Title: CS580 Advanced Database Topics
1CS580Advanced Database Topics
- Chapter 9
- E-R and EER ? Relations
- Irena Pevac
2Relational Model Concepts
- Database is collection of relations
- A relation is a table of n-tuples
- All values in any one column are of the same data
- Each row is different n-tuple
- The order of rows is unimportant
- The order of column is unimportant
- Each cell - the intersection of a row and a
column has single value (no lists, no multiple
3Relational Schema
- Relations schema specifies the name of relation
and a list of its attributes separated by comas
and enclosed in parenthesis.
- R(A1,A2,A3,An)
- STUDENT(StudId, Name, Phone, Address, Age, Gpa)
- Data type of values for one column is called a
domain. It is a set of atomic indivisible
- Examples of domain values
- USA phone numbers the set of 10 digit numbers
that are phone numbers in USA
- Gpa floating point value between 0 and 4.0
- Employee ages integers between 16 and 70.
5Relational Concepts
- Dom(Ai) domain of an attribute Ai
- Degree of a relation the number of attributes
in a relational schema
- Relation state r(R) is set of all tuples at some
point in time
- r(R) t1,t2,t3,tk, ti are n-tuples
- Each tuple ti vi e dom(Ai)
6E-R to Relational Mapping
- EMPLOYEE( EmpId, FirstName, LastName, Title)
- CAR(CarId, Make, Model, EmpId)
- EmpId is a foreign key in CAR
711 into Relation
- Each entity type E corresponds to a relation E.
- Each simple attribute from E is put into relation
- Composite attribute A with simple attributes A1,
A2,, An will have all simple attributes A1,
A2,, An in relation E.
- For multivalued attribute new relation is added
with attribute included plus key of the entity
where it resides.
- To show relationship the key of one entity is put
as a foreign key into relation corresponding to
second entity.
- If EMPLOYEE entity had phone that is multivalued
composite attribute with Area code and Phone
number in addition to EmpId, Name, Address
- EMPLOYEE( EmpID, FirstName, LastName, Title)
- PHONE(Area code, Phone number, EmpId)
- CAR(CarId, Make, Model, EmpId)
91N into Relations
101N into Relations
- COUNTRY(CountryName, Population)
- SENATOR(FirstName, LastName, Age, CountryName)
- Each entity has corresponding relation
- Each simple attribute is an attribute in that
- Each simple attribute from composite attribute is
an attribute in that relation.
- The relationship is represented with key from the
entity on one side of the relationship put into
relation corresponding to the entity on many side
of the relationship. - If any of the entities has multivalued attribute
that would require additional relation.
11NM into Relations
12- Each entity has corresponding relation
- Each simple attribute from one entity is an
attribute in that relation.
- Each simple attribute from a composite attribute
is an attribute in that relation.
- The relationship is represented with another so
called intersection relation. That relation
contains the keys from the entities on both sides
of the MN relationship plus any attributes from
the relationship. - If any of the entities has multivalued attribute
that would require additional relation.
- STUDENT(ssn, firstName, lastName)
- COURSESECTION(coursecode, sectionNumber,
- ENROLLMENT(ssn, courseCode, sectionNumber, grade)
- COURSESECTION is weak id-dependent entitiy
- COURSE has attributes DeptCode, CourseNumber,
Title, Credits
- COURSESECTION has attributes DeptCode,
CourseNumber, SectionNumber, Instructor
- COURSE (DeptCode, CourseNumber, Title, Credits)
- COURSESECTION (DeptCode, CourseNumber,
SectionNumber, Instructor)
15N-ary Relationship into Relations
16N-ary Relationship into Relations
- Every entity has corresponding relation
- N-ary relationship has additional relation.
- This relation is a combination of foreign keys
of the relations of all participating entities.
It also contains any attributes coming from the
17Supply Example
- SUPPLIER( SupplierId, SupplierName)
- PROJECT(ProjectId, ProjectTitle)
- PART(PartID, PartName, Description)
- SUPPLY(SupplierID, ProjectID, PartID)
18Superclass/Subclass into Relations case 1
- Superclass S
- Subclasses S1, S2, ,Sn
- One relation for S with all attributes from S in
it plus one or more flags
- One relation for each Si with attributes for Si
where i e 1,2,,n
- The key from S is put into each relation Si
- This works for disjoint, overlapping, partial or
19PERSON Example case 1
- PERSON has ssn and phone
- FEMALE has numberOfpregnancies
- MALE has armyServed, placeServed
- PERSON(ssn, areaCode, phone, personType)
- FEMALE(ssn, numberOfPregnancies)
- MALE(ssn, armyServed, placeServed)
20Superclass/Subclasses into Relations case2
- Superclass S
- Subclasses S1, S2, ,Sn
- One relation for each Si with attributes for Si
plus all attributes from S in each Si where i e
- This works for disjoint and total participation.
