Defining Attitude Concept - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Defining Attitude Concept


'tendencies to evaluate an entity with some degree of favor or disfavor, ... in morbidity (Fairchild & Cosgrove, 2004, American Journal of Public Health, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Defining Attitude Concept

Defining Attitude Concept
  • Eagly Chaiken (1993) emphasize the tripartite
    (multicomponent) classification.
  • tendencies to evaluate an entity with some
    degree of favor or disfavor, ordinarily expressed
    in cognitive, affective, and behavioral
    responses and formed on the basis of cognitive,
    affective, and behavioral processes.
  • Evaluating refers to all classes of evaluative
    responding, whether overt (verbal) or covert
    (nonverbal), cognitive, affective, or behavioral.

Defining Attitude Concept
  • Tripartite (trilogy of mind) originally linked
    to Faculty Psychology
  • Tripartite view of attitudinal responding do
    attitudes have all three aspects?
  • Grounded in 18th C. Enlightenment view of
    attitude (Cognition, Affection, Conation act of
  • Kant, Leibniz, Scottish School interest in
    consciousness and introspection. Debates about
    how many innate faculties of mind existed.

Defining Attitude Concept
  • Preceded development of experimental psy in 19th
    C., and faded with its rise of latter in early
  • Wundt, late 19th C in Germany, associationism was
    anti-introspection and discredited Faculty
  • But trilogy of mind remained in Psychologys
  • William McDougall (1923), Outline of Psychology
    (wrote 1st social psy text in 1908)

Defining Attitude Concept
  • McDougall (1923)
  • We often speak of an intellectual or cognitive
    activity or of an act of willing or of
    resolving, choosing, striving, purposing or
    again of a state of feeling. But it is generally
    admitted that all mental activity has these three
    aspects, cognitive, conative, and affective

Defining Attitude Concept
  • Tripartite view in contrast to Thurstone (1931
    Attitude is the affect for or against a
    psychological object.) later, Fishbein
  • Influenced Allport (1935) An attitude is a
    mental or neural state of readiness, organized
    through experience, exerting a directive or
    dynamic influence on the individuals response to
    all objects and situations to which it is

Defining Attitude Concept
  • Tripartite view played central role in attitude
    theory and attitude change research in its heyday
    in 50s and 60s.
  • Rosenberg Hovland (1960) model Attitude is an
    inferred property of the 3 response classes, and
    the consistency of responses (formed on the basis
    of 3 different types of processes).

Defining Attitude Concept
  • Zanna Rempel (1986) evaluative appraisal model.
    Do attitudes have to have all 3 aspects?
  • ZR categorization of a stimulus object along an
    evaluative dimension based upon 3 general classes
    of information cognitive, affective/emotional,
    past behaviors or behavioral intentions.
  • Model suggest that attitudes are separate
    cognitive entities which may be accessed from
    memory independent of the affective, cognitive,
    or behavioral information on which they are based.

Defining Attitude Concept
  • 6 implications of this view
  • That these classes of information can determine
    evaluations separately or in combination.
  • When evaluations are based primarily on
    utilitarian beliefs about an attitude object, the
    model is belief based.
  • When evaluations are based primarily on affect
    produced by the object, the model becomes single
    component (evaluative, preferences)

Defining Attitude Concept
  • 4. When evaluations based on inferences from past
    behavior, model is like self-perception.
  • 5. If attitudes are based on different sources of
    information, do equivalent evaluations based on
    different sources differentially predict and
    guide behavior? (Priming)
  • 6. Are such attitudes differentially susceptible
    to different methods of persuasion?

Defining Attitude Concept
  • Attitudes as tendencies to evaluate - -there is
    an implicit or explicit response to an entity
    based on the evaluative residue of past
    experience (or beliefs or feelings) that
    predisposes the person to a favorable or
    unfavorable response.
  • Attitudes can have varied antecedents on the
    input side, and varied consequences on the output
    side. But the attitude is not the response per
  • Attitude is the tendency or latent property of
    the person that gives rise to judgments and

Defining Attitude Concept
  • Attitudes as Enduring or temporary constructions.
  • Some attitudes are relatively enduring (formed
    early in life and carry through life others are
    formed then changed some formed but fade)
  • N. Schwartz Attitudes-as-construction view.
  • Most if not all attitudes are unstable,
    constantly emerging anew in specific situations.
    Equates variability in the expression of
    attitudes with variability in the evaluative
    tendency that constitutes attitudes. Not same as
    context effects latent construct can be stable
    but sensitive to context.

