Title: SKADS Science Overview
1SKADS Science Overview
2SKADS Science Overview
- SKA Science Case
- SKADS Science Interactions
3Strong Field Tests of Gravity
Binary orbit permits determination of masses
Relativistic effects permit (re) determination of
4Strong Field Tests of Gravity
- Large surveys will find exotic binarys
- 20 000 pulsars in the galaxy
- Edge-on Pulsar Black-hole binary (at least one)
- Probe eg. Frame dragging
- Pulsar timing array
- Gravitational wave background
5Probing the Dark Ages
- When did the first luminous objects form?
- How did they form and over what period of time?
- SKA will detect the Epoch of Reionisation and
map the evolution history of the first luminous
6Large Scale Structure
Billions of galaxies!
Local hydrogen
Hydrogen in a distant galaxy
7Precision Cosmology
1 !
8Cosmic Magnetism
- Origin of magnetic fields
- Dynamo?
- Primordial?
9Cradle of Life
- Protoplanetary disks resolved to Earth-like
orbits - Organic molecules
- Extrasolar planets
- Extra terrestrial intelligence
10Transient signal
- Pulsar is a special case of transient phenomena
(periodic) - Giant pulses
- Supernova
- Bursters
12The Unknown
- New discoveries always result from observations
in new parameter space - sensitivity
- spatial resolution
- spectral resolution
- polarisation
- time domain
- observing speed (multibeaming)
- eg. CMB, pulsars, extra solar planets,
SKA improves all of these
13SKA Science Book
Chris Carilli Steve Rawlings, New
Astronomy Reviews, Vol.48, Elsevier, Dec. 2004
14SKADS Science Interactions
The Universe
Data analysis (DS2) science goals achievable?
Our understanding of the Universe
brain power
Request spec changeBENCHMARK
Sky Simulation (DS2T1)
Simulated telescope image
EM fields
Technology development (DS4)
Convolution with the telescope (DS2T2)
Data imaging(DS2T2)
measurementsandsimulated performance
Network simulator (DS3T3)
Technology demonstrators(DS5 DS6)
Backend data
15SKADS Science Interactions
The Universe
NO not technologically feasible NO too expensive
Data analysis (DS2) science goals achievable?
Our understanding of the Universe
brain power
Request spec changeBENCHMARK
Consider trade-offs
Sky Simulation (DS2T1)
Simulated telescope image
EM fields
Technology development (DS4)
Convolution with the telescope (DS2T2)
Data imaging(DS2T2)
measurementsandsimulated performance
Network simulator (DS3T3)
Technology demonstrators(DS5 DS6)
Backend data
16Evaluation of EMBRACE (DS5T3)
- Demonstrate that EMBRACE can be used for
astronomical observations - Pulsar timing
- Multibeam pulsar timing
- HI mapping
- Continuum mapping
- Source tracking
- Observations in the presence of strong sources
(moon, sun) - Correlation with long baseline (Westerbork
Nançay) - Engineering/characterisation testing
- Beam profile, Tsys, Aeff, etc,
17Recent Hires for Science Effort
- Matt Jarvis DS2T1 Manager at Oxford
- Hans Rainer Klöckner (Oxford for DS2T2)
- Shanmugha Sundaram (JIVE for DS2T2)
- Dharam vir Lal (Max Planck, Bonn for DS2T2)
- Ilsa van Bemmel (Leiden for DS2T2)
- Paola di Matteo (Paris for DS2T1)
- Cardiff Postdoc (imminent selection for DS2/DS3)
- Glasgow postdocs advertised (for DS2T2)
- Cambridge postdocs advertised (for DS2/DS3)
18Meetings and Conferences
- DS2T2 Kickoff at Bonn, 10th February, 2006
- Gravitational waves, radio pulsars and
astrometry Testing gravity in the next decade,
Birmingham, 30-31 March - Cosmology, Galaxy Formation and Astroparticle
Physics on the pathway to the SKA,Oxford, 10-12
April - DS3T3 Kickoff at Oxford 6th June, 2006
- DS2T1 Kick-off at Oxford 7th June, 2006
19SKADS Newsletter
- Issue 1 now out!
- Collectors edition!
- Steve Torchinsky
- SKADS Project Scientist
- GEPI, Observatoire de Paris
Phone 33 1 45 07 75 02 Email
projsci_at_skads-eu.org Wiki http//webmail.jb.man.a
c.uk/skadswiki/ Web http//www.skads-eu.org