Title: Royal society seminar
1Rare B decays
The Royal Society of Edinburgh 4th February 2004
Philip J. ClarkUniversity of Edinburgh
2Talk overview
Introduction to rare decays
Ways to measure them experimentally
Theoretical methods for calculating them
Various interesting results
3What are rare B decays? (part 1)
- exclusive b ? u charmless hadronic
B0 ? pp-,Kp-, ... B ? ppp, Kpp, rr, Kr,
BR10 -5 -6
- exclusive b ? c with Vus (what is rare?)
BR10 -4-5
B ?D0K, ...
- exclusive b ? u, purely leptonic
B ? ln
BR10 -5-12
4What are rare B decays? (part 2)
Leading diagram involves a quantum loop
(penguin loop)
- gluonic loop b ? s gluon (qq)
B ? fK (pure gluonic loop) B ? Kp, Kh
(gluonic small tree)
BR10 5 -6
- radiative loop b ? (s,d) g
exclusive (b ? s,d g) inclusive (b ? s g)
B ? Kg,rg,wg B ? sg
BR10 -5 -7 BR 10 -4
B ? Knn, Kl l
BR10 -6
5Charmless hadronic decays
How can we organise them?
JPC classification of light mesons
B ? ?K, ??, ?K, ??
B ? ??, ?K, ??
B ? ?K, ??, ??, ?K,
B ? a0?, f0?
6Success of the quark model
7Theoretical approaches
Two main methodologies
- Diagrammatic
- Methodology
- Isospin SU(3)
- Advantages
- Very intuitive
- Provides powerful approximate relations between
decay channels - Disadvantages
- non exact results
- Effective Hamiltonian
- Methodology
- QCD operator product expansion
- Advantages
- Rigorous computation using Wilson coefficients
- Disadvantages
- Huge uncertainties in operator matrix elements
- Solution for B decays
- (QCD) factorisation
Chiang, Gronau, Luo, Rosner Suprin B?PV hep-ph
0307395 B?PP hep-ph 0306021
eg. Beneke Neubert B?PV, PP hep-ph 0308039
8Example rare ?0 modes
Colour suppressed trees
Gluonic penguins
Electroweak penguins
Singlet penguins
9Theoretical predictions
Experimental dataHeavy Flavor Averaging group
(Lepton Photon 2003)
Started construction in1994 Completed in 1999
Reached design luminosity in 2000
PEP II Asymmetric B Factory
Luminosity records
design peak best peak total recorded
3.0 x 1033 cm-2s-1
7.0 x 1033 cm-2s-1
162 fb-1
9 GeV e- on 3.1 GeV e
11The BABAR detector
12 How do we find the rare decays?
- One method we use is the event shape
- The continuum is light quark pair production, so
there is lots of extra energy. All the decay
products bunch into jets - B mesons are produced almost at rest in our case
? The decay products of the B are distributed
roughly spherically.
- There any many such event shape variables which
are all correlated - Fisher discriminants (linear weighting)
- And in some cases neural networks taking
advantage of hidden layers.
13Time dependent meaurements
Coherent BB production
14Example of a ?Ks event
15Maximum Likelihood fits
16Results some branching fractions
Rare decays are not rare anymore!
17Why do we want to study rare decays?
Main experimental constraints on the
apex of the UT
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 201802
World average (BABARBelle)
Heavy Flavor Averaging Group 2003
18World-wide status of sin2b
19Direct CP violation
- Measurements in many charmless hadronic B decays
- These modes are all sensitive to gluonic penguin
amplitudes which may interfere to produce an
asymmetry - Non-SM effects could cause potentially large
asymmetries in some decays
20Latest interesting result B ? ??-
Latest results from BELLE S-1.00 ? 0.21 ?
0.07 C 0.58 ? 0.15 ? 0.07 hep-ex/0401029
What we have covered
- What are rare B decays
- Various tree diagrams
- Several penguin diagrams
- Calculating them
- Categorisation of light mesons
- The two main theoretical approaches
- Where to measure them
- Example The BaBar experiment and PEPII
- How to measure them
- Mulitivariate discriminants, Particle ID, Maximum
Likelihood - Results
- Branching fractions
- Status of Sin2b
- Direct CP violation
- Latest News
- Lots of new results still to come
- Need more data!
22Particle Identification
- Need to differentiate kaons from pions.
- Crucial to the analysis of many charmless decays
- Especially important at high momenta
K, p