The Composite Pattern: the problem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Composite Pattern: the problem


Compose objects into tree-like structures to represent part-whole hierarchies ... the client does not need to be recompiled when an implementation class changes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Composite Pattern: the problem

The Composite Pattern the problem
Compose objects into tree-like structures to
represent part-whole hierarchies and let clients
treat individual objects and compositions of
objects uniformly
- a drawing tool that lets users build complex
diagrams from simple elements - trees with
heterogeneous nodes e.g. the parse tree of a
program - a containment hierarchy for technical
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The Composite Pattern Participants
  • Component
  • declares the interface for objects in the
  • implements default behavior for the interface
    common to all objects
  • declares an interface for accessing and managing
    child components
  • (optional) defines/implements an interface for
    accessing a components parent
  • Leaf defines behavior for primitive objects in
    the composition
  • Composite
  • defines behavior for components having children
  • stores child components
  • implements child access and management
    operations in the component interface
  • Client manipulates objects in the composition
    through the component interface

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The Composite Pattern Collaboration
  • Clients use the Component class interface to
    interact with objects in the composition
  • If the recipient is a Leaf, the request is
    handled directly
  • If the recipient is a Composite the request is
    usually forwarded to child components, some
    additional operations before and/or after the
    forwarding can happen

The Composite Pattern Consequences
  • Makes the Client simple clients can treat
    composite structures and individual objects
    uniformly, clients normally dont know and should
    not care whether they are dealing with a leaf or
    a composite
  • Makes it easier to add new types of components
    client code works automatically with newly
    defined Composite or Leaf subclasses
  • - Can make a design overly general the
    disadvantage of making it easy to add new
    components is that it is difficult to restrict
    the components of a composite, sometimes you want
    a composite to have only certain types of
    children, with the Composite Patterns you cannot
    rely on the type system to enforce this for you,
    you have to implement and use run-time checks

The Composite Pattern Implementation (1)
  • Explicit parent references simplify traversal
    and management of composite structures are best
    defined in the Component class it is essential
    to maintain the invariant that all children of a
    composite have as their parent the composite that
    in turn has them as children
  • Sharing components can be useful for example to
    reduce storage requirements but can lead to
    ambiguities when requests propagate up the
  • Maximizing the Component interface to achieve
    that clients are unaware of the specific Leaf or
    Composite class they are using, the Component
    class should define as many common operations on
    Leaf and Composite classes as possible this
    conflicts with class hierarchy design that says
    that a class should only implement operations
    that make sense on all of its subclasses some
    creativity is needed to find good default
    implementations for operations (ex. children
    (leaf) )

The Composite Pattern Implementation (2)
  • The child access and management operations
    defining the child management interface at the
    Component level gives transparency but costs
    safety, clients can do meaningless things like
    add to or delete from a leaf this must be
    captured in a default implementation do nothing
    or throw error ???
  • The instance variable(s) holding the children
    commonly this instance variable belongs where the
    access and management operations are but when put
    with the Component class a space penalty is
    involved since Leafs never have children
  • Deleting Components in languages without garbage
    collection it is best to make Composite
    responsible for deleting its children an
    exception is when Leaf objects are immutable and
    thus can be shared

The Composite Pattern Implementation (3)
  • The datastructure for storing children a variety
    of datastructures is available lists, trees,
    arrays, hash tables the choice depends on
    efficiency alternatively each child can be kept
    in a separate instance variable all access and
    management operations must then be implemented on
    each Composite subclass
  • Child ordering when child order is an issue the
    child access and management interface must be
    designed carefully to manage this sequence
  • Caching when compositions need to be traversed
    or searched frequently the Composite class can
    cache traversal or search information on its
    children changes to a component will require
    invalidating the caches of its parent

The Strategy Pattern The Problem
Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each
one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets
the algorithm vary independently from clients
that use it Also known as policy
  • Different line-breaking
  • algorithms in an editor
  • Different kinds of memory allocation
  • algorithms for collection classes
  • Different algorithms for checking
  • valid input in different types
  • of dialog boxes

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The Strategy Pattern Applicability
  • Many different classes differ only in their
    behavior using Strategy provides a way to
    configure a class with one of many behaviors
  • Many different variants of an algorithm are
    needed using Strategy the variants can be
    implemented as a class hierarchy of algorithms
  • The algorithms use data that clients should not
    know about using Strategy avoids exposing
    complex, algorithm specific data

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The Strategy Pattern Participants
  • Strategy
  • Declares an interface common to all supported
  • Context uses this interface to call the algorithm
    defined by a ConcreteStrategy
  • ConcreteStrategy subclasses
  • Each subclass implements the algorithm using the
    Strategy interface
  • Context
  • Is configured with a ConcreteStrategy object
  • May define an interface that lets Strategy access
    its data

The Strategy Pattern Collaborations
  • A Context forwards requests from its clients to
    its Strategy
  • Strategy and Context interact to implement the
    chosen algorithm.
  • A Context may pass all the data required by the
    algorithm to the Strategy when calling the
  • Context may pass itself as an argument to
    Strategy operations so that these can call back
    on the Context as required.
  • Clients usually create and pass a
    ConcreteStrategy object to the Context
    thereafter clients interact with the Context

