Cognitive Processes: Memory and Problem Solving - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cognitive Processes: Memory and Problem Solving


Cognitive Processes: Memory and Problem Solving Chapters 8 and 9 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cognitive Processes: Memory and Problem Solving

Cognitive ProcessesMemory and Problem Solving
  • Chapters 8 and 9

Memory Defined and The Information Processing
  • Defining Memory
  • The persistence of learning over time through
    storage and retrieval of information
  • Much of what we have learned about memory comes
    from cases of memory loss or extraordinary memory
  • Russian journalist Shereshevsky (case reading)
  • Today, memory is often seen as steps in an
    information-processing model
  • Encoding
  • Storage
  • Retrieval
  • Information Processing is similar to how computer

3 Stages of Memory FormationAtkinson and
Shiffrin (1968)
  • Initial recording of information as fleeting
    sensory memory (1)
  • Processing of this information in short-term
    memory (STM), where we encode it through
    rehearsal (2)
  • Also known as working memory
  • We process what we pay attention to of all the
    incoming sensory stimuli we are bombarded with
  • Working memory also associates new information
    with old information from LTM
  • Moving of information into more permanent
    long-term memory (LTM) for later retrieval (3)
  • Memory ability varies from person to person
  • Those with better working memories tend to
    exhibit high intelligence
  • Those with better memories tend to maintain
    better focus on tasks

Automatic Processing
  • Because the brain engages in parallel processing,
    it automatically gathers information about many
    things without us even knowing!
  • Space automatically recalling where a term was
    on a slide
  • Time automatically recalling the sequence of
  • Frequency automatically keeping track of how
    many times you have done something
  • Well-learned information automatic processing
    of very familiar information like words we know
  • New tasks that may begin as effortful can become
    automatic if we expose ourselves enough!

  • DO NOT write down the following list. Listen and
    read them, then try to recall them when prompted
  • RUJ
  • FET
  • NAV
  • BUSH
  • GEF
  • FET
  • 47
  • TAL

Effortful Processing
  • While some information is automatically and
    effortlessly processed, some requires focus and
  • Attention is defined as selection certain
    information for further processing
  • We normally pay attention to only a small portion
    of incoming information
  • We pay attention to things according to
  • Meaningfulness
  • Distinctiveness
  • Repetition
  • Broadbents Cocktail Party Phenomenon we tune
    out other sounds to focus on what is important

MemoryEbbinghaus Contributions
  • Can increase memory ability through rehearsal
  • Hermann Ebbinghaus scientifically studied his own
    memory of verbal information in the 19th century.
  • Memorized a list of nonsense syllables
  • The more he rehearsed, the more he remembered
  • The more time spent on learning, the more we
  • One of the important memory phenomena discovered
    by Ebbinghaus is the overlearning effect.
  • continue to practice memorizing a list beyond
    that required to produce two perfect recalls.
  • For example, if it required 10 repetitions to
    memorize the list, then you might continue for an
    additional ten repetitions -- this would be "100
  • The effect of overlearning is to make the
    information more resistant to disruption or loss.

MemoryEbbinghaus Contributions
The more the syllables were rehearsed (praticed)
on the first day of learning, the fewer
rehearsals it took to relearn them on the second.
Making Memories Last
This is sooooo much fun! I will do it every night
until the test!
  • Information quickly learned is information
    quickly lost!
  • Spacing Effect distributed study time yields
    better long-term retention than massed practice
  • Testing Effect more frequent quizzing or
    previously studied material yields better
    long-term retention
  • Bottom line spread your studying out over time
    and quiz yourself frequently!

