Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Biochemistry and Biomedical Science Division - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Biochemistry and Biomedical Science Division


Tips on How to Avoid Plagiarism. http://www.sussex.ac.uk/academicoffice/1-4-1.html ... If you are suspected of plagiarism or collusion, your work, with evidence of the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Biochemistry and Biomedical Science Division

Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry- Biochemistry and Biomedical
Science Division
  • Today is the beginning of a period in your lives
    which, with your efforts and ours, will prove
  • the most exciting,
  • the most challenging and,
  • the most rewarding.

Prof. Tony Moore Head of Chemistry and
Biochemistry Email A.L.Moore_at_sussex.ac.uk Tel
01273 678479 School Office lifesci_at_sussex.ac.uk
Whats Happening Today?- Departmental events
  • Biochemistry welcome talk 10.30am to 11.30am JMS
  • Meet your Degree convenor 11.30am to 12pm
  • Meet your academic adviser 12pm to 1pm
  • Departmental quiz meet back at your academic
    advisers office at 2.45pm to go over to the
    sportcentre for 3pm.
  • Thur - Chemistry safety talk 9am-10am in Engg II
    (Richmond) AS3 - Biochem / Biochem San students
    only. At 11.30am purchase lab safety spectacles
    / lab coat /lab book etc.

Welcome to Biochemistry and Biomedical Science-
located in the John Maynard Smith Building
  • Your Academic home for the next three/four years.

Dr Mike Titheradge M.A.Titheradge_at_sussex.ac.uk Tel
01273 678742 JMS 2C15 Director of Student Support
School Office
  • Gwenda Baker
  • Sam Clarke

Clerical assistants lifesci_at_sussex.ac.uk JMS 3B10
Tel 01273 678057
Student Support - Student Advisers Academic
Advisers (Personal Tutors) Biochemistry and
Biomedical Science Rachel Gould Phone the Student
Advice Team on 01273 678054 or 01273 678915
Teaching Pattern
Each Course 16-18 Lectures, CWK and Lab 12
credits End-of-Term Tests Unseen
Examination Essay
Three Terms Four Courses in Term 1 and 2 Four 1/2
courses in Term 3 Three Core Courses
Deadlines are REAL Lose 10 for 24h delay
Become Familiar Progression
Pass Mark 40 on a course credits
achieved Progression to year 2 requires 90
credits Progression on the Sandwich programmes
requires 60 overall Term 1 48 credits Term 2 48
credits Term 3 24 credits A good start is
BSc 3 year degrees Year 1 0 Year 2 40 Year 3
4 year Sandwich Year 1 0 Year 2 40 Year 3
10 Year 4 50
Teaching Format
  • Lectures (50 mins)
  • Workshops (50 mins)
  • Laboratory Sessions (4 hours)
  • First Lectures begin next week check your
    timetable in Sussex Direct

  • Sussex Direct
  • University E-mail account
  • Notice Boards
  • Student Pigeon Holes

  • During Induction Help Desk Mentors Current 2nd,
    3rd and 4th year students JMS foyer.
  • Course Lecturer
  • Academic Adviser (named in Information Pack)
  • Student Representatives
  • Student Mentors

Be Prepared
  • Keep an eye on the course synopsis
  • Read ahead
  • Think ahead
  • Keep a term planner/diary

  • Lectures are not The transfer of notes from the
    notebook of
  • the lecturer to that of the student without
    passing through the minds of either.

Provide Framework Content Examples
Tools Handouts Interaction
Lecture Etiquette 1
Switch off your mobile phone Be punctual if
late, be discreet Sit at the front except
when late.. Make eyecontact Listen - talking
is rude! Take notes
Lecture Etiquette 2
Ask yourself questions. Does it make sense?
Is there evidence? Do I need to read more?
Asking questions hand up and wait Wake your
neighbour esp. if snoring
Note-Taking 1
Note-taking helps reinforce material Use
keywords Develop short-hand Leave gaps / wide
margin Notes are notes, not a text-book Notes
can be wrong Lecturers say more than they write
Note-Taking 2
Notes provide an outline - flesh them out using
textbooks Go over notes within a week - develop
a schedule stick to it Correct them and add
material in margins Add colours Add
diagrams Make connections Keep them in
order Compare them with peers
Course Work
What its for Revision Practice Extended
reading Lateral thinking Setting targets
Independence Time management Easy marks!
How to do it Start early Read it through
Swot up with text books Do rough work Discuss
the ideas Write it up alone
Reading Lists
  • Purpose
  • Allow you to prepare beforehand
  • Allow you to get a second opinion
  • Give you a wider picture
  • Get you deeper into the subject.
  • Help you flesh out your notes
  • Interesting diagrams and examples
  • Lead you on to other readings...

