Title: ISAAC Project
1ISAAC Project
Alberto Tarizzo 328-41.77.108
- History
- Isaac Team 2006
- Humanoid Robotics
- Humanoid Robotics and research
- Research in mechanichs electronics computer
engineering area - Press Review
- Partners
- Why support us
- Sponsorship
3Isaacs History
IsaacTeam is founded, a team of students of the
Politecnico di Torino whose goal is to di
participate the RoboCup competition with their
first humanoid robot prototype Isaac. The
technical-scientific director of the project is
Professor Menga, docente of automatic controls
at the department of Automatics and Computer
Science Engeenery.
- October 2002 ?
- - 2003 ?
- - 2004 ?
- - 2005 ?
- - 2006 ?
RoboCup Padua RoboCup Lisbona RoboCup Osaka
A new prototype, I-2, is realized to take the
place of old Isaac. A copy of I-2 s mechanical
structure has been given to the Austrian
University Fachhochschule Technikum Kaernten,
which will also participate to RoboCup 2007.
Next appointment 4 - 7 october 2006
4Isaac Team 2006
Alberto Tarizzo Team leader. Design engineer
and structural analysis
Prof. Giuseppe Menga Technical and scientific
Carmine Pristerà Dynamic walk development
Stefano Scalverano Operative System and
Software interface
Giuseppe Romeo - Dynamic walk development
Andrea Gazzani Java Software and high level
Andi Shyti Low level programming and Networking.
Dario Trimarchi Electronics and on-board
5Humanoid Robotics
Developing a humanoid robot leads to the
possibility of using it in various fields
- Entertainment
Study and simulation of motion disabilities and
6Research Areas in Humanoid Robotics
- From the birth of this project 3 reasearch areas
have been mainly developed - - Equilibrium control
- - Mathematic model perfectioning
- - Research of a walk strategy
- The core of future research is
- - Walk integrtion in equilibrium in equilibrium
sphere - - Developement of sensoristics and perception
skills - Self perception
- Pressure sensors on feet
- Torque sensors on joints
7Mechanics Research Areas
- The development in mechanichal area of this
project is based on the following guide lines - Weight reduction and structure stiffening
- - Ultra light alloy utilization and composite
materials -
- Details planning in composite materials
- Study of metallic and composite materials
interactions. - Realization of motor unit without backlash, very
compact and light.
8Electronics Research Areas
- The core of future researches in electronics
sphere is - Smart Joint planning, which guarantees an
improvement of robot stability, permitting a
higher speed of reaction and an unburdening of
computational cost by the main computer. - Advanced sensoristics planning (pressure sensors
based on diaphragm pattern, trim sensor based on
solid state accelerometers and gyroscopes). - Planning of power modules for brushless motors
9Computer Science Research Areas
- Real Time Programming
- Study of algoritmi brushless motors azionamenti.
- Distribuited Computer Architecture by the use of
field networking for the interconnection of
intelligent peripherials. - Hardware planning to minimize weight and costs.
- Vision moving images interpretation
- Optimization of control and decision algoritmi
10Press Review
Technical Partner
12Why Support Us
- Privileged channel to become in contact with the
world of university reasearch and qualified human
resources. - Acquisition of a technological background on
computer architectures - And programming for real time environment
- - Controls and power modules in electronics
area. - - Simulation and study of physiology in
biomedical and sanitary sphere - Image comeback
13Sponsorship Forms
- Main sponsorship ways, whose we need, are
- Economic ponsorship
- Scolarship offer and thesis bonus.
- Components (computer, raw materials, laboratory
equipments , sensors ecc..) - Services (components to order, production of
components in composite materials).
Demar company, for example, realized the feet
carbonium shelter assembled on the I2 prototype
for free.
14Thank you for the attention