Problem Solving with C The Object of Programming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Problem Solving with C The Object of Programming


Person1.birthday // This is a Date structure, with members accessible ... was provided in C for backward compatibility with C. For this reason many ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Problem Solving with C The Object of Programming

Problem Solving with C The Object of
  • Walter Savitch
  • Chapter 6
  • Defining Classes and Abstract Data Types
  • Slides by David B. Teague, Western Carolina
  • A Constituent Institution of The University of
    North Carolina

Defining Classes and Abstract
Data Types
  • Structures
  • Structures for Diverse Data
  • Structures as Function Arguments
  • Initializing Structures
  • Classes
  • Defining Classes and Member Functions
  • Public and Private Members
  • Summary of Properties of Classes
  • Constructors for Initialization
  • Abstract Data Types
  • Classes to Produce ADTs

Defining Classes and Abstract Data Types 6.1
  • A class is a data type that can be made to behave
    the same as built-in data types. Such data types
    are called Abstract Data Types. A class
    encapsulates both data and functions.
  • A structure may be thought of as an object
    without member functions.
  • A structure Definition defines a type.
  • struct CDAccount structure

  • Member names
  • double balance
  • double interest_rate
  • int term // months until maturity

6.1 Structures
  • Given the structure definition on the previous
    slide, structure variables can be defined
  • CDAccount my_account, your_account
  • This structure variable definition creates member
    variables balance, interest_rate, and term
    associated with the structure, for each structure
  • Member variables are accessed using the dot
  • my_account.balance // type is double
  • my_account.interest_rate // type is double
  • my_account.term // type is int
  • Other structure variables members may be
  • your_account.balance
  • These variables may be used exactly like any
    other variables.

  • //Display 6.1 A Structure Definition (1 of 2)
  • //Program to demonstrate the CDAccount structure
  • include
  • using namespace std
  • //Structure for a bank certificate of deposit
  • struct CDAccount
  • double balance
  • double interest_rate
  • int term//months until maturity
  • void get_data(CDAccount the_account)
  • //Postcondition the_account.balance and
  • //have been given values that the user entered at
    the keyboard.
  • int main( )

  • //Display 6.1 A Structure Definition (2 of 2)
  • cout.setf(iosfixed)
  • cout.setf(iosshowpoint)
  • cout.precision(2)
  • cout
  • return 0
  • //Uses iostream
  • void get_data(CDAccount the_account)
  • cout
  • cin the_account.balance
  • cout
  • cin the_account.interest_rate

  • //Display 6.2 Member Values (from page 305)
  • struct CDAccount
  • double balance
  • double interest_rate
  • int term // months to run
  • int main( )

  • balance ????
  • CDAccount account
    interest_rate ????

  • term ????

  • balance 1000.00
  • account.balance 1000.00
    interest_rate ?????

  • term ?????

  • balance 1000.00
  • account.interest_rate 4.7
    interest_rate 4.7

  • term ?????

The Dot Operator (page 306)
  • The dot operator is used to specify a member
    variable of a structure variable.
  • dot
  • Syntax Structure_Variable_Name.Member_variable_n
  • Example
  • struct StudentRecord
  • int student_number
  • char grade
  • int main( )
  • StudentRecord your_record
  • your_record.student_number 2001
  • your_record.grade A
  • The dot operator is also called structure member
    access operator. We wont use that term.

Structures as Function Arguments
  • A function can have
  • call-by-value parameters of structure type
  • call-by-reference parameters of structure type
  • return type that is a structure type
  • Example
  • CDAccount shrink_wrap( double the_balance,

  • double the_rate, int the_term)
  • CDAccount temp
  • temp.balance the_balance
  • temp.interest_rate the_rate
  • temp.term the_term
  • return temp

Programming Tip(1 of 2) Use Hierarchical
  • If a structure has a subset of its members that
    may be considered an entity, consider nested
  • ExampleA PersonInfo struct might include a
  • struct Date
  • int month
  • int day
  • int year
  • struct PersonInfo
  • double height // inches
  • int weight // pounds
  • Date birthday

Programming Tip(2 of 2) Use Hierarchical
  • Declare a variable of PersonInfo type as usual
  • PersonInfo person1
  • Person1.birthday
  • // This is a Date structure, with members
  • // as in any other structure variable.
  • If the structure variable person1 has been set,
    the year a person was born can be output as
  • cout
  • structure structure int
  • variable member of contained

  • structure.

