Title: FAA Stated Requirements
1FAA Stated Requirements
The goal is to substantially improve the
capabilities for delivery of aviation weather
information and to transform the current
collection of isolated units into a national
program for weather support to FAA field
sitesImplicit in this restructuring is the need
for consolidation of the existing CWSUs. (Mr.
Michael Sammartino Letter) Location
Consolidate the current 20 CONUS CWSUs into a
smaller number of sites, at this time ALASKA CWSU
may continue to operate in its current
state. Mission Maintain continuous
surveillance of adverse weather that has the
potential to affect any phase of flight within
the NAS provide timely forecast and warnings of
hazardous weather to air traffic management
throughout the transition between strategic
decisions and tactical adjustments deliver
forecast products and services 24x7
2FAA Stated Requirements
- Standards
- Establish a new concept of operations that
addresses the new mission and incorporates
uniform national standards, but allows
flexibility to adjust to local needs. - Products
- Develop and implement new products
- Hub forecasts out to 8 hours in advance. Hourly
updates required for the 35 Operational Evolution
Airports (OEP). - Hub advisories for hazardous weather, 1 hour
lead-time - TRACON forecasts - estimates of capacity
- TRACON advisories for hazardous weather, 1 hour
lead-time - Route Forecasts - estimates of capacity
- Increased participation/contributions to the
Collaborative Convective Forecast Product (CCFP)
- made a priority during summer convection season - Services
- Develop and deploy remote interactive weather
briefing capability.
3FAA Stated Requirements
- Collaboration and Dissemination
- Forecasts and Advisories need to be delivered to
TMUs in the ARTCC,TRACONs, and some Air Traffic
Control Towers (ATCT) within each area of
responsibility (ARTCC Facility Network).
Collaboration with other centers and the national
center is expected. - Resources
- Investment analysis conducted by the FAA has
demonstrated that restructured CWSU products and
services can be provided while reducing personnel
cost by 20 with a cost savings of approximately
2M/year in personnel costs alone - Training
- Coursework required
- Traffic Flow Management (TFM)
- On-the-job training - ATCSCC, ARTCC, and TRACONS
- Training presentations - ARTCC, and TRACONS
4Aviation Weather ServicesResponse to FAA
- National Weather Service (NWS) will improve
current aviation weather services by delivering a
national collaborative decision making capability
with new products. - CWSU Functions assimilated into WFO operations
with aviation weather support 24x7 - Dedicated aviation desk during peak NAS operation
hours - Air Traffic Control System Command Center
(ATCSCC) weather desk, staffed by five NWS
meteorologist - New technology under development offering
on-demand services, remote briefing capabilities,
and new graphical products - Tactical Decision Aids (TDA) will provide air
traffic impact information, in an easy to read
color code system, tailored to the users