Title: Gyrokinetic Simulations Using Particles
1Gyrokinetic Simulations Using Particles
- L. Villard1
- with many thanks to
- S. Brunner1, P. Angelino2, A. Bottino3, R.
Hatzky4, Y. Idomura5, S. Jolliet5, - B.F. McMillan1, T.M. Tran1, T. Vernay1
- (1) Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas,
Association Euratom - Suisse, EPFL, 1015
Lausanne, Switzerland - (2) Association Euratom - CEA/DSM/IRFM,
Cadarache, France - (3) Max-Planck Gesellschaft, Association Euratom
- IPP, Garching, Germany - (4) Computer Center, IPP, Max-Planck
Gesellschaft, Garching, Germany - (5) Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Taitou, Tokyo
110-0015, Japan
2ITER the way to fusion
- EU, Japan, USA, China, India, South Korea,
Russian Federation - gt 5.3G construction cost (1/3 G /y 0.06 of
world overall RD) - Virtually inexhaustible, environmentally benign
source of energy - from Deuterium and Lithium gives Helium.
(Tritium is recycled)
3Magnetic confinement tokamak
Trapped particle
Larmor radius rL
Passing particle
particle trajectory
4Complexity many nonlinearities
Neutral Beams
- Geometry of magnetic configuration is an
essential feature of fusion plasma physics
5Timescales in the ITER plasma
machine lifetime
energy confinement
ion cyclotron
electron cyclotron
1 shot
- Physics spans several orders of magnitude
- Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of everything
is unthinkable - Need to separate timescales using approximations
- How to integrate all phenomena in a consistent
6Kinetic effects wave-particle interaction
- General distribution function in 6D phase space
- To be solved with consistent electromagnetic
- 1. Turbulence and transport, GyroKinetic theory
- 2. Numerical schemes to solve GK equations
- 3. Critical issue no.1 numerical noise
- 4. Critical issue no.2 geometry, anisotropy
- 5. Critical issue no.3 long, (quasi-)steady
state simulations - 6. Collisions in PIC
- 7. High Performance Computing issues
- 8. Outlook and conclusions
- 1. Turbulence and transport, GyroKinetic theory
- gyrokinetic modelling of fusion plasmas
- 2. Numerical schemes to solve GK equations
- 3. Critical issue no.1 numerical noise
- 4. Critical issue no.2 geometry, anisotropy
- 5. Critical issue no.3 long, (quasi-)steady
state simulations - 6. Collisions in PIC
- 7. High Performance Computing issues
- 8. Outlook and conclusions
91. Turbulence and Transport
- Hot plasma core, colder edge gt grad T
- grad T gt (grad T)crit gt instabilities, even when
macroscopic (MHD) modes are stable - small scales, i.e. spatial scales rs (Larmor
radius) - large scales, i.e. spatial scales system size a
- low frequency, i.e. w ltlt Wi (cyclotron frequency)
- Growth, then nonlinear saturation of modes
- gt turbulent state
- gt transport (heat, particles, momentum)
- anomalous, essentially by collisionless
processes - Turbulent transport gtgt collisional transport
- In spite of this, typical grad T 106K / cm in
tokamaks - Need a theory and numerical tools!
10Boltzmann/Vlasov Maxwell kinetic model
- Boltzmann equation for single particle
distribution function fs(q,p)
Along characteristics (orbits), determined by
particle equations of motion
.,. Poisson bracket in canonical coordinates
C(fs , fs) collision operator
Hs(q, p) Hamiltonian of collisionless single
particle motion
Moments of the distribution function
Maxwells equations
11Spatio-temporal scales in a magnetic fusion
plasma and range of validity of Boltzmann/Vlasov,
Gyrokinetic and MHD models
Y. Idomura et al., C.R. Physique 7 (2006) 650-669
12Gyrokinetic model basic assumptions
- Small parameter eg , with
characteristic length scale of equilibrium B
13Gyrokinetic model
- Assume
- Average out the fast motion of the particle
around the guiding center - Fast parallel motion, slow perpendicular motion
(drifts) - Strong anisotropy of turbulent perturbations (//
vs perp to B)
phase space dimension reduction 6D ---gt 5D
14Guiding center motion in a tokamak
Passing (top) and trapped (bottom) particle
orbits the guiding centres almost follow the
equilibrium magnetic field. Left 3D view.