Initializing Structures
  • A structure may be initialized at the time it is
  • struct Date
  • int month
  • int day
  • int year
  • Date due_date 12, 31, 2001
  • The sequence of values is used to initialize the
    successive variables in the struct. The order is
  • It is an error to have more initializers than
  • If there are fewer initializers than variables,
    the initializers provided are used to initialize
    the data members. The remainder are initialized
    to 0 for primitive types.
  • We discuss initializing structure members at a
    later time.

6.2 ClassesDefining Classes and Member Functions
  • A class is a data type whose variables are
  • An object is a variable that has member functions
    and the ability to hold values.
  • A class definition specifies the function members
    and the data members.
  • A data members for a class are defined much as we
    have defined structure members.
  • Programmer defined member functions of a class
    are called exactly as for predefined classes in
    Chapter 5.

  • // Display 6.3 Class with a Member Function (1 of
  • //Program to demonstrate a very simple example of
    a class.
  • //A better version of the class DayOfYear will be
    given in Display 6.4.
  • include
  • using namespace std
  • class DayOfYear
  • public
  • void output( )
    member function prototype
  • int month
  • int day
  • int main( )
  • DayOfYear today, birthday
  • cout

  • // Display 6.3 Class with a Member Function (1 of
  • cout
  • today. Output( )
    calls to the member
  • cout function output
  • birthday.output( )

  • the calling
  • if (today.month birthday.month
  • cout
  • else
  • cout
  • return 0

  • scope resolution operator
  • //Uses iostream
  • void DayOfYearoutput( )

  • member function

  • Combining several items such as variables, or
    variables and functions, into a single package,
    such as an object of some class, is called

Defining Member Functions (1 of 2)
  • A class member function must be defined within
    the scope of the class. The scope of a class
    starts at the name of the class in the class
    definition and runs to the close curly brace and
  • C provides the scope resolution operator
    to define a member function apart from the class
  • In the definition, the DayOfYear says,
    Consider what follows the to be in the scope
    of the class DayOfYear.
  • void DayOfYearoutput()

Defining Member Functions (2 of 2)
  • Anything in the block of this function is
    considered to be in the scope of the class. You
    can use names of any members of that class (both
    data members and function members) in the
    definition of a member function without the dot
    operator. (The mechanism for this will be
    discussed later.)
  • When a member function is called, as in
  • today.output()
  • the object today is called the calling object.

Member Function Definition
  • A member function is defined as any other
    function, except that the Class_Name and the
    scope resolution operator are given in the
    function heading.
  • Syntax
  • Returned_Type Class_NameFunction_Name(Parameter
  • Function Body Statements
  • Example
  • // uses iostream
  • void DayOfYearoutput()
  • cout
  • The class definition for this example is given in
    Display 6.3, where month and day are defined as
    members of class DayOfYear. Note that month and
    day are not preceded (qualified) by an object
    name. We will see that the calling object is
    automatically supplied.

The Dot Operator and the Scope Resolution Operator
  • Both the dot operator and scope resolution
    operator are used with member names to specify
    the thing they are a member of. For example,
    suppose you have declared a class called
    DayOfYear, and you declare an object called
  • DayOfYear today // today is an object of
    class DayOfYear
  • You use the dot operator . to specify a member
    of this object. For example, output( ) is a
    member function of class DayOfYear (see Display
    6.3) and this call will output data stored in the
    object today.
  • today.output( )
  • You use the scope resolution operator to
    specify the class name when giving the function
    definition for a member function. For example,
    the heading of the function definition for the
    member function output( ) is
  • void DayOfYearoutput()
  • Remember, the scope resolution operator is
    used with a class name, while the dot operator is
    used with an object of that class.

  • Display 6.4 Class with Private Members (1 of 3)
  • //Program to demonstrate the class DayOfYear.
  • include
  • using namespace std
  • class DayOfYear
  • public
  • void input( )
  • void output( )
  • void set(int new_month, int new_day)
  • //Precondition new_month and new_day form a
    possible date.
  • //Postcondition The date is reset according
    to the arguments.
  • int get_month( )
  • //Returns the month, 1 for January, 2 for
    February, etc.

