- Presented by the MD-21 MERL Team
2Why do Members Drop?
- Lengthy/Boring Meetings
- Club Politics/Cliques
- Lack of Involvement
- Not Working Together
- Significant part of a Lions Club
- Important for efficient functioning of club
- If you hold effective meetings you will
- Keep members interested
- Keep your club running successfully
- Start with honestly examining your club
- Dont want to fix what is not broken
- Are your meetings well attended?
- Actions of members
- Interested? Enthusiastic? Bored? Impatient?
- What is atmosphere of meetings?
5Evaluation continued
- Do you have an agenda? Follow it?
- Know some parliamentary procedure?
- Can you handle interruptions?
- Are you enthusiastic?
- Do members participate?
- Are you open for suggestions?
6Listen to your members
- Get opinions from your club members
- Give out a questionnaire to solicit input
- Learn where the problems are
- What are strengths and weaknesses?
- Was your perception the same as your club
- Identify problems and look for strategies to help
7Good Meetings do the Following
- Accomplish their goals
- Are relevant and interesting for attendees
- Start and end on time
8Basics for efficient, productive meetings
- Being prepared
- Knowledge of parliamentary procedure
- Ability to deal with difficult behavior
- Ability to assert yourself when necessary
- Detailed agenda is crucial for successful
- Only a few items are necessary
- After basics, include elements that make
- Make sure to write down time allotment for each
10Typical Agenda
- Call to order by president
- Pledge Invocation
- Introduction of guests
- Program
- Reading approval of minutes
- Old business
- New business
- Adjournment
11Analyze your agenda
- Does your agenda reflect your clubs personality?
- Are reports and business kept short?
- Prepare for unexpected
- Dont forget the questions and discussions
- Keys Brief and Relevant
12Club Programs inform or entertain
- Recipients of club service
- Local community leaders
- Local business people
- Cultural organizations
- Club partners LensCrafters, Habitat
- District Lions Committee Chairmen
- Speakers Bureau Service
13Program Pointers
- Consider relevant timing of program
- Always have backup ready
- Let speaker know about your club
- Let speaker know how much time available
14Keep Meeting on Track -President
- Presidents job is keep meeting on track and
- Parliamentary procedure can help to run smooth
and make fair for all
- Maintain control demonstrate your leadership
skills use gavel
- Stay calm and focus
- Refer discussion to a business or board meeting
15Attitude is Infectious
- Your attitude will affect attendees
- Do you enjoy it?
- Are you excited about being a Lion?
- Your feeling will be mirrored in your members
- Enthusiastic and positive vs. Bored and negative
16Presentation Pointers
- Get comfortable with public speaking
- Know parliamentary procedure and your clubs
Constitution and Bylaws
- Project confidence and enthusiasm and you will
inspire and motivate your club members
- Keep things fresh, change order, encourage
17Implementing Changes
- Involve and inform members about changes
- Explain reason for changes and how it affects
functions of club
- Communicate changes in newsletter, website and
by phone
- Be positive, confident, flexible demonstrate
concern for members
- By having more effective meetings by overcoming
the lengthy and boring aspects of meeting will go
a long way to retaining your club members
- The second way to retain members is by overcoming
20Retention Challenge
- Are politics getting in the way of club
- Do cliques within the club snub new members,
making it difficult for them to feel a part of
the group?
- Negative cliques and club politics can leave
members feeling left out and resentful.
- It is a chief reason members drop from clubs.
- How people fit and how comfortable they feel has
big impact on club functioning.
- Splintered groups or proceeding mired by politics
can cause members to have a negative experience.
- Club is unattractive to new members and does not
obtain goals
22Start with club evaluation again
- Are there well-defined groups within your club?
- How do these groups interact?
- It is a positive relationship?
- How does it effect club functioning?
- Are new members welcomed warmly?
- Do members feel a part?
23Cliques are not all bad
- Cliques form in large groups typically
- Not all cliques are bad
- People naturally gravitate to those they feel
comfortable with or know.
- If the sub-groups are making some members feel
left out, they could be detrimental.
24Ways to minimize cliques
- Make members feel like part of whole group
- Keep members focused and involved
- Make members understand goals and objectives of
- Implement team-building strategies
25Handling Club Politics
- Build your team need cohesive and productive
group to help members stay interested and
- Exercise open communication, shared goals, and
positive reinforcement
- Members must know and trust one another work
together of service activities
- Kudos to Club Members Thank you in front of
other club members builds pride
26Brainstorming Sessions
- A terrific team-building exercise
- Promotes free flow of ideas
- Use in committees or club as whole
- Brainstorm any aspect of club membership
recruitment, retention, service activities, etc.
