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The Second Law of Thermodynamics


Steam Power Plant as a Heat Engine. Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md. Mujibur Rahman ... A steam power plant produces 50 MW of net work while burning ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Second Law of Thermodynamics

Chapter 5
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ir. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • The Second Law of Thermodynamics

Chapter Summary
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • Introduction to 2nd Law
  • Definitions of thermal and work reservoirs, heat
    engines,thermal efficiency, heat pump and
    refrigerators and coefficient of performance
  • 2nd law statement Kelvin-Planck and Clausius
  • Perpetual Motion Machine
  • Reversible and Irreversible Processes
  • Carnot Cycle, Principles, Heat Engine and
  • Thermodynamics Temperature Scale

Introduction to the Second Law
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • 2nd Law states that processes occur in one
    direction, not just in any direction
  • Physical processes in nature can proceed toward
    equilibrium spontaneously -
  • water flow down a water fall
  • Gas expands from high to low pressure
  • Heat flows from a high temperature to low
  • Once taken place the process can be reversed but
    it will not reverse itself spontaneously. Some
    external input energy has to be expended to
    reverse the process

Thermal Energy and Work Reservoirs
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • A heat or thermal reservoir -
  • a sufficiently large system in stable equilibrium
    to which and from which finite amounts of heat
    can be transferred without any change in its
  • A high temperature heat reservoir from which heat
    is transferred is sometimes called a heat source.
    A low temperature heat reservoir to which heat
    is transferred is sometimes called a heat sink
  • A work reservoir -
  • is a sufficiently large system in stable
    equilibrium to which and from which finite
    amounts of work can be transferred adiabatically
    without any change in its pressure

Work Vs Heat
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Work can be converted directly and completely to
heat but not the reverse
To convert heat to work requires special device
called Heat Engine
Heat Engines
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • Characteristics of Heat Engines -
  • Receive heat from a high temperature heat source
  • Convert part of the this heat to work
  • Reject the remaining waste heat to a low
    temperature sink
  • Operate on a cycle
  • A heat engine is a thermodynamic system operating
    in a thermodynamic cycle to which net heat is
    transferred and from which net work is delivered.
  • The system, or working fluid, undergoes a series
    of processes that constitute the heat engine

Steam Power Plant as a Heat Engine
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
As the plant is operating in a thermodynamics
Thermal Efficiency, ?th
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • The thermal efficiency is the index of
    performance of a heat engine and is defined by

Where Wnet,out is the net work output
Qin is the net heat input at the heat source
Qout is the net heat rejected at heat
sink eg. The thermal efficiency this heat engine
Heat Rejection..why??
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
A heat engine cycle must reject some heat to a
low temperature sink
A heat-engine cycle cannot be completed without
rejecting some heat to a low-temperature sink
Even the most efficient heat engines reject most
of the heat that they receive as waste heat
Refrigerators and Heat Pumps
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • Heat pumps and refrigerator are a thermodynamic
    systems operating in a thermodynamic cycles which
    remove heat from a low temperature body and
    deliver heat to a high temperature body. To
    accomplish this energy transfer, they receive
    external energy in the form of work or heat from
    the surroundings
  • The Refrigerator is a device that operates on a
    thermodynamic cycle and extracts heat from
    low-temperature media
  • The Heat Pump also operates on a thermodynamic
    cycle but rejects heat to the high-temperature

Basic Components of a Refrigeration System in
Typical Conditions
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Vapour-compression refrigeration cycle
4 main components compressor, condenser,
expansion valve, evaporator
Working fluid Refrigerant R134a
Refrigeration R124a
Coefficient of Performance
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • The index of performance of a refrigerator or
    heat pump is expressed in terms of the
    coefficient of performance, COP, the ratio of
    desired result to input. This measure of
    performance may be larger than 1 and we want the
    COP to be as large as possible.

For refrigeration or air conditioning
For heat pump
Kelvin-Planck Statement of 2nd Law
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • It is impossible for any device that operates
    on a cycle, to receive heat from a single
    reservoir and produce a net amount of work
  • In other words
  • For a power plant to operate, the working fluid
    must exchange heat with environment as well as
    the furnace
  • the maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine
    is less than 100
  • ?th lt 100

Heat engine that violates Kelvin-Planck Statement
Clausius Statement of the 2nd Law
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • It is impossible to construct a device that
    operates in a cycle and produces no effect other
    than the transfer of heat from a lower
    temperature body to a higher temperature body
  • In other words -
  • Heat will not flow by itself from a low
    temperature to a high temperature media
  • Energy from the surroundings in the form of work
    or heat has to be expended to force heat to flow
    from a low temperature media to a high
    temperature media
  • COP of a refrigerator or heat pump must be less
    than infinity .. COP lt ?