Right projection on the poloidal plane
Y. Idomura et al., C.R. Physique 7 (2006) 650-669
15Guiding center coordinates and Gyro-centre
Guiding center coordinates
generalised parallel velocity
magnetic moment
16Gyrokinetic equations
It is an advection equation along nonlinear
curvature and grad-B
magnetic and ExB nonlinearities
parallel motion (FAST)
drifts (SLOW)
parallel velocity nonlinearity
mirror term
conservation of the magnetic moment
generalized potential
17Gyrokinetic perturbed field equations
- Poisson (or quasi-neutrality) equation, here
with Boltzmann electrons, linearized ion
polarization density, long wavelength approx.
gyro-center perturbed ion density
flux-surface-averaged potential
- Ampères law, here neglecting dB// and expanding
gyro-center perturbed ion and electron currents
Integral partial differential system of
equations, inhomogeneous, linear
18Properties of GK-Maxwell equations (in the
collisionless, sourceless case)
- The distribution function f (and any arbitrary
function of f ) is conserved along nonlinear
characteristics - The phase space volume is conserved
- High frequencies (e.g. Langmuir and cyclotron
waves) are eliminated - large time steps are allowed
- Conservations of particle number, momentum and
energy - can serve as a stringent test of the quality of
numerical simulations
19Gyrokinetic-Maxwell summary
Advection in incompressible phase space
Field equations Poisson, Ampere
If collisions and sources are included
20Gyrokinetic-Maxwell summary
- A time evolution partial differential equation
(PDE) describing the advection in 5D phase space
of the distribution function f - A set of nonlinear, coupled 5 ordinary
differential equations (ODEs) for the
characteristics - A (usually linearized) set of integral partial
differential equations for the perturbed fields
(potentials f , A// ) in 3D real space
- 1. Turbulence and transport, GyroKinetic theory
- 2. Numerical schemes to solve GK equations
- Lagrange Particle in Cell (PIC)
- Particle (markers) Klimontovich and Finite
Element representations - Fourier filter
- Real space filter
- Other schemes Eulerian, Semi-Lagrangian
- 3. Critical issue no.1 numerical noise
- 4. Critical issue no.2 geometry, anisotropy
- 5. Critical issue no.3 long, (quasi-)steady
state simulations - 6. Collisions in PIC
- 7. High Performance Computing issues
- 8. Outlook and conclusions
222. Solving GK numerical methods
Solving the GyroKinetic - Maxwell system of
equations requires the following elements
- Time-advancing scheme for a distribution function
in 5D phase space - e.g. Runge-Kutta, Verlet, leapfrog,
- ODE integrator (for characteristics)
(alternatively, a finite difference scheme in 5D
phase space) - Field solver for integral-differential operator
in 3D real space - e.g. Fast Fourier Transforms, finite differences,
finite elements,
23Solving GK numerical approaches
- Lagrangian Particle In Cell (PIC), Monte Carlo
- Sample phase space (markers) and follow their
orbits - Noise accumulation is difficult to control in
long simulations - Semi-Lagrangian
- Fixed grid in phase space, trace orbits back in
time - Multi-dimensional interpolation is difficult
- Eulerian
- Fixed grid in phase space, finite differences for
operators - CFL condition overshoot versus dissipation
- Common to all three Poisson (Ampere) field
solver - Various methods finite differences, finite
elements, FFT,
Developing several approaches is not a luxury
cross -comparisons are a necessity.
24Lagrange PIC essential steps
grid cell
25Lagrange PIC basic approach
- Birdsall C.K. and Langdon A.B., Plasma physics
via computer simulations, IOP Series in Plasma
Physics (Taylor Francis, 2004) - Simple, 1D electrostatic problem
sum over physical particles
26Lagrange PIC basic approach
- Use N superparticles (N ltlt Nphysical)
- Define an Eulerian grid xj, j1..Nx on which
fields are computed - Define a temporal grid tk, k1..Nsteps
Essential step represent the charge on the
Eulerian grid from superparticle positions and
charges. This is called charge assignment
Contribution of one superparticle
27Lagrange PIC basic approach
- In the previous example, first-order weighting
has been applied
- Equivalent particle cloud picture
Hence the name particle-in-cell
28Lagrange PIC basic approach
- Solve Poissons equation, e.g. with finite
- Obtain electric field at particle position using
same weighting as for the charge assignment
- Higher order weightings can be applied
29Lagrange-PIC finite element
particle representation
finite element representation
charge assignment
0-th and 1st order
Examples of B-spline shapes
30Lagrange-PIC finite element
- B-splines have interesting properties
- The sum of all spline elements at any point x is
Useful for conservation properties
- They have unitary surface
- The derivative of the spline shape of order n can
be obtained interms of the spline shape of order
Useful to obtain E from f
- Their Fourier transform in a periodic system of
Nx intervals is
Useful for statistical noise reduction
31Lagrange-PIC finite element
- Field equation variational Galerkin formulation
- Mutiply Poissons equation with test function
h(x) and integrate over the spatial domain - Integrate by parts
- Represent h(x) on the same basis functions as for
f(x) - Discretized variational problem
- Linear algebraic system
for all h(x)
for all h(x)
32Lagrange-PIC finite element
With the particle representation
we obtain
What is the corresponding finite element
representation of r(x) ?