Unless evil clowns stop you!
The Serial Position EffectBenefits of Rehearsal
Working Memory
  • When we are given a list of things to remember,
    we often remember the first items and last items
    on the list.
  • This is called the serial position effect.
  • We are able to rehearse those at the beginning
    the most and those at the end are still in our
    working memory!
  • Primacy Effect tendency to recall the first
    items on the list
  • Recency Effect tendency to recall the last items
    on the list

What We EncodeLevels of Processing
  • When we hear the sounds that comprise words, we
    use context and experience to determine meaning.
  • E.g. Eye-Screem is it ice cream or I
  • We tend not to remember literally what we read or
    heard, but rather the general meaning
  • We use several types of encoding to process
    verbal information
  • Visual (structural) encoding of images
  • Acoustic (phonetic) encoding of sounds
  • Semantic encoding of meaning
  • Our brains process each type differently
  • Levels of Processing Theory says deeper levels of
    processing result in longer-lasting memories
    (i.e. semantic memory is best)
  • Paivios Dual Code Theory says that we remember
    best when we use both semantic and visual

What We EncodeLevels of Processing
  • Which type of encoding visual, acoustic or
    semantic helps us to remember best?
  • Craik and Tulving (1975)
  • Subjects forced to encode words in the three ways
  • Visually (is it capitalized?)
  • Acoustically (does it rhyme with)
  • Semantically (Would it fit into the sentence?)
  • Found that semantic encoding yielded best recall!
  • Spend TIME learning and make MEANING out of what
    you wish to recall!
  • Self-Reference Effect meaning that is personal
    relate information to ourselves.

Bransford and Johnson (1972) had subjects read
the following paragraph The procedure is
actually quite simple.  First you arrange things
into different groups depending on their makeup. 
Of course, one pile may be sufficient depending
on how much there is to do.  If you have to go
somewhere else due to lack of facilities that is
the next step, otherwise you are pretty well
set.  It is important not to overdo any
particular endeavor.  That is, it is better to do
too few things at once than too many.  In the
short run this may not seem important, but
complications from doing too many can easily
arise.  A mistake can be expensive as well.  The
manipulation of the appropriate mechanisms should
be self-explanatory, and we need not dwell on it
here.  At first the whole procedure will seem
complicated.  Soon, however, it will become just
another facet of life.  It is difficult to
foresee any end to the necessity for this task in
the immediate future, but then one never can
tell. Without the context of doing laundry,
subjects could not recall much!
Sequence of Information Processing
Storage Sensory Memory
  • If you can recall information, it must first be
  • According to Atkinson and Shiffrin 3-step model,
    the first stop is sensory memory or the sensory
  • Only holds an exact copy of sensory stimulus for
    a few fractions of a second.
  • More information enters our sensory memory than
    will get to STM
  • Sperlings partial report technique illustrates
    the limitation of sensory memory.
  • When subjects were told to report ALL 9 letters
    flashed for a fraction of a second, they could
    not, but when subjects instructed to report 3 of
    the letters (one row of 3 letter row display of 9
    total letters) they could do so with few errors
  • This proved that sensory memory could hold the
    information, but only very briefly

Storage Sensory Memory
  • Sensory memory holds information just long enough
    to recognize and transfer it to STM for further
  • This happens through selective attention
  • Selective attention allows only a small
    percentage of sensory messages that bombard us to
    enter conscious awareness.
  • It is controlled not only by the focus of our
    attention but also the expectancies we have prior
    to exposure
  • Iconic sensory memories (icons) are visual
    representations that last only about a seconds in
    sensory memory
  • Echoic sensory memories (echoes) are auditory
    representations that may last for a few seconds
    (need a longer period to process language)

Storage Short Term Memory
  • STM (working memory) is what is in your mind
  • Information in STM only remains there for about
    20-30 seconds
  • STM is very sensitive to interruption and
  • Brown, Peterson and Peterson (1959) measured the
    storage capacity of STM
  • Subjects presented with a stimulus and asked to
    immediately count backwards (rehearsal prevented)
  • By 20 seconds of backwards counting, the
    previously presented stimulus was forgotten

Storage Short Term Memory
  • Unless information in STM is important/meaningful
    or is actively rehearsed, it quickly vanishes
    from STM and is displaced by whatever comes into
    our minds next
  • Displacement occurs, then, when new information
    enters STM and pushes old out
  • STM storage capacity is limited the average
    adult can hold about 5-9 bits or chunks of
    information in STM
  • George Miller (1956) Magical Number Seven, plus
    or minus two

