Title: Nuclear Holocaust Cloning You and God
1Nuclear Holocaust Cloning You and God
- Whats Ahead?
- Hill Roberts
- Coppell Church of Christ
- February 23, 2003
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Nuclear attacks? Dirty radiological
bombs? Chemical attacks? Biological attacks?
5Do you ever just feel blind -- as if you cant
see ?
6Dont Worry,thats normal for the rest of the
worlds 5.75 billion people.
- (We Americans just arent used to it.)
7Mike asked Saturday night,
Whats the next thing ahead in science, that we
arent prepared for in our theology?
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10Natural Clone Machine
9-Banded armidillo typically produces 4
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13Whats Ahead?
- Gene sequence maps of all the types of organisms
alive - Transgenic animals
- Human cloning
- Animals that grow replacement organs
- Organisms with artificially synthesized genes
making new amino acids with new genetic codes - Cells with all artificially synthesized parts
- Organisms cloned with completely
computer-generated DNA codes -- artificial
14Living cells -- life --being made from all
non-living parts.
15Secure is life from mortal mind.God holds the
germ within His hand.
- Your childrens childrens children will think it
strange that there once was a time one couldnt
order any type of companimal desired.
16Feeling a bit disoriented, a bit blind?
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18He anointed my eyes.I went.I washed.And now I