Title: CRR Issues
1CRR Issues
- Restructured/Reformatted Requirements - VOTE
- McFRIs Allocated to Wind Generators
- Effective Date for Settlement Points
- September 10, 2007
2Timeline of CRR Document Reviews Approvals
- NPRR047 and NPRR059 require TPTF approval and
updates to the following - Requirements
- Conceptual System Design (CSD)
EDS Handbook requires TPTF review and approval
Renumber Requirements for traceability purposes
and obtain TPTF approval.
Business Process Clarification NPRR
3Why did we Restructure Requirements?
The initial efforts are focused on Protocol
coverage by functional requirements
In Quality Center
In Requisite Pro
Approved Test Cases
Approved Requirement Documents
Approved Use Cases
Approved Test Scripts
Test Results
- CRR Requirements as approved do not provide the
level of granularity to ensure traceability
through test cases and scripts. - A finer level of granularity (lower number of
tests scripts per requirement) will provide
greater visibility to stakeholders, including
TPTF and program leadership, into CRR System
quality and test execution. - CRR Project Team chose to keep as much of
original approved language as possible.
4Disposition of Comments
Comments received during consideration of
Baseline 12 revision to CRR Requirements
No additional comments were received to the
Reformatted Requirements
5Proposed Motion
- TPTF approves v2.5 of the CRR Requirements, as
distributed to TPTF on August 29.
6MCFRIs allocated to WGRs, or QSEs representing
- The procedures for determining McCamey Flowgate
Rights (MCFRIs) and allocating them to QSEs
representing wind-powered Generation Resources
(WGRs) - MCFRIs are a type of FGR that must be allocated
only to WGRs in the McCamey Area, - ERCOT shall identify WGRs eligible for MCFRI
allocation in the McCamey Area - ERCOT may allocate MCFRIs only to WGRs in the
McCamey Area. - All CRRs, including MCFRIs, will be awarded to
CRR Account Holders - QSEs and WGRs may each have an associated CRR
Account Holder
7MCFRIs allocated to WGRs, or QSEs representing
- Deadline to submit Allocation Eligibility Form
(to participate in EDS PCRR and MCFRI
allocations) is Dec 1st 2007 - Plan is to make Allocation Eligibility Forms
available by end Sept, along with a market notice - However, Business Process Clarification NPRR
(which determines whether MCFRIs are allocated to
WGRs or QSEs) will only be approved on Oct 24th,
at earliest - Options either
- Wait for NPRR approval gt Allocation Eligibility
Form submission window 1mth, OR - Assume WGRs gt Allocation Eligibility Form
submission window 2mths
8Effective Date for Resource Node Settlement Points
- ERCOT proposes that Settlement Points associated
with Resource Nodes not be established until
generation is actually produced - This means that CRRs will not be available from
or to that Settlement Point for at least a full
month after the generator first produces
electricity to the grid. - Timeline shown is for
- November CRRs
- Generator would have
- to be online early September
9Rationale for ERCOTs position
- Supporting two sets of Settlement Points one
for CRR, another for daily market operations
introduces a level of complexity requiring
multiple sets of start and stop times associated
with each Resource Node Settlement Point. - Theres a risk of adding a CRR Source/Sink based
on projected information, selling CRRs which
include that Source/Sink, and then not having the
Settlement Point in-service.
10Section 7.5.1 (2) / with proposed modifications
- For a monthly CRR market, transmission system
upgrades and changes shall be included in the CRR
Network Model only if the upgrade or change is
in-service when the CRR Network Model is being
developed. - For an annual market, transmission system
upgrades and changes shall be included in the CRR
Network Model used for the first month after the
upgrade or change is scheduled to be in-service
for a full month.