ITFN 2601 Introduction to Operating Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ITFN 2601 Introduction to Operating Systems


SAs notify user-level schedulers of changes in kernel scheduling decisions. ... Round Robin, Example. Scheduling Algorithms (Real-Time) Small Jobs. High Priority ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ITFN 2601 Introduction to Operating Systems

ITFN 2601Introduction to Operating Systems
  • Lecture 4/5
  • Scheduling

  • Scheduling
  • Batch
  • Interactive
  • Real-Time
  • Threads

  • A process is an executing Program
  • Multiprogramming
  • Consist of Program, input, output and a state

Process Creation
  • System Initialization
  • System call by running process
  • User request to create new process
  • Initiation of batch job

Process Termination
  • Normal Exit
  • Error Exit
  • Fatal Error
  • Killed by another process

Process States
  • Running
  • Ready
  • Blocked

  • Lightweight processes
  • Threads handle all execution activities
  • A thread is a program counter, a stack, and a set
    of registers
  • Thread creation is relatively cheap in terms of
    CPU costs

Thread Usage
  • Programming model becomes simpler
  • Easy to create and destroy
  • Speeds up applications
  • Useful on systems with multiple CPUs

User-level threads
  • Get the time of only one process to execute
  • User-level threads are managed by runtime library
    routines linked into each application so that
    thread management operations require no kernel
  • User-level threads are also flexible they can be
    customized to the needs of the language or user
    without kernel modification
  • User-level threads execute within the context of
    traditional processes

The Cost and Benefits of User-Level Threads
  • Thread operations do not have to cross protection
  • Parameters do not need to be copied.
  • Kernel implements a single policy or pays
    overhead of managing multiple policies.
  • Applications can link in the correct thread
    management policy for their needs.
  • Performance is inherently better in user-level
  • User-level threads that issue blocking calls to
    the kernel will block an entire kernel thread
    (i.e. virtual processor).

User-level Thread Problems
  • How to block system calls
  • Page Faults
  • Thread must give up the CPU

Threads in the Kernal
  • Avoids the system integrations problems exhibited
    by user-level threads, because the kernel
    directly schedules each applications threads onto
    physical processors
  • Performance has been typical an order of
    magnitude worse than the best-case performance of
    user-level threads
  • Employ user-level threads, which have good
    performance and correct behavior provided the
    application is uniprogrammed and does no I/O, or
    employ kernel threads, which have worse
    performance but are not as restricted.

The Cost and Benefit of Kernel-Level Threads
  • Kernel threads are expensive!
  • Kernel does not understand application behavior.
  • Deschedule a thread holding a spin lock.
  • Thread priority inversion.
  • May run out of kernel threads to handle all the
    user threads.
  • "Correct" Kernel Level Support

Scheduler Activations
  • Threads are needed for parallel applications.
  • User-level and kernel-level threads both have
  • User-level threads offer good performance, but
    does not handle I/O well.
  • Kernel-level threads are expensive, but correct.

Scheduler Activations
  • SAs notify user-level schedulers of changes in
    kernel scheduling decisions.
  • SAs provide kernel space for threads that block
    in the kernel.
  • Create one activation for each virtual processor.
  • Kernel creates SAs to upcall into applications,
    notifying them of scheduling events.

Scheduler Activations (cont)
  • Key difference between SAs and kernel threads
  • When an SA blocks, the application is notified by
    a different SA.
  • The blocking SA's thread is marked blocked and
    the old SA is freed.
  • The new SA can now be scheduled.
  • The number of SAs under control of the
    application never changes (unless requested/told
  • Kernel level state is passed to thread system on
    upcall, so that registers of the blocking thread
    are accessible to the user-level scheduler.

Popup Threads
  • Thread is created spontaneously to handle an
    incoming request.
  • Incoming message mapped into thread's address
  • Advantages over traditional request
  • no waiting on work (no context needs to be
  • creating new thread is cheaper than restoring
    old thread (no context is saved)

Definition of Critical Sections
  • The overlapping portion of each process, where
    the shared variables are being accessed.
  • Mutual Exclusion --- if Pi is executing in one
    of its critical sections, noPj , i ? j , is
    executing in its critical sections

Race Conditions
  • Race conditions generally involve one or more
    processes accessing a shared resource (such a
    file or variable), where this multiple access has
    not been properly controlled
  • Race conditions appear in three situations
  • implicit calls to schedule from within a function
  • blocking operations
  • access to data shared by interrupt code and
    system calls.

Critical Regions
  • No two processes may be simultaneously inside
    their critical regions
  • No assumptions may be made about speeds or the
    number of CPUs
  • No process running outside its critical region
    may block another process
  • No process should have to wait forever to enter
    its critical region

Mutual Exclusion
  • Busy Waiting or Spin Lock
  • Priority inversion
  • Producer-Consumer Problem

  • Process Conditions
  • Processor Bound
  • I/O Bound
  • Scheduling how?
  • Pre-emptive
  • Non-pre-emptive

Scheduling When
  • New Process is Created
  • Parent process
  • Child process
  • Process Exits
  • When a process Blocks
  • I/O Interrupt occurs
  • Clock Interrupts
  • Non preemptive
  • Preemptive

Objectives of a Good Scheduling Policy
  • Fairness
  • Efficiency
  • Low response time (important for interactive
  • Low turnaround time (important for batch jobs)
  • High throughput

  • Throughput.
  • The amount of useful work accomplished per unit
    time. This depends, of course, on what
    constitutes useful work.'' One common measure
    of throughput is jobs/minute (or second, or hour,
    depending on the kinds of job).
  • Utilization.
  • For each device, the utilization of a device is
    the fraction of time the device is busy. A good
    scheduling algorithm keeps all the devices
    (CPU's, disk drives, etc.) busy most of the time.

