Title: QA Issues with MSES Backfill
1QA Issues with MSES Backfill
- NESGE Meeting, Boston MA
- October 2007
- Don Dwyer, NYSDOT
2Well Discuss
- Our QA process for MSES backfill
- Issues with backfill quality on a specific
project that were detected by our QA procedures - Steps that were taken to assure that quality
material was used on that project
3QA Procedure for MSES Backfill
- Contractor/supplier builds stockpile
- Sampling 4 samples
- Testing Gradation, plasticity, durability
(soundness), chemical
4Chemical Criteria
- Resistivity gt 3,000 ohm-cm, OR
- Resistivity gt 1,000 ohm-cm, AND
- Sulfates lt 200 ppm, AND
- Chlorides lt 100 ppm
Resistivity between 1,000 and 3,000 ohm-cm is in
the gray zone
5Acceptance/Rejection Criteria
- All 4 samples must meet all spec requirements
- Tests on samples obtained from behind the wall
(routinely taken QA samples) can result in
This leads us to our issue..
- Project Drury Lane Interchange
- Back to back MSES walls
- Max height 8 m
- Length 320 m
7(No Transcript)
8MSES Backfill Original Construction
- 20 stockpiles, constructed from Feb 06 to May
07 - Walls constructed over the winter (!?!?)
- 7 stockpiles rejected for resistivity
- 4 in a row 12-15
- Resistivity btw 523 and 805 ohm-cm
9Quantities Tested
- Approved 33,613 m3
- Rejected 22,244 m3
- Contract quantity needed 14,460 m3
Comment 1 Boy, we do a lot of testing. Comment
2 With the abundance of approved material,
surely there wont be any problems!
- 3 QA samples taken in spring, fail resistivity.
- Resistivities are 605, 612 and 612 ohm-cm
- Piles 12-15 are
- 12 805, 681, 681, 667
- 13 571, 585, 619, 550
- 14 1060, 970, 709, 633
- 15 942, 523, 942, 784
This closely matches rejected stockpiles 12-15.
11So then
- An additional QA sample is taken (just as the
wall is being completed) - This sample is in the gray zone (1,390 ohm-cm),
and fails the sulfate requirement with a 244 ppm - Piles 5 and 6 are
- 5 R1,383 sulfate259
- 6 R1,390 sulfate336
This closely matches rejected stockpiles 5 and 6.
Hmmm some more.
- Entire backfill is suspect
- Samples are taken, at 6 various locations and
elevations - 5 of the 6 fail!
- Contractor ordered to remove and replace the
backfill at his cost
13Contractors Argument
The backfill was material Approved by the State.
If its later rejected, the State is responsible.
If rejection is based on QA testing, then
approval means nothing and the contractor is
working at risk.
14States Argument
QA testing on material from behind the wall is to
catch mistakes, such as drawing from the wrong
stockpile(s). Any QA sample that fails to meet
spec must have come from a source other than an
Approved stockpile.
15MSES Backfill QA Procedure for Reconstruction
- Removed material could not be used again
- Piles 17-20 were reconstructed, sampled and
tested. Renamed 21-24. - One more stockpile (25) built
16MSES Backfill QA Procedure for Reconstruction - 2
- Geotech Bureau personnel provided on-site
inspection of source - Signed truck delivery tickets
- Took QA samples from stockpiles
- Took QA samples from behind walls
A stockpile sign fell off the pile and was
replaced, incorrectly, on a different pile by
Supplier personnel. Our inspector caught the
mistake before more than a few loads were
17MSES Backfill QA Procedure for Reconstruction - 3
- The entire wall reconstruction was completed in
under 2 weeks - All samples passed, although Stockpile 25 showed
resistivity in the gray zone, it passed the
other testing. The QA sample taken reflected
these test values.
18Statistical Summary and Conclusions
- Initial Construction
- Backfill material did not match the approved
stockpile material - Backfill material did match stockpiled material
when all stockpiles were taken into account
Conclusion The contractor used both approved and
rejected material in construction of the wall
19Statistical Summary and Conclusions - 2
- Reconstruction
- All stockpiles used consisted of approved
material ( 21-25 used in wall) - Backfill material matched the stockpiled material
20Last Thoughts
- When it comes to requiring a supply of approved
material, make sure you get what you intend to
get - Pay attention to delivery inspection, tickets
- Take QA samples from behind the wall to verify
that the material is the same as that in the
- The test procedure (AASHTO T-288) and lab methods
are being challenged - Currently conducting repeatability studies on our
lab test procedures (initial results show we are
within /- 1 SD)