Let us call this representation r fe (x)
The variational Galerkin formulation applied to
the identity problem
Mass matrix
- The mass matrix inversion results in some
problems for the spline representation of the
density, e.g. non-positiveness (see further)
33One particle (one delta function) on F.E.
r fe d(x-xp)
r fe
r PIC M r fe
- The finite element representation introduces
grid-related unphysical oscillations. Positivity
is NOT ensured. - The field equations are linear, so this will
simply add up for each marker! Only in the limit
Np infinity will these oscillations tend to zero.
34Application of a Fourier filter
- Numerical statistical noise is slow to converge
(1/Np1/2) - Error of overshoots due to mass matrix inversion
is large - Error can be greatly reduced by the application
of filters - Fourier
Apply filter coefficients Fk
- Real space filter, e.g. mass matrix filter
35Effects of Fourier filter
Illustration with representation of r sin (2p
r (x)
- NB with only 2 markers/cell, filtered results
are excellent! - 36 markers / mode in the filter
- The statistical noise thus depends on the number
of markers per Fourier mode retained in the
filter, not on the number of markers per cell
36Efficiency of Fourier filter
Compare Fourier-filtered Np/Nmodes36 and
unfiltered with Np/Nx36
- Superiority of Fourier-filtered even with 20
times less markers!
37Euler (Vlasov) (continuum)
39ITER global GK turbulence simulation
- Normalized size system size / gyration radius
1 / r a / rs rs cs/Wi cs(Te/mi)1/2 - ITER 1 / r 1000
- Simplest model electrostatic, GK ions, adiabatic
electrons - Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) driven
turbulence - Relevant scales resolve up to krrs, kqrs lt 1
- 3D field solver min 4 pts/wavelength
- Nr (2/p) 1/r 640, Nq 4 /r 4000, Nj
Nq/q 3000 - Phase space resolution 300 markers / cell ()
- or Nm8, Nv//32
- () Needs to be assessed by numerical convergence
studies - Time until statistical steady-state 2000 a /
cs () - () Needs to be assessed by series of (long)
runs with independent initial conditions
40ITER global GK turbulence simulation
- Field solver 600 x 4000 x 3000 7.2 x109 grid
points. - CPU cost scaling (1/r)3
- 2000 x 109 particles (Lagrange-PIC).
- CPU cost scaling (1/r)3
- 2000 x 109 grid points (Eulerian /
semi-Lagrange). - CPU cost scaling (1/r)3
- Number of time steps, assuming Wi Dt 1, Nsteps
t/Dt 2000 (a/cs) Wi 2000 (1/r)
2x106 - CPU cost scaling (1/r)
- The computational cost scales as (1/r)4 and is
prohibitive for ITER-size parameters - Improvements must be found !
- 1. Turbulence and transport, GyroKinetic theory
- 2. Numerical schemes to solve GK equations
- 3. Critical issue no.1 numerical noise
- Statistical interpretation of PIC
- Control Variates
- Loading issues
- 4. Critical issue no.2 geometry, anisotropy
- 5. Critical issue no.3 long, (quasi-)steady
state simulations - 6. Collisions in PIC
- 7. High Performance Computing issues
- 8. Outlook and conclusions
423. Critical issue no.1 numerical noise
Lagrange Particle-In-Cell (PIC)
field solver
get electric field
- Problem sampling error accumulation. Possible
cures - a) control variates
- b) importance sampling
- c) physics based filter
- d) explicit noise-control source operators
433.a) Statistical aspect of Lagrange-PIC
- Obtaining the density and currents from the
markers, i.e. obtaining moments of the
distribution funciton, can be interpreted as a
Monte Carlo integration
- Even small errors in the evaluation of these
moments can cause a systematic corruption of the
simulation in a realtively short period of time.