  • Display 6.4 Class with Private Members (2 of 3)
  • int main( )
  • DayOfYear today, bach_birthday
  • cout
  • today.input( )
  • cout
  • today.output( )
  • bach_birthday.set(3, 21)
  • cout
  • bach_birthday.output( )
  • if ( today.get_month( ) bach_birthday.get_m
    onth( )
  • today.get_day( )
    bach_birthday.get_day( ) )
  • cout Sebastian!\n"
  • else

  • Display 6.4 Class with Private Members (3 of 3)
  • //Uses iostream
  • void DayOfYearinput( )
  • cout
  • cin month
  • cout
  • cin day
  • void DayOfYearoutput( )
  • cout
  • void DayOfYearset(int new_month, int new_day)
  • month new_month
  • day new_day

Public and Private Members(1 of 2)
  • With an ideal class definition, the class author
    should be able to change the details of the class
    implementation without necessitating changes in
    any program using the class (code using the class
    is called client code).
  • This requires enough member functions that access
    to the data members is never necessary. This will
    allow the representation of the data to be
    changed as required by changes in implementation
    without changing client code.
  • Display 6.4 adds features to satisfy this
  • Note the use of the keyword private in Display
  • Everything (functions or data members) defined
    after private line are accessible only in
    member functions of the class. (See the remark in
    the next slide.)
  • The keyword public is used to state that the
    members defined after the public line are
    accessible in any function that can see the class
    definition. (Again, see the next slide.)

Public and Private Members(2 of 2)
  • Remark
  • It is not quite true that everything (functions
    or data members) defined after private line
    are accessible only in member functions of the
  • There can be several public and private sections
    in a class, and there is one other access keyword
    we will talk about later.
  • Members defined after public up to the next
    private or other access specifier keyword are
    accessible by all functions. Members defined
    after private up to the next public or other
    access keyword are accessible only by all
    functions defined in the class.
  • While we wont have several public and private
    sections in our classes, you may find code that
    makes use of multiple public and private
    sections, so we mentioned this for the sake of

  • Display 6.5 The Bank Account Class (1 of 4)
  • //Program to demonstrate the class BankAccount.
  • include
  • using namespace std
  • //Class for a bank account
  • class BankAccount
  • public
  • void set(int dollars, int cents, double
  • //Postcondition The account balance has been
    set to dollars.cents
  • //The interest rate has been set to rate
  • void set(int dollars, double rate)
  • //Postcondition The account balance has been
    set to dollars.00.
  • //The interest rate has been set to rate
  • void update( )
  • //Postcondition One year of simple interest
    has been
  • //added to the account balance.
  • double get_balance( )

  • Display 6.5 The Bank Account Class (2 of 4)
  • // class BankAccount
  • private
  • double balance
  • double interest_rate
  • double fraction(double percent)
  • //Converts a percent to a fraction. For
    example, fraction(50.3) returns 0.503.
  • int main( )
  • BankAccount account1, account2
  • cout
  • account1.set(123, 99, 3.0)
  • cout
  • account1.output(cout)
  • account1.set(100, 5.0)
  • cout

  • Display 6.5 The Bank Account Class (3 of 4)
  • void BankAccountset(int dollars, int cents,
    double rate)
  • balance dollars 0.01cents
  • interest_rate rate
  • void BankAccountset(int dollars, double rate)
  • balance dollars
  • interest_rate rate
  • void BankAccountupdate( )
  • balance balance fraction(interest_rate)ba
  • double BankAccountfraction(double percent)
  • return (percent/100.0)

  • Display 6.5 The Bank Account Class (4 of 4)
  • //Uses iostream
  • void BankAccountoutput(ostream outs)
  • outs.setf(iosfixed)
  • outs.setf(iosshowpoint)
  • outs.precision(2)
  • outs endl
  • outs ""

Programming Tips
  • Make Data Members private When defining a class,
    the normal practice is to make all member
    variables private. This means these variables can
    only be accessed or changed using member
    functions. (There is an exception we discuss
  • Define Accessor Functions. The operator does
    not apply to class objects without additional
    work. Chapter 8 will show how to apply operator
    to objects of user defined classes. In
    Display 6.4, functions get_day and get_month are
    accessors. Consider providing a complete set of
    accessors to data in useful formats. This will
    make comparing objects for equality easier.
  • Using the Assignment Operator with Objects The
    assignment operator applies to struct and
    class objects. In the case where all member
    variables are primitive (char, short, int, long,
    float, double, long double, bool) operator can
    be used to assign class objects. The members are
    each assigned.

