 Caucasian.
- 29 of these completed MMPI-2
- L 52.1 (SD 11.4) 1 63.8 (SD 12.8)
- F 60.5 (SD 11.7) 2 70.8 (SD 14.5)
- K 50.2 (SD 10.2) 3 66.7 (SD 16.0)
34Validity of MSB
- Chronic Pain 32 cases treated outpatient.
- None involved in litigation time of assessment,
no previous litigation. - Individuals injured in non-work-related accidents
or on own farms - Chose not to pursue workmans comp.
35Validity of the MSBChronic Pain Group Continued
- M Age 40.72 years (SD 14.17)
- M Education 13.41 years (SD 2.06).
- Gender 20 females and 12 males
- Handedness 29 R handed 3 L handed
- Ethnicity 31 Caucasian 1 Native American.
36Validity of MSB
- Group 4 consisted of 59 individuals with history
of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). - All individuals had been seen at the local
hospital and rehabilitation unit and followed
through rehab. - All had identified loss of consciousness (LOC)
that was 20 minutes or less, other data such as
GCS and PTA were not always available however,
LOC data were available for all participants. - LOC was defined as the time to follow commands
(e.g., Dikmen, et al., 1995 Volbrecht, et al.,
37Validity of MSB
- M Age 36.9 (SD 15.1)
- M Ed 12.6 years (SD 2.1).
- Time Post Injury 7.6 months (SD 11).
- Gender 14 female 43 were male
- Handedness 51 RH Dom 6 LH Dom
- Ethnicity 2 mixed, 1 Hispanic 54 Caucasian.
38Validity of MSB Test scores obtained for each of
the study groups
39Validity of MSB Test scores obtained for each of
the study groups
40Validity of MSB
- Validity was assessed using a discriminant
function analysis comparing the Non TBI
participants with the TBI participants. - The resulting function resulted in a 96.1
correct classification rate with 98.9
specificity and 90 sensitivity.
41Reliability of MSB
- Reflecting a general clinical sample,
- 63 persons with mixed diagnoses were assessed
more than once, with the first testing at least
six months post injury. - Some in litigation, all passed all validity
checks - Group descriptive
- Age 38.38 years (SD 22.8) Ed 12.2 (SD 2.9)
42Test ReTest Reliability
- First Testing Months post Injury 21.6 (SD
22.8) - ReTest post injury 40.7 months (SD 33.2).
- Time between testing 19.1 months (SD 16.6)
- range 2 to 91 months, and a median months
difference of 13 months. - Reliability of r .86
43MSB Correlation with CT/MRI
- From larger database 534 subjects had CT/MRI
data/Passed built in Validity Checks (will
Discuss later) - Age M 44.1 (SD 20.4)
- ED M 12.0 (SD 2.81)
- Coded 1 or 0 Based on CT/MRI lesion lobes
- LF Left Frontal
- LPLeft Pariental
- LTLeft Temporal
- LOLeft Occipital
- RFRight Frontal
- RPRight Pariental
- RTRight Temporal
- RORight Occipital
45Correlation CT/MRI with MSB
46Correlation CT/MRI with MSB
47Correlation CT/MRI with MSB
- The MSB
- Assesses wide variety of cognitive areas,
corresponding with each lobe of the brain. - Significant correlations
- Correlations were significant, but should not be
used as localizing info.
- Meyers, J.E. Volbrecht, M. E. (2003). A
validation of multiple malingering detection
methods in a large clinical sample, Archives of
Clinical Neuropsychology, 18, 261-276. - Other publications
50Internal Validity Check (0 FP Rate cutoff)
51Internal Validity Checks
- A total of 796 participants in the study, ages
ranged from 16 to 86, with education ranging from
5 years to 23 years.
52Internal Validity Checks 15 Groups
- Non litigant TBI group LOC lt1 hr
- Non litigant TBI group LOC gt1 hour lt24 hour
- Non litigant TBI group LOC gt24 hour lt 8 days
- Non litigant TBI group LOC gt 9 days
- Non litigant group Chronic pain
- Depressed group
- Litigants LOC lt 1 hour
- Litigants LOC gt 1 hour
- Litigants chronic pain
- Normals
- Institutionalized patients
- Noninstitutionalized patient failed no more
than 1 validity check - Noninstitutionalized and failed 2 or more
validity checks (not in litigation). - Noninstitutionalized and failed 2 or more
validity checks and in litigation. - Informed actors (portraying role of a malingerer).
