Title: St Columbas High
1St Columbas High
2What is temperature is a measure of?
- Heat
- Hotness
- Joules
- Energy
3In which direction does heat energy travel?
- From high temperature to low temperature
- From low temperature to high temperature
4What is the unit of heat energy ?
- Degrees Celsius
- Amp
- Volt
- Joule
5Which spoon would be a heat conductor in the
following experiment?
- Plastic spoon
- Metal spoon
6Conduction is when heat energy travels through a
- Liquid
- Gas
- Solid
- None of the above
7Insulators are materials which
- Do allow heat energy to pass through them
- Do not allow heat energy to pass through them
8Which material would a table mat be made of to
protect surfaces from hot plates?
9Heat energy flowing in an upward direction is
known as.
- Evaporation
- Conduction
- Radiation
- Convection
10All hot objects give off what type of radiation?
11Which of the following is a use of infra red
radiation in hospitals?
- Detecting broken bones
- Treating skin conditions e.g. eczema
- Detecting tumours
12Which part of a flask stops heat escaping by
- Stopper
- Base
- Silver paint
- Vacuum