Title: Chapter 7: Essay Items
1Chapter 7 Essay Items
- Part II How to Develop, Administrate, and Score
Written Tests
2Skills to Learn From This Chapter
- Identify advantages and limitations of essay
items. - Identify qualities desired in an essay item.
- Evaluate essay items for these qualities.
- Score students responses to essay items.
3True or False
- Essay items, like short-answer items, can only
measure declarative knowledge. T F - You can almost always make up something for essay
items to get some points. T F
4Critique a Quote From the Textbook
- the essay format is predominately used in
secondary schools and postsecondary school
settings (page 71). - Agree? Disagree? What evidence do you have to
support your position?
5Advantages of Essay Items
- Essay items tend to measure more directly
behaviors specified by performance objective. - Performance objective Students will be able to
state the relative advantages of fluorescent and
incandescent light bulbs. - Essay Item State the relative advantages of
fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs. - Essay items can examine students ability to
communicate idea in writing. - Is it fair to the students with low ability in
6Advantages of Essay Items
- Essay items require the student to supply the
response. - That is why some students prefer multiple-choice
format. - 7.1 Apply What You Are Learning (page 72).
7Limitations of Essay Items
- Essay items usually provide a less-adequate
sampling of the content. - Can you put a lot of essay items (say 4) in a
unit test? Why? - The scoring of essay items is less reliable.
- What problems can arise when you score essays?
- Â Essay tests are more time-consuming to score.
- 7.2 Apply What You Are Learning (page 73).
8Identifying Qualities Desired in Essay Items
- Desirability of Using Brief-Response versus
Extended-Response Questions - In-class activity 1, Chapter 7
- Compare brief-response versus extended-response
questions using a comparison matrix.
9Criteria for Evaluating Essay Items
- Does the item measure the specified skill?
- 7.3 Apply What You Are Learning (page 74).
- Â
- Is the level of reading skill required by this
item below the student ability? - Â
10Criteria for Evaluating Essay Items
- Will all or almost all student answer this item
in less than 10 minutes? - Will the scoring plan result in different readers
assigning similar score to a given students
response? - Total number of points.
- Specific attributes.
- Criterion for awarding points. (page 75)
- Start from performance objective -gt test item -gt
attributes-gtcriterion for scoring.
7.4 Apply What You Are Learning (page 77).
11Criteria for Evaluating Essay Items
- Does the scoring plan describe a correct and
complete response? - No proper grading can be done if you do not know
what a correct and complete response is. - 7.5 Apply What You are Learning (page 78)
12Criteria for Evaluating Essay Items
- Is the item written in such a way that the
scoring plan will be obvious to knowledgeable
students? - What could have gone wrong if most of the
students proficient in that area responded in
such a way that the answers are all scored low?
13- Practice Applying These Desired Qualities to
Essay Items (pages 78-81)
14In-class activity 2, Chapter 7
- Using a graphic organizer to represent the
section of Scoring Students Responses to Essay
Items (pages 81-83).
15(No Transcript)