Storage Short Term Memory
  • Remember the following number
  • 18122001198417891945

Storage Short Term Memory
  • The number is 18122001198417891945
  • Chunking
  • The process of organizing or grouping separate
    bits of information into larger units or chunks,
    can increase STM storage capacity.
  • e.g. 1812 2001 1984 1789 1945 (fits 7 /-
    2 rule now!)
  • Memory span is a measurement of STM capacity
  • It measures the largest number of items that can
    be recalled perfectly from STM after only one
  • No study/rehearsal time is allowed
  • Sometimes used as a component of IQ tests
  • In STM, acoustic coding seems to dominate
    especially for verbal information
  • Information in STM may be new or retrieved from
    LTM to be thought about and used.

Storage Long Term Memory
  • LTM is our permanent storehouse for information
  • It includes all knowledge we have accumulated,
    all the skills we have learned, and all our
    memories of past experiences
  • The more meaningful the information, the more
    easily it can be stored in LTM
  • Unlike STM, LTM seems to have unlimited storage

Storage Long Term Memory
  • Information in LTM seems to be organized
  • New facts are learned by fitting them into a
    network of pre-existing knowledge
  • Propositional network theory
  • we store the smallest bits of meaningful
    information (propositions represented by circles
    or nodes) and create links (represented by
    arrows) to other nodes.
  • e.g. the proposition dog may be linked to the
    other nodes bark, fur, and four legs.

4 Legs
LTM Types
  • Two Broad Types of Memory Circuits
  • Declarative Memory includes facts such as names,
    dates, and events (sometimes referred to as
    explicit memory)
  • Can be rapidly learned and forgotten
  • Usually consciously accessed
  • Subdivisions
  • Semantic memory refers specifically to factual
  • Episodic memory includes our personal or
    autobiographical experiences
  • Procedural Memory includes skills such as
    remembering how to ride a bike, play a musical
    instrument or eat with a fork (sometimes referred
    to as implicit memory)
  • Typically learned by repetition and practice
  • Difficult to unlearn
  • Often performed without conscious thought

LTM Types
LTM Types
  • Eidetic imagery refers to visual LTMs
  • Eidetic memory is characterized by relatively
    long-lasting and detailed images of scenes that
    can be scanned as if the individual were
    physically present
  • Rare in adults more frequent in children
  • Steven Wiltshire eidetic memory
  • Flashbulb memories are remarkably vivid and
    seemingly permanent memories
  • typically of highly emotional and personal events
    in one's life
  • What makes the flashbulb memory special is the
    emotional arousal at the moment that the event
    was registered to the memory.

Biological Basis of Memory
  • Memories are not located in one part of the brain
  • Lashley (1950) tested this
  • created lesions in the brains of rats who had
    learned a maze.
  • Despite having damaged areas, memory was only
    weakened, not obliterated
  • Synaptic Changes and neurotransmitters
  • We already know that experience physically
    changes the brain
  • When learning takes place, more serotonin is
    released at certain synapses
  • This makes the neurons in this network more
    likely to fire, as sending neurons are more
    likely to fire and release neurotransmitters and
    receiving neurons seem to increase their receptor
  • This process is called Long-Term Potentiation
  • ACh also plays a role in memory Alzheimers
    patients lack of

Biological Basis of Memory
  • Impact of LTP
  • Drugs that block LTP interfere with learning
  • Drugs that enhance it increase memory ability
  • LTP inhibiting drugs can actually erase recent
  • Memory enhancement?
  • CREB protein boosters may help trigger LTP
  • Neurotransmitter glutamate may also enhance LTP
  • ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) and head trauma
    may disrupt memory and learning as LTP in process
    is not completed

