Title: How to transition adult learners to college
1How to transition adult learners to college
- Garden City Community College
2The Community
3Garden city community college
Garden City Community College exists to produce
positive contributors to the economic and social
well being of society.
4From here, we can go anywhere
5How to prepare adult learners for college-level
Math Instituteby KBOR College ESL trainingby
GCCC Monthly staff trainingby CG-ALC
6communication between college and adult basic
7Facilitate transition for target populations
Start Here
Earn your GED! In just 8 weeks, you can earn
your high-school equivalency diploma at GCCCs
Adult Learning Center. Located right on the main
campus, the Adult Learning Center staff and
instructors will guide you through the courses it
takes to successfully complete your GED.
Instruction and testing are included.
Go Here ...
Be Certified! The GCCC Business Industry
Institute takes you to the next level by
preparing and testing you to receive professional
certificates. Professional certificates ensure
employers that you have the essential skills
necessary to be a valuable, highly skilled
Finish Here ...
Go on to earn college-credit certifications in as
little as one semester!
9A partnership that equals student success