Title: European Regional Innovation
1Regional Innovation Strategies North East
Bulgaria Launch Conference Varna, Bulgaria, 7
October 2005
European Regional Innovation Policy and
Marshall Hsia DG Enterprise and Industry European
2Globalisation and challenges for European Regions
- Increasing globalisation of economic activity is
affecting the competitiveness of Europe and its
regions. - Investment considerations are increasingly
influenced by availability of local and regional
production factors e.g. transport and market
access, availability of technical and human
resources, quality of life issues. - Regional policies need to take into account the
processes which determine investment decisions
and their impact on regional competitiveness and
the business infrastructure (including regional
innovation systems and clusters of economic
3A New Strategic Goal for the Next Decade
The European Council of LISBON in March 2000 set
the goal for the EU to become the most
competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy
in the world capable of sustainable economic
growth with more and better jobs and greater
social cohesion." Afterwards the BARCELONA
Council in March 2002 confirmed the importance
of increased investment in RD, setting ambitious
average EU target of 3 of GDP by 2010 with 2/3
coming from private sector
4International Competition
- Europe is behind the US in productivity growth
(GDP per capita gap of 34) - Lisbon objectives will not be achieved with the
current speed of change - Europe lags behind the US in 9 out of 12
innovation indicators, e.g. - Lower RD investment rates
- Less venture capital
- More US patent applications in Europe than from
Europeans - Disparities in economic development among
European regions
5more than half of total EU RD expenditure is
concentrated in 28 out of 211 regions (EU15)
EU average RD Expenditure (2000) 1.93 of
6Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) Network
- 200 member regions (started in 1996). Facilitates
the exchange of experience and good practice in
the field of regional innovation. - Main actions
- implementation of Regional Innovation Strategies
in New Member and Associated States - pilot projects on regional innovation policy
impact assessment and benchmarking - projects to support the implementation of
Regional Innovation Policies in New Member States
and Associated States - incorporates the Mutual Learning Platform for
investing in research and innovation in the
7Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) Network
8Innovating Regions in Europemembers
1995 5 countries 16 regions 2003 26
countries 200 regions 2005 32 countries 235
9RIS Project Methodology
- Work under a steering committee composed of key
regional actors - Produce detailed analysis of needs and regional
innovation system - Agree on an innovation strategy for the regional
development - Adopt an action plan for the implementation of
the strategy - Develop a monitoring plan to assess
implementation - Establish the basis for co-operation with other
regions in Europe
10RIS/RITTS methodology
- The project lasts 32 months.- Stage 0
definition phase (approximately
12 months)- Stage 1 analysis of innovation
supply and demand - (12 months)- Stage 2
establishing regional priorities
validation of stage 1 results
implement some pilot actions (8
11RIS NÖ a step by step approach
RIS NÖ Regional Innovation Strategy
12Actions previously identified
- Actions promoting business networks, clusters
- building new interfaces between businesses and
the knowledge base, including technology centres,
universities - improving the co-ordination of RTD and Innovation
services and agencies for firms - developing new financial instruments for the
financing of innovation - offering market intelligence for forecasting SME
technology needs - enhancing innovation projects in firms, in
cooperation with universities, technology
centres - organising technology audits in SMEs and
innovation management training for businessmen - pushing university spin-offs and technology based
13Regional Innovation Strategy
- A starting point to develop an innovation policy
at regional level or to reinforce the existing
regional innovation system. Many regions
developed these policies the first time ever. - A move towards strategic thinking to steer
regional development towards an
innovation-oriented policy - A regional dialogue to overcome geographic,
cultural or institutional fragmentation and
mobilise all innovation actors through a
consultation process - An innovation community to foster innovation as a
driving force for regional competitiveness - A clearer innovation support infrastructure to
rationalise and adapt it to existing business
- Regional actions have helped the decision
makers at the regional level to be aware of the
importance of innovation in the economic growth
process - The mobilisation effect achieved has been
remarkable - It brought in a much needed move towards for
strategic thinking innovation- oriented regional
development. - RIS have helped widen the concept of innovation
strengthened position within the regional policy
agenda - Have focused regional public expenditure towards
a set of communities. Most regions have managed
to increase public funding - Allowed optimisation of the RTDI infrastructure
15RIS and RIS in West Midland
- Two notable achievements in the West Midlands
- WM Investment Fund
- Objective- establish funding mechanism to
stimulate the creation of innovative ,
technology- based high growth potential SMEs. - Results - 8 deals completed, 4.9m invested 30
jobs forecast - MONTAGNE (Technology Audits, Grants and
Exploration) - Objective- Innovation and technology
identification through technology/innovation
audits and access to finance - Results - 300 jobs created, 726 SMEs assisted,
30 R and D projects supported, 50 products
developed, 400 networking contacts