The Strategy Pattern Consequences (1)
  • Hierarchies of Strategy classes define a family
    of algorithms or behaviors to reuse. Inheritance
    can factor out common functionality of the
  • Is alternative to subclassing, I.e. using a
    hierarchy of Context classes to implement the
    variations in behavior. The behavior is not
    hard-wired in the context so the algorithm can
    vary independently of the Context
  • Is an alternative to using conditional
    statements for selecting desired behavior
  • Can offers a choice of implementations for the
    same behavior (e.g. space and time tradeoffs)

The Strategy Pattern Consequences (2)
  • - Clients must be aware of different Strategies.
    The clients must understand the difference
    amongst what is offered to be able to select the
    appropriate one. Therefor the pattern should only
    be used when the variation in algorithm
    (implementation) is relevant for the client.
  • - There is some communication overhead between
    Strategy and Context. Strategy defines a
    (general) interface. Many of the simpler
    algorithms will not need all the information that
    is passed.
  • - The number of objects in the application
    increases. Sometimes this overhead can be reduced
    when ConcreteStrategies can be implemented by
    stateless objects that can be shared (cfr. The
    flyweight pattern)

The Strategy Pattern Implementation
  • Defining the strategy and context interfaces
  • Let context pass data to strategy operations
  • Keeps context and strategy decoupled
  • Context might pass data that strategy does not
  • Let context pass itself to strategy operations
    and strategy can then request data from context
  • Couples context and strategy more closely
  • Context must have more elaborate interface
  • Strategies as template parameters
  • In C templates can be used to configure a
    context with a strategy
  • Only applicable when strategy can be selected at
    compile time and does not need to change at run

The Decorator Pattern the problem
  • Attach additional responsibilities tot an
    object dynamically instead of relying on
    subclassing to extend functionality
  • Also known as wrapper
  • Graphical embellishments
  • to widgets
  • Add compression and encryption
  • responsibilities to streams

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The Decorator Pattern Participants Collaboration
  • Component defines the interface for objects that
    can have responsibilities added to them
  • ConcreteComponent defines an objects to which
    additional responsibilities can be attached
  • Decorator maintains a reference to a component
    object and defines an interface that conforms to
    the Component's interface
  • ConcreteDecorator adds responsibilities to the
  • Decorator forwards requests to its Component
    object. It may optionally perform additional
    operations before and after forwarding the

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The Decorator Pattern Consequences
  • More flexible than static inheritance.
    Responsibilities can be added and removed at
    run-time by simply attaching/detaching them
  • Makes it easy to add a property twice
  • Avoids feature loaded classes high up in the
  • -/ A decorator and its component are not
    identical don't use decorator when identity
  • - Results in a system with a lot of small objects
    that all look alike. Can be hard to learn and

The Decorator Pattern Implementation
  • Interface conformance. A decorator object's
    interface must conform to the interface of the
    component it decorates
  • Omit the abstract Decorator class when only one
    extra responsibility is needed
  • Keep Component class lightweight. Focus on
    inerface not storing data. Definfition of data
    representation should be deferred to subclasses
  • Changing the skin of an object versius changing
    its guts (Decorator pattern versus Strategy

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The Abstract Factory Pattern the problem
Provide an Interface for creating families of
related or dependent objects without specifying
their concrete classes
- A GUI toolkit that supports multiple
look-and-feel standards
Also known as Kit
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The Abstract Factory Pattern Participants
  • AbstractFactory declares an interface for
    operations that create abstract product objects
  • ConcreteFactory implements the operations to
    create concrete product objects
  • AbstractProduct declares an interface for a type
    of product object
  • ConcreteProduct defines a product object to be
    created by the corresponding concrete factory
    implements the AbstractProduct interface
  • Client uses only interfaces declared by
    AbstractProduct and AbstractFactory

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The Abstract Factory Pattern Collaboration
  • AbstractFactory defers creation of product
    objects to its ConcreteFactory subclass
  • A single instance of a ConcreteFactory is created
    at run-time this concrete factory creates
    product objects having a particular

The Abstract Factory Pattern Conseq. (1)
  • Isolates concrete classes the AbstractFactory
    encapsulates the responsibility and the process
    to create product objects, it isolates clients
    from implementation classes clients manipulate
    instances through their abstract interfaces, the
    product class names do not appear in the client
  • Makes exchanging product families easy the
    ConcreteFactory class appears only once in an
    application -that is, where it is instantiated-
    so it is easy to replace because the abstract
    factory creates an entire family of products the
    whole product family changes at once

The Abstract Factory Pattern Conseq. (2)
  • Promotes consistency between products when
    products in a family are designed to work
    together it is important for an application to
    use objects from one family only the abstract
    factory pattern makes this easy to enforce
  • - Supporting new types of products is difficult
    extending abstract factories to produce new kinds
    of products is not easy because the set of
    Products that can be created is fixed in the
    AbstractFactory interface supporting new kinds
    of products requires extending the factory
    interface which involves changing the
    AbstractFactory class and all its subclasses