Implicit and Explicit Attitudes
  • Chen Bargh (1999) categorize good vs. bad.
    Access attitude from memory. Nonconsciously
    predisposes behavior toward object.
  • Attitudes of which the person is not conscious at
    the moment of action (implicit attitudes) are
    also strongly predictive of behavior.

Implicit and Explicit Attitudes
  • D. Myers (1990) our attitudes predict our
    actionsif, as we act, we are conscious of our
    attitudes (p.90). Bias toward the conscious
    operation of attitudes, not automatic activation.
  • Greenwald Banaji (1995) on implicit attitudes
    Implicit attitudes are introspectively
    unidentified (or inaccurately identified) traces
    of past experience that mediate favorable or
    unfavorable feeling, thought, or action toward
    social objects.

Implicit and Explicit Attitudes
  • What about those times when people have more than
    one evaluation of the same attitude object, one
    of which is more accessible than the other?
  • Dual Attitude Model (Wilson, Lindsey, Schooler,

Dual Attitude Model
  • Working Example
  • A White American reared in a racist family who
    learned to be prejudiced against African
    Americans. As an adult, he adopts egalitarian
    views and abhors prejudice of all kinds. What is
    this persons attitude toward African Americans?

Dual Attitude Model
  • Dual Attitude Model (Wilson, Lindsey, Schooler,
  • ?Model proposes that people can have dual
    attitudes, which are different evaluations of
    the same attitude object (one is automatic,
    implicit attitude other is explicit attitude).
  • ?Proposes that the attitude people endorse at any
    point in time depends on whether they have the
    capacity to retrieve the explicit attitude, and
    whether explicit overrides implicit.

Dual Attitude Model
  • Remember Implicit attitudes are evaluations
    that have an unknown origin (people are unaware
    of the basis of their evaluation), are activated
    automatically, and influence implicit responses
    (uncontrollable responses and ones that are not
    seen as an expression of attitude and therefore
    are not controlled) Greenwald Banaji, 1995.

Dual Attitude Model
  • 5 Basic Hypotheses
  • A(e) and A(i) toward same attitude object can
    coexist in memory.
  • When dual attitudes exist, A(i) is automatically
    activated A(e) requires more capacity and
    motivation to retrieve from memory. When able to
    retrieve A(e), it overrrides A(i) and A(e) is

Dual Attitude Model
  • 3. Even when A(e) is retrieved, A(i) influences
    implicit responses (i.e., uncontrollable
    responses like nonverbal behaviors) or responses
    that they do not view as an expression of their
    attitude and do not attempt to control (e.g.,
    neural imaging).
  • 4. A(e)s change relatively easily, whereas Ai,
    like old habits, change more slowly. Attitude
    change techniques target A(e) but not A(i).

Dual Attitude Model
  • 5. Dual attitudes not same as ambivalent
    attitudes or attitudes with discrepant affective
    and cognitive components. People with dual
    attitudes report the attitude that is most
    accessible dont experience a subjective state
    of conflict from holding dual attitudes.
  • Define attitudinal ambivalence vs. dual attitudes.

Segue to Measurement
  • Direct measures rely on self-reported attitudes.
    Asked direct questions about their thoughts,
    feelings, or behaviors toward attitude objects.
  • Indirect measures do not alert respondents to
    the identity of the object of the attitude being
    measured. Indirect measures rely on more
    circuitous methods of obtaining info. Assume that
    self-reports are of questionable validity because
    people are frequently unaware of their attitudes
    or unwilling to disclose them publicly.

Different Types of Evaluative Response
Implicit-Explicit Measures (Hofmann, et al. 2005)
  • 5 accounts for low rs between explicit and
  • Motivational biases in explicit self-reports
    (e.g., prejudicial attitudes).
  • Lack of introspective access to implicitly
    assessed attitudes (introspection may increase
  • Factors influencing the retrieval of information
    from memory dual attitudes model A(e) that are
    spontaneous correlate more highly with A(i)
  • Method-related characteristics of the two
    measures (e.g., lack of correspondence).
  • Complete independence of the underlying

Implicit-Explicit Measures (Hofmann, et al. 2005)
  • Quantitative meta-analysis (126 studies)
  • Used IAT as implicit measure various explicit
    measures used.
  • Overall effect size .24 (sd.14)
  • Moderators (e.g., research topic involved
    awareness of A(i) effortful retrieval? higher
    rs with spontaneous self-report (less thought)

Attitude Measurement
Attitude Measurement
Attitude Measurement
Behavioral Indicators
  • Assumption that proper measurement on the
    behavior side is equally important and that we do
    not have to abandon attitude construct as long as
    we use properly scaled behavioral criteria and a
    valid attitude measure.
  • Fishbein Ajzens behavioral criteria
    Self-report validity problems can also be
    addressed by measuring behavior appropriately.

