Title: Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
1Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
Recirculating aquaculture encompasses systems
used for the rearing of aquatic organisms where
90 or more of system water is recycled
3Why Recirculating Aquaculture?
- Good quality water resources for aquaculture are
scarce - Land is expensive, especially near good markets
- Problems relating to biosecurity are more complex
- Greater control over effluent production and
quality - Permits the culture of aquatic organisms outside
of natural range
4Why Recirculating Aquaculture?
- Ý growing season
- ß labor costs automation
- Ý stock security (predators, disease, theft,
pollution) - ß dependency on natural resources
- Ý production control
- Ý marketing control
- Ý construction costs
- Ý production costs
- Ý complexity (Elect., Mech., Hydraulic)
- Ý need for trained operators
- Electrical reliability
- Ý back-up components
- Ý biological risks
5Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
1. Holding tank
The vessel within which the cultured organism is
ERGONOMICS The study of workplace equipment
design or how to arrange and design devices,
machines, or workspace so that people and things
interact safely and most efficiently
- Shape determined by
- economics
- ergonomics
- system components
- species under culture
- self-cleansing demands
6Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
1. Holding tank continued
Number of fish and mass determines feeding rates
Feeding rates will determine the design of
individual system components
7Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
1. Holding tank continued
- Engineered forms
- Circular
- Raceway
- D-ended
- Octagonal/hexagonal
- Square/hybrid
- Conical
8Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
1. Holding tank continued
Circular/oval Big large cost savings Uniform
water quality Range of operational
velocities Rapid flush of settleable
solids Problems Mort removal Harvesting and
grading Footprint
9Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
1. Holding tank continued
Raceway/rectangular Good footprint Easy
harvesting Easy mort removal Problems Hydrodynami
c flow
10Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
1. Holding tank continued
Cross-flow raceway Solves the problems associated
with poor hydrodynamic flow
11Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
1. Holding tank continued
D-ended raceways
12Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
1. Holding tank continued
Square/hybrid Good footprint Easy harvesting Easy
mort removal Problems Hydrodynamic flow
13Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
1. Holding tank continued
Hexagonal/octagonal Uniform water quality Good
hydrodynamics Rapid solids collection Okay
footprint Problems Mort removal Harvesting and
14Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
1. Holding tank continued
- Construction materials
- Fiberglass
- Plastic
- Concrete
- Wood
- Steel
15Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
2. Biofiltration
A filtration system that uses biological organisms
to convert ammonia to nitrate
16Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
2. Biofiltration continued
- Engineered forms
- Submerged
- Fluidized beds
- Emerged
- Trickling/RBC
- Combinations
17Recirculating Aquaculture System Components
2. Biofiltration continued
- Ideal characteristics
- Large surface area volume ratios
- Long-lasting
- Cheap
- Light
198 ft2/ft3
152 ft2/ft3
18Recirculating Aquaculture System Components
2. Biofiltration continued
19Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
3. Particulate removal
- Removal by
- Gravity separation
- Filtration
- Flotation
203. Particulate removal continued
Most effective solids removal processes and
particle range
213. Particulate removal continued
Major source of water loss due to
back-washing Bead filters sold as
biofilter-solids removal combo
223. Particulate removal continued
233. Particulate removal continued
Hydrocyclones/swirl separators
- Relatively expensive
- Dont remove fine solids
- Effective at removing TSS
- May remove 85 of gt 75 mm particles
- Good footprint
243. Particulate removal continued
- Minimal labor
- Good footprint
- Low head loss
- Screen strains water
- 15000
- Similar disc and belt filters
254. Removal of solubles
Foam fractionation
- Airlift foam fractionators
- Venturi foam fractionators
- Essential for some species and larval rearing
26Recirculating Aquaculture System Components
5. Oxygenation
- Oxygen depletion caused by
- Respiration
- Biological oxygen demand
- Chemical oxygen demand
- Nitrification
27Recirculating Aquaculture System Components
5. Oxygenation continued
- Addition by
- Aerators
- agitators
- blowers
- Oxygen
- cones
- packed towers
- U-tubes
28Recirculating Aquaculture System Components
5. Oxygenation continued
29Recirculating Aquaculture System Components
6. Disinfections
Ultraviolet light
30Recirculating Aquaculture System Components
6. Disinfections continued
- Control of fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens
- Pre-treatment of POPs
- Reduced biofouling
- Improved fine solids removal
- Control of water color
- Control of off-flavors
- Reductions in TSS, COD
- Removal of nitrite
31Recirculating Aquaculture System Components
7. Pumps
- Water circulation
- Air-lift
- Propeller pumps
- Other needs
- Moving fish
- Food propulsion
- Side systems (skimmers)
32Recirculating Aquaculture System Components
7. Miscellaneous
- On-line monitoring
- Temperature
- Depth
- pH
- Salinity
- Oxygen
Heater systems Coolers Larval rearing
systems Feeders Motors (e.g. mech. filter)