Title: Functionalist View of the Family
1Functionalist View of the Family
- A learning resource from www.educationforum.co.uk
Functionalists believe every institution in
society contributes to the smooth running of
society. To functionalists the family is at the
heart of society. Murdock (1949) claimed that the
nuclear family is so useful to society that it is
inevitable and universal (appearing
everywhere) (The New Right views of the family
studied last week are really neo-functionalism)
3Murdock and the Universality of the family
- Murdock claimed that he had found evidence of
nuclear families in the 250 different societies
he studies - The family is universal because it fullfills the
following essential functions for society - Sexual controls sexuality, provides stability
for adults - Reproductive provides new members of society.
- Economic family provides for its members.
- Educational family socialises the young into
societies norms and values.
4Talcott Parsons
- Parsons (1902-79) there are two basic
irreducible functions of the family - Primary socialisation through which children
learn to accept the value the norms and values of
society - The stabilisation of adult personalities the
family gives adults the emotional support
necessary to cope with the stresses of everyday
The isolated and private nuclear family The
functionalist view suggests that the nuclear
family has become         Socially isolated
from extended kin         More reliant on the
Welfare State         Geographically separated
from wider kin  The family is self-contained,
inward looking with little contact with
neighbours and community. Home leisure via TV,
Video, Internet etc. have made the family more
home-centred .
- Criticisms
- Functionalists have been accused of idealising
the family. - Ignoring conflict and abuse within families
- Ignoring gender inequality within families
- Ignoring the rising divorce rates
- Ignoring growing family diversity
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