The Abstract Factory Pattern Implement. (1)
  • Factories as singletons an application needs
    only one instance of a ConcreteFactory per
    product family, so it is best to implement this
    as a singleton
  • Creating the products
  • AbstractFactory only declares an interface for
    creating products, it is up to the
    ConcreteFactory subclasses to actually create
  • The most common way to do this is use a
    factory-method for each product each concrete
    factory specifies its products by overriding each
    factory-method it is simple but requires a new
    concrete factory for each product family even if
    they differ only slightly
  • An alternative is to implement the concrete
    factories with the prototype pattern the
    concrete factory is initialised with a
    prototypical instance of each product and creates
    new products by cloning

The Abstract Factory Pattern Implement. (2)
  • Defining extensible factories
  • a more flexible but less safe design is to
    provide AbstractFactory with a single make
    function that takes as a parameter (a class
    identifier, a string) the kind of object to
  • is easier to realise in a dynamically typed
    language than in a statically typed language
    because of the return type of this make
  • can for example be used in C only if all
    product objects have a common base type or if the
    product object can be safely coerced into the
    type the client that requested the object
    expects in the former the products returned all
    have the same abstract interface and the client
    will not be able to differentiate or make
    assumptions about the class of the product

The Bridge Pattern the problem
Decouple an abstraction from its
implementation so that the two can vary
independently Also kown as Handle/Body
  • -graphic and windowing systems that need to run
    over multiple platforms
  • -a logical collection hierarchy and an hierarchy
    of data structures used for implementing them

stack queue
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The Bridge Pattern Participants Collaboration
  • Abstraction
  • Defines the abstraction's interface
  • Maintains a reference to an object of type
  • RefinedAbstraction Extends the interface defined
    by abstraction
  • Implementor defines the interface for
    implementation classes (can be quite different
    from that of the Abstraction, more primitive
  • ConcreteImplementor implements the Implementor
    interface defining concrete implementations
  • Abstraction forwards client request to its
    Implementor object

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The Bridge Pattern Consequences
  • Decoupling of interface (the Abstraction) and
  • The implementation of an abstraction can be
    configured, even at run-time.
  • Compile time dependencies are eliminated,
    changing an implementation class does not require
    recompiling the Abstraction class
  • Encourages layering leading to a better
    structured system
  • Improved extensibility. Abstraction and
    Implementor hierarchies can evolve independently
  • Implementation details are hidden from the
    client and the client does not need to be
    recompiled when an implementation class changes

The Bridge Pattern Implementation
  • Only one Implementor. A degenerate case. Still
    useful because a change in the implementation of
    a class does not affect the clients of the class
  • Creating the right implementation object.
  • Abstraction knows about ConcreteImplementation
    classes and selects one to instantiate (for
    example in its constructor)
  • A default implementation initially and then a
  • Delegate the decision to another object (see
    Abstract Factory)
  • Use multiple inheritance. For example in C
    public inheritance for the Abstraction hierarchy
    and private inheritance for the Implementor
    hierarchy. Is a static solution, not a true bridge

The Command Pattern the problem
  • Encapsulate a request as an object so that
  • Clients can be parameterised with different
  • Requests can be queued and logged
  • Undo and redo operations become possible
  • Also known as action, transaction
  • -bind specific operations to GUI elements so that
    these operations are executed when the user
    clicks a button or selects an item from a menu

close window
start application
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The Command Pattern Participants
  • Command declares an interface for executing an
  • Concrete Command
  • Defines a binding between a Receiver object and
    an action
  • Implements Execute by invoking the corresponding
    operation(s) on Receiver
  • Client creates a ConcreteCommand object and sets
    its receiver
  • Invoker asks the command to carry out the
  • Receiver knows how to perform the operations
    associated with carrying out a request

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The Command Pattern Collaborations
  • The client creates a ConcreteCommand object and
    specifies its receiver
  • An invoker object stores the ConcreteCommand
  • The invoker object issues a request by calling
    Execute on the command. When commands are
    undoable ConcreteCommand stores state prior to
    invoking Execute
  • The concreteCommand object invokes operations on
    its receiver to carry out the request

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The Command Pattern Consequences
  • Command decouples the object that invokes the
    operation from the one that knows how to perform
  • Commands are first-class objects, they van be
    manipulated and extented like any other object
  • Different Commands can be assembled in a
    composite command
  • It's easy to add new Commands

The Command Pattern Implementation (1)
  • How intelligent should a command be?
  • Merely define a binding between a receiver and
    the actions that carry out the request
  • Implement everything by itself without delegating
    to a receiver
  • Find the receiver dynamically
  • Supporting undo and redo
  • Command must provide a way to revert the
    execution (Unexecute of Undo operation)
  • ConcreteCommand class may need to store
    additional state to be able to do so
  • The Receiver object
  • The arguments to the operation(s) performed on
    the receiver
  • Any original state of the receiver that changes
    as a result of handling the request

The Command Pattern Implementation (2)
  • Supporting multiple level undo and redo
  • The application needs to store a history list of
  • Commands must be copied before they are put on
    the history list when different invocations of
    the same command must be distinguished from each
  • Avoid error accumulation in the undo process
  • For commands that are not undoable and that don't
    require arguments a C template can be used to
    avoid creating a subclass for every kind of

