Title: The Heart
1Circulatory System
- Gross anatomy
- cardiovascular system
- Cardiac conduction system and ____________________
- ____________________- activity of heart
- Blood flow, heart sounds, and cardiac cycle
- Cardiac output
3Circulatory System The Heart
- Circulatory system
- _____________________________
- Cardiovascular system
- heart, arteries, veins and capillaries
- Two major divisions
- __________________________
- ______________ side of heart
- carries blood to lungs
- _______________ circuit
- ____________ side of heart
- supplies blood to the body
4Position, Size, and Shape
- ___________________________, between lungs
- ________________ - broad superior portion of
heart - ____________ - inferior end, tilts to the left,
tapers to point - 3.5 in. wide at base, 5 in. long and 2.5 in.
wide weighs 10 oz
- Allow smooth movement (serous membranes)
- ______________ pericardium
- outer, tough, fibrous layer
- Pericardial cavity
- filled with pericardial fluid (5-30 mL)
- Visceral pericardium (____________________)
- inner, thin, smooth, moist serous layer
- covers heart surface
- _______________________
- Lines inside of heart and major vessels
6Heart Wall
- ____________________
- thick cardiac muscle layer
- fibrous skeleton - collagenous and elastic fibers
- support and attachment for muscles
- electrical nonconductor, coordinates contraction
7Heart Chambers
- 4 chambers
- right and left ________
- superior
- blood returning to heart
- __________________ circulation
- right and left ventricles
- inferior chambers
- pump blood into arteries
- ____________ circulation
- _______________________ sulcus- separates atria,
ventricles - Anterior and posterior sulci - grooves separate
8Heart Chambers - Internal
- ___________septum
- separate atria
- Pectinate muscles
- ridges of myocardium in right atrium and both
auricles - ______________________ septum
- separates ventricles
- ____________________________
- ridges in both ventricles
9Heart Valves
- Atrioventricular (AV) valves
- right AV valve
- 3 cusps _______________________________
- _____________ AV valve
- 2 cusps _______________________________
- ______________________ ?valves to papillary
muscles - Semilunar valves
- control flow into great arteries
- ____________________________
- right ventricle into pulmonary trunk
- Aortic
- left ventricle into aorta
10- Bicuspid valve
- Interventricular septum
- Papillary muscle
- Superior vena cava
- Mitral valve
- Pulmonary semilunar valve
- Left ventricle
- Heart apex
11AV Valve Mechanics
- Ventricles relax
- _____________drops
- semilunar valves close
- AV valves open
- ______________________________________________
- Ventricles __________
- AV valves close
- pressure rises
- semilunar valves open
- blood flows into great vessels
12Blood Flow Through Heart
13Coronary Circulation
- _____________________ (LCA)
- Ant. interventricular branch
- supplies septum and anterior walls of ventricles
- ___________ branch
- around left side in sulcus, supplies left atrium
and posterior wall of left ventricle - _________________ artery (RCA)
- ______________ branch
- supplies lateral R atrium and ventricle
- posterior interventricular branch
- supplies posterior walls of ventricles
14Angina and Heart Attack
- ____________________________
- partial obstruction of coronary blood flow
- chest pain
- caused by ischemia, activity dependent
- ____________________________
- complete obstruction
- death of cardiac cells in affected area
- Pain/pressure in chest that radiates down left arm
15Venous Drainage of Heart
- 20 drains directly into right atrium
- 80 returns via
- _____________________
- blood from anterior interventricular sulcus
- middle cardiac vein
- from posterior sulcus
- left marginal vein
- _____________________
- collects blood and empties into right atrium
16Nerve Supply to Heart
- Properties
- _____________ - heartbeat originates within heart
- autorhythmic
- Sympathetic nerves from
- can raise heart rate to 230 bpm
- Parasympathetic nerves
- right /left vagal nerve to SA/AV node
- ___________ slows heart rate to 70 - 80 bpm
17- Rosey the red blood cell was trying to find her
friend Robert. She was - circulating in the lower leg when she was swept
back to the heart. She - traveled in the ________________________ (vessel)
and entered the - ______________. She didnt see Robert as she
passed the - _______________valve and fell into the
______________. Ever so - quickly, she got squeezed through the
___________________ (valve) - and entered the _____________________ (vessel).
Swish, she had been - feeling a little blue but now as she entered the
__________, she was - feeling much brighter. Just as quickly she was on
her way back to the - heart via the ___________________. She quickly
entered the - __________________ and then passed by the
_________________ as she - entered the left ventricle. One last squeeze and
she was zipping past - the _____________________, out of the ventricle,
and into the - ____________________ on her way to the rest of
the body. Sadly, she - didnt find Robert.