Structures versus Classes
  • The keyword struct was provided in C for
    backward compatibility with C. For this reason
    many authors treat the struct as though it does
    not have function members.
  • In fact, a struct can have function and data
    members exactly like a class. The only difference
    is that struct default access is public, whereas
    class default access is private.
  • Our author encourages use of the struct without
    function members and classes as developed in this
    chapter. This use follows C programming custom.

  • Summary of Properties of Classes
  • 1. Classes have both member variables and member
  • 2. A member (either variable or function) may be
    public or private.
  • 3. Normally, all variable members of a class are
  • 4. A private member of a class cannot be used
    except in the definition of a function member of
    the same class.
  • 5. The name of a member function for a class may
    be overloaded just as the name of an ordinary
  • 6. A class may use another class as the type for
    a member variable.
  • 7. A function may have formal parameters with
    class type.
  • 8. A function may return an object that is, a
    class may be the type for the value returned by a
  • (This works correctly with all the classes we
    have seen so far. Under circumstances we will
    encounter later, there are special members of
    the class must be defined for this to work
    correctly. )

Constructors for Initialization(1 of 3)
  • For automatic initialization of class objects at
    definition, C provides a special kind of member
    function known as a constructor.
  • A class constructor has the same name as the
  • A constructor does not return a value, not even
    void. In a constructor, a return statement is
    allowed only without an argument.
  • Class constructors may be overloaded as needed.

Constructors for Initialization(2 of 3)
  • class BankAccount
  • public
  • BankAccount( int dollars, int cents, double
  • . . .
  • private
  • double balance
  • . . .
  • BankAccountBankAccount(int d, int c, double r)
  • dollars d
  • cents c
  • rate r

Constructors for Initialization(3 of 3)
  • // Object Declaration
  • BankAccount account1(10, 50, 2.0)
  • // sets dollars, cents and rate to values
  • // This is shorthand for
  • BankAccount account1 BankAccount(10, 50, 2.0)

  • Display 6.6 Class with Constructors (1 of 4)
  • //Program to demonstrate the class BankAccount.
  • include
  • using namespace std
  • //Class for a bank account
  • class BankAccount
  • public
  • BankAccount(int dollars, int cents, double
  • //Initializes the account balance to
    dollars.cents and
  • //initializes the interest rate to rate
  • BankAccount(int dollars, double rate)
  • //Initializes the account balance to
    dollars.00 and
  • //initializes the interest rate to rate
  • BankAccount()
  • //Initializes the account balance to 0.00
    and the interest rate to 0.0.
  • void update()
  • //Postcondition One year of simple interest
    has been added to the account
  • //balance.

  • Display 6.6 Class with Constructors (2 of 4)
  • double get_rate()
  • //Returns the current account interest rate
    as a percent.
  • void output(ostream outs)
  • //Precondition If outs is a file output
    stream, then
  • //outs has already been connected to a file.
  • //Postcondition Account balance and interest
    rate have been written to the
  • //stream outs.
  • private
  • double balance
  • double interest_rate
  • double fraction(double percent)
  • //Converts a percent to a fraction. For
    example, fraction(50.3) returns 0.503.
  • int main()
  • BankAccount account1(100, 2.3), account2
  • cout
  • account1.output(cout)

  • Display 6.6 Class with Constructors (3 of 4)
  • account1 BankAccount(999, 99, 5.5)
  • cout
  • account1.output(cout)
  • return 0
  • BankAccountBankAccount(int dollars, int cents,
    double rate)
  • balance dollars 0.01cents
  • interest_rate rate
  • BankAccountBankAccount(int dollars, double
  • balance dollars
  • interest_rate rate
  • BankAccountBankAccount()
  • balance 0

  • Display 6.6 Class with Constructors (4 of 4)
  • void BankAccountupdate( )
  • balance balance fraction(interest_rate)ba
  • double BankAccountfraction(double percent)
  • return (percent/100.0)
  • double BankAccountget_balance( )
  • return balance
  • double BankAccountget_rate( )
  • return interest_rate
  • //Uses iostream
  • void BankAccountoutput(ostream outs)

  • Calling a Constructor
  • A constructor is called automatically when an
    object is declared, but you must give the
    arguments for the constructor when you declare
    the object. A constructor can be called
    explicitly to create a new object.
  • Syntax (for an object declaration when you have
  • Class_Name Object_Name(Arguments_for_Construc
  • Example
  • BankAccount account1(100, 2.3)
  • Syntax (for an explicit constructor call)
  • Object_Name Constructor_Name(Arguments_for_
  • Example
  • account1 BankAccount(200, 3.5)
  • A constructor must have the same name as the
    class of which it is a
  • member. Hence Class_Name and
    Constructor_Name are the same
  • identifier.