Biological Basis of Memory
  • Stress Hormones and Memory
  • When we are excited or stressed, we produce more
    hormones that make more glucose energy for the
  • This leads to increased activity in the amygdala
    in the limbic system, which is also involved in
    the formation of memories
  • Stronger emotions stronger memories weaker
    emotions weaker memories
  • Helps to explain flashbulb memory
  • Hippocampus and explicit memories
  • Responsible for transferring STM to explicit LTM
  • Prolonged exposure to stress hormones can
    actually shrink the hippocampus and inhibit
  • Damage can disrupt movement of information to
    cortex (LTM)
  • Cerebellum processes implicit memories and
    classical conditioning (unconscious processes)

Where Are Memories Stored?
Retrieval The Basis of Memory
  • Retrieval involves accessing information from LTM
    so that it can be used or examined in STM
  • Retrieval cues help us gain access to a memory
  • Methods of measuring retrieval
  • Recall is when material must be remembered with
    few or no retrieval cues (free response test)
  • Recognition involves tasks loaded with retrieval
    cues material must be remembered through
    identification (e.g. multiple choice test)
  • Relearning indicates the time saved when learning
    material for the second time (obviously, some
    learning was remembered)
  • Recognition is far easier than recall we
    remember more than we can recall

Retrieval Cues
  • The more retrieval cues you have (like strings
    attached to whatever it is you wish to remember),
    the more likely you are to recall.
  • Priming
  • The activation of associations in memory often
  • Can shape our interpretation of events

Priming Demo
  • Group 1 Unscramble the letters to make words
  • ocw
  • nhe
  • erohs
  • ogd
  • tca
  • sfih
  • eap
  • tgoa
  • Group 2 Unscramble the letters to make words
  • tluetec
  • rortac
  • neab
  • rcon
  • yecler
  • ottmao
  • eap
  • cbocrlio

Retrieval Cues
  • Context can also serve as a retrieval cue
  • Sometimes referred to as locus dependent learning
  • Putting ourselves in the same environment we were
    in when we learned something may help us to later
    recall the learned information
  • Helps to explain déjà vu (literally meaning
    already seen) where similar contexts may
    trigger memories even when we are in new settings
  • Mood can also have an impact on memory
  • State-dependent memory says that we recall
    information learned in one state when we do so in
    that same state
  • e.g. learn information high we may recall it
    better when high again! (of course sober-sober
    is BEST!!)
  • Mood-congruent memory says that we tend to recall
    experiences consistent with our current mood
    good or bad
  • e.g. we recall how fabulous our childhood was
    when we are feeling happy, and how heinous it was
    when depressed

Retrieval Serial Position Effect
  • People tend to recall the first items (primacy
    effect) and last items (recency effect) in a list
  • Demonstrates how short- and long-term memory work
  • Primacy effect reflects long-term memory
  • Recency effect reflects short-term memory

RetrievalSerial Position Effect

  • While we may curse ourselves for forgetting
    things, it is good that we can get rid of useless
    information that would otherwise clutter out
  • In general we may experience encoding failure,
    storage decay, and retrieval failure
  • Encoding failure is when information is never
    really learned it never makes the cut from STM
    to LTM
  • Storage decay happens when we do not use
    information in memory and it fades
  • Retrieval failure occurs when there are not
    enough retrieval cues available to prompt
  • Consolidation failure occurs when disruptions
    prevent permanent memory from being formed

Forgetting Encoding Failure
  • Because of selective attention, we only attend to
    very little of what we are exposed to
  • Unless there is effort, memories do not form
  • e.g. What does a penny look like?

Forgetting Storage Decay
Yaaa I forget so fast!
  • Even after encoding has occurred, sometimes we
    later forget things
  • Ebbinghaus researched this as well and the
    results of his experiments yielded the famous
    forgetting curve

Forgetting Retrieval Failure
  • The information is there, but we cannot access
  • Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon occurs when we are
    confident that we know the information but cannot
    retrieve it due to a lack of retrieval cues.
    Though we cannot recall it, we can often
    recognize it.
  • Interference occurs when some information may get
    in the way of your ability to retrieve other
  • Proactive interference inability to recall new
    information due to prior learning
  • Retroactive interference inability to recall
    older information as a result of new learning
  • Sometimes, prior learning can facilitate the
    learning of new e.g. knowing the rules of
    baseball may help in learning softball
  • Distractor studies?