18Conduction System
- SA node
- ________________
- __________________
- sets heart rate
- _________________
- gateway to ventricles
- AV bundle
- pathway from AV node
- Right and left bundle branches
- divisions of AV bundle enter interventricular
septum - _______________________
- from apex spread through ventricular myocardium
- fibrous skeleton insulates atria from ventricles
19Structure of Cardiac Muscle
- Short, branched cells, _____________________
- ________________ join myocytes end to end
- mechanical junctions tightly join myocytes
- electrical junctions - gap junctions allow ions
to flow - _________________________
20Cardiac Rhythm
- _______________ ventricular contraction
- Diastole - ventricular __________________
- Sinus rhythm
- set by SA node at 60 100 bpm
- at rest .8 sec ? 75 bpm
- adult at rest is 70 to 80 bpm
- ________________________________ (PVC)
- caused by hypoxia, electrolyte imbalance,
stimulants, stress, etc.
21Cardiac Rhythm
- __________________ - region of spontaneous firing
(not SA) - nodal rhythm - set by AV node, 40 to 50 bpm
- intrinsic ventricular rhythm - 20 to 40 bpm
- ____________ - abnormal cardiac rhythm
- _____________ failure of conduction system
- bundle branch block
- total heart block (damage to AV node)
22Impulse Conduction to Myocardium
- SA node signal travels at 1 m/sec through atria
- AV node slows signal to 0.05 m/sec
- AV bundle and purkinje fibers
- speeds signal along at 4 m/sec to ventricles
- Ventricular systole begins at apex, progresses up
- spiral arrangement of myocytes twists ventricles
23Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Composite of action potentials
- detected, amplified and recorded by electrodes on
arms, legs and chest - Diagnose abnormalities in conduction pathways,
MI, heart enlargement and electrolyte and hormone
- _____________________ atrial systole
- SA node fires, atrial depolarization
- ______________ complex - ventricular
depolarization - (atrial repolarization and diastole - signal
obscured) - ST segment - ventricular systole
- __________________ - ventricular repolarization
25Electrical Activity of Myocardium
- 1) _______________________ begins
- 2) atrial depolarization complete (atria
contract) - 3) ______________________
- _____________________ atria repolarize (atria
relax) - 4) ventricular depolarization complete
(ventricles contract) - 5) ventricles begin to repolarize at apex
- 6) ventricular repolarization complete
(ventricles relax)
26Cardiac Cycle
- One complete contraction and relaxation of all 4
chambers of the heart - Atrial systole, Ventricle diastole
- Atrial diastole, Ventricle systole
- __________________________
27Principles of Pressure and Flow
- Pressure causes a fluid to flow
- pressure gradient - pressure difference between
two points
- Resistance opposes flow
- great vessels have positive blood pressure
- ventricular pressure must rise above this
resistance for blood to flow into great vessels
28Heart Sounds
- _________________ - listening to body sounds
- First heart sound (S1), louder and longer
_____________, closure of ______ valves - Second heart sound (S2), softer and sharper
__________ occurs with _________________________
__________ - S3 - rarely heard in people 30
29Major Events of Cardiac Cycle
- Quiescent period
- Ventricular filling
- ________________ contraction
- Ventricular ejection
- ________________________________
30Phases of Cardiac Cycle
- __________________ period
- all chambers relaxed
- AV valves open and blood flowing into ventricles
- ___________________
- SA node fires, depolarize
- atria contract, force additional blood into
ventricles - ventricles now contain _____________________
(EDV) of about 130 ml of blood
31Isovolumetric Contraction of Ventricles
- Atria repolarize and relax
- Ventricles depolarize
- Ventricles contract
- Rising pressure closes AV valves -
__________________________________________ - No ejection of blood yet (no change in volume)
32Ventricular Ejection
- Pressure opens semilunar valves
- Blood ejected
- _________________ amount ejected, 70 ml at rest
- SV/EDV _______________________
- at rest 54
- vigorous exercise ? 90
- diseased heart
- ______________________ volume amount left in
33Ventricles- Isovolumetric Relaxation