The Iterator Pattern The Problem
Provide a way to access the elements of an
aggregate object sequentially without exposing
its underlying representation
  • support multiple types of traversals of
    aggregate objects
  • provide a uniform interface for traversing
    aggregate structures (polymorphic iteration)

( a b c d e)
First Next IsDone? CurrentItem
a b c d e
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The Iterator Pattern Participants Collaboration
  • Iterator
  • Defines an interface for accessing and traversing
  • ConcreteIterator
  • Implements the iterator interface
  • Keeps track of the current position in the
    traversal of the aggregate
  • Aggregate
  • Defines an interface for defining an Iterator
  • ConcreteAggregate
  • Implements the iterator creation interface to
    return an instance of the proper ConcreteIterator
  • A ConcreteIterator keeps track of the current
    object in the aggregate and can compute the
    succeeding object in the traversal

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The Iterator Pattern Consequences
  • Supports variation in the traversal of an
    aggregate complex aggregates can be traversed in
    many ways, iterators make it easy to change the
    traversal algorithm by just using a different
    iterator instance
  • Simplifies the Aggregate interface the
    Aggregate interface is not to be cluttered with
    various types of traversal support
  • More than one traversal can be pending on the
    same aggregate an iterator keeps track of its
    own traversal state, therefor more than one
    traversal can be in progress at the same time

The Iterator Pattern Implementation (1)
  • Who controls the iterator? An internal iterator
    has full control over the complete iteration, the
    clients hands an operation to perform and the
    iterator applies that operation to each element
    in the aggregate. With an external iterator the
    client controls the iteration, i.e. the client
    advances the traversal by requesting the next
    element explicitly. External iterators are more
    flexible (compare two collections on equality is
    practically impossible with internal operators).
    Internal iterators are easier to use but are
    weak in languages that do not support functions
    as first class objects.
  • Who defines the traversal algorithm? The iterator
    can be responsible for the traversal algorithm in
    which case it is easy to use different iteration
    algorithms on the same aggregate and to use the
    same algorithm on different aggregates. The
    aggregate itself can be responsible for the
    traversal algorithm and the iterator just stores
    the state of the iteration (cursor)

The Iterator Pattern Implementation (2)
  • How robust is the iterator? A robust iterator
    ensures that insertion and removals do not
    interfere with traversal (and it does so without
    copying the aggregate). Robust iterators can for
    example be implemented by registering the
    iterators with the aggregate and make the
    aggregate adjust the internal state of the
    iterators upon insertion or deletion of elements
  • Polymorphic iterators in C have a cost, they
    require the iterator object to be allocated
    dynamically by a factory method. Hence if there
    is no need for polymorphism use concrete
    iterators which can be allocated on the stack.
    Polymorphic iterators have another drawback, they
    must be deleted by the client code which is error
    prone. The proxy pattern offers a solution here
    use a stack allocated proxy for the real iterator
    object, make the proxy ensure proper clean up in
    its destructor so that when the proxy goes out of
    scope the iterator object is deleted

The Iterator Pattern Implementation (3)
  • Iterators may have privileged access. An iterator
    can be viewed as an extension of the aggregate
    that created it. The iterator and the aggregate
    are tightly coupled. In C they can be made
    friends so that the aggregate does not have to
    define operations with the sole purpose of making
    the traversal efficient. Adding new traversals
    becomes difficult since the aggregates interface
    has to change then to let in another friend.
  • Null Iterators. A NullIterator is a degenerated
    iterator which is helpful for handling boundery
    conditions. By definition a NullIterator is
    always done. NullIterators make traversing
    tree-like recursive structures (like Composites)
    easier. At each point in the traversal the
    current node is asked for the iterator for its
    children. An aggregate element returns a concrete
    iterator, a leaf element a NullIterator

The Visitor Pattern The Problem
Represents an operation to be performed on the
elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you
define a new operation without changing the
classes of the elements on which it operates
  • many distinct and unrelated operations need to
    be performed on objects in an object structure an
    you want to avoid polluting their classes with
    these operations
  • the classes defining the object structure rarely
    change but you often want to define new
    operations over the structure

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The Visitor Pattern Participants (1)
  • Context
  • Declares a Visit operation for each class of
    ConcreteElement in the object structure
  • The operations name and signature identified the
    class that sends the Visit request
  • ConcreteVisitor
  • Implements each operation declared by Visitor
  • Each operation implements a fragment of the
    algorithm for the corresponding class of object
    in the object structure
  • Provides the context for the algorithm and stores
    its state (often accumulating results during
  • Element
  • Defines an accept operation that takes a visitor
    as an argument

The Visitor Pattern Participants (2)
  • ConcreteElement
  • Implements an accept operation that takes a
    visitor as an argument
  • ObjectStructure
  • Can enumerate its elements
  • May provide a high-level interface to allow the
    visitor to visit its elements
  • May either be a Composite or a collection such as
    a list or a set
  • A client that uses the visitor pattern must
    create a ConcreteVisitor object and then traverse
    the object structure visiting each element with
    the visitor
  • When an element is visited, it calls the Visitor
    operation that corresponds to its class. The
    element supplies itself as an argument to this