53Internal Validity Checks
- It was found that the 9 neuropsychological tests
(when used together) were able to correctly
identify litigant and nonlitigating groups. This
method showed 83 sensitivity and 100
54Internal Validity Check
- This method showed 83 sensitivity and 100
specificity. A 0 false positive rate was found.
55Domains used by the MSB(N 936)
- Attention and Working Memory
- Forced Choice
- Digit Span
- Sentence Repetition
- Animal Naming
- AVLT 1
- Processing Speed/Mental Flexibility
- Digit Symbol
- Dichotic Both
- Trails A
- Trails B
- RCFT Time
56Domains used by the MSB(N 936)
- Verbal Reasoning
- Arithmetic
- Similarities
- Information
- Dichotic Right
- Dichotic Left
- Boston Naming
- Token Test
- Visual Reasoning
- Picture Completion
- Block Design
- Category
- RCFT Copy
57Domains used by the MSB
- Verbal Memory
- AVLT Total
- AVLT Immediate
- AVLT Delayed
- AVLT Recognition
- Visual Memory
- RCFT Immediate
- RCFT Delayed
- RCFT Recognition
58Domains used by the MSB (N 936)
- Motor and Sensory
- Finger Tapping Dominant Hand
- Finger Tapping Non-Dominant Hand
- Finger Localization Dominant Hand
- Finger Localization Non-Dominant Hand
59Domain Consistency
- N 936
- Passed all Validity Checks
- No missing data
- Not involved in Litigation
- Calculated Domain Means
- Calculated Regression Equation to predict each
Domain Mean based on other Domains
60Domain Means Correlations All were Significant (
p lt .001 )
61Domains Regression Equations
- Attention Working Memory
- Verbal Reasoning .315
- Verbal Memory .273
- Processing Speed .193
- Constant 10.972
62Domains Regression Equations
- Processing Speed/ Mental Flexibility
- Verbal Reasoning .401
- Visual Reasoning .284
- Attention Working Memory .230
- Constant 2.434
63Domains Regression Equations
- Verbal Reasoning
- Processing Speed .361
- Attention Working Memory .354
- Visual Reasoning .243
- Constant 2.500
64Domains Regression Equations
- Visual Reasoning
- Visual Memory .322
- Process Speed/Mental Flex .213
- Verbal Reasoning .208
- Constant 11.813
65Domains Regression Equations
- Verbal Memory
- Attention Working Memory .738
- Visual Memory .388
- Constant -7.615
66Domains Regression Equations
- Visual Memory
- Visual Reasoning .698
- Verbal Memory .311
- Processing Speed .091
- Constant -5.517
68Review So Far
- Took a battery of well known tests
- Developed Norms
- Identified Validity, Reliability, Sensitivity and
Specificity. - Internal Validity Checks and Internal Consistency
69The Meyers Short Battery, as Seen through the
Lens of the Rohling Interpretive Method
- John E. Meyers, Psy.D.
- Center for Neuroscience, Orthopedics Spine,
Dakota Dunes, SD - Martin L. Rohling, Ph.D.
- University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
70Neuropsychologist as Diagnostician
- Most clinicians creatively approach assessment
based upon relevant knowledge in cognitive
neuroscience, clinical neurology, and test
development - 85 of neuropsychologists recently surveyed
administer a flexible battery. - Consequently, the omnibus index scores
generated from fixed batteries serve little
71The Dilemma
- Insurance reimbursements are forcing the
reconsideration of index scores from fixed
batteries. - Evidence based medicine
- Recent court rulings (e.g., Daubert, Kumho)
- These forces require the presence of empirical
support for diagnostic decisions based upon
neuropsychological testing.
72So Why Consider Index Scores?
- When diagnosis is essentially yes or no,
actuarial procedures consistently outperform
clinical decision-making and are more efficient - However, the omnibus index scores from fixed
batteries are all weve got with established
rates of accuracy for identifying brain damage.
73Tough Im not about to start giving the HRB
- It takes too long to give.
- Its too psychometrically messy.
- The HRB does not allow separation of
neurocognitive constructs that can be delineated
by newer tests. - Its too old.
- Norms are out-of-date, as are test materials.
- However, the HRB remains the gold standard, as
far as actuarial procedures for
neuropsychological assessment.
74The RIM Solution
- Wouldnt it be cool if, for these yes no
evaluations, we could generate a meaningful
summary index based upon the scores generated
from a flexible battery?
75If such an index existed, it would have to be
- As useful as common fixed battery indices.
- Able to incorporate different measures without
losing substantial utility. - Practical for everyday clinical use.
