1 Balancing Work Family 2 Balancing Work Family 3 Balance Wheel 4 Life Satisfaction and Medicine
RF for depression in EM residents (Whitley)
Life satisfaction correlates with work satisfaction (Warde and Sobecks)
all MDs
5 EM Academic faculty
Mothers differ from fathers (Carr)
Lower career aspirations
Less institutional support
Greater obstacles to career
Lower career satisfaction
6 Female EM faculty
MORE likely to...
Spend time teaching
Working clinically
LESS likely to...
Achieve senior academic rank
Publish in peer reviewed journals
Hold leadership positions
7 The Changing Workforce
Most working fathers have working spouses
67 from 49
Fathers spending more time with kids
2.3 hrs/d from 1.8 hrs/d (vs. 3.2 hrs/d for Mom)
Average work week
Fathers 49 hrs/wk
Mothers 41.4 hrs/wk
Parents have less time to themselves
Still, mothers bear childcare responsibilities
83 of the time mother takes time off for sick child
8 Predictors of Job Satisfaction
Learning Opportunities
Meaningfulness of work
Opportunities for Advancement
Security and flexibility
Positive working environment
Equal Opportunity
9 You cant get what you want, till you know what you want- Joe Jackson 10 Goals
What is your purpose?
Do you know you?
What do you really want?
Set Goals
Are you committed?
Do you understand the trade offs?
11 Personal Life
Make time for you
Physical well being
Spiritual well being
Assure time for your relationship(s)
Take care of your health
Manage your money well
12 Family Life
Maternity and Paternity Leave
Get institution/departments policy in writing
Child, Elder or Pet Care
Unique problems to EM physicians
24 hr schedule
Circadian rhythms
Sick children
Ask for help!
You are NOT superman or superwoman!
Employee Assistance Programs
13 (No Transcript) 14 Triage Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. - Goethe 15 Work Life Traversing a Career Transition
Explore new possibilities
Keep within your passion
Seek/accept new responsibilities
Expand your network
Seek additional training
Decide what youre NOT going to do
16 Shift Work
Block your schedule
Work 8 hour shifts if possible
Anchor sleep
Block your nights if possible
Less bouncing around
Progressive hours
17 Women in Academic MedicineLevinson, Kaufman Tolle JAMWA 1992
1988 survey
academic IM physicians
lt50 yrs, full time
N 862
Coping strategies for career/personal life
73 hired help
54 limited personal/social activities
53 increased efficiency
18 Resources
Self-help books
Families and Work Institute
19 Moving Up
Current Strengths
may be less important
may become weaknesses
Flaws suddenly matter
New skills are required
20 POLI - TICS (many) (blood-sucking parasites) 21 The Balancing Act
Make time for
Your social/ family life
Your spiritual life
Your work
22 Juggling Styles 23 Covey Time Matrix 24 COPE Criteria
25 Critical Issues inTime Management
Delegate Do
Procrastinate Dont
Quiet hour
Control daily activities
Make everything you do count for 2
Re-define/aggregate activities
26 Critical Issues inTime Management
Have one schedule
Use time-saving tools
Control the phone
Control the mail
Use travel time
Know your Achilles heel
27 Many people define happiness as success
Define your happiness
28 100 Simple Secrets of Successful PeopleDavid Niven, Ph.D.
Easy read
Author is a psychologist/social scientist
Collection of studies on success
Best selling book
The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People
29 Burnout Warning SignsGoldberg et al. AEM Dec 1996
Negative perception of self
Negative practice habits
Lack of job involvement
Unhealthy lifestyles
Substance/alcohol abuse
Low levels of exercise
30 (No Transcript) 31 Golden Advice
They are only small once
Prioritize be careful about yes
Its OK to feel inadequate at times
Involvement in EM outside shift work may be important for happiness
Blend your work and home life
Schedule time for important things
32 I fulfill my own wishes! 33 Every day is a gift, thats why they call it the PRESENT 34 Author Credit Balancing Work FamilySusan Promes MD Elizabeth Datner MD
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