S.J. Allfrey, R. Hatzky, CPC 154 (2003) 98
See also A.Y. Aydemir, Phys. Plasmas 1 (1994) 822
- Let p(Z) the probability density function (PDF)
of N marker positions in phase space
Expectation value of gn
Error ebv in this estimate
where sn2 is the variance in this estimating
function gn
importance sampling choose
Nonzero variance due to finite spatial
localisation of Ln
453.b) Control variates df method
Only df is sampled with markers
marker weight
0 if f0 is a fct of constants of unperturbed
We obtain the time evolution equation for the
463.b) control variates df method
- Improve estimate for bn, i.e. reduce the variance
The error in this estimate is proportional to the
sqrt of the variance of the function
instead of
Thus the error is reduced by a factor of the
order of
473.b) df method (continued)
Only the perturbed part of Poisson
(quasi-neutrality) equation is solved
- Sampling noise is reduced if
- The smaller the fraction of f is sampled with
markers, the lower the sampling noise will be - The basic idea is to replace as much as possible,
in the field equations, Monte Carlo (markers)
integration with analytical expressions - Enhanced control variates
Effective if the non-Bolzmann part is much
smaller than the Boltmann part
48Loading issues
- Idea optimize the pdf of initial loading
positions Zp(t0) so as to mimimize the variance
of the weights at later times - Run a 1st simulation until ttload
- Obtain the pdf of weight distribution, traced
back to the Zp(t0) positions - Run a 2nd simulation using this pdf for the new
Physics based filter
- Supress obviously unphysical modesFourier
B-field aligned filter see later
Noise control source operators
- Aim at long, quasi-steady, statistically
converged simulations see later
493.c) Numerical convergence loading issues
- Which random number generator to use to load
the initial marker positions? - Pseudo random generators
- Linear congruential, Twister-Mersenne,
- give a convergence 1/Np1/2 for Monte Carlo
integration (CLT applied to variance of sum) - For 5D case, this is competitive against
grid-based methods that have a convergence worse
than h5/2 - Can we do better? Yes, with quasi-random
50Loading using quasi-random generators
- Haltons sequence
- Let r be a prime number
- Let i be a natural number written in base r
- The i-th number of Haltons sequence is
- Gives close to uniform distribution in 0,1
51Pseudo-Random vs Quasi-Random
- Haltons in different bases for different
dimensions give better coverage of phase space
52Pseudo-Random vs Quasi-Random
N104 32 bins
- Quasi-random (Haltons) give a better restitution
of the desired (here uniform) probability
distribution function.
53Pseudo-Random vs Quasi-Random
- Quasi-random (Haltons) give better accuracy in
integration and higher order of convergence in
error, i.e. almost 1/Np
54ITG gyrokinetic global linear simulation
- CYCLONE base case A.M. Dimits et al, PoP 7
(2000) 969 - Parameters inspired by experiment on DIII-D
tokamak - 1/r180
55ITG gyrokinetic global linear simulation
Contours of perturbed potential
Linearised df
- CYCLONE base case 1/r180. GYGLES code M.
Fivaz et al, CPC 111 (1998) 27
56ITG gyrokinetic global linear simulation
Convergence of the growth rate with number of
markers Np
Halton sequence loading
- Pseudo-Random loading convergence 1/Np1/2
(left) - Halton sequence loading convergence 1/Np
57ITG gyrokinetic global linear simulation
- ITER-size cyclone case 1/r 1120
- m170 wavelengths, solved with Nq64 grid points
how is it possible?
58ITG gyrokinetic global linear simulation
- Checking convergence with Np
- ITER-size cyclone case 1/r 1120
Growth rate
Std deviation of growth rate
59ITG gyrokinetic global linear simulation
- Checking the power balance
(1/2E) dE/dt
(1/2E) j.E
Instantaneous growth rate vs time
- 1. Turbulence and transport, GyroKinetic theory
- 2. Numerical schemes to solve GK equations
- 3. Critical issue no.1 numerical noise
- 4. Critical issue no.2 geometry, anisotropy
- Straight-field-line coordinates
- Field-aligned Fourier filter
- Benefits for noise problem
- Benefits for field solver problem
- Beware of simplified geometrical models
- 5. Critical issue no.3 long, (quasi-)steady
state simulations - 6. Collisions in PIC
- 7. High Performance Computing issues
- 8. Outlook and conclusions
614. Critical issue no.2 geometry, anisotropy
Small scales perpendicular to B
Next page
Color contours of perturbed electrostatic
Long scales parallel to B
- Gyrokinetic ordering
- High k//rs modes are unphysical gt filter them
62Straight-field-line coordinates
Poloidal angle-like coordinate q
toroidal angle j
- Choose q such that B field lines are straight in
(q,j) plane - In these coordinates the expression of the
parallel wave number is simpler
63Field-aligned Fourier Filter (FAFF)
- From gyrokinetic ordering, k//rs r ltlt 1
- Short wavelengths along B are unphysicalgt filter
them out!
Writing the perturbations in Fourier space
The physical perturbations are thus such that
The number of poloidal Fourier modes to be
retained is thus 10, independently of the system
size !
64Field-aligned Fourier Filter (FAFF)
- With FAFF, the scalability of computational cost
with system size is dramatically improved - Constraint on timestep from (fast) parallel
Without FAFF, Dmma/rs1/r, leading to
With FAFF, DmqR/a, leading to
With FAFF, reduction of computational cost by a
For ITER-size, this is a factor 200 !