16Specific Networking Instruments
- Actions to foster clusters (EAP, FP6 networking
sectoral clusters, IRC and IRE working groups) - Innovation Relay Centres
- IPR Helpdesk (IP assistance for FP6 participants
and SMEs) - Gate2Growth (access to finance and networking)
- Regional innovation actions (PAXIS, IRE, RIS,
Europe Innova)
17Technology transfer, IP and financial assistance
- IRC Network
- A trans-national technology transfer network,
which drives innovation and competitiveness, by
connecting knowledge, technologies and people and
by building Technology Partnerships. - Allowing SMEs access to RTD results
- Promoting innovative SME technologies (outward
TT) - Identifying innovative solutions for SMEs (inward
TT) - Promotion of trans-national technology
18IRC Network 2004 - 2008
71 IRCs and 219 organisations in 33 countries
EU, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Israel,
Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Chile
19Technology transfer, IP and financial assistance
- IPR Helpdesk
- Provide initial IP assistance to current and
potential EU-RTD contractors - Raise awareness of the importance of protecting
and exploiting Europe's IPR assets - Assist European researchers registering,
protecting and exploiting their IPR - Gate2Growth
- Provides access to private innovation financing
and tools for better knowledge exploitation - Encourages networking between venture
capitalists, incubators, industrial liaison
offices, etc
20CIP and the renewed Lisbon strategy
- A more attractive place to invest and work
- Knowledge and innovation are at the heart of
- European growth
- Allowing our businesses to create more and
- better jobs
21Policy context
- Re-launch of the Lisbon strategy of 2000 new
strategy for jobs and growth - Need for better co-ordination and synergies
between policies and funding programmes - Innovation and competitiveness policies to face
global challenges
22CIP Structure
LEGAL ACT (Arts. 157(3), 175(1), 156)
Common Objectives Overall budget Instruments
Tech. Assistance
Entrepreneurship Innovation EIP committee
2.600 million
ICT Policy ICT committee 800 million
Intelligent Energy Europe IEE committee 780
Eco-innovation 520 million IEE
SMEs 3.385 million
23The Entrepreneurship Innovation programme
24Eco-Innovation in the EI Programme
- 520 million earmarked eco-innovation
- Access to finance (150 million for
eco-innovation) - Support to Venture Capital funds active in
eco-innovation, and capacity building for the
assessment of eco-innovation projects - Examples of targeted sectors water management,
waste treatment and recycling, soils remediation,
energy (renewables, efficiency), clean production
processes - Innovation in enterprises (324 million for
eco-innovation) - Networks of enterprises, of national and regional
programmes - Pilot and market replication projects, in sectors
such as water supply and sanitation, waste
treatment and recycling, clean technologies,
eco-design of products and services - Innovation culture (46 million for
eco-innovation) - Business and innovation services and networks
- Example of eco-innovation related services
technology testing and verification, centres of
excellence, eco-design of products and services,
environmental management systems
25CIP synergies with Structural Funds
- CIP and SF share a number of priorities linked
to the Lisbon strategy - - CIP aims at stimulating entrepreneurial
initiative, innovation and technology transfer - The SF main objective is to help lagging regions
to catch up with innovation as a key priority - but have different approaches
- - CIP mainly multi-lateral Commission driven
for excellence - ERDF mainly territorial (less than 4 for
trans-nat. inter-reg. activities)
decentralised to MS aiming at cohesion - CIP and SF are complementary and mutually
reinforcing - - Synergies will be reinforced through close
coordination, information of the MS and checks
during implementation - - Double funding will be excluded, however,
complementary funding will be possible (e.g. in
the area of venture capital funds and cooperation
among business innovation programmes)
26The Entrepreneurship Innovation programme
27What innovation actions will continue under CIP ?
- in an improved form
- Innovation Relay Centres networks assistance
for transnational technology transfer will be
developed together with the EuroInfoCentres to
offer a one-stop-shop for services in support of
business and innovation. - Trend Chart / European Innovation Scoreboard
with constant adaptations of the indicator system
and the policy monitoring - Studies / analytical support, although in a more
systematic form
28What will be different under CIP ?
- IRE Network of Innovating Regions in Europe
Regions will be together with national innovation
policy-makers for overarching networking for
policy learning - Innovation Portal the dissemination of the
results of the project results and information
will be improved and moved from Cordis into the
mainstream of the Europa-server - Eco-innovation intelligent energy
- - Placed clearly in the innovation and
competitiveness context - - Market replication projects and use of
networking type of projects. - - Use of financial instruments for
29What will be new under CIP and FP7?
- under CIP
- New risk capital instrument (the High Growth and
Innovative Company Facility - GIF2) - non
grant-based approach, aimed specifically at
innovative and high growth SMEs. A significant
proportion of resources will be dedicated to
supporting SMEs developing or using environmental
technologies. - Scheme to support the co-operation between
national and regional programmes for business
innovation (BISS) will increase the opportunities
for SMEs to benefit from creativity, know-how and
market opportunities in other EU Member States - under FP7
- JETIs (Joint European Technology Initiatives)
under article 169 EC Treaty