Flavor Diagram Approach to Hadronic B Decays - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Flavor Diagram Approach to Hadronic B Decays


B mesons decay dominantly into charmed final states; used to determine many ... Although rare in comparison with charmed decays (suppressed by CKM factors) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Flavor Diagram Approach to Hadronic B Decays

Flavor Diagram Approach toHadronic B Decays
November 30, 2004 NTHU/NCTS Seminar
  • Cheng-Wei Chiang
  • National Central University

  • Beauty in B physics
  • CPV in SM
  • unitarity triangle
  • Charm in B physics
  • charmed decays for some B meson properties
  • charmed decays for indirect CPV
  • charmless decays for direct CPV
  • global c2 fits and weak phase g
  • Strangeness in B physics
  • accumulating hints of new physics in charmless B
  • FCNC Z0 as an example
  • Perspective and Summary

Beauty in B Physics
Motivations for Studying B Decays
  • We have observed in K meson system
  • indirect CPV 1964 in KL ? p p
  • direct CPV 1999 in CERN-NA48 and FNAL-KTeV
  • B factories have produced a lot of interesting
    results, particularly in measuring indirect CPV
    in the B system
  • sin2b0.725 ?0.037 from y KS data
    (ICHEP) indicating that B physics is entering a
    precision era
  • Finally, we have recently observed direct CPV in
    B system (ACP(Bd ? pK) 0.113 0.019).
  • Most branching ratios of charmless B ? P P and P
    V are currently measured with errors about
    1020 (mostly based upon 100M B anti-B pairs)
  • 510 errors on amplitudes
  • One hopes to have most modes
  • more precise information on a and g (

Beauty in the B Meson
  • The beauty of B mesons lies in its large mass or
    the mass hierarchy
  • mq
  • In the heavy quark limit, mQ ? 1, we discover
  • Flavor symmetry dynamics unchanged under heavy
    flavor exchange (b ? c), corrections incorporated
    in powers of 1/mb1/mc
  • Spin symmetry dynamics unchanged under heavy
    quark spin flips, corrections incorporated in
    powers of 1/mb.
  • B mesons provide an ideal system for studying
    heavy-to-heavy transitions.
  • Much progress has been made in understanding
    heavy-to-light transitions in recent years
  • Perturbative approach naïve factorization,
    generalized factorization, QCD-improved
    factorization, pQCD, and SCET
  • Nonperturbative approach flavor SU(3) symmetry.

The Matrix
Within SM, CPV in the quark sector is explained
using the CKM matrix, which is unitary and
(Kobayashi and Maskawa, 1973)
The Matrix Reloaded
The CKM matrix written in terms of Wolfenstein
parameters (l, A, r, and h) becomes to
O(l3) Wolfenstein, PRL 51, 1945 (1983)
l ' 0.2264 A ' 0.801
  • The ultimate goal of studying B physics is not
    only to achieve precision measurements of the
    above parameters, but also to discover evidences
    of new physics and possibly its type (e.g. GUT,
    SUSY, XD).
  • One way to detect new physics is to perform
    consistency checks for the sizes and phases of
    the CKM elements.
  • Even if no deviation is seen from SM in these
    studies, we can still obtain useful and stringent
    bounds on new physics scales.

Unitarity Triangle
  • Vub and Vtd can be related to each other through
    the unitarity relation
  • VudVub VcdVcb VtdVtb 0
  • A triangle can be formed on a complex plane as a
    geometrical representation of the above relation,
    where a nonzero area signifies CPV.
  • This triangle has three sizeable angles.

decay side
oscillation side
a (f2)
DMBd and DMBs
g (f3)
b (f1)
ACP(t)J/Y KS, h KS, f KS(?),
Charm in B Physics
Charmed Decays
  • B mesons decay dominantly into charmed final
    states used to determine many properties 20
    04 PDG
  • Bd DMd 0.502 0.007 ps-1 Gd 1.542
    0.076 ps.
  • Bs DMs 14.5 ps-1 Gs 1.461 0.057 ps.
  • Vcb determined mainly from semileptonic B ?
    D() transitions important for normalization in
    the UT.
  • Bd ? J/y Ks involves a tree-level, dominant
    subprocess b ? c anti-c s with no CPV phase
    Bd-anti-Bd mixing involves a factor e 2 i b.
  • Time-dependent CPA gives Sy Ks sin2b
    0.7250.037 (WA), consistent with constraints
    from other processes.
  • The result is clean without much ambiguity or new
    physics pollution (unless contrived cancellation
    between mixing and decay).