65Field -aligned Fourier filter (FAFF)
1/r40, R/LT12, R/a5, Np16x106, grid
- Turbulent perturbations. Detail on a magnetic
S. Jolliet, et al., CPC 2007
Without FAFF unphysical small scales in the
parallel direction develop
With FAFF unphysical small scales in the
parallel direction are suppressed
66Fighting noise with field -aligned Fourier filter
Without FAFF
S. Jolliet, et al., CPC 2007
Without FAFF, the noise increases the heat flux
67Fighting noise with field -aligned Fourier filter
- Checking energy conservation
Without FAFF
S. Jolliet, et al., CPC 2007
With FAFF Dm7
Without FAFF, energy non-conservation rises
68Fighting noise with field -aligned Fourier filter
Without FAFF
With FAFF, Dm7
S. Jolliet, et al., CPC 2007
Without FAFF, there is an unphysical growth of
ITG perturbations and of Zonal Flows
69Markers and finite element representations
The marker-sampled perturbed density is
Field quantities are represented on finite
Simplest case, 1D
Galerkin formulation
Mass matrix M
70ITER global GK turbulence simulation
requirements, with field-aligned Fourier
- Normalized size system size / gyration radius
1 / r a / rs rs cs/Wi cs(Te/mi)1/2 - ITER 1 / r 1000
- Simplest model GK ions, adiabatic electrons
- Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) driven
turbulence - Relevant scales krrs, kqrs lt 1
- 3D field solver min 4 pts/wavelength
- Nr (2/p) 1/r 640, Nq 4 1/r 4000, Nj
Nq/q 3000 - Phase space resolution 300 markers / cell
- or Nm8, Nv//32
- Needs to be assessed by numerical convergence
studies - Time until statistical steady-state 2000 a /
cs - Needs to be assessed by series of (long) runs
with independent initial conditions
Fourier mode in filter
71ITER global GK turbulence simulation
requirements, with field-aligned Fourier
20 x 106
- Field solver 600 x 4000 x 3000 7.2 x109 grid
points. - CPU cost scaling (1/r)3
- 2000 x 109 particles (Lagrange-PIC)
- CPU cost scaling (1/r)3
- 2000 x 109 grid points (Eulerian / semi-Lagrange
field-aligned grid) - CPU cost scaling (1/r)3
- Number of time steps, assuming Wi Dt 1, Nsteps
t/Dt 2000 (a/cs) Wi 2000 (1/r)
2x106 - CPU cost scaling (1/r)
- The computational cost scales as (1/r)4 and is
prohibitive for ITER-size parameters - Improvements must be found !
Dt cs/a 0.1
2 x 104
Feasible on top-end existing HPCs ()
have been
()needs scalable massively parallel algorithms
72A question of size, benchmarks, and
- GK turbulence simulation codes are often run at
the limit of available computing power available.
Verification vs analytical theories exist only in
simplified cases. Hence, cross-code comparisons
(benchmarks) are essential.
- CYCLONE base case A.M. Dimits et al, PoP 7
(2000) 969 - Local (flux tube) results (in approximate
geometry) compared with global code results. Good
agreement. - Crucial question how finite size simulations
(i.e. global) tend to infinite system size (i.e.
flux tube) cases?
Cited 306 times as of Aug.31, 2009 ISI Web of
73A question of size, benchmarks, and
A controversy had risen regarding the size
scaling of turbulent-driven transport
J. Candy, R.E. Waltz, W. Dorland, PoP 11 (2004)
GTC global Lagrange-PIC GYRO global Euler
Dimits flux-tube infinite system size limit
74A question of size, benchmarks, and
1/r a/rs ITG
Inconsistent geometrical approximation
smaller physical system size
- Numerically converged results (Np, Dt) within
symbol size - Agreement between global and flux tube results
for CYCLONE DIII-D parameters Dimits PoP 2000
is purely coincidental!
X. Lapillonne et al., PoP 16, 032308 (2009)
75A question of size, benchmarks, and
consistent exact geometry
consistent approximate geometry
inconsistent approximate geometry
Fig.6 X. Lapillonne et al., PoP 16, 032308
- Most of the difference can be attributed to
inconsistency of the geometrical approximation
76A question of size, benchmarks, and
- Stiffness of anomalous transport implies very
large sensitivity in the vicinity of marginality!