- Ventricles repolarize and relax (begin to expand)
- Semilunar valves close - heart sound S2 occurs
- AV valves remain closed
- __________________________________ (no change in
34Ventricular Filling - 3 phases
- Rapid ventricular filling
- AV valves first open
- ______________
- sustained lower pressure, venous return
- ________________
- filling completed
35Rate of Cardiac Cycle
- Atrial systole, 0.1 sec
- Ventricular systole, 0.3 sec
- Quiescent period, 0.4 sec
- Total 0.8 sec, heart rate ___________
36Ventricular Volume Changes at Rest
- End-systolic volume (ESV) 60 ml
- Passively added to ventricle during atrial
diastole 30 ml - Added by atrial systole 40 ml
- End-diastolic volume (EDV) 130 ml
- Stroke volume (SV) ejected by ventricular
systole -70 ml - End-systolic volume (ESV) 60 ml
- Both ventricles must eject same amount of blood
37Cardiac Output (CO)
- Amount ejected in 1 minute
- Cardiac Output _______________ x
________________________ - 4 to 6L/min at rest
- vigorous exercise ? CO to 21 L/min - 35 L/min
- _________________ difference between a persons
maximum and resting CO - ? with fitness, ? with disease
38Heart Rate
- _____________ surge of pressure in artery
- infants have HR of 120 bpm
- young adult females avg. 72 - 80 bpm
- young adult males avg. 64 to 72 bpm
- HR rises in the elderly
- ________________ resting HR above 100
- stress, anxiety, drugs, heart disease or ? body
temp. - ____________________ resting HR
- in sleep and endurance trained athletes
39Chronotropic Effects
- _____________________ agents ? HR
- Negative chronotropic agents _________
- Cardiac center of ____________________
- autonomic control center
- cardioacceleratory center (sympathetic)
- cardioinhibitory center (parasympathetic)
40Chronotropic Chemicals
- Electrolytes
- K has greatest effect
- __________________________
- myocardium less excitable, HR slow and irregular
- hypokalemia
- _______________________________________________
- Calcium
- hypercalcemia
- ________________________
- _______________________
- increases HR
41Sympathetic Nervous System
- _______________________ center
- stimulates SA node, AV node and myocardium
- secrete _________________________
- CO peaks at HR of 160 to 180 bpm
- can ? HR up to 230 bpm, but SV and CO ? (less
filling time)
42Parasympathetic Nervous System
- _______________________ center
- right vagus (SA)
- left vagus (AV)
- secretes ACH, nodal cells hyperpolarized, HR
slows - ______________ background firing rate holds HR
to sinus rhythm of 70 to 80 bpm - maximum vagal stimulation ? HR as low as 20 bpm
43Inputs to Cardiac Center
- Higher brain centers affect HR
- cerebral cortex, limbic system, hypothalamus
- sensory or emotional stimuli (rollercoaster, IRS
audit) - _________________________
- changes in activity, HR ? before metabolic
demands arise - _________________________
- aorta and internal carotid arteries
- pressure ?, signal rate drops, cardiac center ?
HR - if pressure ?, signal rate rises, cardiac center
? HR
44Inputs to Cardiac Center
- _______________________
- sensitive to blood pH, CO2 and oxygen
- aortic arch, carotid arteries and medulla
oblongata - ? CO2 (hypercapnia) causes ? H levels, may
create acidosis (pH - Hypercapnia and acidosis ? HR
45Stroke Volume (SV)
- Governed by three factors
- _______________________
- _______________________
- _______________________
- Example
- ? preload or contractility causes ? SV
- ? afterload causes ? SV
- Tension in ventricular myocardium
- _______________ causes __________________
- exercise ? venous return, stretches myocardium (?
preload) , ? CO matches ? venous return - ____________________________ - SV? EDV
- ventricles eject as much blood as they receive
- more they are stretched (? preload) the harder
they contract
- Contraction force for a given preload
- Positive inotropic agents
- factors that _____________________
- hypercalcemia, catecholamines, glucagon,
digitalis - Negative inotropic agents
- factors that ? contractility are
- ________________________________
- Pressure in arteries above semilunar valves
opposes opening of valves - _________________________
- any impedance in arterial circulation ? afterload
- Continuous ? in afterload (lung disease,
atherosclerosis, etc.) causes hypertrophy of
myocardium, may lead it to weaken and fail