Title: Climatology and climate sensitivity of lowlevel clouds
1Climatology and climate sensitivity of low-level
Ping Zhu, Jim Hack
1. What are the major biases of GCM simulated
tropical and subtropical low-level cloud c
limatology compared with the satellite
measurements? Are these biases significant
enough to affect radiative budgets at TOA?
2. Can GCM simulated low-level clouds faithfull
y respond to a climate anomaly, such as EN
SO ? 3. How can we evaluate low cloud sensiti
vity in response to climate changes?
What are the mechanisms controlling low
cloud variability in a changing climate?
1. Satellite measurements ERBE, ERBS, CERES,
ISCCP, ISCCPDF 2. GCM simulations AMIP runs by
Coupled CCSM runs, SOM runs.
CAM3-UW new moist turbulence scheme with an
explicit entrainment parameterization
new mass-fluxed based
shallow convection scheme with convection
triggering controlled by
TKE and CIN. Entrainment and detrainment rates
are determined by buoyancy
sorting and thermal penetrating mechanisms.
2- Observed and simulated low-level cloud climatology
Low clouds
4Long Wave
Short Wave
52. Change of low clouds in response to El Nin
o event
6(No Transcript)
7 Thin 0
medium 3.6
thick 23
89798 - ANN
93. Low cloud sensitivity to climate changes
NCAR CAM2 (Year 70 _at_1co2/yr CTRL)
2co2 CTRL suggests Negative feedback
El nino suggests Positive feedback
1. Which one is right? 2. Why
is that?
101. It is not the local change of SST but the
spatial change pattern of SST that
determines the variability of low-level
clouds. 2. It is not an accurate statement to s
imply say that low-level clouds have a
negative or positive feedback in terms of
local SST change.
12 Conclusions 1. GCM simulated low clouds have a
serious bias compared with ISCCP observations
when breaking down in terms of optical
thickness, such a bias may have a
significant impact on radiative budgets at
TOA. 2. All models can reasonably reproduce t
he low cloud change in response to major
El Nino event. 3. ENSO events can be use
d to evaluate low cloud feedbacks in response to
climate changes when removing background SS
T increase. 4. Low cloud variability is contr
olled by spatial SST change in a changing climate.
work 1. Identifying the contribution from each
cloud type to radiative budgets at TOA.
2. Understanding why climate sensitivity of low-
level clouds is not determined by
local SST change but by spatial change
pattern of SST. What role does dynamical
process play in this scenario?