Title: Learning Communities
1Office for Student Retention
Learning Communities
2- Are you wondering how long it will take you to
develop friendships with your new classmates at
FAU? - Are you looking for a college experience filled
with involvement, activity, support, connections,
and fun? - Do you want to meet people who share your major
or areas of interest? - Do you want to be a successful college student?
3If you answered to any of these questions, then
4Learning Community Options
- Freshman Learning Community
- (FLC)
- 22 students
- Commuters or residential students
- 12-14 credits that fulfill your core
curriculum - Great schedules!
- One-semester commitment
- Living Learning Community
- (LLC)
- 22 students
- Residential students
- Live in Heritage Park Towers (HPT)
- At least 2 common classes!
- One-year commitment
5Build Life-long Friendships!
You Belong In A Learning Community!
You Belong In A Learning Community!
Get Friendly Advice!
6You Belong In A Learning Community!
Learn Study Skills!
You Belong In A Learning Community!
Achieve Academic Success!
7 Learning Community Liaisons
- Are alumni of one of FAUs past Learning
Communities! - Provide mentorship and peer support to students
enrolled in a Learning Community! - Plan social and academic activities for students
enrolled in a Learning Community!
You Belong In A Learning Community!
You Belong In A Learning Community!
Get Connected
8You Belong In A Learning Community!
You Belong In A Learning Community!
Get your FAU experience started
- ¼ of all freshman will enroll in a Learning
Community this fall? - Students who have participated in past Learning
Communities have been 5 more likely to return to
FAU for their second year than non-learning
community students?
11What Students Are Saying
Since my classes are small and have the same
people in most of them, I got to know my
classmates better and they help me out whenever I
need it. -Antonia DeFeo
Hospitality and
Tourism Management FLC Busniess Major,
Class of 2011
Because of the FLC, I used study groups, got
good grades, and felt like part of a group as I
made new friends. -Explore FLC Student
Class of 2010
Being in an LLC has shown me how it is to live
with a lot of diverse peoplemy experience this
year has been a learning one that I will remember
for the rest of my life. -Explore LLC Student
Class of 2010
The best part of being in a learning community
is having a sort of family away from
home... -Letisha Valdes
Science FLC
Pre-Med Major, Class of 2011
12You Belong in a Learning Community!
Office for Student Retention