77ORB5 a Lagrangian, PIF code Particle-In-Finite
- Based on GK conservative formulation of TS Hahm
- Axisymmetric tokamak geometry, link to MHD
equilibrium - Fully global, f evolution is unconstrained
- allows for profile relaxation, avalanches,
bursts, etc - Control variates only dff-f0 is sampled with
markers - adaptive / enhanced control variates
- Importance sampling optimized loading
- Finite element 3D cubic B-spline for dn, df
fields - Straight-field-line coordinates with
Field-Aligned Fourier Filtering - Order gain in computing cost scaling with system
size (r) - Noise-control with sources, zonal flow preserving
- Long, statistically converged simulations above
marginal stability
78Zonal Flows self regulate turbulence
Color contours of perturbed electrostatic
hot core
S. Jolliet, et al., CPC 2007
large scale Zonal Flows gt breakup of turbulent
eddies gt self-regulation of turbulence
cold edge
turbulent eddies gt radial transport
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Ion Temperature
Gradient driven turbulence - Resolution 128x448x320, N 83 million, WiDt40
- 6 h on 1024 processors IBM BG/L_at_EPFL
- No sources final state has (undamped) Zonal
Flows and decaying turbulence level
79Interaction of zonal flows with turbulence can
been observed in many other physical systems
Zonal flow velocity profile of Jupiters high
Zonal flow velocity profile in a cylindrical
NASA Cassini 2000
Idomura, et al., JCP 2007
Quasi-2D electrostatic plasma turbulence
Quasi-2D atmospheric turbulence
80Coordinate singularity near axis
Pseudo-cartesian coordinates (x,h) grid
Polar-like coordinates (s,q) grid
- Equation of motion for q is singular on axis
- Equations of motion for x and h are regular
- 1. Turbulence and transport, GyroKinetic theory
- 2. Numerical schemes to solve GK equations
- 3. Critical issue no.1 numerical noise
- 4. Critical issue no.2 geometry, anisotropy
- 5. Critical issue no.3 long, (quasi-)steady
state simulations - Chaotic nature of transport processes
- Filamentation of phase space in dissipationless
systems - Necessity of finite dissipation for a
steady-state - Active noise control algorithms
- Entropy production, entropy balance
- 6. Collisions in PIC
- 7. High Performance Computing issues
- 8. Outlook and conclusions
824. Critical issue no.3 long, (quasi-)
steady-state simulations
- Turbulent processes have a chaotic nature
- Predictions made by direct numerical simulations
(DNS) of turbulence have a statistical aspect - Aim obtain long enough, statistically converged,
steady-state simulations - Some dissipation must be present in the system in
order to get a statistical steady-state Krommes
Hu, PoP 1 (1994) 3211, Krommes PoP 6 (1999)
1477 - Dissipationless (collisionless) systems lead to
indefinitely thin filamentation of f in phase
space. In PIC, this leads to an indefinite
increase in the fluctuation entropy and decay of
the Signal/Noise ratio (though lower order
moments of f, e.g. the energy flux, may seem to
have converged entropy paradox)
83Turbulent processes have a chaotic nature
- Convergence studies with increasing Np
- Nonlinear ITG, sourceless, collisionless, white
noise initialisation
S. Jolliet, et al, CPC 177 (2007) 409
84Turbulent processes have a chaotic nature
- Convergence studies with increasing Np
- Nonlinear ITG, sourceless, collisionless, mode
Signature of chaos finite time after which two
neighboring initial conditions diverge from each
S. Jolliet, et al, CPC 177 (2007) 409
85Turbulent processes have a chaotic nature
- Convergence studies with increasing Np
- Nonlinear ITG, with sources (see further)
B.F. McMillan, et al, PoP 15 (2008) 062306
How to define a good (converged???) estimate of
the flux? Time-averages?
86Turbulent processes have a chaotic nature
- Varying initialisations
- Nonlinear ITG, with sources (see further)
B.F. McMillan, et al, PoP 15 (2008) 062306
Temporal moving average over 500 a/cs of
normalised heat diffusivity
87Collisionless, dissipationless filamentation
- Core fusion plasmas are very weakly collisional
(lmfp,// gtgt device size) - Issue for computations achieving numerical
convergence is impossible after a finite time
(resolution should increase indefinitely) in
PIC, this manifests itself as a decaying
Signal/Noise ratio - Finite dissipation is necessary
Spatial scales bounded by Larmor radius and
device size gt Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS)
are possible, but Collisionless (Landau)
wave-particle interactions lead to filamentation
in phase space This filamentation proceeds
88Statistical noise in PIC simulations
N markers in phase space
Nm Fourier modes in the field representation
Coeff of order 1 dependent on FLR and spline
- In collisionless, dissipationless nonlinear
simulations, the noise increases indefinitely
because ltw2gt increases indefinitely - Noise-control put a limit (bound) on the
increase of w2
89Long, statistically converged simulations
- Add sources/sinks in order to
- Maintain average gradients above marginal
- Avoid accumulation of error (noise)
- Preserving the physics, in particular Zonal Flows
Krook avoid noise accumulation
correction to preserve undamped Zonal Flows
overbar orbit average
lt.gt surface average
90Zonal Flow phase space structure
- Contours of df in ZF damping test using the
global Eulerian code GT5D Idomura et al., CPC
Coherent structure due to neoclassical
polarisation effect
Filament structures produced by ballistic modes
91Zonal-flow preserving corrected Krook
Damped GAM
ltvExBgt a.u.
