Title: Science Background to Galaxies Case Piero Rosati, ESO
1Science Background to Galaxies Case(Piero
Rosati, ESO)
- Characterizing properties and evolutionary
history of galaxies by comparing multi-color
photometry with a spectral library of models (or
observed templates) - Methodology adopted in the Demo is shared by a
broad range of astrophysical applications - Elements and Applications used in the workflow
routinely applied by astronomers for the
interpretation of their data - VO and Grid concepts Registry used to discover
Data and Applications, distributed resources,
images/spectra studied with VO-compliant
visualization tools
AVO Jan 2005 Demo Background to the Galaxies
Case (ESAC Jan 25, 2005)
2Methodology Flow
Multi-band Photometric Catalog
Spectral synthesis models or Library of observed
More Applications..
3Comparing SEDs with models the case of Lyman
Break Galaxies (drop-outs)
(Dickinson 2000)
4Comparing SEDs with templates constraining
nature of LBGs at z 3
5Comparing SEDs with models constraining ages,
stellar masses and metallicities
(Cimatti et al. 2001)
6Comparing SEDs with models/templates
constraining redshift
7Watch the Demo now !
8- Spectral Synthesis Models
- compute spectral evolution of stellar
populations for a wide range of star formation
histories and stellar population parameters - GALAXEV (Bruzual Charlot, 2004)
- PEGASE (Fioc Rocca-Volmerange, 2003)
- Interface to input parameters and output files
not user friendly - format of output files and metadata not
homegeneous ? they benefit from a web-service
VO compliant interface
9ELAIS Catalog (Rowan-Robinson et al.
2004) (http//astro.ic.ac.uk/Elais/index.html)
- European Large-Area ISO Survey 3523 ISO selected
sources over 10 deg2 (5 fields) - Broad wavelength coverage ISO 6.7, 15, 90,
175 µm VLA 20cm 2MASS J, H, K WFS _at_INT U,
g, r, I, ZFinal band-merged catalog published
in Rowan-Robinson et al. - Large fraction of sources have spectroscopic
redshifts - Public Spitzer Observations from the SWIRE survey
(see Demo cutouts)
10Further Applications of Spectral Models
- Evolutionary tracks in color-color space
- Color terms computation in multi-band photometry
- K-corrections computation
- Passive evolution of Luminosities, Colors
- Simulations of galaxy evolution, etc.