Title: News Articles
1 News Articles At the beginning of
most class periods (excluding some scheduled unit
exams and some lab days), we will present/discuss
a biology current event. Each student in the
class will be responsible for one article a
quarter. 1. Read the news to find a BIOLOGY
current event. Possible Print Sources
Chicago Tribune/New York Times (especially on
Tuesdays) Time/Newsweek/US News World
Reports Discover/Skeptical Inquirer/Scientific
American Nature/Journal of the American
Medical Association/Science Possible
Electronic Sources Check the home page of
the GBS AP Biology website for
dex/index.htm Scientific American/Discover/New
York Times/Nature/Science 2. Print out
and/or photocopy your article. 3. Sign-up on the
BioNews calendar in the classroom. 4. If an
article has already been chosen, you have to find
a new one. 5. On an overhead tranparency, put
the following Title, Author, Source, Date of
Article and a Summary of the Article.
(Please use a copy machine or printer create this
transparency.) 6. On your day lead a class
discussion about your article and answer
questions. Every day when you come into
class, you will be responsible for writing down
the reference and summary from the overhead in
your binder. At the conclusion of the
discussion, you will be responsible for a
Reaction Paragraph, also to be written in your
binder. These will be collected and graded