Title: Measuring Gas Diffusion in the Lungs
1Measuring Gas Diffusion in the Lungs
- John Owers-Bradley1 Stan Fichele1, Colin
McGloin1Abdel Benattayallah1, Richard Bowtell1, - Alan Moody2, Paul Morgan2.
- 1 The University of Nottingham, School of Physics
and Astronomy, University Park, Nottingham, UK,
NG7 2RD. - 2 The Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, NG7
- We have measured apparent diffusion coefficient
of HP 3He in the lungs using 2 distinct methods
over a wide range of length scales - We compare the techniques
- 1) Spin echo attenuation due to transverse
diffusion in a magnetic field gradient ? DSE - 2) Decay of sinusoidally modulated longitudinal
magnetisation (tag) due to transverse
diffusion ? DTAG
4Hyperpolarised He-3 Gas Production
- 2W fibre laser
- Photons -gt Electrons-gtNuclei
- 3He pressure 5mBar in optical cell
- Time taken to polarise and collect gas 30 mins
- Cell volume 400cm3
- Dilute with 4He to give 1 litre at atmospheric
pressure - Transfer to a Tedlar plastic bag
5Administration of HPG
- The hyperpolarised gas is transported in the
plastic Tedlar bag - In the bag 3He has a relaxation time of 20mins
- Gas administered simply via an outlet tubevalve
on the bag - The volunteer clears his/her lungs with hard
expiration and then rapidly inhales the helium
gas - Breath is held for duration of procedure 5 -
15s - Ethical approval for healthy volunteers
6RARE Sequence
TE9-18 ms
TG5 ms
7Transverse Slices 13 mm thick
83D Rendered Image
9Proton Spin Tagging in the lungs
Strain map - inspiration Chen et al MRM 45 (2001)
10Spin Tagging of HP 3He gas
We can modulate the magnetisation in space -
known as spin tagging. The resulting image has
characteristic stripes with a particular
wavelength and hence k - value. Use to measure
lung movement.
11Strain in the lungs
12Spin Echo in a Field Gradient
13RARE Sequence
TE18 ms
TG5 ms
14Transverse Spin Diffusion - ADC in lung
- We have measured the relaxation rate (G2DSE) in
free gas and in the healthy lungs. - Expected dependence on G2 over wide range - no
dependence on length scale - Intrinsic T2 relaxation evident at low G
- Ratio of Ds (free/lung) 10
15Tag Decay and Diffusion
Diffusion of the 3He gas over distances of order
a wavelength causes the decay of the modulation.
The decay rate depends on k (2p/?) and DTAG
16 Tag Decay and Diffusion
Hence plot decay of tag profile vs k2 to find
DTAG for lungs. Value of DTAG 0.02 cm2 s-1
- much lower than DSE (0.2 cm2 s-1)
17Three Diffusion Regimes
Free Diffusion Bounded Diffusion Rapid
Diffusion (Fukushima, 1994)
- Tagging sequence for 3He can be used to measure
strain in the lungs. - Apparent Diffusion Coefficients (ADCs), DSE and
DTAG have been measured with length scales of
1mm and 5-30 mm respectively. - DSE DTAG 2 cm2s-1 for free diffusion in bag.
- ADC values in normal lung DSE 0.2 cm2s-1
whereas DTAG 0.02 cm2s-1 - ADCs - depend on geometry and technique used.
Models of the lung are being developed. - Importance lies in disease diagnosis - DSE is
much larger in lungs of patients suffering from
emphysema - typically 0.4 cm2s-1 rather than 0.2
cm2s-1. Plan to see if DTAG also changes.