- Easy to cross-validate across samples.
76RIM Based on Meta-AnalysisWhat Is Meta-Analysis
- A statistical procedure for combining data across
empirical studies. - Increases the signal-to-noise ratio by combining
true score variance while distributing error
variance. - Facilitates the investigation of causality and
methodology that cannot be accomplished by any
single empirical design.
77Effect Size Calculations
- Cohens d
- (Me Mc) / (SDpooled)
- Glasss D
- (Me Mc) / (SDc)
- Average effect sizes across studies to get more
valid and reliable results.
78Sample RIM Summary Graph
79(No Transcript)
80RIM Steps to Generate Summary Scores Interpret
- Design administer battery.
- Estimate premorbid general ability.
- Convert test scores to a common metric.
- Assign scores to domains.
- Calculate domain M, sd, n.
- Calculate test battery means (TBM).
- Calculate p for heterogeneity.
- Determine categories of impairment.
81RIM Steps to Generate Summary Scores Interpret
- Determine of test impaired.
- Calculate ES for all domains and TBMs.
- Calculate CI.
- Determine the upper limit of performance.
- Conduct t tests.
- Conduct a between-subjects ANOVA.
- Power analyses.
- Sort scores.
- Display summary statistics.
82RIM Steps to Generate Summary Scores Interpret
- Assess battery validity.
- Examine influence of psychopathology
- Use OTBM, DTBM, ITBM to determine if
impairment exists.
- Determine current strengths and weaknesses.
- Examine non-cognitive domains.
- Explore for Type II errors.
- Examine sorted T-scores.
83RIM Studies Related to MSB
- TBI Dose Response MSB HRB.
- Rohling, M. L., Meyers, J. E., Millis, S.
(2003). Neuropsychological impairment following
TBI A dose response analysis. The Clinical
Neuropsychologist, 17, 289-302. - RIM Analysis of the HRB.
- Rohling, M. L., Williamson, D. J., Miller, L. S.,
Adams, R. (2003). Using the Halstead Reitan
Battery to diagnose brain damage A comparison of
the predictive power of traditional techniques to
Rohlings Interpretive Method. The Clinical
Neuropsychologist, 17, 531-544. - Return to Work after Injury - MSB data used.
- Rohling, Meyers, Blanton (in submission).
84Study 1 TBI Dose Response
- Summary statistics to generate ESs from
- Dikmen, S. S., Machamer, J. E., Winn, H. R.,
Temkin, N. R. (1995). Neuropsychological outcome
at 1-yr post head injury. Neuropsychology, 9,
80-90. - Raw data requested, but not accessible.
Therefore, meta-analysis used to calculate ESs
from published summary statistics.
85Study 1 TBI Dose Response
- Initial analysis presented at NAN (2000) was
based on n 150 and came from - Volbrecht, M. E., Meyers, J. E.,
Kaster-Bundgaard, J. (2000). Neuropsychological
outcome of head injury using a short battery.
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 15,
251-265. - Later, raw data accessed with larger sample (n
317). - Symptom validity used to clean sample (n 68)
- ESs calculated for each subject averaged.
- Overall Test Battery Mean (OTBM)
86Study 1 TBI Dose Response
- Dikmen et al.s (1995) - TBI assessed 1 yr post
- Divided into 6 severity of injury groups based on
Time to follow verbal commands. - (1) lt 1 hr, (2) 1-23 hrs, (3) 1-6 d, (4) 7-13 d,
(5) 14-28 d, (6) gt 28 d. - ESs generated as part of a prior meta-analysis
(Binder, Rohling, Larrabee, 1997). - Halstead Impairment Index used as measure of
global severity of cognitive impairment.
87Study 1 TBI Dose Response
- Meyers data classified using same 6 severity
groups as Dikmen et al. (1995). - Flexible battery administered with number of
tests varying across patients. - Average test time was 2.6 hrs.
- Max. number of measures examined 26.
- Only 4 measures used by both researchers.
88Study 1 OTBM Regressed using HRB MSB Summary
- Mostly severely impaired group differences
between the two samples. - Dikmen et al. estimated for untestable pts.
- Meyers excluded untestable pts.
- Regression across 5 severity groups found high
degree of agreement between samples. - R .97
- Slope .92 (NS from 1)
- Intercept 4.7 (NS from 0)
89TBI Demographics Dikmen Meyers
- Dikmen Sample
- Age 29.9 (12.5)
- Ed 12.0 (2.3)
- Sex 72 male
- T since TBI 1 yr
- Barona IQ 95.8 (est.)