Overall UT Fit Results(2004 Winter)
CKM Fitter Group http//ckmfitter.in2p3.fr/
Overall UT Fit Results(2004 Summer, ICHEP)
CKM Fitter Group http//ckmfitter.in2p3.fr/
Everything simply fits together nicely!
Charmless is Charmful !
  • Although rare in comparison with charmed decays
    (suppressed by CKM factors), charmless decays are
    actually very charmful and important processes.
  • Include strangeness-conserving (DS0) and
    strangeness-changing (DS1) transitions some
    processes in the latter category already give us
    hints about new physics.
  • Offers opportunities to discover direct CPV
    because many of them involve more than one
    significant subprocesses with different weak and
    strong phases.
  • B ? p p, p h(0), r p provide info on a, as a
    result of the interference between mixing and
  • B ? K p provides info on g.
  • B ? Xu l n provides info on Vub (theoretically
    hard though because of the large charm
    background), thus one side of the UT.

Importance of Strong Phases
  • Strong interaction matters because what we
    observe are hadrons but not the fundamental
    degrees of freedom in the theory.
  • Consider rate CP asymmetry of modes with the
  • Such an asymmetry requires at least two
    amplitudes characterized by distinct weak phases
    and strong phases.
  • It is of great importance to understand the
    patterns of FSI phases in as wide as possible a
    set of decays, although what we really care about
    are weak phases (signals), not really strong
    phases (noises).

Getting Strong Phases
  • The Bander-Silverman-Soni (BSS) type strong phase
    calculation only accounts for the perturbative
    strong phases in penguin diagrams with
    intermediate q anti-q pair being on shell.
  • BSS, PRL 43, 242 (1979)
  • No first-principle method for computing FSI
    strong phases exists because they involve
    nonperturbative long-distance physics.
  • see a recent try by Cheng, Chua, Soni,
  • One conventional and efficient method of
    obtaining strong phase information is to directly
    extract from data using isospin analysis.
  • Flavor diagram approach offers a way to extract
    strong phases associated with individual
    topological amps and to relate them using flavor
    SU(3) symmetry.

Flavor Diagram Approach
  • This approach is intended to rely, to the
    greatest extent, on model independent flavor
    SU(3) symmetry arguments, rather than on specific
    model calculations of amplitudes.
  • Zeppenfeld, ZPC 8, 77 (1981) Chau Cheng, PRL
    56, 1655 (1986) PRD 36, 137 (1987) PRD 43, 2176
    (1991) SavageWise, PRD 39, 2246 (1989)
    Grinstein Lebed, PRD 53, 6344 (1996) Gronau
    et. al., PRD 50, 4529 (1994) 52, 6356 (1995)
    52, 6374 (1995)
  • The flavor diagram approach
  • is diagrammatic (can be formulated in a formal
  • only concerns the flavor flow (arbitrary gluon
    exchange among quarks)
  • has a clearer weak phase structure (unlike
    isospin analysis where different weak phases
    usually mix).
  • Very recent works in this direction includeChua
    PRD 68, 074001 (2003) and Luo Rosner PRD 67,
    094017 (2003) for baryons Charng Li PLB 594,
    185 (2004) and hep-ph/0410005 for weak phase
    extraction and He McKellar hep-ph/0410098
    for analyzing recent data.

Tree-Level Diagrams
  • All these tree-level diagrams involve the same
    CKM factor.

q u,d,s q d,s
tree (external W emission)
color-suppressed (internal W emission)
1/mb suppresseddue to fB.
annihilation (charged mesons only)
exchange (neutral mesons only)
Loop-Level (Penguin) Diagrams
NLO Flavor Diagrams in Weak Interactions
  • Nothing forbids you from drawing one of the
    following diagrams whenever you see T, C, or P
    in your amplitude list. They involve two weak
    boson propagators.

Physical Flavor Diagrams
  • Treat T, C, P, E, A, S as leading-order
    amplitudes (note that only S is of loop nature)
    and PEW and PCEW as higher-order contributions
    (in the sense of weak interactions).
  • Physical amplitudes contain flavor diagrams both
    leading order and next-to-leading order in
    weak interactions
  • t T PCEW, c C PEW, p P PCEW / 3,
    s S PEW / 3, a A.
  • Moreover, P contains t-, c-, and u-quark mediated
    penguins, Pt,c,u. One may use the unitarity to
    rewrite Pt as the sum of two parts, one having
    the same weak phase as Pc and the other having
    the same weak phase as Pt. This amounts to
    separating P into Ptc Ptu.
  • Ptu involves the same CKM factor as the
    tree-level amplitudes. One may thus sweep this
    amplitude to the tree-level amplitude category.
    Note that this amplitude may be sizeable,
    particularly for DS 0 decays.
  • For example, what many people call T or C
    extracted from p p decays are actually T Ptu
    and C Ptu. Thus, C / T 1 is possible.