Programming TipAlways Include a Default
Constructor(1 of 3)
  • class SampleClass
  • This constructor
    requires two arguments
  • public
  • SampleClass(int parameter1, double
  • void do_stuff()
  • private
  • int data1
  • double data2
  • SampleClass my_object(7, 7.77) // OK, supplies
    required arguments
  • SampleClass my_object // illegal
    -- no constructor

  • // SampleClass() found.
  • A constructor with prototype
  • SampleClass()
  • is called a default constructor.

Programming TipAlways Include a Default
Constructor(2 of 3)
  • class SampleClass
  • constructor requires
    two arguments
  • public
  • SampleClass(int parameter1, double
  • SampleClass() a
    default constructor
  • void do_stuff()
  • private
  • int data1
  • double data2
  • SampleClass my_object(7, 7.77) // OK, supplies
    required arguments
  • SampleClass my_object // illegal
    -- no constructor

  • // SampleClass() found.
  • The constructor SampleClass() is called a default

Programming TipAlways Include a Default
Constructor(3 of 3)
  • If no constructors are provided, the compiler
    will implicitly generate a default constructor
    that does nothing but be present to be called.
  • If any constructor is provided at all, no default
    constructor will be generated. In that case the
    attempted definition
  • SampleClass object
  • will try to call a default constructor so will
    fail, as there will be none.

PitfallConstructors with no arguments
  • The declaration
  • BankAccount object_name(100, 2.3)
  • invokes the BankAccount constructor that
    requires two parameters.
  • The function call
  • f()
  • invokes a function f that takes no parameters
  • Conversely,
  • BankAccount object_name()
  • does NOT invoke the no-parameter constructor.
  • Rather, this line of code defines a function
    that returns an object of BankAccount type.

  • Constructors with No Arguments
  • When you declare an object and want the
    constructor with zero arguments to be called, you
    do not include parentheses. For example, to
    declare an object and pass tow arguments, you
    might do this
  • BankAccount account(100, 2.3)
  • However, to cause the constructor with NO
    arguments, to be called, you declare the object
  • BankAccount account
  • You do NOT declare the object
  • BankAccount account() //THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU
  • (This declares account to be a function that has
    no parameters and returns a BankAccount object as
    its function value.)

6.3 Abstract Data Types Classes to Produce ADTs
  • A data type has a set of values and a set of
  • For example
  • the int type has values . . ., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,
    3, . . .
  • and operations,
  • - /
  • A data type is called an Abstract Data Type (ADT)
    if the programmers who use the type do not have
    access to the details of how the values and
    operations are implemented.
  • Programmer defined types are not automatically
    ADTs. Care is required in construction of
    programmer defined types to prevent unintuitive
    and difficult-to-modify code.

Classes to Produce ADTsHow to make an ADT
  • Make all the member variables private.
  • Make each of the basic operations that the
    programmer needs a public member function of the
    class, and fully specify how to use each such
  • Make any helping functions private member
  • The interface consists of the public member
    functions along with commentary telling how to
    use the member functions. The interface of an ADT
    should tell all the programmer need to know to
    use the ADT.
  • The implementation of the ADT tells how the ADT
    is realized in C code. The implementation
    consists of private members of the class and the
    definitions of all member functions. This is
    information the programmer should NOT NEED to use
    the class.

Programming ExampleAlternative Implementation of
a Class
  • The client programmer does not need to know how
    data is stored, nor how the functions are
  • Consequently alternative implementations may have
    differenstore different values.
  • Display 6.6 and Display 6.7 each have
    interest_rate variables, but the different
    implementations store this value differently (as
    a percent, say 4.7, vs as a decimal fraction, say
  • There are also other differences between the

  • Display 6.7 Alternative BankAccount
    Implementation(1 of 6)
  • //Demonstrates an alternative implementation of
    the class BankAccount.
  • include
  • include
  • using namespace std Notice
    that the public members of
  • //Class for a bank account BankAccount
    look and behave
  • class BankAccount exactly
    the same as in Display 6.6
  • public
  • BankAccount(int dollars, int cents, double
  • //Initializes the account balance to
    dollars.cents and
  • //initializes the interest rate to rate
  • BankAccount(int dollars, double rate)
  • //Initializes the account balance to
    dollars.00 and
  • //initializes the interest rate to rate
  • BankAccount( )
  • //Initializes the account balance to 0.00
    and the interest rate to 0.0.
  • void update( )
  • //Postcondition One year of simple interest
    has been added to