(No Transcript)
Behavioral Indicators
  • Specific act or single act criterion Should
    include 4 elements (action, time, context,
    target). Measure can be dichotomous or
  • Repeated observations of same single act
    repeated observations of same behavior at
    different observation times (e.g., unobtrusive
    measure of popularity of an art exhibit).
    Observations combined into repeated observation

Behavioral Indicators
  • 3. Multiple act criterion Observation of
    different behaviors.
  • 4. Multiple act, repeated observation Gold
    standard. Cell entries can be summed, averaged,

Attitude Measurement
Return to Multimethod Approach
  • Guglielmi (199) Multidimensional view of
    prejudicial attitudes that makes use of
    multimethod strategies .
  • Argues for both implicit and explicit measures of
    cognitive, affective, behavioral components.
  • Esp. focused on psychophysiological methods.

Return to Multimethod Approach
  • Long history, beginning with Bogus Pipeline.
  • Sigall and colleagues (1971) trying to account
    for decline in anti-Black sentiment using the
    adjective checklist procedure. Was the change due
    to social desirability?
  • Hooked up participants to fancy machine attached
    electrodes used info collected earlier to
    establish accuracy

Return to Multimethod Approach
  • The asked to rate on 7-point scale how
    characteristic each of 22 traits was of Blacks
    and Whites (half rated each group).
  • In order to determine to what extent people are
    in touch with their real feelings E allegedly
    checked participants verbal response against
    machines reading.
  • Control same task, no machine.

Return to Multimethod Approach
  • Found that students were much more likely to
    assign negative traits to Blacks under the bogus
    pipeline condition than Control.
  • Significant racial prejudice exposed. Same
    concept as polygraph and lie detection suspects
    need to believe that the machine will unmask
    their deception leads to them spilling their
    guts, and the polygraph industry claiming
    efficacy. Same with No Lie MRI, Inc.

Return to Multimethod Approach
  • Which approaches are best? How does one choose?
    Does it really matter which technique one uses?
    What general conclusions should be reached?

Some general conclusions
  • Caveat Answers depend in part on the attitude
    objects under investigation.
  • Various assessment techniques are not
    interchangeable. Ones choice of measurement
    strategy can affect the results obtained and
    conclusions drawn about focal attitude (esp.
    intergroup attitudes).

Some general conclusions
  • Use of more subtle self-report measures and
    indirect measures yields a different picture.
    Responses that are difficult to control (e.g.,
    physiological reactions, reaction times following
    racial primes, etc.) uncover more negative
    feelings and beliefs.
  • Which set of findings more closely represents
    true attitudes? Results from direct measures
    must be viewed with some skepticism, but social
    desirability biases more problematic in certain
    contexts than others (atts toward fat and toward
    gay/lesbian people vs. race, gender, ethnicity).

Some general conclusions
  • 4. A combination of indirect and direct measures
    may be needed to fully understand peoples
    attitudes toward some groups and other attitude
    objects. Need such an approach to detect
    attitudinal subtleties (e.g., Fazio et al, 1995)

Some general conclusions
  • Fazio et al Whites can be divided into three
    categories with respect to attitudes towards
  • truly nonprejudiced no negative beliefs or
    feelings about Blacks low prejudice scores on
    both direct and indirect measures.
  • truly prejudiced high scores on both direct
    and indirect measures do not try to hide their
    negative feelings (either because prejudice is OK
    or because they fail to recognize that their
    attitudes are prejudiced)

Some general conclusions
  • mixed group have automatic negative reactions
    to Blacks, but are motivated to control their
    prejudiced responses look nonprejudiced on
    direct, self-measures, but negative attitudes
    more apparent on more subtle measures (e.g., some
    behavioral measures) or measures that tap
    uncontrollable responses (e.g., RTs).
  • Point one needs to adopt a multi-method approach
    and compare responses to both direct and indirect
    measures to detect these differences.

Some general conclusions
  • 5. Different instruments are designed to measure
    different aspects of intergroup and other kinds
    of attitudes. Physiological measures tap
    affective component stereotype measures more
    cognitive unobtrusive behavioral measures and
    social distance measures intended to assess
    discriminatory tendencies.
  • 6. Tempting to always think that affective,
    cognitive, and behavioral measures are
    equivalent but in fact only modestly correlated.