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The Visitor Pattern Consequences (1)
  • Makes adding new operations easy a new
    operation is defined by adding a new visitor (in
    contrast, when you spread functionality over many
    classes each class must be changed to define the
    new operation)
  • Gathers related operations and separates
    unrelated ones related behavior is localised in
    the visitor and not spread over the classes
    defining the object structure
  • - Adding new ConcreteElement classes is hardeach
    new ConcreteElement gives rise to a new abstract
    operation in Visitor and a corresponding
    implementation in each ConcreteVisitor

The Visitor Pattern Consequences (2)
  • Allows visiting accross class hierarchies an
    iterator can also visit the elements of an object
    structure as it traverses them and calls
    operations on them but all elements of the
    object structure then need to have a common
    parent. Visitor does not have this restriction.
  • Accumulating state visitor can accumulate
    state as it proceeds with the traversal. Without
    a visitor this state must be passed as an extra
    parameter of handled in global variables
  • - Breaking encapsulation Visitors approach
    assumes that the ConcreteElement interface is
    powerful enough to allow the visitors to do their
    job. As a result the pattern ofthen forces to
    provide public operations that access an
    elements internal state which may compromise its

The Visitor Pattern Implementation
  • Double Dispatch. The key to visitor is a double
    dispatch the meaning of the accept operation
    depends on the visitor and on the element.
    Languages that support double dispatch (CLOS) can
    do without this pattern.
  • Who is responsible for traversing the object
    structure? Responsibility for traversal can be
  • The object structure
  • The visitor is advisable when a particular
    complex traversal is needed (for example one that
    depends on the outcome of the operation),
    otherwise it I not advisable because a lot of
    traversal code will be duplicated in each
    ConcreteVisitor for each aggregate
  • A separate iterator object

The Singleton Pattern The Problem
Ensure that a class has exactly one instance and
provide a global point of access to it
- There can be only one print spooler, one file
system, one window manager in a standard
application - There is only one game board in a
monopoly game one maze in a maze-game
Monopoly Board
Monopoly Board
Monopoly Board
The Singleton Pattern Participant Collaboration
  • Participant
  • Singleton
  • is responsible for creating and storing its own
    unique instance
  • defines an Instance operation that lets clients
    access its unique instance
  • Collaboration
  • the class level Instance operation will either
    return or create and return the sole instance a
    class level attribute will contain either a
    default indicating there is no instance yet or
    the sole instance

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The Singleton Pattern Consequences
  • Controlled access to sole instance because
    the Singleton class encapsulates its sole
    instance it can have strict control
  • Reduced name space is an improvement over
    polluting the names space with global variables
    that store sole instances
  • Permits refinement of operations and
    representation the Singleton class may be
    subclassed and the application can be configured
    with an instance of the class you need at run
  • Permits a variable number of instances the
    same approach can be used to control the number
    of instances that can exist an operation that
    grants access to the instance(s) must be provided
  • More flexible than using class operations only

The Singleton Pattern Implementation
  • Ensuring a unique instance
  • the constructors or new operations must be
    protected or overridden to avoid that other
    instances are made accidentally by user code
  • Subclassing the Singleton class
  • the main issue is installing a unique instance of
    the desired subtype at run time
  • when all subclasses are known beforehand the
    Instance operation can be a conditional and
    create the right instance depending on some
    parameter or explicit user input
  • when the subclasses are not known beforehand a
    register can be used all subclasses register an
    instance in it the Instance operation picks the
    correct instance out of it

The Factory Method Pattern The Problem
Define an interface for creating an object but
let subclasses decide which class to instantiate
- when frameworks or toolkits use abstract
classes to define and maintain relationships
between objects and are responsible for creating
the objects as well
Also known as Virtual constructor
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The Factory Method Pattern Participants and
  • Product defines the interface of the objects the
    factory method creates
  • ConcreteProduct implements the Product interface
  • Creator
  • declares the factory method, which returns an
    object of type Product may define a default
  • may call the factory method to create Product
  • ConcreteCreator overrides the factory method to
    return an instance of ConcreteProduct
  • Creator relies on its subclasses to define the
    factory method to return an instance of a

The Factory Method Pattern Consequences
  • Eliminates the need to bind application
    specific classes into your code
  • - Clients might have to subclass the Creator
    class just to create a particular ConcreteProduct
  • Provides hooks for subclasses the factory
    method gives subclasses a hook for providing an
    extended version of an object
  • Connects parallel class hierarchies a clients
    can use factory methods to create a parallel
    class hierarchy (parallel class hierarchies
    appear when objects delegate part of their
    responsibilities to another class)

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The Factory Method Pattern Impl. (1)
  • Two major varieties are
  • (1) the Creator class is an abstract class and
    does not provide an implementation for the
    factory method it declares the subclasses are
    required to provide the implementation
  • (2) the Creator class is a concrete class and
    provides a default for the implementation of the
    factory method the factory method just brings
    the flexibility for subclasses to create
    different objects
  • Factory Methods can be parameterised with
    something that identifies the object to create
    (the body is then a conditional) overriding a
    parameterised factory method makes it easy to
    selectively extend or change the products that
    are created
  • Use naming conventions that make clear that you
    are using factory methods