  • Display 6.7 Alternative BankAccount
    Implementation(2 of 6)
  • double get_balance( )
  • //Returns the current account balance.
  • double get_rate( )
  • //Returns the current account interest rate
    as a percent.
  • void output(ostream outs)
  • //Precondition If outs is a file output
    stream, then
  • //outs has already been connected to a file.
  • //Postcondition Account balance and interest
    rate have been
  • //written to the stream outs.
  • private
  • int dollars_part
  • int cents_part
  • double interest_rate//expressed as a
    fraction, e.g., 0.057 for 5.7
  • double fraction(double percent)
  • //Converts a percent to a fraction. For
    example, fraction(50.3)
  • //returns 0.503.
  • double percent(double fraction_value)
  • //Converts a fraction to a percent. For
    example, percent(0.503)

  • Display 6.7 Alternative BankAccount
    Implementation(3 of 6)
  • int main( )
  • BankAccount account1(100, 2.3), account2
  • cout The body of main is identical
  • account1.output(cout)
    to that in Display 6.6, the
  • cout screen output is also identical
  • account2.output(cout)
    Display 6.6.
  • account1 BankAccount(999, 99, 5.5)
  • cout
  • account1.output(cout)
  • return 0
  • BankAccountBankAccount(int dollars, int cents,
    double rate)
  • dollars_part dollars
  • cents_part cents
  • interest_rate fraction(rate)

  • Display 6.7 Alternative BankAccount
    Implementation(4 of 6)
  • BankAccountBankAccount(int dollars, double
  • dollars_part dollars
  • cents_part 0
  • interest_rate fraction(rate)
  • BankAccountBankAccount( )
  • dollars_part 0
  • cents_part 0
  • interest_rate 0.0
  • double BankAccountfraction(double percent)
  • return (percent/100.0)

  • Display 6.7 Alternative BankAccount
    Implementation(5 of 6)
  • //Uses cmath
  • void BankAccountupdate( )
  • double balance get_balance( )
  • balance balance interest_ratebalance
  • dollars_part floor(balance)
  • cents_part floor((balance -
  • double BankAccountget_balance( )
  • return (dollars_part 0.01cents_part)
  • double BankAccountpercent(double
  • return (fraction_value100)
  • double BankAccountget_rate( )

  • Display 6.7 Alternative BankAccount
    Implementation(6 of 6)
  • //Uses iostream
  • void BankAccountoutput(ostream outs)
  • outs.setf(iosfixed)
    new definition
  • outs.setf(iosshowpoint)
  • outs.precision(2)
  • outs
  • outs ""
  • The new definitions of get_balance and get_rate
  • ensure that the output will still be in the
    correct units.

  • Information Hiding
  • We discussed information hiding when we
    introduced functions in Chapter3. We said that
    information hiding, as applied to functions means
    that you should write the function so that they
    can be used with no knowledge of how they were
    written as if they were black boxes. We know
    only the interface and specification.
  • This principle means that all the programmer
    needs ot know about a function is its prototype
    and accompanying comment that explains how to use
    the function.
  • The use of private member variables and private
    member functions in the definition of an abstract
    data type is another way to implement information
    hiding, where we now apply the principle to data
    values as well as to functions.

Summary(1 of 2)
  • A structure can be used to combine data of
    different types into a single (compound) data
  • A class can be used to combine data and functions
    into a single (compound) object.
  • A member variable or a member function for a
    class may be either private or public. If public,
    it may be used outside the class. If not, only
    member functions may use it.
  • A function may have formal parameters of class or
    struct type. A function may return values of a
    class or struct type.
  • A member function for a class can be overloaded
    in the same way as ordinary functions are
  • A constructor is a member function of a class
    that is called automatically when an object of
    the class is declared. A constructor must have
    the same name as the class of which it is a

Summary(2 of 2)
  • A data type consists of a collection of values
    together with a set of basic operations defined
    on these values.
  • A data type is called an Abstract Data Type
    (ADT) if a programmer who uses the type does not
    need to know any of the details about how the
    values are stored and the operations are
  • One way to implement an abstract data type in C
    is to define a class with all member variables
    private and with the operations implemented as
    public member functions.

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