- For overlapping subtypes one instance will be in
several tables
- For partial participation entity instance from
supertype is not belonging to any of subtypes, so
it does not have place in any of tables.
21PERSON Example case 2
- PERSON has ssn and phone
- FEMALE has numberOfpregnancies
- MALE has armyServed, placeServed
- FEMALE(ssn, areaCode, phone, numberOfPregnancies)
- MALE(ssn, areaCode, phone, armyServed,
22Superclass/Subclass into Relations case 3
- Superclass S
- Subclasses S1, S2, ,Sn
- One relation containing all attributes for each
Si plus all attributes from S plus SubtypeType
- This works for disjoint participation.
- For overlapping subtypes one instance would have
multiple values for Subtype Type attribute which
should not happen
23PERSON Example case 3
- PERSON has ssn and phone
- FEMALE has numberOfpregnancies
- MALE has armyServed, placeServed
- PERSON (ssn, areaCode, phone, numberOfPregnancies,
armyServed, placeServed, PersonType)
- Problem are null values for numberOfPregnancies
for male persons
24Superclass/Subclasses into Relations case4
- Superclass S
- Subclasses S1, S2, ,Sn
- One relation containing all attributes for each
Si plus all attributes from S plus one
isSubtype-k-Type attribute for each subtype
- This works for overlapping participation.
25STUDENT Example case 4
- STUDENT has ssn and phone
- STUDENT501 has tests and projects
- STUDENT580 has design, and SQL
- STUDENT (ssn, areaCode, phone, tests, projects,
design,SQL, is501, is580)
- Student taking both cs501 and cs580 will have
true, true.
26Shared Subclasses into Relations
- Subclass Sab is a subclass of class A and of
class B.
- These classes must have the same key attribute
otherwise it would be modeled as a category.
- Use any of cases1,2,3, or 4 for subclasses.
subtype of MANAGER and both ENGINEER and MANAGER
are subtypes of EMPLOYEE.
- ssn is key for EMPLOYEE.
- ENGINEER has Title
- MANAGER has Number of supevisees
- EMPLOYEE( ssn, Title, Numsupervisees, is
engineer, is manager)
28Recursive Relationships 11
- Each sponsor only sponsors one person. Each
person can only be sponsored by at most one
- Person set Bill, Tom, Sue, Anna
- Bill sponsors Tom
- Tom sponsors Sue
- Sue sponsors Anna
29Recursive Relationships 11 example
- PERSON(Sponsor-ssn, Name,, Sponsored ssn)
- Each row will contain sponsor and all attributes
for him/her plus sponsoree ssn.
30Recursive Relationships 1N
- Each employee can refer several employees. Each
refered employee can only have one referent.
- Employee set Bill, Tom, Sue, Anna, Tim
- Bill refers Tom, Sue
- Tom refers Bill, Anna
- Anna refers Tim
31Recursive Relationships 1N into Relations
- REFERALS( Refered, Job, Referee)
32Recursive Relationships NM into Relations
- Each employee can refer several employees. Each
refered employee can have several referents.
- Employee set Bill, Tom, Sue, Anna, Tim
- Bill refers Tom, Sue, Anna
- Tom refers Bill, Anna
- Anna refers Tim, Tom
33Recursive Relationships MN into Relations
34Second table
35Categories into Relations
- A category is a subclass of the union of two or
more superclasses that have different keys and
are of different type.
- For category we introduce new key attribute
called a surrogate key and put it into every
- W have one relation for category plus one
relation for each supertype.
36OWNER example
- OWNER(OwnerId, OwnerType, )
- PERSON(ssn, DriversLicenceNo, Name, HomeAddress,
- BANK( BankName, BankAddress, OwnerId)
- COMPANY(CompanyName, CompanyType, OwnerId)
- Surogate key is added into all relations.