The Factory Method Pattern Impl. (2)
  • In C
  • factory methods are always virtual methods and
    are often pure virtual
  • care must be taken to not call factory methods in
    the Creators constructor because the factory
    method in the ConcreteCreator wont be available
  • this can be avoided by accessing products solely
    through accessor operations that create the
    product on demand the constructor initialises to
    0, the accessor checks and creates the product if
    it does not exist yet (lazy initialisation)
  • Using templates to avoid subclassing instead of
    subclassing the Creator for each different
    ConcreteProduct a template subclass of Creator
    can be provided that is parameterised with the
    Product class

The Prototype Pattern The Problem
Specify the kinds of objects to create using a
prototypical instance and create new instances by
copying this prototype
- when an application needs the flexibility to be
able to specify the classes to instantiate at run
time - when instance of a class have only very
few different combinations of state
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The Prototype Pattern Participants an
  • Prototype declares an interface for cloning
  • Concrete Prototype implements an operation for
    cloning itself
  • Client creates a new object by asking the
    prototype to clone itself
  • Client asks a Prototype to clone itself

The Prototype Pattern Consequences (1)
  • Hides the concrete product classes from the
    client clients can work with application
    specific classes without modification
  • Products can be added and removed at run-time
    new concrete products can be incorporated by just
    registering them with the client
  • Specifying new objects by varying values new
    kinds of objects are effectively defined by
    instantiating a specific class, filling in some
    of the instance variables and registering this as
    a prototype
  • Specifying new objects by varying structure
    complex user-defined structures can be registered
    as prototypes as well and used over and over
    again by cloning them

The Prototype Pattern Consequences (2)
  • Reduced subclassing as opposed to the Factory
    Method pattern that often produces a hierarchy of
    creator classes that mirrors the hierarchy of
  • Configuring an application with classes
    dynamically when the run-time environment
    supports dynamic loading of classes the prototype
    pattern is a key to exploiting these facilities
    in static languages (the constructors of the
    dynamically loaded classes cannot be addressed
    statically, instead the run-time environment
    creates automatically a prototype instance that
    the application can use through a prototype
  • - Implementing the Clone operation is difficult
    when the classes under consideration already
    exist or when the internals include objects that
    do not support copying or have circular references

The Prototype Pattern Implementation (1)
  • Using a prototype manager when the number of
    prototypes in a system is not fixed it is best to
    use a registry of available prototypes
  • Implementing the clone operation many languages
    have some support for implementing the clone
    operator (copy constructors in C, copy method
    in Smalltalk, save load in systems that support
    these) but in itself they do not solve the
    shallow / deep copy issue
  • Initialising clones some clients are happy with
    the clone as it is, others will want to
    initialise the clone passing parameters to the
    clone operation precludes a uniform cloning
    interface either use state changing operation
    that are provided on the clone immediately after
    cloning or provide a Initialise method
  • In languages that treat classes as first class
    objects the class object itself is like a
    prototype for creating instances of each class

The Builder Pattern The Problem
Separate the construction of a complex object
from its representation so that the same
construction process can create different
- a RTF reader that can convert into many
different formats - a parser that produces a
complex parse tree
Title Hello you!
Title Hello you!
Save-as command of Word
ltBgtltFONT FACE"Arial" SIZE6gtltPgtTitlelt/Pgt lt/Bgtlt/
FONTgtltFONT FACE"Times"gt lt/FONTgtltIgtltFONT
FACE"Arial"gtltPgtHello you!lt/Pgtlt/Igtlt/FONTgtlt/BODYgt lt
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The Builder Pattern Participants
  • Builder specifies an abstract interface for
    creating parts of a Product
  • ConcreteBuilder
  • constructs and assembles parts of the Product by
    implementing the Builder interface
  • defines and keeps track of the representation it
  • provides an interface for retrieving the product
  • Director constructs an object using the Builder
  • Product
  • Represents the complex object under construction
  • Includes classes that define the constituent
    parts including the interfaces for assembling the
    parts into the final result

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The Builder Pattern Collaboration
  • The client creates the Director object and
    configures it with the desired Builder object
  • Director notifies the builder whenever a part of
    the product should be built
  • Builder handles requests from the director and
    adds parts to the product
  • The client retrieves the product from the builder

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The Builder Pattern Consequences
  • Lets you vary the products internal
    representation the directors uses the abstract
    interface provided by the builder for
    constructing the product to change the products
    representation, just make a new type of builder
  • Allows reuse of the ConcreteBuilders all code
    for construction and representation is
    encapsulated different directors can use the
    same ConcreteBuilders
  • Gives finer control over the construction
    process in other creational patterns,
    construction is often in one shot here the
    product is constructed step by step under the
    directors guidance giving fine control over the
    internal structure of the resulting product