- All members should participate
- Keep positive, no idea bad, take notes
- Open communication is vital
- Team members need to feel that they will be heard
and input is valued
- Members need open forum to discuss issues
- Working through problems helps bring members
closer together
28Keeping Things Fresh
- Cliques usually form in clubs where things remain
the same like committees that never change
- Cliques become tighter over time making it harder
for new people to become a part new ideas are
not accepted
- Old members become bored and complacent and new
members become frustrated and unimportant
- There is a need to keep things fresh
29Combat the Cliques with Change
- Rotate committee members every year where
possible to give people new opportunities
promotes fresh perspectives
- Evaluate club projects and service activities
after completed to identify areas of improvement
make notes for next years committee
- Change seating arrangements
30Make New Members Feel Welcome
- Warmly welcome new members
- Make sure there is follow up after initial
- Most new members need period of nurturing to
really feel a part of the club both socially
and their involvement (make them greeters)
- Proper Induction and orientation is crucial
- Sponsors must take job seriously
- Job not over after sign up
- Make sure inducted and orientated
- Sponsors must continue to monitor recruits and
help with problems
- Have sponsor report their findings concerning new
- Responsibility of all members to involve new
members and make feel in team
32Use Secret Lion
- Have some fun while encouraging members to mix
with their fellow members
- Before club meeting begins, select a member to be
Secret Lion. Everyone is to mingle. As the
meeting nears close, you ask the Secret Lion to
identify those members who never made contact. - Tail Twister fines in humorous way.
- Gets no-cliques message across
33Getting Back To Basics
- Clubs that are letting politics interfere with
proper functioning of the club and causing the
club not to meet goals, then club is not filling
service objective. - Reacquaint club with goals, objectives and
mission. Create mission statement.
- Exercise helps club members to refocus efforts to
serve community
34Be Strong and Communicate Change
- Call on your leadership skills to exercise
authority and navigate through the politics of
the club
- Get training in leadership if necessary
- Communicate changes and help them understand
reasons to gain support which is critical for
- Make that visit or phone call to show you care
about them and club.
- Keep eyes open, club dynamics change.
- Keeping Members Involved in Club
36Retention Challenge
- Lack of meaningful involvement is one of the
primary reasons members drop out of Lions Clubs
- Many reasons Lions join, but chief among them and
reason most stay, is to volunteer time to help
those in need.
- If dont get, they will look elsewhere to fill
their need to volunteer.
37Begin With Evaluation Again
- Does your club warmly welcome new members?
- Does your club involve new members in activities
- Are important activities and responsibilities
reserved for certain members?
- Have club members held the same committee
positions for a number of years?
38Club Evaluation Continued
- Do you encourage members to actively voice their
- Do you encourage members to become involved in
activities that interest them?
- Do you know your members interests and skills?
- Are club members excited and enthusiastic when
performing their duties?
39Club Evaluation Continued
- Do any of your members seem bored or restless?
- Has attendance at your meetings dropped?
- Has participation during your service activities
40What are your members interests?
- The key to meaningful involvement is to give the
members opportunities to serve that they are
comfortable with.
- What are you members skills, interests, and
- Have members complete a Skills and Interest Form
and discuss results.
- Show you are concerned about their interests.
41Harness New Recruit Enthusiasm
- Get new members involved immediately
- Dont make them feel like they need to wait
before actually participate
- Create atmosphere that encourages diving in and
participating fully.
- (Be careful dont overwhelm and frustrate)
42New Member Involvement
- Identify responsibilities that are important to
the club, but dont require vast knowledge of
club functioning to successfully perform.
- Match new members skills with task to help them
get involved.
- Communicate with new members, and get sponsors to
check on them.
- Solicit their ideas and get committee chairs to
do the same.
43Build a Team
- If members feel significant and important part of
team the will respond positively.
- Team building fosters cooperation, enthusiasm,
and gives your club direction.
- Team building requires shared goals, cooperation
and communication.
- Work on develop goals together and socialize
together to build a stronger team.
44Keep Interest Level High
- Periodically ask members for input
- Rotate committee assignments
- Encourage members to try new challenges
- If small group, put assignments in hat to draw.
- Encourage members to seek leadership roles.