Forgetting Consolidation Failure
  • Memories new to long-term memory take time to be
    firmly implanted
  • Disruptions in this process can prevent permanent
    memory from being formed
  • Retrograde Amnesia loss of memory for events
    occurring for periods prior to brain injury
  • Anterograde Amnesia loss of memory for events
    that happen after brain injury
  • Infantile Amnesia failure to consolidate
    information in memory before age 3, perhaps due
    to underdeveloped brain and limitations in

Motivated Forgetting
  • Sometimes we simply forget what happened but
  • Many stages of memory processing much can be
    lost along the way
  • Repression a Freudian defense mechanism that
    pushes anxiety and guilt-arousing thoughts,
    feelings and memories out of conscious awareness
  • Many memory researchers believe that repression
    rarely, if ever, occurs especially if the
    memory is emotional

Memory Construction
Memory Construction
  • Gilbert (2006) Information given after an event
    alters the memory of the event
  • Implications? What you are asked and the way you
    are asked can lead you to remember the event
  • Loftus research
  • How fast were the cars going when they smashed
    into each other? OR
  • How fast were the cars going when they hit each
  • The question determined the response, though all
    subjects saw the same video
  • Research on eyewitness testimony?
  • Misinformation Effect
  • When given incorrect information about an event,
    we tend to remember it incorrectly
  • Even imagining events that did not occur may
    create false memories
  • Suggesting something happened can make us believe
    it did when asked to recall later!

True or False?
  • Source Amnesia attributing memory of an event
    (real or imagined) to an incorrect source e.g.
    believing that you experienced something that you
    only heard about or saw on TV.
  • Reconstructive memory
  • Due to source amnesia and misinformation, we can
    have false memories we believe are true (fill
    in gaps when memory fails)
  • This is dangerous when we consider eyewitness
  • Childrens underdeveloped frontal lobes make them
    more susceptible to false memories - accusation
    of child abuse?
  • Repressed/recovered memories of abuse?
  • Abuse happens we do not want to dismiss
    legitimate accusations
  • Forgetting happens especially concerning child
    abuse when kids may not comprehend what is
  • It is normal to recover memories, but when they
    are retrieved by therapist-aided techniques such
    as hypnosis of sedation, they are suspect
  • Infantile amnesia (pre-age 3) makes memories
    before this age unreliable

How to Improve Memory
  • Mnemonics are strategies you may use to improve
  • Mnemonists are people with extraordinary memory
  • Rehearsal elaborative rehearsal is better than
    rote rehearsal!
  • Organization of material in meaningful ways
  • SQ3R survey, question, read, recite, review
  • Overlearning
  • Metamemory be aware of how memory works
  • Spaced practice shorter sessions over an
    extended period of time better than massed
  • Peg Word System image word you associate,
    then assign new material to each peg visually
  • Minimize interference
  • Maximize retrieval cues state, location
  • Get enough sleep!

Thinking and Language
  • Chapter 9

  • Cognition all mental activities associated with
    thinking, including memory, knowing,
  • Cognitive psychologists study all of the
  • Creating concepts
  • Solving problems
  • Making decisions
  • Forming judgments

Yo Im the prototype.
  • Mental category or label that represents a class
    or group of objects, people or events that share
    common characteristics or qualities.
  • Concepts help us organize our thinking
  • We organize concepts into category hierarchies
    (cars, cats, flowers, etc.)
  • Artificial concepts refer to those where each
    member of the concept has all of its defining
    properties while no non-member does, e.g. squares
    must have 4 corners and 4 right angles.
  • Natural Concepts have no set defining features
    but have characteristic features instead, e.g.
    birds where the object could be a chicken,
    sparrow or ostrich
  • Members of the concept have some characteristics
    of it
  • We compare possible members to prototypes,
    objects/events that typically represent the
    natural concept
  • Fuzzy concepts?
  • Concepts HELP but dont provide all the answers