  • Turnaround.
  • The length of time between when the job arrives
    in the system and when it finally finishes.
  • Response Time.
  • The length of time between when the job arrives
    in the system and when it starts to produce
    output. For interactive jobs, response time might
    be more important than turnaround.
  • Waiting Time.
  • The amount of time the job is ready (runnable
    but not running). This is a better measure of
    scheduling quality than turnaround, since the
    scheduler has no control of the amount of time
    the process spends computing or blocked waiting
    for I/O.

  • Needs a clock interrupt (or equivalent)
  • Needed to guarantee fairness
  • Found in all modern general purpose operating
  • Without preemption, the system implements run
    to completion (or yield)''

  • Semaphores are used to block a process from
    entering a critical section' of its machine
    code, if this critical section accesses a shared
    resource (e.g a memory location) which another
    program is currently accessing
  • A process cannot atomically test the state of the
    semaphore, and block itself if the semaphore is
    owned by another process. However, the operating
    system can do this work, as it can ensure that
    the running process is not pre-empted while the
    test, and possible block, are performed. This is
    why the operations on semaphores are typically
    implemented as system calls.

  • The simplest possible scheduling discipline is
    called First-come, first-served (FCFS). The ready
    list is a simple queue (first-in/first-out). The
    scheduler simply runs the first job on the queue
    until it blocks, then it runs the new first job,
    and so on. When a job becomes ready, it is simply
    added to the end of the queue

  • Main advantage of FCFS is that it is easy to
    write and understand
  • No starvation
  • If one process gets into an infinite loop, it
    will run forever and shut out all the others.
  • FCFS tends to excessively favor long bursts.
    CPU-bound processes

Shortest-job-first (SJF)
  • Whenever the CPU has to choose a burst to run, it
    chooses the shortest one
  • Non-preemptive policy
  • preemptive version of the SJF, called
    shortest-remaining-time-first (SRTF).
  • Starvation is possible

Three-Level Scheduling
  • Admission Scheduler which jobs to admit to the
  • Memory Scheduler Which processes are kept in
    memory and which on disk
  • CPU Scheduler Pick ready process to run

  • Round-robin (RR). RR keeps all the burst in a
    queue and runs the first one, like FCFS. But
    after a length of time q (called a quantum), if
    the current burst hasn't completed, it is moved
    to the tail of the queue and the next burst is

Round Robbin
  • An important preemptive policy
  • Essentially the preemptive version of FCFS
  • The key parameter is the quantum size q
  • When a process is put into the running state a
    timer is set to q.
  • If the timer goes off and the process is still
    running, the OS preempts the process.
  • This process is moved to the ready state (the
    preempt arc in the diagram.
  • The next job in the ready list (normally a queue)
    is selected to run

Round Robbin
  • As q gets large, RR approaches FCFS
  • As q gets small, RR approaches PS
  • What q should we choose
  • Tradeoff
  • Small q makes system more responsive
  • Large q makes system more efficient since less

Priority Scheduling
  • Always to run the highest priority burst
  • preemptive or non-preemptive
  • Priorities can be assigned externally to
    processes based on their importance
  • Assigned (and changed) dynamically

Other Interactive Scheduling
  • Multiple Queues
  • Shortest Process Next
  • Guaranteed Scheduling
  • Lottery Scheduling
  • Fair-Share Scheduling

Scheduler Goals
  • Generic Goals
  • Fairness of processor allocation
  • Enforcement of Scheduling Policies
  • Balance of utilization
  • Batch-based Goals
  • Maximize throughput of jobs
  • Minimize turnaround on jobs

Scheduler Goals II
  • Interactive System Goals
  • Minimize response time for user I/O
  • User expectations should be met
  • Real-time System Goals
  • Deadlines must be met for Process Completion
  • System Performance must be predictable

Scheduling Algorithms(Batch)
  • FIFO (First In First Out) NON-PREEMPTIVE
  • Fairest
  • Low throughput
  • High Turnaround
  • Shortest First NON-PREEMPTIVE
  • High Throughput
  • Low Turnaround
  • Unfair for Large Jobs

Scheduling Algorithms(Batch, cont)
  • Shortest Remaining - PREEMPTIVE
  • High Turnaround on Long Jobs
  • Unfair for Large Jobs
  • Multi-Scheduling (CPU or Memory Limited)
  • HIGH Turnaround (disk swaps)
  • Throughput highly variable, probably low
  • Fairness highly variable

Scheduling Algorithms(Interactive)
  • Round Robin - PREEMPTIVE
  • Fairest overall
  • Response time variable but finite
  • Priority Scheduling - PREEMPTIVE
  • Fair
  • More Fair for users with higher priorities
  • Response time inverse to priority
  • Windows/Unix typically implement this

Round Robin, Example
Scheduling Algorithms(Real-Time)
  • Small Jobs
  • High Priority
  • Periodic/Aperiodic
  • Schedulable?
  • Iff the sum of the ratios CPU Time to Period time
    is less than one
  • Sum(CPU/Period) lt 1
  • Static/Dynamic?

  • Scheduler responsible for many goals
  • Scheduling algorithms complex
  • Know your math!
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