The Builder Pattern Implementation
  • Assembly and construction interfaces
  • The Builder interface must be general enough to
    allow the construction of products for all kinds
    of ConcreteBuilders
  • The model for construction and assembly is a key
    design issue
  • Why no abstract class for products?
  • In the common case, the products can differ so
    greatly in their representation that little is to
    gain from giving different products a common
    parent class
  • Because the client configures the Director with
    the appropriate ConcreteBuilder, the client knows
    the resulting products
  • Empty methods as default in Builder
  • In C the build methods are intentionally not
    pure virtual member functions but empty methods
    instead this allows clients to overwrite only
    the operations they are interested in

The Facade Pattern The Problem
Provide a unified higher level interface to a set
of interfaces in a subsystem to make the
subsystem easier to use
  • provide a simple interface to a complex
  • decouple a subsystem from clients and other
  • create layered subsystems by providing an
    interface to each subsystem level

Client classes
Subsystem classes
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The Facade Pattern Participants Collaboration
  • Facade
  • Knows which subsystem classes are responsible for
    a request
  • Delegates clients requests to appropriate
    subsystem objects
  • Subsystems Classes
  • Implement the subsystem functionality
  • Handle work assigned by the Facade object
  • Have no knowledge of the Facade object i.e. keep
    no reference to it
  • Clients send their request to Facade which will
    then forward them to the appropriate subsystem

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The Facade Pattern Consequences
  • Shields clients from subsystem components
    thereby reducing the number of objects that
    clients deal with thus making the subsystem
    easier to use
  • Promotes weak coupling between the subsystem
    and its clients allowing components of the
    subsystem to change without affecting the clients
  • Reduces compilation dependencies in large
    software systems
  • Does not prevent applications from using
    subsystem classes if they need to

The Facade Pattern Implementation
  • The coupling between clients and subsystems can
    be reduced even further
  • by making Facade an abstract class with concrete
    subclasses for different implementations of a
    subsystem this abstract coupling keeps clients
    from knowing which implementation of a subsystem
    it is they use
  • by configuring a Facade object with different
    subsystem objects to customise simply replace
    one or more of the subsystem objects
  • Public versus Private subsystem classes the
    façade is a part of the public interface of a
    subsystem together with the subsystem classes
    some clients have to access directly (very few OO
    languages support the notion of private subsystem
    classes although it would be a very useful

The Proxy Pattern The Problem
Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another
object to control access to it
  • a remote proxy provides a local representative
    for an object in a different address space
  • a virtual proxy creates expensive objects on
  • a protection proxy controls access to the
    original object and are useful when objects have
    different access rights
  • a smart reference is a replacement for a bare
    pointer that performs additional actions when an
    object is accessed e.g. counting references,
    loading a persistent object when it is first
    referenced, locking the real object, ...

Client class
Real class
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The Proxy Pattern Participants (1)
  • Proxy
  • Maintains a reference that lets the proxy access
    the real subject
  • Provides an interface identical to the Subjects
    so that a proxy can be substituted for the real
  • Controls access to the real subject and may be
    responsible for creating and deleting it
  • Remote proxies are responsible for encoding a
    request and its arguments and for sending the
    request to the real subject in the other address
  • Virtual proxies may cache information about the
    real subject so that they can postpone accessing
  • Protection proxies check that the caller has the
    access permission to perform a request

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The Proxy Pattern Participants (2) Collaboration
  • Subject
  • Defines a common interface for Realsubject and
    Proxy so that a Proxy can be used anywhere a
    Realsubject is expected
  • Realsubject
  • Defines the real object that the proxy represents
  • Proxy forwards the request to Realsubject when
    appropriate (depends on the type of proxy)

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The Proxy Pattern Consequences
  • The Proxy pattern introduces a level of
    indirection when accessing an object. This
    indirection has many uses
  • A remote proxy can hide the fact that the object
    resides in a different address space
  • A virtual proxy can perform optimisations
  • Both protection proxies and smart pointers allow
    additional housekeeping
  • The proxy patterns can be used to implement
    copy-on-write to avoid unnecessary copying of
    large objects the real subject is referenced
    counted each copy requests increments this
    counter but only when a clients requests an
    operation that modifies the subject the proxy
    actually copies it

The Flyweight Pattern The Problem
Some applications benefit from using objects in
their design but a naĂŻve implementation is
prohibitively expensive because of the large
number of objects
  • use an object for each character in a text
    document editor
  • use a layout object for each widget in a GUI

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The Flyweight Pattern Applicability
  • Apply flyweight when ALL of the following are
  • An application uses a large number of objects
  • Storage cost is high because of the quantity of
  • Most object state can be made extrinsic
  • Many groups of objects can be replaced by
    relatively few shared objects once extrinsic
    state is removed
  • The application does not depend on object

The Flyweight Pattern Participants (1)
  • Flyweight
  • Declares an interface through which flyweights
    can receive and act upon extrinsic state
  • Concrete Flyweight
  • Implements the flyweight interface and adds
    storage for intrinsic state
  • A concrete flyweight object must be sharable,
    i.e. all state must be intrinsic
  • Unshared Concrete Flyweight
  • Not all flyweights subclasses need to be shared,
    unshared concrete flyweight objects have concrete
    flyweight objects at some level in the flyweight
    object structure