Hi, Im your dinner .
Problem Solving Steps
  • Steps involved in problem solving
  • Understanding the Problem
  • Planning a solution strategy
  • Carrying out the solution
  • Evaluating progress toward goal/results
  • Problem representation
  • the first step in problem solving can help or
  • how we frame or interpret the problem
  • We can approach problems visually, verbally,
    mathematically and concretely with objects we
    may create a matrix to keep track of all possible
    combinations (LSATs, anyone?)
  • e.g. If we only see the problem of high national
    debt as a lack of tax revenue, we are limiting
    ourselves in coming up with other viable
    solutions to the problem that may be more
    effective and more appealing to the people.

Possible Solution Strategies
  • Algorithms - Step-by-step methods that guarantee
    a solution can be tedious and time consuming
  • Heuristics - Rules of thumb that may help
    simplify a problem but do not guarantee a
  • Insight Aha! moment
  • Hill Climbing - Move progressively closer to goal
    without moving backward
  • Subgoals or Means-End Analysis - break large
    problem into smaller, more manageable ones, each
    of which is easier to solve than the whole
  • Working Backwards - Start with a solution/goal
    and figure out how to get there
  • Trial and Error One solution after another is
    tested time consuming
  • Incubation Put problem aside and engage in an
    unrelated task before coming back
  • Expertise/Artificial Intelligence Usually
    computer programs used to solve specific
    problems however, sometimes this involves rigid
    sets that could hinder finding solutions

Problem Solving Obstacles
  • Confirmation Bias
  • Tendency to only consider information that
    supports preconceived ideas rather than paying
    attention to contradictory evidence
  • e.g. Gingers are evil only think of Children
    of the Corn gingers and ignore nice ones
  • e.g. Only strumpets get herpes! - ignore the
    fact that it only takes one partner to get an
  • Mental sets
  • Tendency to perceive a problem that use past
    experiences to frame the problem a certain way
    can help or hinder.
  • e.g. 9 dot problem? (must think outside the box!)
  • Functional Fixedness
  • a type of mental set that typically hinders,
    since you can only see things objects in terms of
    their customary usage
  • e.g. Record problem

Creative Problem Solving
  • Creative problem solving generating solutions
    that are both unusual and useful
  • Divergent thinking produces many different
    correct answer to the same question (often
  • Convergent Thinking one correct answer is
    expected (typically not creative but linear
  • Brainstorming - a way to get over sets where you
    use divergent thinking to come up with multiple
    ideas/possibilities to solve a problem.
  • Remote Association Test (RAT) is one measurement
    of creativity
  • Requires divergent thinking
  • Modest correlation between creativity and
  • Highly creative people tend to have above average
    intelligence, but having a high IQ doesnt
    guarantee creativity

Decision Making Models
  • We must make decisions all the time but how?
  • Compensatory Model making a decision by
    allowing attractive attributes to compensate for
    unattractive ones (e.g. The car looks all banged
    up but gets great gas mileage)
  • Non-Compensatory Model does not allow some
    attributes to offset others (e.g. Dude, that
    girl is busted I dont care how nice she is I
    will not date her)

Decision-Making Heuristics
  • Heuristic processes are used when decisions
    involve a high degree of ambiguity
  • Representativeness heuristic
  • New information is compared to our model of the
    typical member of a category (prototype)
  • Could lead us to ignore other relevant
  • e.g. Linda the Bank Teller
  • Availability heuristic
  • Decision is based on information that is most
    easily retrieved from memory, even if incomplete
  • e.g. More words that start with r or have r
    as third letter?

