Title: Pollution of hydrosphere
1Pollution of hydrosphere
2Natural sources of pollution of hydrosphere
- Microscopic minerals
- Organic substances
- Ulmificat acids
3Anthropogenous sources of pollution of
Basic species of pollution
- Physical
- Chemical
- Organic
- Biological
- Radioactive
- Thermal
- Mechanical
4Anthropogenous sources of pollution of
Basic polluting substances
- Industrial and communal waste products
- Petroleum and mineral oil
- Emissions of transport
- Waste products of agriculture
- Pesticides and mineral fertilizers, radioactive
5Anthropogenous sources of pollution of
Basic sources of pollution of reservoirs
- Ferrous metallurgy
- Non-ferrous metallurgy
- Chemical industry
- Pulp and paper industry
- Light industry
6Protection and clearing of hydrosphere
Important principles of protection of hydrosphere
- Prevention
- Complex methods
- Universality and territorial difference
- Alignment on specific conditions, sources and
the reasons of pollution - Control
7Protection and clearing of hydrosphere
Basic methods of clearing
- Mechanical
- Physical and chemical
- Chemical
- Biological
8Consequences of pollution of hydrosphere
- Pollution ecosystem represents huge danger for
all alive organisms - Stability of ecosystem falls under the influence
of polluting substances - Polution reduces growth and fertility of aquatic
organisms and leads to death
9The End