A Simple Example
  • Quark contents
  • When vector mesons are involved, one further
    labels the amplitude by which meson the spectator
    quark goes into.
  • Therefore,
  • A(pp) (T P)
  • A(pr) (TV PV).
  • Minus sign comes from the wave functions of p
    and r.

Hierarchy in Flavor Diagrams
  • In our definition, the amplitudes contains CKM
    factors and may involve an arbitrary number of
    gluon exchanges.
  • An educated guess tells us that the magnitudes of
    the amplitudes should roughly satisfy the
    following hierarchical structure.
  • It should be emphasized that l appearing in the
    hierarchy is not an expansion parameter but
    merely an order parameter. It simply reflects
    our naïve expectation in the magnitudes of flavor

when going from 1st row to 2nd row - tree-type
amps suppressed because Vud?Vus - loop-type amps
favored because Vtd?Vts
Global Fits to Charmless Decays
  • Goals for the global fits
  • Check if the SM offers a consistent picture for
    all available data
  • Check the working assumption of SU(3)F
  • Extract weak phase g (thus a by unitarity)
  • Extract strong phases check Lipkin conjecture in
    V P decays
  • Make predictions of unseen modes based upon
    current data.
  • Parameters involved in the fits include
  • Amplitude sizes
  • Weak phases
  • Strong phases.
  • Data points used in the c2 fits include
  • Branching ratios
  • CP asymmetries (time-dependent and -independent).

Some Basic Formulas
  • The invariant matrix element M for a decay
    process B ? M1 M2 and the corresponding decay
    width are
  • where p is the 3-momentum of the final state
    particle in the rest frame of B. Note that M may
    contain polarization vector summation and average
    as is the case for final states containing vector
  • We also assume the following SU(3)F relations
    (with l 0.224)

B ? V P Decays
CWC, M. Gronau, Z. Luo, J. Rosner, D. Suprun, PRD
69, 034001 (2004) hep-ph/0307395.
Fitting Parameters for VP Modes
Fitting Parameters for VP Modes
  • We thus have the following parameters
  • amp sizes tP , tV , CP , CV , p0
    P , p0 V , P0 EWP , P0 EWV
  • strong phases dP, dV, f
  • weak phase g only (no b dependence).
  • symmetric under simultaneous changes g ? p
    g, dP,V ? p d P,V and f ? f.

List of Modes
In our fit, there are totally 34 observables
List of Modes
finally, include time-dependent CP asymmetries
Sf Ks-0.1470.697 (S2.11), Af Ks0.0460.256
(S1.08) (contribute constant to c2) Browder,
talk at LP03 Srp-,
DSrp0.330.180.03 (provide b dependence)
BaBar, talk by Jawahery at LP03
c2-g Plots (34 data points)
  • major changes in c2 at g'65 and 165 from step
    1 to step 2
  • positions of minima almost unaffected
  • g(5315-33) if Srp is left out, c.f. g(636)

Fit Results
Predictions for VP Modes(DS0, complex pV/pP)
Predictions for VP Modes(DS1, complex pV/pP)
Some Discussions
  • Overall, fits are satisfactory (at 38 and 55 CL
    for 10- and 12-parameter fits) and have solutions
    g (656) and (636) consistent with
    constraints from other processes.
  • Data of r p play the roles of breaking the g ? p
    g symmetry and stabilizing the fit results.
  • Note that the c2 fits allow us to extract
    preferred values of fitting parameters along with
    their 1 s errors. Moreover, we have an idea
    about how good our fits are from the CL.
  • Global fits prefers the Lipkin conjecture p0
    p0 P.
  • Only partial SU(3) breaking effect included for T
    amps can verify SU(3) for penguin amps when B ?
    K anti-K (pV) and anti-K K (pP) rates are

B ? P P Decays
CWC, M. Gronau, J. Rosner, PRD 68, 074012 (2003)
hep-ph/0306021 CWC, M. Gronau, J. Rosner, D.
Suprun, PRD 70, 034020 (2004) hep-ph/0404073.
List of Modes
large CP asymmetries BR too small compared To
QCD fact. predictions
BR too large compared to QCD fact. predictions
purely p?
p K anomaly
need sS-PEW / 3
c2-g Plot
  • From bottom to top, we use 8 and 6
  • parameters to fit 14 data points (p p
  • and K p) and 13 and 11 parameters to
  • fit 24 data points (further including
  • final states with h and h0).
  • Find g ' 54 66, results still consistent
  • with but less stable than the V P case.