Some general conclusions
  • e.g., (Dovidio, Brigham, Johnson, Gaertner,
    1996) Some people hold negative beliefs about
    outgroups, yet believe it is wrong to act on
    them. Others deny having negative beliefs about
    outgroups, yet experience negative feelings
    toward those groups. Cant assume that tripartite
    attitude model holds all or even most of the time
    (Schneider, 2004, pp.29-30).
  • Point Researchers measurement strategies will
    be shaped by the particular facets of the
    attitudes of greatest interest to them, and often
    they will find it necessary to use more than one
    type of measure.

Intra-attitudinal Structure Matters The allure
of safer tobacco products
  • The more successfully a cigarette reduces risk,
    the more it might encourage smokers not to quit.
    Or lure ex-smokers to resume their habit. Or make
    kids smokers. It might, in other words, do
    exactly the opposite of what it is intended to
    do. In a worst-case scenario, it could reverse a
    half-century of antismoking education, policy and
    litigation in a flash. (Gertner, 2005, p.46)

  • Tobacco harm reduction
  • Availability of low-yield cigarettes has led
    to public perceptions of safer cigarettes, but
    with no resultant decrease in morbidity
    (Fairchild Cosgrove, 2004, American Journal of
    Public Health, Out of the Ashes Myers, 2000,
  • Similar concerns have been raised about the
    marketing of reduced harm products, underscoring
    need for science to fill the information gap on
    attitudes toward harm reduction and federal
    regulation of reduced harm products (H.R. 140,
    Title V FDA Regulations of Tobacco Products,
    referred to House Subcommittee on Health,

Two Key Background Concepts
  • Harm reduction relates to actually seeing a
    reduction in mortality or morbidity with the use
    of a product.
  • Potentially reduced-exposure products (PREPs)
    tobacco products that have been modified or
    designed in some way to reduce users exposure to
    tobacco toxins. Two categories variants of
    traditional tobacco cigarettes (e.g., smokeless
    tobacco new cigarettes that heat rather than
    burn tobacco), or pharmaceutical agents that are
    meant to aid in smoking cessation (e.g., nicotine
    gum, lozenges, nicotine patch).

  • The Psychology of Attitudes Role of Attitude
  • Cognitive versus affective bases
  • Experience with smoking / harm reduction
  • Knowledge about smoking / harm reduction
  • Stark, Borgida, Kim, Pickens (2006) The
    psychological bases of attitudes may influence
    the way consumers respond to ads about reduced
    harm/reduced risk products. Consistent with prior
    research in other social issue domains.

  • Method
  • Survey Minnesota Center for Survey Research
  • sent to 1,300 randomly selected households in
    5-state Upper Midwest region (Minnesota, Iowa,
    North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin) Fall
  • 438 adult participants returned the survey (38
    return rate)
  • 58.9 Male, 95.7 Caucasian
  • Mean age 54.2 years
  • 21.9 smoked in last 30 days.

  • Predicting attitudes toward harm reduction
  • Affective score and experience significantly
  • More positive feelings, being a smoker, lead to
    more positive harm reduction attitudes
  • Affective Score b.394, plt.0001
  • Cognitive Score b.163, plt.099
  • Knowledge b.055, plt.346
  • Consistency b.163, plt.099
  • Experience b -.551, plt.006

  • Predicting attitudes toward harm reduction by
    level of experience
  • Smokers attitudes are best predicted by their
    feelings, non-smokers attitudes are best
    predicted by their thoughts and beliefs
  • Smokers
  • Affective score b.477, plt.0001
  • Cognitive score b -.122, plt.44
  • Non-smokers
  • Affective score b.079, plt.534
  • Cognitive score b.414, plt.0001

Does structure matter and for whom?
  • For smokers, their feelings about harm reduction
    were the primary predictor of overall attitudes
    toward harm reduction for non-smokers, thoughts
    and beliefs were the primary predictor.
  • Feelings associated with smoking (taste,
    reduction of cravings, relaxation) may create
    positive attitudes that are difficult to counter
    with information on the health risks of these

  • Structural bases of attitudes may matter when
  • Educating people about these products and their
    associated risks.
  • Persuading smokers to use these products to
    reduce their health risk.
  • Strong feelings toward harm reduction might
    result in resistance towards some types of health
    messages increased interest in resistance
    processes in persuasion field.
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