McMillan, et al., PoP 2008
t Wci-1
- The undamped residual Rosenbluth-Hinton is
92A long nonlinear simulation with sources
Heat transport
Signal / noise
- Numerical noise is controlled over very long
times, using the noise-control Krook operator
93With/without Krook as noise control
McMillan, et al., PoP 2008
- When S/N is lost, there is a decrease in computed
transport level
94Noise destroys the field structure
Using a heating operator noise-dominated
Using a Krook operator noise-controlled
McMillan, et al., PoP 2008
- Contours of non-zonal perturbed potential f - ltfgt
95Checking quasi-state entropy balance
- The fluctuation entropy, i.e. difference between
macroscopic and microscopic entropies, is defined
as Watanabe, Sugama, PoP 9 (2002) 3659
- From the gyrokinetic equation, we obtain the
following entropy balance relation
entropy production from profile gradients
dissipative noise control term (lt0)
Dfield particles to field perturbation (usually
Dheat contribution of heating operator (usually
96Checking quasi-stateness entropy balance
- ORB5 simulation, with heating, no noise-control
97Checking quasi-stateness entropy balance
- ORB5 simulation, with heating, with noise-control
98Bursts, avalanches role of Zonal Flows
- A substantial fraction of heat transport is
carried by bursts
In/out propagating bursts avalanches
Quasi-steady Zones
radial coordinate
- NB similar avalanches are seen on the heat flux,
ZF shearing rate, and gradT
- 1. Turbulence and transport, GyroKinetic theory
- 2. Numerical schemes to solve GK equations
- 3. Critical issue no.1 numerical noise
- 4. Critical issue no.2 geometry, anisotropy
- 5. Critical issue no.3 long, (quasi-)steady
state simulations - 6. Collisions in PIC
- Langevin (random walk) approach
- Weight spreading, noise
- 2-weights scheme
- 7. High Performance Computing issues
- 8. Outlook and conclusions
1006. Collisions in PIC
- Even though core fusion plasmas are weakly
collisional, finite collisionality has effects on
e.g. - Reducing Trapped Electron Mode (TEM) drive
- Damping the residual Zonal Flows (ZF)
- In the absence of turbulence, in curved magnetic
confinement systems, they lead to the so-called
neo-classical transport (NC) - NC transport include heat, particle, and momentum
transport (e.g. the bootstrap current effect,
very important for advanced tokamak scenarios) - In transport barriers (regions where
turbulence-induced transport is suppressed) NC
transport remains - For turbulence simulations, they bring physics
first-principle based dissipation mechanisms
(which are, as we have just seen, essential in
order to obtain steady-state simulations)
101Collisions Langevin approach
- The effect of particle collisions is a diffusion
and a drag - For example, electron-ion collisions can be
modeled with the Lorentz operator, which is a
limiting case of the more general Landau operator
Langevin random walk kick
102Collisions Langevin approach
- In df schemes, the particle weights, wp, have to
be interpreted statistically - It is like an additional dimension in phase space
- 2-weight scheme G. Hu and J.A. Krommes, PoP 1
(1994) 863 - The Langevin approach leads to weight
spreading, hence to increased particle
statistical noise - Ways have been devised to limit the detrimental
effects of weight spreading, e.g. an evolving
background scheme - S. Brunner, E. Valeo, J.A. Krommes, PoP 6 (1999)
103Collisions Langevin weight spreading
Relax the individual weights w toward their
averaged values W
104Collisions neoclassical effects
- Considering collisions alone (no turbulence!)
