Title: SPEGCS Education Committee
1SPE-GCSEducation Committee
- Rey Saludares
- August 21, 2009
- Determine best use of GCS funds for recruiting,
training, and retaining engineers for the oil and
gas EP industry.
GCS Mission Statement
- Supporting Programs in areas primary and
secondary schools to encourage students to
develop their abilities in math, science, and
engineering - Supporting engineering programs at the
university level
3SPE-GCS Strategic Plan
- University Programs
- Scholarships
- Preparation For Big Crew Change
- K-12 Outreach
SPE-GCS Continuing Needs
- Elementary Favorable impression/interest in
math/science and oil/gas - Middle School Math get through Algebra!
- High School Industry interest/scholarships
- Junior/Community College Untapped talent pool?
- University Faculty, especially young/new
4SPE-GCS Programs Recent Activity
- Teacher Energy Workshops
- High School Recruiting Fairs
- SPE-GCS, Auxiliary, CISH Scholarships
- HCC Energy Institute Petro-Tech Scholarships
- Lone Star College Petroleum Engineering Endowed
Scholarship - University of Houston Endowed Professorship
5Summer Institute Teacher Workshops
- University of Houston Clear Lake (UHCL)
Environmental Institute of Houston (EIH) - Yearly Impact per Teacher
- Elementary 75 students
- Junior High 75 students
- High School 150 students
- Two sessions
- June 22-26 8 attendees UHCL EIH
- July 13-17 30 attendees Cy-Fair ISD
- SPE-GCS Commitment
- 68,000 over two years
- 2010-11 contingent commitment
6Houston Consortium for the Advancement of Science
and Engineering middle school Master Math
Teachers program (HCASE MMT)
- Mission
- Address the growing shortage of engineers in
Houston, by enhancing the technical and
leadership skills of middle school Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
teachers 8th grade algebra - Influence the teachers whom influence the
students - Vision
- We see passionate, energetic students who hunger
for more science and math education, falling in
love with STEM subjects early enough in their
academic careers to opt for a science or
engineering future - We see a healthy and sustainable collaborative
that equips and encourages middle school teachers
in the Greater Houston area to enhance their
impact on students. - We see a future of abundant engineering talent
produced locally as a result of equipping middle
school math students with dedicated and qualified
7HCASE Status
Note Seven teachers have completed all 6 courses
8High School Recruiting Fairs
Xuan Vandeberg Harris
92009-10 Scholarship Committee
- Deepak M. Gala Gabrielle Guerre
- Deepak.gala_at_weatherford.com
Gabrielle_Guerre_at_ryderscott.com - Scholarship Co-Chairs
- August 21, 2009
10Scholarship Committee
- Whats New
- Online application website
- Full application can be uploaded online
- Minor improvements in process
- Need Volunteers
- Application Reviewers
- Interviewers
- Mentors
- Electronic Application Process
- Need Sponsorship
- Scholarships
- Internships
- Interview Location
Thanks to BHP Billiton for providing their
facilities for interview this year.
11Historical and Forecasted Scholarship Spending
and Awards
12HCC Energy Institute Petroleum Technology Program
- Petroleum Technology 2-Year program est. fall 07
- Student enrollment
- Spring 2009 202 students
- Fall 2009 150 students
- Nine graduates to date (certificates and AAS
degrees) - Petroleum Technology Student Association (PETSA)
- SPE-GCS Scholarship
- 22 students 31 scholarships - 624 avg award
- SPE-GCS commitment
- 40,000 over two years
- 2010-11 contingent commitment
13Lone Star College Endowed Petroleum Engineering
- 15,000 endowment (2008) 1,000/yr
- Pipeline for engineering transfers into 4-year PE
program - Two scholarships awarded 2009 (UT TAMU)
- Administered by Foundations, GCS criteria
- Recipient enters GCS Scholarship program after
one successful semester
14University of Houston Endowed Professorship
- UH establishment of BS in Petroleum Engineering
(PETR) Opens Fall 2009 - SPE-Gulf Coast Section College Endowed
Professorship in Petroleum Engineering - SPE-GCS commitment
- 250,000 over two years
- 125,000 paid in July 2009
- 125,000 to be paid in July 2010
15Other Potential Initiatives
- San Jacinto College Process Technology
- Milby High School Petroleum Academy
- Opened September 2008
- Booker T Washington High School for Engineering
Professions - Non-Engineering Scholarships
- Funding initiatives targeting Middle School,
Community College, and University level education
985,000 over next two years - Supporting critical need of industry in finding
the future engineers of our industry - Strengthening relationships between GCS,
communities, colleges, and universities - Evaluating additional opportunities
- SPE-GCS recognition could reach all-time high
Enhanced industry image
17HCASE Status
- In-Kind co-funding
- HCC West Houston Center for Science and
Engineering - UH System
- NASA-Johnson Space Center
- Program Assessment
- University of Houston
- Rice EMBA
- SPE-GCS commitment
- Phase I - 50,720 through summer 2009
- Phase II - 106,475 from Spring 2009 Spring
2011 - Shell 1st industry supporter - 150,000 in
Phase II - 7 teachers completed 4 of 6 courses
18(No Transcript)
19HCC Energy InstitutePetroleum Technology Program
- HCC Northeast campus
- Petroleum Technology established Fall 07
- 2 year field/office technician training
- Diverse demographics
- GCS representation on advisory board
- Pipeline into engineering schools
- Affordable, 1,000 per sem. T/F/B