Rape - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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circumstances in which consent is given, but the sex act is later regretted. Basics of Rape ... May have stalked couples at dances. Phantom Part 2 ' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Rape

  • Forced penetration of a victims vagina, anus or
    oral cavity by penis or other object against the
    victims will or in a circumstance in which the
    victim is mentally incapacitated and unable to
    give consent
  • Does NOT include
  • sexual harassment
  • use of verbal coercion (unless there is a threat
    of force)
  • circumstances in which an individual is
    intoxicated but able to understand his/her
    circumstances and able to control behavior (grey
    area in herewhen is a person intoxicated beyond
    ability to give consent?)
  • circumstances in which consent is given, but the
    sex act is later regretted

Basics of Rape
  • Prevalence rates are highly controversial
  • Mary Koss 1 in 4 probably exaggerates them
  • Her study is criticized by both researchers
    (Gilbert, 1993) and liberal feminists
    (Hoff-Sommers, 1994) as an exaggeration and
  • Government statistics put rape rates between
  • 13 by Kilpatrick et al (1992).
  • Malamuth (1981) 1 in 3 college males would
    commit rape if they could be assured of never
    being caught.
  • This study, like Koss, tends to get caught by
    tricky wording and poor definitions of rape,
    including intoxication and consensual sex
  • If you ask college males Would you commit rape
    against a woman if you could be assured of never
    being caught numbers typically are FAR lower
    (Mould, 1990).

  • Victimology is the study of what factors may help
    predict who is the victim of a crime
  • not an attempt to suggest victims deserve to be
  • does acknowledge that victim behavior can
    contribute to a crime
  • Prostitutes are, by far, the largest group of
  • low SES, particularly homeless women are next
  • victims of SOME rapes may have borderline
  • This is not true for all rapes, important not to
  • however, borderline women more likely to be
    victims of multiple rapes
  • Regarding stranger rapes, it is possible any
    woman may be victimized, though low SES are still
    at higher risk due to neighborhood

Is rape motivated by sexual desire?
  • Yes.
  • Power DOES play a role for as well, as they are
    sexually aroused by power
  • Rape as a crime of power not sex put forth by
    Brownmiller (1975)
  • statement of ideology, not science
  • motives for rape vary between rapists
  • sexual orgasm is a big part of the motive
  • homosexual rapists will rape other males

Thornhill Palmer (2000)
  • Rape occurs at equal rates across all cultures
    (using standard def. of rape)
  • Many rapists have difficulty attaining consensual
  • many rapists also have difficulty attaining
    erection when sex is consensual
  • Rapists typically target young (17-25),
    attractive females
  • Rapists admit to sexual motivation as chief
    motivation for sex (Smithyman, 1978). When
    rapists do suggest they are motivated by male
    dominance it is typically subsequent to leading
    questioning, and is a dubious assertion (Symons,
  • Use of violence in sex is part of the sexual
    thrill for some rapists
  • Rape occurs in other species
  • Rape is not a method of social control employed
    by ALL males against females, as rape continues
    to be severely punished in societies in which
    males continue to constitute the majority of

General Characteristics of Rapists
  • Average to low-average intelligence (high
  • endorse traditional sex-role stereotypes
  • Background suggests lack of intimacy with
  • issues regarding sexual victimization are iffy at
  • may suffer neglect or abuse from mother
  • In other cases are simply psychopathic and view
    others (particularly women) as objects to be
  • may be amused by suffering in others
  • often fantasize about sexual violence
  • aroused by violent sexual imagery
  • May be charming and successful

Gentleman Rapists
  • Also referred to as power rapists, though this
    is a misleading term
  • power rapists are actually far less likely than
    anger rapists to be motivated by power or
  • typically have romantic fantasies of their
  • go to great lengths to bring victims to orgasm
  • use of minimal force
  • may ask victims for a date after rape
  • Most likely to endorse the myth that women want
    to be raped or that women will enjoy the rape
    once it has begun
  • may express remorse once this is proven false
  • May stalk victim, but poor planning

Anger Rapists
  • Have more genuine hatred for women (or males if
  • May express negative view of women as
    manipulative, unfaithful, morally corrupt,
  • may assume other males feel same as they
  • Most likely to have rage, anger and power as
    motives for rape
  • May use excessive force, humiliating language,
    degrading sex
  • May have long history of violence
  • Crimes are typically impulsive
  • If involved in consensual relationship, high
    likelihood of perpetrating DV against spouse,
    cheating on spouse
  • may target female children for sexual abuse
    during times of anger or stress (and hence share
    similarities with regressed offenders)

Sadistic Rapists
  • Enjoy the act of physically torturing a victim.
  • Sexual pleasure is typical motive
  • Injuring a victim, cutting flesh, hearing screams
    is what is sexually arousing to this type of
  • May have history of cruelty to animals
  • Less vocal in hatred of women, and may in fact
    have fewer negative attitudes toward women
    specifically, but rather view all individuals as
    objects, irregardless of sex.
  • May tend to be quiet, unassuming, charming
  • high degree of organization and planning
  • handless in Miami

Phantom in the Moonlight
  • 1946 Texekarna Tx. Sees a string of rape-murders
    that are never solved
  • begins with an attempt on life of male-female
  • rapes female victim with pistol barrel
  • Death of Polly Moore and Richard Griffin
  • Attitudes toward sex prohibit labeling of crime
    as rape
  • 1 month later, Betty Booker and Paul Martin
  • Bookers body is dragged 2 miles, shot multiple
    times and raped
  • steals victims saxophone
  • May have stalked couples at dances

Phantom Part 2
  • Odd people brought in as suspectswitch hunt
  • Attack home of Virgil and Katy Starks
  • Virgil shot twice in head while reading
  • Katys jaw is shattered by bullet while trying to
    phone police
  • manages to escape to safety
  • killer dabs his fingers in her blood and smears
  • Police note that before each murder a car is
    stolen and later found
  • track one stolen car to young woman who states
    she was with her husband Youell Swinney while he
    raped and killed his victims
  • Police are able to confirm Swinney as perpetrator
    but convict him on auto theftas repeat offender,
    he gets life.

Profile Me!!!
  • Victim is 23 year old single white female
  • Victim lives alone in middle-class neighborhood
  • Victim frequents local gym
  • Victim has 24 year old white boyfriend
  • No sign of forced entry
  • No murder weapon on scene (kitchen knife
  • missing)
  • No useable fingerprints
  • No witnesses despite obvious blood loss
  • Vagina shows intercourse, indeterminate on rape
  • DNA of sperm in vagina reveal 2 sets of male
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