R/a2.8, a/LT0, a/Ln5
105Collisions Trapped Electron Mode
- electron-ion collisions decrease TEM instability
106Collisions (ion-ion) zonal flow damping
- Ion-ion collisions damp the residual zonal flows
107Collisions (i-i) and turbulent transport
Z. Lin, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 3645,
PoP 7 (2000) 1857
- Increased collisionality -gt more damping of Zonal
Flows -gt increased turbulence level -gt increased
transport level
- 1. Turbulence and transport, GyroKinetic theory
- gyrokinetic modelling of fusion plasmas
- 2. Numerical schemes to solve GK equations
- Lagrange (PIC), Euler, Semi-Lagrange
- 3. Critical issue no.1 numerical noise
- Statistical interpretation of PIC
- Control Variates
- Loading issues
- 4. Critical issue no.2 geometry, anisotropy
- Straight-field-line coordinates
- Field-aligned Fourier filter
- Benefits for noise problem
- Benefits for field solver problem
- Beware of simplified geometrical models
- 5. Critical issue no.3 long, (quasi-)steady
state simulations - Chaotic nature of transport processes
- Problem of dissipationless systems filamentation
of phase space - Necessity of finite dissipation for a
steady-state - Active noise control algorithms
- 1. Turbulence and transport, GyroKinetic theory
- 2. Numerical schemes to solve GK equations
- 3. Critical issue no.1 numerical noise
- 4. Critical issue no.2 geometry, anisotropy
- 5. Critical issue no.3 long, (quasi-)steady
state simulations - 6. Collisions in PIC
- 7. High Performance Computing issues
- Massive parallelism
- Parallel scalability
- 8. Outlook and conclusions
1107. High Performance Computing
- Even with the recent improvements in algorithms,
direct numerical simulation of turbulence using
gyrokinetic models is very demanding in computer
resources - The evolution of top-end HPC to massively
parallel platforms requires the corresponding
development of parallelizable and scalable
algorithms - www.top500.org the top of the list consists of
platforms having several 100,000s cores - In the not-so-distant future millions of cores!
- Not so easy to tap the immense cpu power of such
architectures - Requires re-thinking of algorithms (re-factoring
of codes)
111Parallelization scheme ORB5
Aim solve very large problems gt huge nr of
procs gt huge nr of domains !?!!!?
Domain decomposition (toroidal direction)
MPI move
Domain Cloning field quantities (density,
potential) are replicated
Nc 1 100
MPI global sum
Npes NdNc
Nd 100 1000
112Massive parallelism
- Lagrange ORB5 code. Strong scaling with 8x108
particles (left). Weak scaling with 8x105
particles/processor (right). - IBM BG/L in co-processor mode
- 6.4 G particles enough to simulate ITG
turbulence with adiabatic electrons in the whole
core of ITER - Thanks to a DEISA project (Distributed European
Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications),
scalability was demonstrated up to 32768
113Massive parallelism - Scalability
- BG/P (Idris) and XT5 (Monte Rosa, CSCS)
114- Thanks T. Stitt, CSCS DEISA-DECI
1158. Conclusion and outlook
- Algorithm improvements have resulted in orders of
magnitude increase in performance - These have been based on a good understanding of
both physical and computational aspects - The capability to control error (noise)
accumulation has been shown, allowing for long,
quasi-steady state simulations - Scalability with system size is close to ideal
- Parallel scalability demonstrated up to 32768
processors and promising - Global, gyrokinetic Direct Numerical Simulation
of turbulence in the ITER plasma core appears
feasible in a near future - at least for Ion-Temperature-Gradient driven
turbulence - Work is underway to include and study more
physical effects - ElectroMagnetic, Collisions, Fast ions (e.g.
fusion alphas), - Code development and cross comparisons will
continue - HPC issues (massive //, ) will continue to
dominate our agenda - Require human resource development on a long term
Credit NASA, ESA and J. M. Apellániz (IAA, Spain)
- in space (a nursery of stars NGC 6357)
117Controlled fusion on earth magnetic confinement
JET has produced 16MW of fusion power
Source EFDA and J.B. Lister CRPP
- Figure of merit density x Temperature x energy
confinement time (nTtE ) - Magnetic confinement tE1s, n1020m-3, T10keV.
ITER nTtE3.4 atm.s
118Semi-Lagrange approach
- Main motivation get the better of two worlds
- avoid the statistical noise problem inherent of
Lagrange-PIC-MC methods - avoid the CFL condition inherent of Euler methods
- GYSELA code
- 5D gyrokinetic
- Operator splitting
- Leapfrog scheme, with averaging of integer and
half-integer timesteps
fconst along orbit
Orbit, backward integrated from grid point
Interpolation of f _at_ foot of orbit
119Lagrange (ORB5) vs ½-Lagrange (GYSELA)
Alternative approaches bring useful cross-checks
of numerical and physical results
Heat diffusivity
Ion temperature gradient
- 1. Introduction turbulence and transport
- gyrokinetic modelling of fusion plasmas
- 2. Numerical schemes to solve GK equations
- Lagrange, Euler, Semi-Lagrange
- 3. Critical issues
- anisotropy, role of zonal flows, numerical error
(noise) - 4. Quasi-steady state simulations
- sources/sinks, cascades, avalanches
- 5. High Performance Computing
- massive parallelism, scalability
- 6. Outlook and conclusions