45Encourage Input
- Create a suggestion box
- Hold brainstorming sessions
- Evaluate activities at conclusion
- Have members visit other Lions clubs and get new
- Hold a Summit on a topic or area to encourage and
involve members ideas
46Focus on Working Together
- Smart Strategies for Club Cooperation
47Retention Challenge
- Clubs that are unable to bridge differences and
unite for a common goal will create dissatisfied
- Is your club providing the needs of your
- Start by analyzing your club
48Observe Your Club
- Do you have a diverse membership base?
- Is there friction between club members? Is it
hurting club?
- Are members comfortable voicing opinions?
- Does your club feel like a unified group? Do you
have common goals?
49Work Together for Success
- Club members need to work together if club is
going to be successful.
- Most clubs sharing common goal helps members work
together easily.
- In some clubs, clubs must try hard to work
together effectively.
- This is especially true in clubs where the
membership is evolving.
50Evolving Clubs
- If a club has had many long-standing, dedicated
members, and there is an influx of eager new
members, the existing group can feel threatened
by the likely redistribution of power. - Allowing this behavior to fester will lead to an
us vs. them atmosphere the will cause
resentment and split group which will result in
effective service.
51Dealing with Diversity
- Diversity is at the heart of LCI
- Men and women is 192 countries
- They are from different backgrounds and are
various ages, professions and ethnic
- The associations diversity should be embraced
and celebrated.
52Appreciating Differences
- All people approach things in different ways, no
matter whether man or woman, young or old, etc.
- We need to take a look at the others point of
view. (deliberate vs. aggressive and detail vs.
- Accepting differences will make more cohesive and
better functioning club.
- Approach differences with understanding and
patience is key to success.
53Work Together by
- Avoiding Stereotypes dont make blanket
assumptions based on gender, race or age.
- We need to learn about individual.
- Accepting Change some are threatened by change
and uncertainty.
- Need to reassure that changes are meant to
strengthen the club.
54New Members
- Its vital that club members attitude toward new
members be positive
- If new members feel unwelcome, they will likely
drop out and share their negative experience with
- The fear of change should not keep you from
recruiting new members
- New members may change composition of club, but
new members mean new and better ideas for service
(i.e. Women)
55Establishing Meeting Manners
- Create positive atmosphere by establishing ground
rules for personal conduct
- Guidelines allow members to express themselves
freely and set the stage for constructive
- Ideas for meeting conduct guidelines include
56Meeting Conduct Guidelines
- All members should be treated as equals and
- All members are encouraged to voice their
opinions on subjects
- All members should be encouraged to ask questions
to clarify what they do not understand of if they
want further elaboration
57Meeting Conduct Guidelines (cont)
- Members should be allowed to express themselves
openly and candidly, however, all members must
understand that personal attacks are not
acceptable and all members should be treated with
respect - When brainstorming no idea considered bad
- Officers should not show favoritism
58Benefits of Diversity
- Fresh Ideas and Perspectives different
collective life experiences
- Better Ability to Serve reach broader spectrum
of people in need
- Develop Personal Relationships develop
friendships with people not otherwise able to meet
59Finding Common Ground
- No matter what your members backgrounds or
beliefs, they all have one thing in common the
desire to serve those in need.
- While there are many reasons to become a Lion,
commitment to community was among them.
- Draw on this common ground to solve differences
in opinions
60Setting Common Goals
- Organizations success clear goals
- Develop a mission statement for your club and set
yearly goals to help meet the mission
- Communicate mission to club members on a regular
basis to help to bridge the gap of differences
between members
61Idea Member of the Meeting
- Randomly draw one persons name and that person
becomes your Member for the Meeting.
- The other members need to state one thing they
appreciate about the member being recognized, and
no one can repeat what another person has said.
- It is a simple way to make a member feel special,
and stimulates others to think about what they
admire in this person.
62Dealing with Conflict
- All clubs have conflict at one time or another
- Essential to handle in timely manner
- Broad base comments at meeting will not solve it
- Discuss with parties in relaxed, non-threatening
- Avoid putting anyone on defensive
- Listen and mediate dispute to come to mutually
satisfying conclusion
63Encouraging Input
- Making all club members feel that they have a
voice in the club is vital for stimulating
cooperation among members.
- Members should feel free make comments and feel
that they are valued
- Encouraging input with no follow up will create
64Ideas for encouraging input
- Create suggestion box
- Hold brainstorming session
- Evaluate activities at their conclusion
- Have members visit area Lions Clubs to get new
- Focus on Meetings and make effective
- Focus on Club Dynamics and handle cliques and
- Focus on Involvement of members
- Focus on Working Together and avoiding conflict
among members
- Then you can retain your members and avoid the