Faulty Decisions? Overconfidence, Belief
Perseverance, Intuition
  • Overconfidence
  • Our tendency to overestimate the accuracy of our
    knowledge and judgments
  • e.g. we may believe we can finish a paper/study
    for a test much more quickly than we actually
  • People who are overconfident may often be wrong
    and the mistakes may be costly but they tend to
    be happier and feel more comfortable making
  • Belief Perseverance
  • Tendency to cling to our initial beliefs even
    after these decisions have been discredited
  • The more we justify our initial belief, the more
    difficult it is to let it go when proven wrong
  • To reduce BP, imagine the opposite perspective

Decisions Making Intuition, Framing and Pressure
  • Intuition
  • Automatic gut reaction not involving explicit
  • Can lead us to sound decisions, but also careless
  • Framing
  • The manner in which information is presented
  • Research has demonstrated that framing can have a
    profound impact on decision-making
  • e.g. 95 success rate vs. 5 failure rate a
  • 85 lean vs. 15 fat ground beef?
  • High Pressure
  • When decisions are required quickly, experience
    plays a key role
  • With increased pressure in an emergency
    situation, decision making often deteriorates and
    can end in panic

Explaining Our Decisions
  • Hindsight bias
  • Tendency to view the impact of our decisions as
    inevitable and predictable after we know the
  • e.g. We would have been miserable together
    (after deciding to get a divorce)
  • Counterfactual thinking
  • Thinking about alternative realities and things
    that never happened
  • Often takes the form of If only I had

  • Language is defined as a system of signs and
    symbols based on specific rules (grammar) used to
  • Very complex human ability
  • A unique ability?

Parts of Language
  • Parts
  • Phonemes
  • Morphemes
  • Semantics meaning in language
  • Syntax rules that determine how words are
    combined in a language
  • Phonetics how sounds are put together to form
  • Grammar culmination of rules for generating
    language (includes phonetics and syntax)
  • Pragmatics social aspects of language
    (politeness, conversational rules)
  • Psycholinguistics study of the psychological
    mechanisms related to language acquisition
  • Top Down Processing vs. Bottom Up Processing?
  • TD Meaning/Thought ? production of sounds
  • BU Sounds ? derive meaning

Theories of Language Acquisition
  • Nature vs. Nurture?
  • Critical periods
  • Noam Chomsky (Nature)
  • Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
  • Surface Structure vs. Deep Structure
  • Transformational Grammar Theory
  • Skinners learning theory (Nurture)
  • Linguistic Determinism (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis) -
    Language determines thought
  • Linguistic Relativity Thoughts/experiences
    determine language

Language Development
  • Cooing/Crying
  • Babbling
  • Holophrase and 1-word speech
  • 2-word speech
  • Telegraphic Speech doggie bite face!
  • Verbs and modifiers added
  • Syntax acquired
  • Overgeneralization/overextension
  • Motherese

Non-Verbal Language
Hey sexy emo-gingerkid!
Check out my fine dance moves
I got into college!
  • Facial expressions and Paul Ekmans work
  • Emblems (gestures) and body language

Whos your daddy!?
I refuse to look at that.
Mime be gone!
Pleasejust slit my wrists in a warm tub!
Hmm shouldI assist in the pummeling of Broccoli
I will destroy you, broccoli man!
Animal Thought
  • Do animals think?
  • Animals are capable of more than we thought!
  • Forming concepts? Even pigeons!
  • Insight (Kohler)
  • Tool use
  • Numerical ability (arithmetic)
  • Transmission of cultural patterns (primates)
  • Altruism
  • Self Awareness
  • AJ the fabulous bird
  • The Story of Lucy (NPRs RadioLab FULL CLASS)

Animal Language
  • Can animals talk?
  • They DO communicate, but is it language?
  • Primate Language
  • Use of signs and symbols
  • Novel combinations of signs would indicate a
    higher level of cognitive processing
  • Vocalizations with different meanings
  • Gestured communication/facial expressions
  • Koko the Gorilla, Washoe the Chimp, Kanzi the

Washoe (above) learned to sign and teach her
adopted son to sign, too. She expressed sadness
when told Baby dead after her infant died, and
expressed happiness when given a surrogate baby
to care for
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