  • When I have money I buy books. If I have any
    left over I buy food
  • Buy recommended textbooks
  • Buy second hand notice boards
  • Set up a cooperative share books
  • Use the library

Reading 1
Reading usually requires comfort and
seclusion Read slowly and take notes (never
copy) Look at headings to get your bearings
Reread Pause and ask yourself questions Does
it make sense? Is the argument sound? Is
there evidence?
Reading 2
Compare textbooks with your notes Test
yourself with the revision exercises Pause and
write out the key points from memory Pause and
explain key points to yourself out loud.
Compare textbooks
Owning a book ? Reading it
Teach you Time-management Organisation
Multi-tasking Patience Chemistry
Preparation Read lab script in advance Check
theory with textbook Read references
Revision - Individual
Things to do Reread/ summarise your notes Explain
the idea in your own words Try revision
questions in books Try past exams Construct exam
questions Construct model answers
Organisation Define priorities Set a schedule Use
an egg-timer or alarm clock Choose a comfortable
place Have music/food handy Take breaks but stay
Revision - Group
Get a group together Choose topics Each
person summarises/presents topics Test each
other All write answers and then swap answers
for marking.
The Real Test Explain an idea to another person
without using notes.
Maths and Data Handling
You never really understand math. You just get
used to it. Eugene Wigner
How to learn maths (and other problem-based
subjects) Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice
An Academic Health Warning
  • It is an offence for any student to be guilty
    of, or party to, attempting to commit or
    committing collusion, plagiarism, or any other
    misconduct in an examination or in the
    preparation of work which is submitted for

What is collusion ?
  • Collusion is when students work together on
    assignments which should be completed alone. For
    some assignments students may be required to work
    together and even submit joint / group work for
    assessment, but usually students must submit work
    which is entirely their own.
  • A student who helps another produce work is
    guilty of collusion, along with the student who
    has benefited from their help.
  • The course documentation should clearly state
    which assignments, if any, can be done in
    collaboration with others and whether that
    includes producing a joint piece of work or only
    the preparation for it. paraphrse of the
  • You must only work together on producing an
    assignment if the course specifically allows it,
    otherwise this is Collusion and is an offence

What is plagiarism?
  • Plagiarism is when you use other peoples work
    and dont acknowledge that you have done so by
    citing the sources.
  • If you copy sentences, phrases or expressions
    without saying where you have found them then
    this is plagiarism.
  • If you paraphrase someone and dont say where the
    original came from this is plagiarism. Listing
    the source in the bibliography isnt good enough.
    Each time you use a source you have to say so.
  • Word for word quotations must be either in
    inverted commas, or indented, and fully
    referenced. paraphrase of the regulations
  • If you dont correctly acknowledge, in the
    text, every time you have used someone elses
    work, then this is plagiarism

Intentional or Unintentional
  • Passing off someone elses work intentionally or
    unintentionally as your own for your own
  • (Carroll, J, 2005 cited on http//www.Sussex.ac.au
    k/academic office/1-4-1-2-1.html)
  • intentionally or unintentionally. Just
    because you didn't mean to do it, doesn't mean it
    hasn't happened. You are responsible for the work
    you submit, and when you submit it you are
    claiming it is your work. Mitigating
    circumstances, time pressures or other
    difficulties are not excuses for submitting work
    which is not your own, in the long run you will
    only make matters worse.
  • (http//www.Sussex.ac.auk/academic

Plagiarism Summary 1
  • There are two main types of plagiarism
  • 1. Ideas-based Plagiarism
  • Taking and reproducing ideas, theories, opinions
    etc. which the writer knows they have read or
    heard from other sources without stating what the
    sources are and where they can be found.
  • Even if the ideas, theories opinions etc. are
    written in your own words the result is still
    plagiarism. The only information that can be used
    without reference to source is that deemed to be
    common knowledge within the field.
  • Not referring to the source material enough.
    Every time a source is referred to it must be
    fully referenced even if this is several times on
    the same page.

Plagiarism Summary 2
  • 2. Language-based Plagiarism
  • Using words in an identical or similar form to
    the original. This includes
  • Submitting a complete essay or assignment written
    by someone else as your own work, or
    re-submitting your own previously assessed work.
  • Submitting work which includes sections or
    paragraphs written by someone else.
  • Cutting and pasting sections or even sentences
    from a web source, even where a sentence is
    copied and then changed by substituting one or
    two words, or changing the word order.
  • The above is still plagiarism even if the source
    is fully referenced both in the text and in the
    list of references.

Tips on How to Avoid Plagiarismhttp//www.suss
  • Remember that referring to sources is seen as
    positive in academic writing. It shows you have
    read widely.
  • When reading, think about what the author is
    saying, and your reactions before taking notes.
  • Only copy what you intend to quote. Ensure that
    you take full bibliographic details, including
    page number!
  • The rest of your notes should be in your own
    words. This will save time and worry later.

How to Reference
  • For detailed information about referencing see
    the University of Sussex library on-line tutorial

Procedures and Penalties (http//www.sussex.ac.uk/
  • If you are suspected of plagiarism or collusion,
    your work, with evidence of the original source
    material, or similarity with someone elses work
    clearly marked, your assignment will be sent to
    the departmental Investigating Officer (IO).
  • The IO will then decide whether the case is a
    major or minor case.
  • If it is deemed to be a Major Breach the case
    will be brought before a Misconduct Hearing.
  • If deemed to be a Minor Breach the case will be
    transferred to the responsibility of the
    student's School.In both Major and Minor cases,
    the Investigating Officer will initiate a review
    of the student's other work, for other similar
    instances of misconduct

and.. Finally
Work hard and play hard. Because All work
and no play makes a person dull! But remember
All play and no work also makes a person dull
and probably unemployable!
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