Title: The Beef Industry
1 The Beef Industry (Page 43)
22005 Beef Cattle Estimates 400,000 beef cows
heifers that have calved 219 mil dollar
industry in 2003 32,947,000 beef cows (and
heifers that have calved) in USA (2003) 233
million lbs of cattle slaughter in 2003 (versus
2.8 billion lbs of swine slaughtered)
32004 Cash Receipts
4 What part of the state are most of the beef
cattle in? Before we talk about different types
of beef cattle farms, let's start with some
terminology you need to know adult male
adult female young female castrated male
West although more coming to the east
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6Beef Cattle s
- 417,000 beef cows in NC (2003)
7 newborn term for giving birth purebred
cattle commercial cattle heterosis
Usually registered, all one breed, sell to breed
Cross 2 breeds, calves sometimes grow better b/c
less inbreeding
Female calf born twin to male, looks normal
cant breed, therefore twinning not a good thing
8 Life cycle for beef cattle cow is
bred natural or AI gestation length she
calves and begins to lactate the calf nurses
for how many months?
Usually on pasture bred Jan. calves Oct/Nov
bred May calves Feb/Mar
Either you or bull detect estrus fresh or
frozen semen is used
9.5 mo (practically the same as a human!)
Nutrient req. are very high producing lots of
7 mo., Mom is bred back during this time
9 After the calf is weaned, where does it
go? purebred operation commercial
cattle Stocker operation
Best animals, sold from farm, , replacement
animals some are sold for meat
Sold to a stocker _at_ 500lb go on a feedlot end
up as meat can be sold for meat earlier, too.
From weaning to _at_800lbs some grazing others on
dry lot
10 byproduct feed use "backgrounding"
cattle feedbunk vaccinations Sell to
feedlot or retain ownership
Cheap supplemental food, litter, sweet potatoes,
grains, hulls, etc.
Preparing them to go to the feed lot
Know what it is! Must recognize dry feed
Build immune system before leaving
Feedlots are usually corp owned they own _at_ 1/2
the cattle
11 Where are most of the feedlots in the
U.S? What is different about what the animals
eat at a feedlot? Why are there no feedlots in
North Carolina? Most beef cattle farms in
North Carolina are what type? What do most
cattle in North Carolina eat?
Midwest, Texas 25,000-100,000 feed per lot
Very high grain diets that are to truck
Not enough grain no packing plants
Cow/calf commercial
Pasture so they do not compete with swine
12 Let's discuss the common breeds you will find in
North Carolina. Angus Hereford Simmental C
Red with white face
Look a lot like herefords
What are some other breeds common in NC?
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14 Now let's talk about your opportunities in the
beef cattle industry. herdsman purebred
farm commercial cattle farm show circuit
First of all is this going to be a business or
a hobby?
Care for cattle, fix fences, help w/ calving
Appearance is important! Cattle are expensive.
Beware market price varies!
Show at fairs, etc. Lots of travel time.
15 swine or poultry integrator stocker
operation Feedlot What type of starting
salary might you expect if you want to work in
the beef cattle industry?
Waste applied to the pasture (help each other out)
Some large in NC
Move out west, feedmills, drive trucks, treat
cattle (stockyard worker or ordering agent)
Could be as low as 20,000 or as high as 40,000