Title: First part done in lecturers:
1- First part done in lecturers
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3- The circular disk can be deduced from previous
result - Think of disk as being made up of a series of
rings thickness dR
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22Let qZe
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25Look for a particular solution
- This particular solution will correspond to
- The displacement from equilibrium
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27The Hall Effect
Consider a flat strip of material,
width,w Carrying a current I. By convention the
current flows from ve to ve. Suppose the
current is carried by carriers, charge,q.A
uniform magnetic field,B is established
perpendicular to the plane of the strip.
28The Hall Effect
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35Magnetic Vector Potentials
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42of Poissons
43- We have shown that there exists a solution A s.t.
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47In cartesian coordinates
3 sets of Poissons equations
48- We may assume J goes to zero at infinity
- Then we can solve
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50Electric dipole
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53Multipole expansion of the vector potential
- Idea we are looking for an approximate formula
for a localized current distribution - We will write the potential in powers of 1/r
- Keep the highest non vanishing contribution
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60Vector Potential a large distance from a closed
current loop
Monopole dipole
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70Force, Torque on current loop
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