Refrigerator that violates Clausius Statement
Equivalence of the Two Statements
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Proof that the violation of the Kelvin-Planck
statement leads to the violation of the Clausius
Perpetual Motion Machines
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Any device that violates the first or second law
of thermodynamics is called perpetual-motion
machine (PPM). If the device violates the 1st
law, it is PMM of the 1st kind. If it violates
the 2nd law, it is PPM of second kind.
PPM of 1st Kind
PPM of 2nd Kind
Reversible and Irreversible Processes
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • A process is said to be reversible if both the
    system and the surroundings can be restored to
    their original conditions. This process is
    quasi-equilibrium and have more restrictive
    requirements. Any other process is irreversible.
  • Internally Reversible Process no
    irreversiblities occur within the boundaries of
    the system during the process.
  • Externally Reversible Process no
    irreversiblities occur outside the boundaries of
    the system during the process.
  • Totally Reversible no irreversiblities occur.
  • All real processes are irreversible.
  • Eg. of Irreversibilities friction, unrestrained
    expansion, heat transfer through a finite
    temperature difference, mixing of two substances,
    I2R losses, any deviation from quasi-equilibrium

The Carnot Cycle
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
French military engineer Nicolas Sadi Carnot
(1769-1832) was among the first to study the
principles of the second law of thermodynamics.
Carnot was the first to introduce the concept of
cyclic operation and devised a reversible cycle
that is composed of four reversible processes,
two isothermal and two adiabatic.
Process 1-2 Reversible isothermal heat addition
at high temperature, TH gt TL to the working fluid
in a piston--cylinder device which does some
boundary work. Process 2-3 Reversible adiabatic
expansion during which the system does work as
the working fluid temperature decreases from TH
to TL. Process 3-4 The system is brought in
contact with a heat reservoir at TL lt TH and a
reversible isothermal heat exchange takes place
while work of compression is done on the
system. Process 4-1 A reversible adiabatic
compression process increases the working fluid
temperature from TL to TH
Carnot Cycle P-v Diagram
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Carnot Cycle P-v Diagram Heat Engine
Reversed Carnot Cycle P-v Diagram Refrigeration
The Carnot Principles
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • 1. The efficiency of an irreversible
  • heat engine is always less than the
    efficiency of a reversible one operating between
    the same temperature reservoirs ?th lt ?th,carnot

2. The efficiencies of all reversible heat
engines operating between the same two reservoirs
are the same
Proofs of Carnot Principles
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
The Thermodynamics Temperature Scale
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics temperature scale is defined based
on Carnot Principles. The scale relate the heat
transfers between a reversible device and the
high- and low-temperature reservoirs by
Therefore, the QH/QL ratio can be replaced
by TH/TL for reversible devices, where TH and TL
are the absolute temperatures of the high- and
low-temperature reservoirs.
Heat Engine Arrangement for Developing
Thermodynamic temperature Scale
The Carnot Heat Engine
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • A heat engine that operates on the reversible
    Carnot cycle is called a Carnot heat engine. The
    thermal efficiency of a Carnot heat engine, as
    well as all other reversible heat engines, is
    given byThis is the maximum efficiency a heat
    engine operating between two reservoirs at
    temperatures TH and TL can have.

No heat engine can have a higher efficiency than
a reversible heat engine operating between the
same high- and low-temperature reservoirs
Carnot Refrigerators and Heat Pump
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • The COPs of reversible refrigerators and heat
    pumps are given in a similar manner
    asandAgain, these are the highest COPs a
    refrigerator or a heat pump operating between the
    temperature limits of TH and TL can have.

No Refrigerator can have a higher COP than a
Reversible Refrigerator operating between the
same temperature limits
The Quality of Energy
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
The fraction of heat energy that can be converted
to work increases as the temperature of the heat
source increases
The higher the temperature of the thermal energy,
the higher its quality
Household Refrigerators
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
The cross section of a Refrigerator showing the
relative magnitudes of various effects that
constitute the predictable heat load
Extra Examples
Department of Mechanical Engineering Ir. Md.
Mujibur Rahman
Chap. 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • A steam power plant produces 50 MW of net work
    while burning fuel to produce 150 MW of heat
    energy at the high temperature. Determine the
    cycle thermal efficiency and the heat rejected by
    the cycle to surroundings. (efficiency)
  • A Carnot heat engine receives 500 kJ of heat per
    cycle from a high-temperature heat reservoir at
    652 deg C and rejects heat to a low temperature
    heat reservoir at 30 deg C. Determine the thermal
    efficiency of this Carnot engine and the amount
    of heat rejected to the low temperature heat
    reservoir (Carnot Heat Engine)
  • An inventor claims to have invented a heat engine
    that develops a thermal efficiency of 80 when
    operating between two heat reservoirs at 100 K
    and 300 K. Evaluate his claim. (Carnot Heat
  • An inventor claims to have developed a
    refrigerator that maintains the refrigerated
    space at 2 deg C while operating in a room where
    the temperature is 25 deg C and has a COP of
    13.5. Is there any truth in his claim? (Carnot
  • A heat pump is to be use to heat a building
    during winter. The building is to be maintained
    at 21 deg C at all times. The building is
    estimated to be losing heat at a rate of 135,000
    kJ/hr when the outside temperature drops to -5
    deg C. Determine the maximum power required to
    drive the heat pump unit for this outside
    temperature. (Heat Pump)
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