The Flyweight Pattern Participants (2)
  • Flyweight Factory
  • Creates and manages flyweight objects
  • Ensures that flyweights are shared properly when
    a client requests a flyweight the flyweight
    factory supplies an existing one from the pool or
    creates one and adds it to the pool
  • Client
  • Maintains a reference to flyweight(s)
  • Computes or stores the extrinsic state of

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The Flyweight Pattern Collaborations
  • State that a flyweight needs to function must be
    characterised as either intrinsic or extrinsic.
    Intrinsic state is stored in the concrete
    flyweight object extrinsic state is stored or
    computed by client objects. Clients pass this
    state to the flyweight when invoking operations.
  • Clients should not instantiate concrete
    flyweights directly. Clients must obtain concrete
    flyweight objects exclusively from the flyweight
    factory object to enshure that they are shared

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The Flyweight Pattern Consequences
  • - Flyweights may introduce run-time costs
    associated with transferring, finding, and/or
    computing extrinsic state
  • The increase in run-time cost are offset by
    storage savings which increase
  • as more flyweights are shared
  • as the amount of intrinsic state is considerable
  • as the amount of extrinsic state is considerable
    but can be computed
  • - The flyweight pattern is often combined with
    the composite pattern to build a graph with
    shared leaf nodes. Because of the sharing, leaf
    nodes cannot store their parent which has a major
    impact on how the objects in the hierarchy

The Flyweight Pattern Implementation
  • Removing extrinsic state
  • Identify extrinsic state and remove it from the
    shared objects
  • Removing extrinsic state will not help if there
    are as many different kinds of extrinsic state as
    there are objects before sharing
  • Ideally extrinsic state can be computed from a
    separate object structure with far smaller
    storage requirements
  • Managing shared objects
  • Use an associative store with the flyweight
    factory to let clients locate a particular
  • Some form of reference counting or garbage
    collection is needed to reclaim a flyweights
    storage when it is no longer needed
  • When the number of flyweights is small and fixed,
    consider to initialise the pool and keep the
    flyweights around permanently

The State Pattern The Problem
Allow an object to change its behavior when its
internal state changes. The object will appear to
have changed its class.
  • Objects implementing connection
  • protocols will react differently to the
  • same message depending on whether
  • the connection is established or not
  • An interactive drawing program reacts
  • differently on a mouse click depending
  • on the tool that is picked up from the
  • palette (draw-line, draw-circle, edit-text)

TCP Connection (established)
TCP Connection (listening)
TCP Connection (closed)
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The State Pattern ApplicabilitySolution
  • An objects behavior depends on its state and it
    must change its run-time behavior depending on
    that state
  • Operations have large, multipart conditional
    statement that depend on the objects state
  • Several operations contain the same conditional
    structures based on one of more enumerated
    constants representing the state the object is in
  • The state pattern puts each branch of the
    conditional in a separate class so that an
    objects state can be treated as an object in its
    own right that can vary independently from other

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The State Pattern Participants
  • Context
  • Defines the interface of interest to the clients
  • Maintains an instance of some ConcreteState that
    defines the current state
  • State
  • Defines an interface for encapsulating the
    behavior associated with a particular state of
  • ConcreteState subclasses
  • Each subclass implements a behavior associated
    with a state of the Context

The State Pattern Collaborations
  • Context delegates state-specific request to the
    current ConcreteState object
  • A context may pass itself as an argument to the
    State object handling the request allowing the
    State object to access the Context if necessary
  • Context is the primary interface for clients.
    Clients can configure a context with State
    objects. Once the context configured, the clients
    dont have to deal with the State objects
  • Either Context or ConcreteState subclasses can
    decide which state succeeds another

The State Pattern Consequences
  • Localises state-specific behavior and
    partitions behavior for different states so that
    new states and transitions can be added easily by
    just adding new ConcreteState subclasses
  • /- Long procedures containing large conditional
    statements are avoided but the number of classes
    increases and the whole is less compact that a
    single class
  • Makes state transitions explicit and protects
    the context from inconsistent internal states
    because the state update is atomic
  • When State object dont need instance variables
    they can be shared they are then essentially
    flyweights with no intrinsic state but only

The State Pattern Implementation (1)
  • Who defines the state transitions?
  • If the criteria for state transition are fixed
    they can be implemented entirely in the context
  • It is more flexible to let the State subclasses
    specify their successor but (1) each State
    subclass will al least know one other State
    subclass introducing some implementation
    dependencies between subclasses (2) the Context
    must provide a interface to update the current
  • Creating and Destroying State object
  • Create the State objects only when they are
    needed ltgt Create the State objects ahead of time
    and never destroy them
  • Depend on (1) whether all possible states are
    known beforehand (2) the amount of information
    that has to be stored in the State objects (3)
    the frequency with which the state of a Context

The State Pattern Implementation (2)
  • A table based alternative
  • Use a table, mapping for each state, each
    possible input, to the succeeding state
  • This approach converts conditional code into a
    table-lookup and changing the transition criteria
    is done by changing data (the table) instead of
    changing code
  • Disadvantages are that (1) table lookup is often
    less efficient that (virtual) function call and
    (2) the table captures the state and the
    transitions but needs to be augmented to perform
    an arbitrary computation on each transition
  • Using dynamic inheritance
  • Languages that allow to change an objects class
    at run t
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