CKM fitter
Fit Results
consistent with other constraints
large C/T ratio and non-trivial relative strong
phase unable to account for in perturbation
all strong phases relative to P
required to account for the large h 0 K BRs
satisfactory overall fit results
Predictions for PP Modes
no problem in p p modes
still problematic in p K modes
Some discussions
  • see also Chua, Hou and Yang, Mod. Phys. Lett.
    A18, 1763 (2003)
  • Buras et al, PRL 92, 101804 (2004)
  • Fits to p p p K data
  • requires large C/T ratio ( 0.5)
  • requires a nontrivial strong phase between C and
    T ( 100).
  • Fits to all PP data
  • one needs to introduce S (singlet penguin), Ptu
    (t,u-mediated penguin)
  • one needs to introduce Stu (t,u-mediated singlet
    penguin) particularly for the ph mode.
  • Robust results in our fits
  • magnitude of QCD penguin P
  • relative strong phase between T and P
  • sizes of electroweak penguins (color-allowed and
    -suppressed), consistent with Neubert-Rosner
  • obtain g ' 60 (48 with CKM fitter and earlier analysis for VP
  • We do not fully trust the stability of the
    shallow minima.

Strangeness in B Physics
V. Barger, CWC, P. Langacker, H.S. Lee, PLB 580,
186 (2004) hep-ph/0310073 V. Barger, CWC, J.
Jiang, P. Langacker, PLB 596, 229 (2004)
hep-ph/0405108 V. Barger, CWC, P. Langacker,
H.S. Lee, PLB 598, 218 (2004) hep-ph/0406126.
p K Anomaly
  • Within the SM, the following ratios should be
    approximately equal
  • but show a 2.4s ? 1.9s difference.
  • Possible explanations
  • underestimate of p 0 detection efficiency
    Gronau and Rosner, hep-ph/0402112
  • new physics. Buras et al, PRL 92, 101804
    (2004) NPB 697133 (2004), hep-ph/0410407
  • One minimal explanation is that the color-allowed
    electroweak penguins cause the problem ?
    isospin-violating new physics

Z0 Model With FCNC
  • The B ? p K decay can be a tree-level process
    mediated by a Z' boson if there are FCNC
    couplings (possible for family non-universal
  • We simply a general Z' model by assuming
  • (i) no right-handed flavor-changing couplings,
  • (ii) no significant RG running effect between MZ'
    and MW scales,
  • (iii) negligible Z' effect on the QCD penguins so
    that the new physics is manifestly
  • With these simplifications, we have 3 parameters
    left in the model.

carrying a new CP-violating source
Parameter Extraction
  • Following the arguments in Buras et al, new
    physics is coded by the parameters
  • Found solutions from p p and p K data
  • Correspond to our parameters

Simultaneous Solution to p K and f KS
  • Can the p K anomaly and f Ks asymmetries be
    accounted for by the same thing at the same time?
  • According to Buras et al, their solution our
    solution (AL) to the p K anomaly leads to S(f
    Ks) greater than S(Y Ks)!
  • However, due to different interference patterns
    between O7,8 and O9,10 operators in our model, it
    is possible all our other solutions (BL, ALR and
    BLR) to have S(f Ks) smaller than S(Y Ks).

Perspective and Summary
  • Flavor diagram approach provides a simple and
    reliable picture for describing B decays. It is
    phenomenological (data driven), contains LO and
    NLO amps in weak interactions but all orders in
    strong interactions, includes final state
    interacting effects, and suffers from SU(3)F
    breaking effects.
  • Flavor SU(3) generally fits data well, with some
    exceptions. Predictions are made based upon
    current measurements and provide tests of the
  • All fits provide information on g that is
    consistent with other extractions.
  • Results from ICHEP are being analyzed by D.
    Suprun for his thesis.
  • We need to know more information about strong
    phases. In particular, one should understand
    better about final-state rescattering effects.
  • We hope to see a proof of factorization in
    processes of interest to us, in particular, those
    involving penguin diagrams.
  • We hope to see more affirmative evidence of new
    physics in B physics, e.g., Sf KS the p K
    anomaly, large Bs anti-Bs mixing, etc.

  • Thank You
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