- Meyers Sample
- Age 32.8 (14.7)
- Ed 12.0 (2.4)
- Sex 64 male
- T since TBI 3 yrs
- Barona IQ 94.3
- NART IQ 97.3
90Dikmen ESs Meyers T Scores
91Combined Dikmen Meyers Estimates ES, T,
92Study 1 HRB TBI Severity
- Correlation .98 for OTBM HII across 6 groups
for Dikmen et al. (1995) sample. - Slopes -.039
- Intercept 1.98
- T for Imp. high (43.0)
- Later to be used in cross-validation study with
the Oklahoma HRB sample
93Domains of Cognition Combined Dikmen Meyers
94TBI Dose Response Summary
- The OTBM from the MSB is as sensitive to degrees
of impairment as is the HRB. - Practical advantages to the MSB-RIM
- lt 3 hrs to administer vs. 8 for HRB.
- Domain scores generated for interpretation.
- Better to detect suboptimal performance.
- Easy to view graphics for greater Dx accuracy.
- Indices robust across multiple studies.
95Study 2 HRB Validation of RIM
- Sherer et al. (1993) published a cross-validation
of the GNDS (Reitan Wolfson, 1991), using the
University of Oklahoma Health Science Center
database generated from 1977 to 1989. - Vanderploeg et al. (1997) responded to Reitan
Wolfsons (1995) statement that age and
education dont matter with the same dataset.
96Study 2 HRB Sample from Okla.
- Originally 114 patients.
- 73 Brain Damaged patients (TBI, CVA, etc.).
- 41 Pseudoneurological pts (i.e., psychiatric).
- Role of research on pseudoneurological controls
looking at cut scores for most accurate
classification of patients to groups. - These were predominantly psychiatric cases with
schizophrenia, depression, anxiety dx, etc.
97What is the Halstead Impairment Index (HII)?
- A measure of overall neurocognitive functioning
designed by Retain for the HRB. - Variables rated from 0 (normal) to 1 (impaired)
- Number of variables 7
- Range 0 (normal ) to 1.0 (severe)
- HII a rounded ratio to the nearest 10ths of the
of scores impaired by total number of scores. - Tests Category, TPT (time, mem, loc), Rhythm,
Speech, Tapping (dom). - Cutoff score for impairment recommended .30
98What is the Average Impairment Rating (AIR)?
- Russell (1970) measure of global cognitive
functioning designed to improve on HII. - Each variable rated 0 (normal) to 3 (severe)
- Number of variables is flexible
- Range from 0 (normal ) to 6 (profound)
- 0.5 intervals
- Measures normed on this scale by Russell (1970).
Tables to convert scores to AIRs - Cutoff score for impairment 1.30
99What is the Global Neurological Deficit Scale
- Retain Wolfson (1993) - measure of cognition
designed to improve HII AIR. - Each variable rated 0 (normal) to 3 (severe)
- Performance Level Variables (n 19)
- Pathognomic Sign Variables (n 13)
- Pattern Variables (n 2)
- Anterior/Posterior
- Right/Left Laterality
- Range (n 34) 0 to 102.
- Cutoff Recommended 28.
100Study 2 OTBM vs. HII
- Heaton et al.s (1991) HRB norms used to get OTBM
- T Score (M50, sd10)
- OTBM Correlation with HII -.79
- (p lt .0001)
- 62 variance accounted
- Over predicts low
- Under predicts high
101Study 2 OTBM vs. GNDS
- OTBM Correlates with GNDS -.87
- 76 variance accounted
- OTBM neither under nor over predicts across the
range of the GNDS - Intercept for impairment as defined by Reitan
Wolfson (GNDS 29) is a T Score 46.0
102Study 2 OTBMs Relationship to Other Global
103Study 2 Diagnostic Classification Using the HII
104Study 2 Cross-Validation of RIM using the HRB in
2 Samples
- Regressed Dikmen Meyers TBI data
- Generated a predicted HII for pts in OK dataset.
- Correlation actual predicted HII .95
- Sense .60, Spec .77, PPV .78, NPV .59
- Overall Correct Classification 71
- Predicted HII from MSBs OTBM more accurate
indicator of impairment than actual HII.
105Study 2 Summary of Results
- The RIM as good a predictor of cognitive
functioning as validated indices of HRB. - (i.e., HII, AIR, GNDS).
