Title: Classification Workshop
1Classification Workshop 18 April 2006
Ms. Phyllis Sheetz Manpower Branch
- Mission, Functions - Objectives - Manpower
Tools - FY06 Updates - FTS Voucher - FY07
Voucher - Challenges
3Mission Statement
To improve ARNG unit readiness through the
development, implementation, and maintenance of
valid Full-Time Support manpower staffing
requirements through management engineering
4Branch Functions
- Manpower Standards Maintenance
- Conduct Manpower Studies
- Update methodology for conducting future
- manpower studies
- Validate compliance with mission statement
- and work center description
- Business Process Reviews
- Determine FTS Requirements
- Publish the Full-Time Support
- Requirements/Authorization Voucher
- Partnership with OPRs and States to plan
- future mission capabilities
5Branch Objectives
- Update and publish Manpower Staffing Guide for
- Institutional Force (TDA)
- Publish the Blue Book Unit Staffing Guide for
- Operating Force (MTOE/TDA)
- Conduct analysis of future force structure
changes for - impact to Full-Time Support requirements
- Determine statistically sound workload factors
- Timely and accurate responses to inquires from
both - internal and external customers
6 Manpower Tools
- Command Plan (CP)
- Troop Structure Program (TSP)
- Force Structure Allowance (FSA)
- End Strength (ES)
- Standard Requirements Code (SRC)
- Work Centers
- Work Center Description
- Workload Factor
7 Manpower Assumptions
- Baseline determine by latest
- Command Plan (Troop Structure
- Program)
- FTS requirements earned in year of
- execution of valid UIC AA not
- Carrier UIC 90
- No FTS requirements earned in year
- of inactivation
- Notional UIC (G05XXX)
8 - What outside elements influence or drive changes
in FTS requirements? - ARNG Transformation
- Force Structure Allowance
- Units split across state lines
9- FY06 Updates
- ARNG Transformation
- Aviation
- Engineer
- Unresourced Requirement
- Other Technician Column
- Aviation and Maintenance
10- FY06 Authorizations Distributed
- Congress establishes AGR and Mil
- Tech authorizations
- DARNG apportions FTS authorizations
- between Title 10 and Title 32
- Managed Level of Resource
- - CST, RTI, SBCT, Avn Maint
- - MTOE and TDA
11- Voucher Process
- Reviews Unit information from Command Plan
- Updates workload factors for TDA work
centers - Determine requirements at UIC and Work
Center - Blue Book update
- Coordinate update of In-State Detachment
Table - Coordinate MATES Contributors
- Analyze Data
- Draft FTS Requirement Voucher to State
12- Voucher Process
- State review of Draft FTS Requirement Voucher
- Ensure all units appear on voucher
- All known activations, conversions and
cancelled - in-activations are listed on draft voucher
- Compare Tech requirements at UIC, SAG and
summary - levels
- G4 (DOL/SM) needs to review SM requirements
- SAAO needs to review AM requirements
- Review Tech by UIC and JFHQ requirements
- Provide comments in automated system
- At AA level, proposed correction, reason
- Response will be provided to all comments
13 Voucher Drop Down Screens Voucher Cover
Letter Requirements FTS Requirement Technician
Requirements by SAG Surface Maintenance
Requirements AGR Requirements by UIC JFHQ
Requirements FTS Requirements Base
Authorizations Authorizations AGR authorizations
by grade Technician authorizations by
SAG Miscellaneous Enclosures Managed Level of
Resources Controlled Grade Information Paper
14Re-validation Manpower Study Re-validation of
Operating Force FTS Model for RC Approval of
new Base FTS model for RC Interim approval of
ARNG Business Rules IPRs to Army G3,
ASA(MRA) Update AR 135-2 with new FTS Model
for RC Re-validation of Institutional Force
FTS Manpower Equations
15NEW FTS RC Model for Requirements FTS determined
by strength of unit Thee category tables
Company Battalion Brigade Business Rules
for all additional FTS Implementation in FY08
16 FY07 Updates
- ARNG Transformation Force
- Aviation Transformation
- Engineer Transformation
- Update Detachment Table
- Implementation of new FTS Model for RC
- Blue Book update
17- Challenges for the Future
- ARNG Force Structure Reduction
- ARNG Transformation
- Joint Force HQ-State
- Implementation of new RC FTS Model
- Ability to better predict future requirements
- Continue open communication with HR
- Community, OPRs and Advisory Councils