Title: Research Strengths within Adult Respiratory Medicine
1Research Strengths within Adult Respiratory
- Mike Morgan
- University Hospitals of Leicester
2Research networks and respiratory disease
- Common problem
- No National Strategy
- No topic specific network
- Historically poor research funding (reasons)
- No local pedigree
- No local HEFCE funding
- All academic activity NHS funded
3The spectrum of Adult lung disease
Lung cancer Mesothelioma
Chronic cough
Pneumonia Sleep apnoea Respiratory
failure Paediatric lung disease
Interstitial lung disease
4The spectrum of adult lung disease
5.2 million sufferers in the UK (1.1 million
Lung cancer Mesothelioma
Chronic cough
Pneumonia Sleep apnoea Respiratory
failure Paediatric lung disease
Interstitial lung disease
5The spectrum of adult lung disease
Lung cancer Mesothelioma
3.7 million affected in UK 1 million
symptomatic 30,000 deaths 1 million hospital
inpatient days/annum 89 population unaware
Chronic cough
Pneumonia Sleep apnoea Respiratory
failure Paediatric lung disease
Interstitial lung disease
6The spectrum of adult lung disease
Lung cancer Mesothelioma
Chronic cough
Pneumonia Sleep apnoea Respiratory
failure Paediatric lung disease
Interstitial lung disease
7Research groupings
- Pathogenesis of asthma
- Prof A Wardlaw
- Prof P Bradding
- Airway inflammation
- Prof I Pavord
- Prof C Brightling
- Chronic cough
- Prof I Pavord
- Prof C Brightling
- Profs Pavord, Brightling, Morgan Dr M Steiner
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- Prof M Morgan, Prof S Singh, Dr M Steiner
- Lung cancer and Mesothelioma
- Mr D Waller Dr M Peake
8Publications, Impact and funding record
- Publications in the last ten years gt300
- 3 NEJM, 3 FASEB,7 Lancet
- 16 Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 16 Chest,58 Thorax
- Impact
- NICE, BTS, ATS/ERS Guidelines
- NSF development
- Funding
- MRC, Wellcome, EU Framework 7, BLF, Asthma UK
- Commercial trials
- gt50 since 1993
9N Engl J Med 20023461699-705.
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12Randomised Controlled Trial of Dietary Creatine
as an Adjunct Therapy to Physical Training in
COPD Deacon SJ, Vincent EE, Greenhaff PL, Fox J,
Steiner MC, Singh SJ, Morgan MD. Am J Respir
Crit Care Med. 2008 Apr 17 Epub ahead of print
13Molecular Approaches to Reversing Skeletal Muscle
Wasting in COPD. The Role of Resistance Training
and Protein Supplementation.
MRC experimental medicine research grant 750,000
Muscle gene and protein expression Muscle
function and mass Whole body exercise Circulating
inflammatory cytokines
14Pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic heart failure
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16Back to the future or déjà vu?
- Uphill Struggle
- Bureaucratic obstacles
- Unattractive to trainees
- Innovation stifled
- Focus on laboratory and cyber research
- Movement away from translational or clinical
research - Success judged by income rather than output.
- NIHR Comprehensive research network aims
- Enable participation by all healthcare
professionals and patients - Remove the barriers
- Streamline and assist administrative processes
- Strengthen collaborations with industry
- Integrate health research and patient care
17COPD political awakening and new research