- RIMs diagnostic accuracy as good or better than
HII, AIR, GNDS in discriminating abnormal
106Study 3 Return to Work after Injury
- Three main hypotheses using MSB-RIM
- OTBM will predict return to work level
- Cognitive domain that will be most predictive
will be executive function - Adding the Patient Competency Rating Scale will
improve work prediction - PCRS is by Prigatano (1985)
107Study 3 ANOVA Results for OTBM
108Logistic Regression using OTBM
109Study 3 Summary of OTBM
- Significant OTBM differences between return to
work groups. - Logistic results Disabled /Unemployed not able to
separate. - Logistic results Below/At Previous not able to
separate. - Collapsed groups result in 71 correct, well
above base rate of 52 correct.
110Study 3 Results of Domain Analysis
- Executive function not the most predictive.
- Most of the Logistic results variance cared by
Perceptual Organization followed by Attention
Working Memory. - Using Cognitive Domains
- OTBM increases Correct from 71 to 74.
- Incremental validity of PCRS is very low.
- 7 of the variance.
111Study 3 Results of Domain Analysis
- By including premorbid variables, increases
diagnostic accuracy most helpful being - Premorbid IQ, level of occupation, education
- Including acute measures also increases accuracy
most helpful being - LOC group
- Time since injury
112Interpreting the MSB
- Profiles What the data is like, type of injury
- RIM How bad is it (OTBM)
- Domains What deficits
- Rehab Individual Scales
- Normals are normal hospital controls, were seen
for some malady other than neurological (i.e. in
grown toe nails) (Blue Line) - Hospital Patients with identified brief LOC, by
witness report of seconds to minutes. Mild TBI
with brief LOC (Black Line) All reporting some
Post Concussive Syndrome Characteristics
including Headache - Moderate TBI 1 hr to 24 hrs LOC, Documented in
medical records (Red Line) - Severe TBI 8 days or more LOC, Documented in
medical records (Green Line)
114Traumatic Brain Injury
115Correlations between Profiles
- Correlations are with the Mild TBI Group
- Notice consistency with the TBI groups
- Correlations (My rule of thumb .30 )
- Configurations (My rule of thumb .59)
- Group N
- Similar types of injuries produce similar type
profiles - i.e. Left Learning Disability, Left Hemisphere
originating Seizure Disorder and MS. - Why?
- Because all three have / can have impairment in
Left hemisphere - Similar type impairments produce similar patterns
of performance - Dissimilar injuries produce dissimilar patterns
- Learning Disability (Black Line)
- Epilepsy (Red Line) Left hemisphere originating
- Left Temporal Lobectomy (Blue line)
- RCVA (Green Line)
- Notice that the RCVA group is different from the
other groups
118Similar and Dissimilar profiles
119Case Study BBMVA
- Age 19
- Ed 12
- Male
- Right Handed
- Caucasian
- Single Vehicle Accident
- Not Forensic
- NART 57 T
- Barona 50 T
- Short Form WAIS-III
- 7 subtest
- VIQ 110
- PIQ 117
- FIQ 113
120Case Study BB
- LOC at scene described by other passenger
Knocked Out for couple of minutes he didnt wake
up when I shook him a little, and then he started
to groan a little bit. - PTA Ambulance records Confused, but could
answer his name - ER Able to answer questions with repeated
Questions, some mild confusion - Whole time from accident to only mild confusion
less than one hour
121Case Study BB
122Case Study BB
- Step 1 Check for Validity
- Validity Checks
- Internal Consistency
- Step 2 Profile
- Is the pattern of performance similar to what you
expect for a TBI
123Case Study BB
- History
- No Previous Head Injury
- College Freshman (first semester)
- Internal Validity Checks
- Passed All 8
- And Motor performance
124Case Study BB
- Internal Consistency Check
- (Must be Greater than 15 to be clinically
significant). He passed all - Estimated Actual Difference
- Attention Wk Mem 48 47 1
- Proc Speed/Ment Flex 49 49 0
- Verbal Reasoning 50 52 -2
- Visual Reasoning 50 52 -2
- Verbal Memory 47 41 7
- Visual Memory 48 52 -4
125Case Study BB
126Case Study BB
127Case Study BB
- From this you can see
- 1. Objective method of assessing validity and
internal validity - 2. Objective method of assessing the
characteristics of the profile. To see if the
pattern of scores is as expected
128Summary of MSB
- Check Internal Validity Check
- Check the expected level of performance
- Profiles tells what performance is similar to
(.30 correlation, .59 Configuration) - Impaired Domains tell what type of deficits
- Individual test scores useful for designing
cognitive rehab
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